Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1920: Ability means making others incompetent

Although Ye Lin was fishing in the water for a while and forced to watch the show, he was able to remain undefeated in the hands of the three rulers of time and space, and he also defeated the liquidated Messi many times. His strong record was enough to stand proudly at the top and shocked the ancient times. Shuo Jin.

The time power can be controlled by him is another matter, because as the old saying goes, luck is often also a kind of strength.

The time and space lords who can wander freely in the long river of time, from the distant and mysterious primordial era to the present, have always been aloof, overlooking the freedom and carefreeness of hundreds of millions of creatures.

No matter how everything in the universe falls into decay and reincarnation, and the civilization of an era flourishes and comes to an end, they are the absolute overlookers and rulers who are unaffected.

Now, they have fallen off the altar, lost their mystery, and are about to be slaughtered.

Kahn had an expressionless face and dark complexion. He was especially handsome in his fur-collared coat. Part of the reason why he attacked was because he really wanted to know the method of Ye Lin's transformation. Another reason was that he inherited Kahn's fullness from his other self, which mirrored Kahn's. A legacy of unwillingness and overwhelming anger.

If this body were immortal and my power was at its peak, I could kill the gods with my fists!

"I noticed that between different dimensions, there are many cracks in time and space that are difficult to repair and are riddled with holes. I just followed those places." Brother Diao said.

Some cracks are born naturally, and there are always accidents over time, and many more are deliberately caused by Garrincha, Messi, and Fogba, disrupting the normal order of time, which is very troublesome.

Big problems arise with inherent time in a conceptual realm beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Ye Lin nodded, but it was not time to talk about additional matters yet. He mentioned the Sword of the Beginning, with sharp eyes and heroic appearance, looking at Messi, the liquidator, who was surrounded by the three giants.

The bronze lion head is still full of majesty, and the power of time revolves around it, as if you can see the wonder of the birth and end of all things. It seems to be in front of you, in the past, or in the distant future.

It was the Lord of Time and Space who paid the heaviest price. It was blasted to pieces by Ye Lin many times. The hourglass of the original time also had cracks, and matter like stars spilled out, brightly embellishing this final dimension. .

"Is this power that is even more evil and cruel than the apostles, and that is so profound and incomparable, the final power of decay?" Ye Lin asked Messi.

He eagerly wanted to know whether the evil force Xiao Hina accidentally sensed and described a long time ago was what he now guessed.

Kahn and Isis on the side glanced at Ye Lin in unison, suspecting that he was deliberately criticizing Sang and Huai, saying who was evil and cruel... But thinking that this guy was also an apostle now, they didn't bother to argue with him.

There was an uncontrollable anger in Messi's heart. What was this? He wanted to fight three against one, and then take the great Time Lord as a prisoner and start interrogating him severely.

"Your lives and problems are like a mantis trying to block a car. They are just humiliating themselves and are meaningless." Messi is also deliberately stalling for time. It has left its mark on the ancient river of time. As long as it can find a gap, it will Can get away and leave.

Then it no longer wanted to see Ye Lin, and its scalp was numb as its power was restrained.

It has existed for endless years, watching civilizations rise and fall one after another. It has always been calm and has a detached mentality. It has never been as uncomfortable as it is now.

Anger, disgust, sadness, helplessness... A lot of emotions came to mind. Its head was numb and its scalp almost exploded. It began to admit that Ye Lin was the biggest variable.

"Ye Lin, since you want to be a variable and a person of order, you must face the collapse that even the gods can do nothing about. You are very strong, but the great horror of the end is far more than what you see now. You are not the only one. People can stop it.”

Ye Lin did not refute or deny the somewhat mocking words.

Memet of the End of Day saw the end of hundreds of timelines, all stars were destroyed without exception, and the universe also ushered in the end of destruction.

There are many heroes, adventurers, and even transcendents and gods who work together to try to save the crisis of destruction, but to no avail.

Although he has now become one of the strongest, a demigod, and a future god, facing the destruction that even the existing gods cannot stop, including Narrow Eyes and the Lady in Black Dress, will he still be the biggest variable?

Ye Lin immediately looked at the handsome fur-collared coat and Brother Diao, both of whom looked thoughtful but a little suspicious.

They all had only a partial understanding of the end time, not as comprehensive as Ye Lin's knowledge.

The information in their heads was basically what they heard from Held~~

"I believe that our three giants will definitely be able to do whatever they want after joining forces, pushing them to the end and defeating all enemies." Ye Lin slapped his chest hard, with high fighting spirit, and he wanted to drag them into the water together.

The already dark face of the fur-collared coat is now even darker. Let’s not talk about whether you and I can talk to each other, but we can trust the close friendship behind us.

A long time ago, you killed the other "I", and now you are using the power that belongs to "I".

In a sense, it is not an exaggeration to call it a humiliation of dancing on the grave, but now his attitude has suddenly changed, and he justly said that he wants to fight against the enemy with me. Who can believe it? I believe you, you are 100% shocked. The big hole is inside.

His character is cold, but his brain is not stupid.

"The End of Time·The End!"

The liquidated Messi suddenly made a last-ditch effort, unwilling to accept the fate of being eliminated. The glorious and misty hourglass of time was completely shattered, and the most original power of time burst into bloom, which had a terrible impact on the entire dimension.

Immediately afterwards, a mammoth vision was born, with fist seals shattering the void, super-speed plowing open the universe, and matter collapsing and annihilating. It desperately fought against the flow for a while, and some of the power attacks that had once exploded spanned to the present!

The fists of the fur-collared coat, the chaos of Ye Lin, and the infinity of Brother Diao... all changed their positions and targets. The three giants were forced to face the full force blows that moved away from each other, as if there was a sudden civil strife and fighting.

The three giants had been secretly on guard, but they were still moved by such a terrible time trick. After blocking the attack, Brother Diao's feathers showed signs of scorch, Kahn's fur-collared coat was torn, and Ye Lin staggered back. Arms are numb.

What surprised them the most was that Messi of Reckoning exploded again, and this time it actively chose to detonate itself.

Is this guy addicted to bombing?

In an instant of fighting for his life, and being caught off guard by the countercurrent, Messi actually struggled to get a chance to escape. He found a time imprint engraved in the past, decisively self-destructed, and the fragments of the Time Lord flew to all parts of the universe. Unable to detect its true will.

Those exploding fragments were enough to affect the perception of the three giants. By the time they reacted, they had already integrated into the universe, and no one could detect them.


"Messi, it's impossible to let you escape this time."

Accompanied by an ancient deep voice, dozens of dazzling time chains suddenly passed over the head, piercing the void far away, majestic and majestic, like galaxies rushing, boundless and terrifying, sinking into the unknown.

Immediately, something happened that surprised the three giants. Messi, who had escaped by chance, was tied back by the chains again. He struggled violently and shouted unwillingly: "Andres!"

The three giants were all tricked, and they were very shameless. All of them had gloomy faces and infinite killing intent. They all bloomed with the light of power. The liquidated Messi was completely annihilated in the light. Throughout the ages, all traces were gone and he fell. .

The three giants looked at the arrival of another time and space lord, today's Andres, who couldn't help but tremble.

Compared with yesterday (past) and tomorrow (future), the power of time controlled by Andres is actually quite embarrassing and very small.

Today (now) is a very general and vague concept, just like a day in Arad continent and a day in Tabols. The specific time division is definitely different.

Therefore, the concept of "today" does not refer to twenty-four hours or a certain period of time. Today is the moment at this moment.

The last second is the past, and the next second is the future.

Therefore, the time period managed by Andres today is very subtle, almost non-existent.

But Andres seems to be the weakest, but he is also the strongest, because in addition to the regular time abilities that all time and space lords have, its time power has a very targeted and extreme effect.

That is, once it captures accurate traces and throws away the chains of time, it can drag all those entities that fled to different times to the present, and slowly enjoy the process of time with it.

So Andres' ability is to make other time and space lords incapable of doing so.

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