Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1943 It was Saifu Po in the end!

Arad's Unfair Savior Chapter 1943 It turns out to be Saifu Po in the end!

"You are clearly possessed by a ghost and suffering from evil hysteria, so instead of marrying Remy to celebrate the occasion, I have a better way."

Usiel, who had always maintained a cool and noble image, suddenly spoke, and the corner of his mouth with black and red lipstick outlined an elusive smile, just like the charm and mystery of the vast starry sky.

It's as if the God of Death with a huge scythe is smiling "friendly" at you, which immediately makes Ye Lin shiver.

She told Gan Cane that deep in the underworld, there was a place as famous as the Hollow of Dead Corpses, called the Hell of Fire!

There is a river of fire flowing with the holy flame that never goes out all year round. Countless low wooden stakes are erected in the river, and the souls who are suffering here are fixed with dead black spikes. No one can break free.

The river of fire burns with "sin" as fuel, and sometimes a gust of wind surges, and the burning molten lava will rush to the top of the soul's head, pouring it from beginning to end.

The shrill wailing is the only sound in the Fire Hell, and despair will only make the flames under your feet more intense.

Only a soul that has burned away all sins can have the opportunity to drag its tired will and walk step by step towards the end of the river of fire to meet another unknown.

Or, directly annihilated in the river of fire.

So in a sense, the Fire Hell in the underworld is a place that can purify sins more than the Kingdom of Heaven. The river of fire can burn away all evil spirits and malice. Whatever ghosts are possessed and people fall ill, entering the Fire Hell will definitely cure them.

Usil thought he was hysterical, so he welcomed him warmly. The door to hell is always open to you, and there is no admission fee.

"The Beauty of the Sun and the Moon"

Ye Lin angrily let go of Remy's wrist and wiped his soft, boneless hands without leaving any trace, thus repaying the "favour" of turning him into a windmill before narrowing his eyes.

The stinging pain returning to his body and the power of light almost melted him, but his will remained constant and immortal. It was just the erosion of the dark side. How could he defeat the resolute God!

Little Rabbit Kuni was always worried about him. The scene just now frightened her rabbit ears. Among the goddesses present, probably only Naiyali, who was happily eating jelly, knew the inside story. Dan was not sure. Move, because this guy doesn't pretend to be pitiful just once or twice.

Regardless of whether she is a woman or a goddess, she always has a gentle maternal nature... She doesn't have that because she is a beautiful girl.

Ye Lin was forced into the pool of medicinal liquid that had been prepared before. He narrowed his eyes to understand his shame and left a pair of underwear for him.

"I heard Lucille say that after a heretic judge reaches a certain level, he can see the existence of the Hell of Fire, and his soul leaves the body and undergoes the baptism of the Hell of Fire, entering a higher realm." Ye Lin was a little curious and narrowed his eyes. Why did the Goddess of Eyes' burning holy flame fall to hell and burn into a river of fire that will never be extinguished?

The saintly Remy in a white dress and the charming Usiel in a black dress, one light and one dark, one soft and one cold, seem to occupy half of the world.

On the surface, they seem to have opposite attributes and are full of contradictions, and the believers under their command also dislike each other. However, the two goddesses are actually dependent on each other, and their relationship is as close as sisters.

"The soul, which carries all the sins of the past, is dirty." Usiel calmly replied.

If there is no burning and clearing by the Holy Flame, over time, the underworld will be overwhelmed by the accumulated sins, causing malicious evil to disrupt the dimension and sweep the world. The consequences will naturally be unimaginable.

Even now, the barriers of the underworld are not so stable. People can often use the power of the underworld to summon undead bodies or ghosts and gods.

Usher regarded it as "a spirit of inquiry and enthusiasm worthy of encouragement", so he turned a blind eye.

"It would be great if there was an ownerless Darkness of the Beginning. We can conduct experiments on it and seek more variables in the future." Remidios sighed. We must have a guinea pig, and we can't catch Ye Lin. One person pulled it hard.

"You are so strong, why don't you just kill someone casually, like a handsome fur-collared coat? Now you have a dual-power body, and you will specialize in taming your husband in the future?" Ye Lin complained,

After soaking in the medicinal liquid, the tingling sensation all over the body was relieved a lot.

Moreover, his Wuxuan was connected to the tree of heaven, and some mysterious changes were taking place in his body. His flesh and blood bones seemed to be being reshaped, and a tingling and itching feeling came from the depths of his soul.

"We cannot interfere in the dimensional world casually, especially the apostles whose identities are very sensitive." He narrowed his eyes and shook his head slightly, with a sigh in his tone, indicating that your thinking was too simple.

The power of God is powerful and full of majesty. Every word and deed will have an unknown impact on the dimensional world. For example, her Book of Order is simply a bug-level concept for most living beings.

God's duty is to maintain the established normal order, rather than to use God's authority to interfere and dominate the world according to his own preferences and desires. This is a rule set in the beginning.

In other words, the apostles have a very important position on their planet, and their erasure would undoubtedly interfere with the normal world.

The most important thing is that Hui Shuo's guesses and methods were only recently perfected, and Ye Lin was captured and used as a guinea pig.

"So, you are different from us." Pushia smiled, as if there was a hint: "You are both a human and a god."

It is not convenient for them to intervene in the dimension, but you can, see where there are other apostles alive who can deprive you of a piece of the darkness of the beginning.

"The giant beast of the sky! Mr. Luo." Ye Lin was lying on the edge of the pool, ordering octopus meat.

He raised his eyes slightly and saw only a few skirt corners fluttering, her feet were delicate, and her calves were well-proportioned, smooth, and flawless.

"I suddenly had an idea." Ye Lin tilted his head, lowered his gaze as much as possible, and squinted his eyes hatefully. The skirt of the fairy skirt was so long that it could be used as a carpet, so he didn't worry about getting dirty or tripping when walking.

The lady in the black dress is similar to the mother-in-law. The length of the skirt hangs down to the ankles. The style is very conservative and nothing can be seen except the jade feet.

It's okay to lie down and take a look at it like this. If you use refraction, they will be sensed by them and they will be beaten by a group.

My own goddess Pushya is the best. She is dressed refreshingly, fashionable and beautiful. Her long legs are straight and slender, and she is fair and dazzling.

"The will of the light side is named Caroso, Stru, oh, I chose the name, also known as the Mysterious Warrior, and there are other unknown forms. I once met an immortal Taoist in Agulanda. The old man was killed by the mirror Kahn, and he was also suspected of being one of the forms."

Ye Lin guessed that since the glossy body fragments each have their own consciousness and wisdom, before being found by the main embodiment Caroso, they don't know who they are, where they come from, and where they are going. They can only follow their hearts. , wherever you go.

Then the opposite dark side might also hide a main image, but she didn't know who she was.

Because currently, only Held, the apostle, "knows everything". She knows the origin of the war between the gods of Terra and the birth of parallel dimensions, and also knows all the ins and outs of the "apostle's reincarnation".

The other apostles are all Mimi Huhu, and they are also very puzzled as to why the apostles cannot kill each other, uu read the book

What is the root cause.

Let’s not delve into the meaning of the prophecy engraved on the crown of Hebron, “Light does not save the world, and darkness does not destroy.” But it is certain that if anyone now says that darkness is evil and death is the devil, Usil will definitely take action first. His face.

The original light and darkness should not be divided into good and evil conceptually.

"Well, there is a possibility, and we have neglected it." Pushia nodded and praised him lightly.

Therefore, based on the experiment just now, the dark side scattered into many parts may actually have a hidden main consciousness, but she has not yet fully awakened, and she does not know who she is.

"So, from the beginning, light and darkness were separated at the time of creation, and darkness was regarded as evil by light, which then triggered a series of consequences..." Remedios frowned and pondered. Judging from the established facts, the origin of the dark side was Divided into major parallel dimensions, extremely special "apostles" were born.

Compared with the scattering of several shapes on the light side, the damage on the dark side is undoubtedly more serious.

"The contradiction between light and darkness spans ancient and modern times, and it seems to be an unstoppable trend. Then..." Usiel suddenly looked at Yelin and said in surprise: "Theoretically, the darkness that wakes up the latest is probably the safest, and is the main embodiment. The highest possibility."

"Who is it?" Pushia asked. She had only gathered her divine body for a short time, and she did not fully understand some of the more secretive things.

"His first married wife, a survivor of the elves." Usiel raised his chin slightly and gestured to the sugar cane taking a medicinal bath.

"Celia Crumin... the rich lady from the shopping mall." Ye Lin held his forehead, there was nothing to hide.

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