Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1948 What’s wrong with not being able to sing!

The Chaos Apostle Ozma was sealed in the Throne of Chaos by the chains of the underworld. For this reason, the Saint Michael clung to the black earth... The struggle between the Dark Order and the Holy Order led by him has been full of blood for nearly 800 years. The intense smell lasted for most of the new millennium of the Arad continent.

Light, darkness, faith, betrayal,... the patterns of good and evil and the revelation of God intertwined and fought endlessly until Ozma fell and Michelle devoted herself to the dimension of chaos, which brought an end.

"I have read the records of our sect. About twenty years ago, the Dark Religion carefully planned a conspiracy against the Saint family. It lasted for several years and used many blood warriors. As well as two pure-bloods, the battle was very fierce, with some high-ranking members of the Dark Order being killed, and the Saint family also suffered heavy losses, almost ending their dynasty."

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Yuena looked curiously at the man and woman in the beam. They were both very young, about thirty years old in appearance. The man had a strong build and burly arms, and the woman was gentle and pleasant, with soft eyebrows.

But she has never seen the specific appearance of Obasi's parents, and there is no portrait of the couple in the cult. Not only has she not seen them, but Obasi himself has not seen them either.

Time is a long time ago, maybe the archbishop still remembers the appearance of his son and daughter-in-law.

"It's a bit embarrassing to say that in our clergy order, which has always emphasized equality, divine enlightenment, and mercy, the overall structure is actually similar to the imperial aristocracy." Yuena was helpless. There are advantages and disadvantages to using this kind of structure.

The advantage is that it can establish the appeal of a heroic family and gather the power of the group with the glory of the saint. Only the clergy who are united can shine stronger.

For example, the largest base group among the clergy now is called the "Knights of the Holy Cross", which are the Paladins.

The families of two famous saints, Gracia and Rochebach, enjoy high reputation and prestige among the Knights of the Holy Cross, and their family members are deeply respected and trusted by the Holy Knights.

The two major families inherited the will of their ancestors, Saint Milan and Saint Shapiro, and the paladins with compassion and kindness gathered under these two flags.

As for the adverse effects brought by the saint's signature... such as the Monastery of St. Bernard.

The purpose of the establishment of the monastery was to commemorate and inherit the noble will of the saint "Wolfgan Beona". Now, it has become a gathering place for the Blue Fist Holy Envoys.

The Saint Beona family has always been the person in charge and leader of the monastery, and the current leader is the somewhat grumpy Teda Beona.

When the Second Dark Holy War broke out, TEDA left Talen due to irreconcilable conflicts with the cathedral, and most of the members of the monastery chose to follow him.

Part of it is following TEDA's philosophy, and a large part of it is advocating the will of the saint Wulfgan and following the descendants of the Wulfgan family.

The concept of a famous family is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the Holy Order. In a sense, it is no different from the imperial aristocracy.

As for the shrine maiden Xiaodama, although she receives a stipend from the Great Cathedral, she is actually considered a non-staff member~a temporary worker?

The number of mikos in the lineage is too small. Because it all depends on Shenron's preference and selection, mikos are almost always passed down from generation to generation.

It was naturally not necessary to set up a department specifically for her, so Xiaoyu was placed under the command of the female paladin order of Orbes, and by the way, she was given the title of paladin.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that although Miyoshi is a powerful Paladin, his ancestor, Saint Shapiro, is not. He is a "Paladin" who is good at defense and divine light.

His large shield was so light that it blocked Astros's violent attacks and seized the opportunity to inflict serious damage on him.

Later, due to the overlap between "Paladin"'s abilities and those of the Paladin, as well as other factors, Shapro's combat skills were not inherited by his descendants, and later became lost in the Order.

Until Xiao Hina fell from the sky and was good at using maces and shields, Miyoshi students taught Xiao Hina all the family skills, hoping that she could revive the glory of the saint, and preferably develop the Paladin lineage to supplement the order's combat effectiveness and foundation.

However, looking at how lazy and sleepy Xiao Hina is now, I hope she can carry forward "Paladin", so we should consider choosing another talent, or see if the future Xiao Hina can do it.

"If the sect is further subdivided~" Yuena held up the show, then stretched out her fingers to count them one by one, and said: "The gray judges of the heresy trial, the choir of the female sect, the male sect The leader of the regiment, etc., there are a lot of bits and pieces, no wonder Obes and Grandis are busy every day without touching the ground."

"Yue Na, do you still have a choir?" Ye Lin raised his ears. It sounded like a member who was responsible for singing hymns, just like the seven quirky little angels.

"Well, the selected choristers all have very beautiful voices and can sing the most beautiful hymns. As long as we hear them singing hymns, we can feel that God is with us and gives us blessings no matter where we are. Strength and courage.”

The status and treatment of the choir in the church is quite high. Firstly, because of the special power in their hymns, when they are in the professional realm, they can exert an increase range comparable to that of evangelists.

There is also the issue of cultural customs. Whether in the clergy or the royal family of a certain country, the status of departments and agencies responsible for etiquette is generally not low.

"Remember, I also signed up for the choir before, and then I was rejected in the first round." Yuena shrugged. Musical talent is something that cannot be forced, but singing is not good. There is nothing I can do about it.

Including the bard Pipiman, a young and beautiful girl with a voice like a clear spring, but she can also sing out of tune. It really depends on talent.

"Tsk, tsk, I listen to others singing to me every day, and I use different ways to praise myself with gorgeous words. I'm not ashamed to squint my eyes. I have the same face as me." Ye Lin looked upright and awe-inspiring, with high righteousness and majesty. Then everyone gave you the middle finger of contempt, how dare you complain about others.

Even the well-behaved Yunhu couldn't stand it anymore. He raised his thick fleshy paw and tried to compare it with his middle finger, which was very spiritual.

"We praise the great goddess and get the power of blessings. What about you? Let me praise you, you can face the sun." Yuena gave him a look. You have wronged the goddess. Fortunately, the goddess has a big heart. Degree, bad water can punt the boat, I won’t care about you.

Deep in heaven, in the courtyard of the goddess of life.

She narrowed her eyes to go on a long trip, and after handing over relevant matters to Rafael, she habitually spied on her boyfriend. Everything that happened within the Kingdom of Heaven could not be hidden from her gaze.

"You can get blessings by praising me. Is there any better deal than this? This goddess is kind-hearted and kind, but you still dare to whisper to me secretly." Remedios smiled like a flower, spread out the book of order, and picked up his pen. He dipped his hand in ink and said: "Noble lady, I want to revise history, and then curse him for being sleepy and powerless after seeing the bed for a while."

"I think, save some words, it might not be useful to him." Usiel shook his head slightly, the black dress restrained the brilliance of the stars, and looked like an ordinary evening dress, and asked: "Did you use it before? The Book of Order, the Sword of Taichu that suppressed him?"

"It seems so, what's wrong?" Narrow eyes were suddenly startled, and she instinctively sensed something was wrong. She used the Book of Order to interrupt the virtualization ability of the Chaos Power, and dragged Ye Lin back.

At that time, the book was indeed pressed on the sword.

"I guess that the power of Chaos has not been completely suppressed, but interacts with the Book of Order and the power is intertwined. Therefore, even if you write an eight-hundred-word essay on the book now, it will not appear in That time period.”

Remedios blinked, looked up blankly, and said in disbelief: "So, I have failed, and the established facts cannot be modified?"

While she was squinting in a daze, Pushia cast a questioning look at the lady in black skirt. Really or not, I have studied that sword. It is difficult to know the secret. How do you know it so clearly?

The latter immediately shook his head slightly, sent a message with his spiritual mind, and said with a smile: "I was just talking nonsense, just cheating. Remy seemed to be aggressive about writing a small composition, but he was actually reluctant to do so. If I can write even one word, I lose."

Pushia raised her eyebrows when she heard this and felt helpless. This pair of best friends who have been together for a long time really don't have a fuel-efficient lamp.

On the outside, they may be sacred and noble and must not be blasphemed, or they may be as cold as ice and should not be approached by strangers. However, privately, they do not have the nobility of aloof goddesses, but rather have a mundane atmosphere.

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