Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1952 Your waist

Sophie removed the claws of several lobsters with her bare hands, which were about the size of a forearm. The delicious shrimp meat was simply steamed for a few minutes, and the taste was delicious after being smeared with a little sauce.

They are all caught from the lake. Maybe the fishing method is not so natural and harmonious ~ but they are indeed caught.

Due to natural selection, it is their destiny to enter the stomach of the original dragon!

Indoor barbecue dinner, delicious meat, juicy vegetables, and fruits filled the table, and the charcoal grill was several meters long.

"By the way, how do you give this thing to Oubeis? It's weird to say that we suddenly found the heroic souls of your parents who unfortunately passed away. It would be very hurtful if Oubeis thought it was a joke." Xiaoyu slightly raised the white melon seeds. The chin of the small face gestured to a set of video equipment placed on the table. They took the video after getting permission.

It contains vivid images of the two heroic spirits, as well as a kind message to Obers.

But probably because of the large span of time and the cognitive issues surrounding death, the burly man’s memory still stopped at the moment he was besieged, so the first sentence he left behind was “Obes, when you see this video By then, we were already dead..."

Everyone was speechless with their hands on their foreheads in unison, full of last words and suicide note style.

However, the fact is that it has been more than 20 years, Obeis has grown into a tall and graceful girl, and the bride price has been paid off. To put it more bluntly, grass has grown around your graves, and the trees must be as thick as a hug. Obeis has gone to worship many times.

Ye Lin put one arm on the table, and was pulled over by Xiaoyu to cut his nails. He nodded and said, "Just... give it to her normally. Archbishop Magello must know the appearance of his son and daughter-in-law, and he can be grateful for this image." Proof of authenticity, it hurts...the nail clippers cut into my flesh."

"Don't shake your arms. If you shake, I will easily cut the flesh of your fingers." Xiaoyu calmly put his fingers in his mouth and sipped them, then applied the Xiangjin finely to the areas where the blood was oozing.

Ye Lin You resented: "Isn't it because you cut my flesh that I subconsciously trembled?"

"The more you shake, the easier it is for me to cut. Don't move around. It's more difficult to cut your nails than to sharpen a kitchen knife."

After carefully polishing the nails until they were smooth and clean, Xiaoyu was satisfied and blew the air. This was not done out of concern for him, but for everyone's comfort.

"I feel that if the wound is not treated properly, there will be the possibility of inflammation and tetanus." He raised his finger with a serious face, and then looked at Xiaoyu's thin and light red lips, full of hints.

Can you do it again?

"No, my fingers are too thin. I don't want to eat it." Xiaoyu sprinkled some cumin powder on a mutton skewer and took a delicious taste, her thin lips becoming more and more rosy and shiny.

Judging from his Wuxuan characteristics, even if the fingers were cut forward and backward, the bone would be visible, and they should be healed without leaving any scars by now.

Mailu was more interested in fruits and snacks, holding a plate of cut fruits. These were fruits picked from the tree of heaven. They were very precious, tasted sweet and crisp, and had the effect of cleansing the body and mind, making them wise and intelligent.

Take a bite carefully and your curly hair will stand on end with so much relief.

"Having direct face-to-face conversations with the ancients gives rise to a sense of estrangement between the times. We in the future are like omniscient and omnipotent gods." The eldest lady sighed leisurely while holding the skewers. The tree of heaven enhanced their realm, and the group in the Hall of Heroes For everyone, it is more of a spiritual gain and precipitation.

This feeling is wonderful and incredible. Those relics that have accumulated years and stories, no matter how gorgeous they are, are still a period of glory belonging to the "past" time.

In other words, all their stories are frozen and will not change.

We are now creating "history" for the future.

"Who says it isn't?" Mo Mei also agreed with this view and sighed: "The expressions of the saints when they learn about the future are obviously more incredible than us, just like when we see the end for the first time."

"Well, the hero has passed away, leaving only immortal words and legends, which influence those who come after." Mavis took a sip of brown sugar ginger tea. Crabs are cold in nature, and eating too much warmed her body, and said: "Maybe in After a certain period of time, words, legends, and civilization will decay, and nothing will be left.”

As the messenger of the lady in black dress, she has the clearest concept of death. She can't help but expand her thoughts. Perhaps, the long river of time is also a spark extinguished in the blink of an eye.

For humans, thirty thousand days and nights come to an end. For cicadas, one summer is all the light, and there are more and shorter lights.

"So, we must seize the happiness of the moment and have the courage to try things we have never tried before." Ye Lin broke the slightly confused atmosphere and looked very cheerful, saying: "So tomorrow, let's wake up in the same bed together and watch Is the sunrise good?”

All the girls gave a unanimous thumbs up. After Wuxuan got another evolution, this sugar cane was no longer suitable for two or two teams or threesomes.

His ambition reached its peak, and he repeatedly revealed his desire to challenge them all, fighting for seven days and seven nights without rest.

The eldest lady's face remained unchanged, and she used Gu Yu's dagger to flexibly and deftly remove the internal organs and shave the bones of a spirit fish. The meat was delicious and had no fishy smell. She said calmly: "This is a huge test for your recovery ability. I think there is It is necessary to verify your qualifications.”

"Stay full!"

Ye Lin spoke concisely and to the point, patting his chest hard to make sure that no one would go back with an empty stomach.

Siatt fluttered the dagger at her fingertips, shook her head slightly, and with a cold light in her eyes, said: "Let me cut your waist to see if it is healthy and healthy. If it can grow back, I will consider it."


Immediately, there was a dull pain in his waist. Ye Lin hurriedly picked up a bunch of shiny meat from the grill and lowered his head... When he saw it, it turned out to be kidneys.

"Someone wants to eat sugar cane." Feng Ying waved a very special sugar cane a few times, and picked a large bundle from heaven, led by seven little angels.

Each segment of this sugar cane is a color and is said to contain the essence of attribute elements.

"I want!"

"Give me a section."

"Try it~"

Feng Ying's sword aura was fierce, and the Qianhua Sword neatly chopped the sugar cane into multiple sections, and then glanced at a certain human-shaped sugar cane, which was full of hints.

When one sugar cane is not enough, you can only cut it, slice it, or simply squeeze it into juice!


Accompanied by an anxious and worried cry, the closed door was suddenly pushed open by someone, and a tall angel with a moon-like appearance rushed in, with a refreshing light purple single ponytail tied behind his head, and the left side of his forehead was long and slanted. The bangs give her a heroic and charming look.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw many people looking at her in surprise, and she felt a little embarrassed for a moment. Her behavior just now was a bit reckless and a bit rude.

"Ah, well, you are the guests of the Kingdom of Heaven, right? I'm looking for Rafael, and I heard that she is here... Huh?!" The single ponytail angel was stunned, staring blankly at the table full of rich ingredients.

"It takes a hundred years for the spiritual fish to become plump, the elemental wood that only reaches one height in fifty years, the nectar of the flower of soul, the fruit of the tree of heaven?! And all these..."

She was about to faint. Was it Master Remidios who invited a guest or a thief?

If she hadn't known from other angels in advance that they were guests, she would have caught these little thieves and thrown them into the Holy Flame Zone to be burned.

"Raguire? You're back." Archangel Rafael was very happy, with a smile on her gentle face. She also held a white jade plate in her hand, with a piece of attractive-colored fried egg in it.

"The egg of the peace bird..." Archangel Raguel recognized it at a glance, holding his forehead, it was over, the good sister was actually an accomplice.

"She is Raguel, one of the seven archangels. She is responsible for monitoring the behavior of the Kingdom of Heaven and other angels. She also holds the key to the door of the Kingdom of Heaven. She is much more powerful than me." Rafael introduced his best friend to them, One of the seven archangels, one of Xiao Hina's wings was given to her by her.

"I just came back from another dimension, Rafael. I heard that you got involved in the chaos and almost became a fallen angel? Show me your wings quickly." Raguel has a very straightforward character, and he wants to mess with his best friend. clothing.

The angel's wings can usually be retracted, like a layer of texture that adheres to the fair and delicate skin. Otherwise, it will make you sleepy and you will not be able to turn over.

"If I had fallen, how could I still be qualified to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?" Rafael tugged tightly on the collar of the long dress, and then invited Raguel to taste various delicacies.

"Raguire, where have you been before?" Rafael asked curiously. His best friend's duty is to be the gatekeeper of the Kingdom of Heaven. She monitors the world and rarely leaves the Kingdom of Heaven.

"Safir's hometown, the place you call the main smells so good. Please give me another bottle of wine, thank you."

"Something happened in our main dimension?" Yuena's heart tightened. They came up from the heavenly steps of the mirror dimension, not in the main dimension.

"No, the foundation of the main dimension is too thick to be affected by general turmoil. It was Michael's proposal a long time ago. After all the apostles of the angel dimension were purified, we tried to find the great will, but even if Even the power of purification cannot clear away the fog of great will, so..."


"Michael proposed that the archangel could also learn from him and become the guardian of a heroic figure so as not to waste his holy name that is revered by believers."

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