Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1960 A beautiful girl turns into an octopus

"These sunglasses are quite cool." Qianying compared the sunglasses in his hand. They were similar to the ones used by the platypuses. They were all frameless, but the lenses of the platypuses were thicker in color.

But it's a pity that most platypuses are poor myopia. They can't see other people's faces three meters away, and they can't tell the difference between humans and animals ten meters away.

Therefore, these sunglasses are also myopia glasses with quite high prescription. They make her feel dizzy and extremely uncomfortable when wearing them.

Of course, Qianying is not short-sighted, and her eyes are clear and bright. On the one hand, she wears sunglasses to look cooler, and her style matches her clothes. On the other hand, sunglasses can cover up part of her emotional fluctuations, making her even more mysterious.

"It's obviously an industrial product." The eldest lady touched the material of the glasses frame. It was hard plastic and should come from the heaven. There are glasses in Arad continent, but there is no such mass production technology.

This also proves that creatures that originally live in the sea of ​​​​the sky can freely shuttle through the magic circle, including the magic field of Dragon King Bakar, which is as intelligent as a machine.

The man-eating sharks and sea monsters lurking near the ruins of the Sky City in the ocean were all scolded by Sophie and returned to the depths of the ocean. Just one wisp of the aura of the original dragon's apex predator was enough to make them Run away with your tail between your legs.

It is vaguely visible that they still have a faint black nightmare aura, which is the legacy of the old man and has not dissipated to this day, catalyzing the bloodthirsty of the monsters.

Ye Lin had eliminated some of the nightmare seeds before, but no real traces of the source of the nightmares were revealed. Perhaps it was because of fear.

Sophie's majestic command of the sharks drove them away just now, which really shocked everyone. They couldn't believe it. When did the sharks become so obedient? They would eat people without spitting out their bones.

Those neatly arranged fangs, thicker than human thighs, can chew even steel armor. It is even said that an awakened person was swept by the whirlpool of the sea and died under the siege of the Sea Shark King.

The person who escaped with his life wanted to thank Sophie, but in the blink of an eye the other person was gone. On the pretext that wearing wet clothes would catch a cold, he was dragged away by Sugar Cane and slapped.

After the ceremony to strengthen the seal, Ophelia checked it carefully with the senior leaders of the GBL religion. They were very careful and could not ignore any differences. This affected the lives of hundreds of thousands of believers and residents. Life is at risk.

It was the scorching sun at noon, and the scorching sunshine was like poisonous tongues of fire. The rough hot sandpaper licked the exposed skin fiercely. Sweat dripped across the cheeks drop by drop, and then fell from the white chin.

"No matter which dimension she is in, Ophelia is an extremely outstanding and responsible leader." The curator looked at the strong child and smiled tenderly. Powerful magic appeared on his fingertips, and then a refreshing cool breeze whizzed by. Brushing the sweat from Ophelia's rosy cheeks.

Because he knew the personality and past of his leader very well, the curator knew that the strong and brave little girl in front of him was carrying a mountain of heavy pressure on her shoulders.

If the two girl leaders can meet, they will definitely become good friends, the curator suddenly thought.

"It should be no problem. All that's left is to let time decay Lotus." Ophelia breathed a sigh of relief, a relaxed smile appearing on her pretty face.

No abnormalities were found, and the magic circle was intact. After all, this was something left by Master Leslie.

The curious adventurers also gradually dispersed, and some of them went to the trading market of the Sky Veil Behemoth, where you can often buy some high-quality and cheap materials.

Some still don't give up and continue to approach the ruins of Sky City. Since the shark has been scolded by the mysterious girl, doesn't it mean that the environment will be safer now and it is a good time to look for the treasures of Sky City.

As usual, necessary guards were left at the place where Lotus was sealed, working in alternating shifts 24 hours a day.

Mavis stared at the place where Lotus was sealed, located near the second spine. The land was desolate and dry, and there were many ancient buildings, most of which were crooked and broken.

Even on a normal rainy day, not a drop of water will fall to the sealed land. Leslie's prophecy recorded Lotus' fatal weakness, which is lack of water.

"The second wave of mutations is coming!" Mavis said suddenly.


A spiritual storm that was completely invisible to the naked eye suddenly broke out. There was no movement in the sealed land under normal vision, but the terrifying spiritual storm had passed by instantly, and then the sky thundered, the wind roared and the clouds shattered, and everything changed in the blink of an eye. color.

The people who were still nearby froze, and billions of thunders roared in their minds. Their bodies seemed to suddenly fall into a state of petrification, and their eyes were dull. After they came back to their senses, they were shocked to find that their souls and bodies seemed to be suddenly separated.

The soul, which is naturally integrated with the physical body, has now lost control of the body. The consciousness has become a caged bird, and the physical body is the cage!


A believer finally moved, and immediately everyone's eyes widened. A terrifying scene appeared. His burly body began to twist and deform, and the sharp-knuckled fingers on his palms disappeared, turning into pieces of sticky suckers, loose and loose. The uniform fell to the ground, and out crawled a blue octopus the size of a millstone.

Extremely powerful spiritual power changes the life form of believers.

The squirming octopus seems to have some kind of reproductive instinct. Its evil eyes glow with a strange light. It suddenly jumps and lands on the head of another believer. Its eight tentacles firmly lock the frightened believer. Facehugger!

After a while, another octopus monster was mutated and born.

Ophelia's whole body was cold and trembling with fear when she saw this. She had seen this scene a few years ago and was very familiar with it. When Apostle Lotus first came, the terrifying power controlled many believers and treated them as hatching octopuses. The hatching bed underneath.

How is this possible? The seal had just been strengthened. She and her cadres also carefully inspected the sealing place. Everywhere in the magic circle was in good condition.

When she was thinking wildly and her brain was like mush, a huge octopus squirmed next to Ophelia. It was once a member of the believers, but now its body has completely mutated, annihilating its human wisdom, and what remains is a certain kind of instinct.

The octopus jumped up, blocking the sun's rays, and its disgusting abdominal suckers were filled with sticky liquid, heading straight for Ophelia's head...


The octopus stiffened, split in two, fell softly to the ground and squirmed, and died on the spot after a few breaths.

Astra came over and sniffed the octopus, and then vomited a few times in a very humane manner. No, the grade was too low. It smelled very strong of blood and fishy smell.

"It's impossible for a beautiful girl to turn into an octopus. If it's the other way around, and an octopus turns into a beautiful girl... But I've never seen it." There was a mysterious power in Ye Lin's nagging words, and Ao Fei was instantly moved. Leah lifted the state of separation between soul and body.

"I'm fine, thank you, cough." Ophelia was shocked and quickly looked at the sealed place of Lotus. She had no time to grieve for the believers and what went wrong.

On the other side, the second curator also returned to normal with the help of the first curator and looked at each other.

Although the chief curator was wearing a mask, he was not wearing the GBL uniform. He was wearing an elegant light purple dress, and his temperament was quite quiet and elegant.

But the other party's pair of gentle, watery eyes were particularly familiar, especially the moment they looked at each other. The special feeling of instant resonance of the soul and spirit made the second curator tremble in disbelief, and murmured: "Could it be that there is another world?" Is the concept real?"

Several mutated octopus monsters were killed, and most of the believers returned to normal with help and regained control. Everyone was in shock.

No one wants to experience that kind of soul being imprisoned for a second time.

But it is still in the process of mutation and has not fully recovered.

"Uncle Marcel!" Ophelia panicked. The uncle now has a clear tendency to turn into an octopus. Both arms have turned into octopus hands, and his spine is soft and collapsed. Only his head is still intact.

"Ophelia, this is Lotus's mutant ability. Stay away from me. I'm afraid the seal is just an illusion. Lotus has been resurrected somewhere else." Marcel struggled desperately, watching his body soften. , the taste of mutated flesh and blood was unbearable, and his consciousness was about to become blurred.

This is a mutation of the life level, not a simple negative curse. It is within the scope allowed by the Book of Order of Mi Miyan. Ordinary methods to remove the curse are useless.

"Uncle Marcel!"

The girl leader, who had always been steady and capable, was completely flustered. Marcel was a staunch follower of the blue truth with a devout mind. He was also her adoptive father, and they were as close to each other as a real father and daughter.

She suddenly realized that when Master Leslie's magic seal failed, she turned out to be so weak and powerless.


Accompanied by Ye Lin's faint and sacred declaration, a beam of green light suddenly cut through the sky and enveloped Marcel, who was transforming into an octopus. Something surprising happened. The octopus's tentacles turned into human hands again, and the collapsed body once again transformed into an octopus. stood up.

"Di Ruigi's virus brings life from death, Shilok's invisible power can erase traces of a person's existence, Lotus can achieve the mutation of life forms..." Ye Lin frowned slightly and thought deeply, the origin of the apostle is hidden. Does the deep mystery secretly match the narrow-eyed guess, that is, what is the power of the "dark side" of the complete body?

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