Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 196 Blue Baby Dragon

The team's low mood still hasn't eased, and there is a feeling of regret and confusion everywhere beside the bar inside the airship Dornier.

Guyu bit down on a straw sadly, but the juice in the cup did not drop for a long time. The same was true for Siatt.

He tried to tell a few cold jokes or play tricks to ease the uncomfortable atmosphere, but the response was not very good.

Apart from him, the only other person who was full of energy had just drank a glass of warm-up wine and was rolling rice cakes on the bar.

Mi Gao stood up and looked around quietly, then carefully tugged on his sleeve with his teeth, signaling him to follow her, good comrade!


Ye Lin asked in a low voice, while pointing at the wine bottle and shaking his head slightly, indicating that it was agreed to be one cup a day, and there was no point in asking him.

Mi Gao still tugged on his sleeve, then jumped on his shoulder, using his sharp horn to indicate a direction, which was the bedroom!

One person and one unicorn hurriedly escaped from this gloomy atmosphere. Now they are not in a high mood, and it is boring to stay here.

Mailu swallowed a mouthful of snacks and stared at the two sneaky guys without asking what they were doing.

Although the captain has no moral integrity, he will still keep his promise. It is impossible to secretly drink together again. That would be acting like a rogue.

Yelin lived alone in a room, Isadura stayed up late because she was writing about her experiences, and Siatt and the others lived alone in a group dormitory.

Mi Gao tapped his door with his front hooves, signaling him to open it quickly.

"What are you doing? This is my room, just some tables, chairs, benches, wardrobes, beds..."

Opening the door suspiciously, he didn't know what Mi Gao wanted to do. Only a few people could understand the unicorn's language. The Seal of Heaven was not a professional translator after all.

In the past, when he and Mi Gao secretly drank together, most of them would be him nagging Mi Gao while Mi Gao listened. The two were not on the same channel at all.

He waved his little hoof and pointed in the direction of his wardrobe!

"I only have a few clothes in my wardrobe. I usually wear them directly from the system mall. There are some that you are interested in..."

The wardrobe was new but the workmanship was rough. When it was opened, it made a "squeaking" sound of wood rubbing against each other. Then, Ye Lin's smile froze on his face...

It is the consensus of the family that Mailu prefers pink, and she is also the one with the purest and purest mind. As an orthodox elf from another world, the "Beautiful World", she is full of pink and cute girlish hearts.

Inside the simple wardrobe cabinet, underneath a few windbreakers, there was a large pink camouflage cloth, the covering of justice, with lovely lace on the edge.

Yelin gasped and felt chilled all over. He was sure that he had never done such a thing, and Mailu lived with Siatt and the others!

Mi Gao snorted, and after jumping down, he raised his head as if to show off.

Look, good friend, I'm here to repay you, I still remember what happened in Dark City!

"You are so proud, what if Mailu finds out!"

Ye Lin held his forehead and was speechless. It turned out that the rice cake was secretly brought to him.

After a little hesitation, they were ready to return the rice cakes. If it was Mo Mei and the others, they would also consider whether they had accidentally taken it.

But Mailu’s stuff is so recognizable that it’s easy to spot because it’s so big!

Isadora doesn’t live together, so Siatt and the others can’t get it wrong.

I secretly compared this thing with Isadura that night. After restoring the void simulation in my palm, I found that they were almost the same!

But Mailu may still have room to grow, and this is not her limit.

"Give it back, I only treat the manufacturer..."

"Captain, are you there?"


Ye Lin's hands trembled and he suddenly closed the closet tightly. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his heart beat faster and his legs were shaking. He glanced around, looking for a window to jump out and escape.

However, this is the Dornier cabin, which is currently returning to the snowy area of ​​​​Ston. In addition to the door, jumping out of the window is a free fall from a height of 100 meters!

"It's over, it's over, isn't Mailu eating? Why did you come here?"

He murmured hurriedly to himself, wishing he could imitate a substitute scarecrow, give himself a slap, and then escape to the library to drink a cup of tea, and then pretend to be elegant while holding a book.

But it's too late...

Mailu was already standing at the door, looking at him curiously with innocent eyes, and blinked, "Captain, are you okay? Why are you shivering? Is it too cold?"

"Ah...yeah, that's right, Isadura's heating was not repaired this morning. It was not repaired."

Ye Lin stuttered and gave a perfunctory reason, but now he could only take one step at a time.

"But why is there sweat on your forehead?"

Mailu started to feel a little weird. Why did the captain seem to be in a panic and he was leaning against the cabinet and refused to move. Where were the rice cakes?

"This... I used magic to increase the heat. It's magic! It's too cold. Haha, why are you here, Mailu? Let's make some snacks."

Yelin pretended to be calm, left the closet on his own initiative, poked Mailu's hair with a smile, and walked towards the kitchen first.

"Captain, have you seen the rice cakes?"

"Rice cake? It just left..."


A strange banging sound came from inside the closet, and Ye Lin's face suddenly turned pale, his eyes full of despair.

I'm about to trick Mai Lu out, and you're acting like a monster to me again. You didn't come to trick me on purpose, right? Where are the comrades you promised?

Beat up my teammates?

There seemed to be a dangerous light in Mailu's eyes. The captain was lying just now. Is there something invisible in the closet?

Ye Lin begged and shook his head slightly, but Mailu turned a blind eye and went straight to the closet, reached out to hold it, and suddenly opened it!


It's over, I closed my eyes in despair.

After a brief silence, Mailu breathed a sigh of relief and said angrily: "Captain, if you're not here, you're not here. With you acting like this, I thought you were secretly drinking for rice cakes again. Your acting skills are really good."

After feeling relieved, Mailu left the room with satisfaction and went elsewhere to continue calling for rice cakes.

"what happened?"

Ye Lin was stunned for a moment, puzzled, and hurriedly walked over to look for rice cakes. However, he rummaged through the entire wardrobe and couldn't find the target.

At this time, his shoulders sank, and a clever little guy jumped up. After looking sideways, he discovered that it was actually the missing rice cake!

"What's going on...wait, you can teleport?"

He was immediately surprised. Mi Gao was a serious mythical beast, but his abilities had always only been to change his body shape, fight together, and be able to drink beer.

Mi Gao nodded proudly, and in the next moment, she disappeared from his shoulders. Mailu's scolding and laughter came from outside the door, telling her not to be naughty in the future.

"Mailu's camouflage cloth is gone. Does that mean Mi Gao can carry some things with her? This ability is very promising!"


Stone Snowy Land, Orka’s residence

"You two are simply crazy!"

Olka in the tent had an angry look on his face, and his remaining left eye exuded a chilling chill. The soldier in front of him, who was still smiling, shrank his neck and touched his nose in disgust.

"You are too reckless. You actually dare to go to Kannake Mountain to explore the ice dragon. According to the clan rules, you must go to the clan leader's training ground and be punished for three months."

The more Olka talked, the more angry he became. Veins popped up on his forehead. The ice dragon was about to wake up. Malaga and Lerrit Larry actually dared to secretly go to Cannac Mountain. They simply didn't want their lives!

"If you don't go, you might as well let me die, haha."

Malaga, known as the "Ice King", stiffened his neck, blushed and yelled loudly. Who didn't know that he once challenged Bwanga's position as patriarch and was severely punished.

He is as tall as a snow mandrill and has natural supernatural powers. He can hold a huge icicle as high as two people and swing it. He can seriously injure a snow mandrill with one blow, and he is called the "Ice King".

"Patriarch, why don't you take a look at our results before punishing him? This idiot Malaga has an injured shoulder."

Letela dragged in a huge sack from outside, looking very excited.

Orka was keenly aware that Letela was very excited. It was not the excitement of achieving great results, but more like a cover-up emotion caused by fear.

Letela and Malaga are both brave warriors of the Bantu tribe. One woman and one man are both members of the Tulus tribe. They partner with each other and ridicule each other.

There is no doubt that their strength is top-notch. Defeating the Ice Tiger one-on-one is not a problem, but what do the two of them seem to be afraid of now?

"Caught an ice tiger?"

Olka frowned deeply. Judging from the size of the sack, it should be a relatively large ice tiger, but slightly smaller than a snow mandrill.

"'s something we've never seen before."

Malaga was no longer stubborn, and slowly opened the sack with trembling hands.

Olka looked over curiously, but suddenly shuddered in the next moment, and her whole body felt cold.

He hurriedly gritted his teeth and dragged the monster out, placed it in the open space in the tent, and put it into its complete posture.

The flying blue monster has wings spread over five meters, an ice crystal-like armor on its back, a mouth full of fangs, brown snake eyes, and two pairs of sharp claws on its abdomen, exuding a sharp cold light.

A flying predator!

It can be seen from his venomous eyes that this strange monster can hunt the ice tiger with ease, and the same is true for hunting humans.

When did this kind of thing appear in the Snowy Land of Stone?

Suddenly, a memory flashed through Olka's mind. It was the day Ye Lin first arrived. He seemed to have said that Skatha was in a period of weakness due to spending a lot of magic power to create young dragons.

Could it be that this winged monster is the young dragon of Skatha?

"Clan leader, when we saw this beast, it was hunting the ice tiger, and then it turned to attack us."

Malaga breathed out, and now he still has a sense of luck that he will survive the disaster. Flying monsters are simply deadly natural enemies to Bantu warriors!

"The most terrifying thing is..." Letla paused slightly, pointed to the dead baby dragon tremblingly, and said in a dry voice: "We don't know how many such monsters there are on the mountain. If the adventurer Ye Lin is talking about Really, we Bantu people may have to face a fateful decision."

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