Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1973 The God of Justice!

Held had become accustomed to his lack of harmony and shamelessness, and his elegant and noble face had no expression. He continued to cut through the void and assist him in transferring the demon world. This was a hard job, and Party A still had some conscience.

A pair of beautiful legs that are plump and straight, never getting tired of playing with each other, a graceful waist that is as graceful as a willow, flexible and flexible, and a righteousness that is about to burst the frenulum on the chest. The plump and fruity legs beautifully decorate the rather boring transfer route.

In fact, in a sense, his proposal is not so absurd and annoying, but has a little bit of truth to it.

She was in the same situation as Saint Michel. Along the way, she witnessed many familiar faces aging, decaying, and being buried with regrets. In the end, she was the only witness of the old era.

Blood ties are definitely one of the strongest relationships and spiritual sustenance.

But when he thought about the various tasks that required him to nurse children in the future, Held's beautiful face became slightly distorted. Once one person is used to living alone, two people will not be able to adapt.

The cute little Yake is the result of an unexpected pregnancy...


The loud noise in the demon world, after some distance away from the planet Arad, suddenly had the opportunity to bathe in the warm and bright sunshine due to the angle. Those rays were refracted into colorful colors in the demon world, reflecting a gorgeous and charming scene.

After experiencing the initial turmoil, most of the demonic races walked out of their residences, looking at the sky with complicated eyes, and the light shone on their faces, all looking forward to but also worried.

The 100-meter-tall Greenblood giant, the strange-looking sea monster, the pointed-eared demon, the stone bone beast, the Gremlin... It was surprisingly quiet and peaceful at the moment.

Not many people know the inside story about the transfer of the demon world. Most of them are still in a state of confusion, mistakenly thinking that this time is no different from what is recorded in the ancient books, and they are going to the next unknown planet.

"I originally wanted to attend the gbl teacher's celebration party, but I guess it's too late after calculating the time. Alas..." Ye Lin shook his head. It's overtime now,? Bad women don't pay overtime.

Held had no consciousness of paying extra remuneration at all, and said: "You are quite earthly."

Generally speaking, those who can reach the realm of legends have already emerged from the world, regardless of the appearance of wandering immortals in the world. Those who transcend are ancient legends, such as those mythical beasts and so on.

Even she herself rarely leaves the Moleh Valley to appear in front of the public, and her whereabouts have always been mysterious.

"That's because I have justice in my heart, and I still have pursuits." Ye Lin glanced at the rations in front of the bad woman. It was full of fruits, and a feeling of hunger suddenly appeared in his stomach.

"Can you give me a sip first? Let me have a taste."


The huge and vast fragments of Terra stagnated in the void, and the long journey was finally over. Looking back from afar, the planet Arad had turned into a brighter point of light.

Even if the distance between them is light, it will take a short time to travel.

Due to realm issues, most people in the demon world don't know where the stop is this time. At the same time, whether there will be powerful life forms and races coming to the demon world as recorded in ancient books.

Everyone is filled with worries. The first apostle Kahn has been missing for a long time. They still don’t know the true identity of that majestic figure like a god and what his purpose is.

The reason why Held couldn't wait to take the initiative to find Ye Lin is now obvious. The demon world is withering and dying, and the confused world cannot see the future.

All races in the demon world with some ability and methods are trying to get as close as possible to this side. Rather than continuing to linger in the demon world and lingering, they are more looking forward to getting close to a rich and beautiful planet this time, which will give them the opportunity to ascend to the sky. superior.

However, they were frightened by Ye Lin's extremely oppressive aura. The majesty of the gods could not be violated. Many people could not even raise their heads, and were trembling and sweating profusely.

The pressure of this momentum once reminded them of the missing first apostle, no... it was even stronger.

When looking at Kahn, I can feel the pressure of despair. I feel like an ant reptile facing the majestic Juyue Mountains.

Even if you rehearse it countless times in your mind and add subjective awareness, you can't defeat the handsome fur collar coat.

But now the person in front of him is even more terrifying, so that people can't even think of resisting. It is an endless and vast universe.

At the gathering place of a certain powerful force, the elf asked Katie to hold her forehead and said: "It's strange, his face is unusually familiar. I seem to have seen it in a dream, and it feels very familiar."

"Auntie, you must have been lonely for a long time and have hallucinations." Smilla teased. She and Katie had not settled their differences, but they were not as hostile as they were before the main dimension.

"It's strange. I have similar feelings and dreams. He is so extraordinary and like a god, but I seem to have seen him before." Monica frowned suspiciously, and looked at each other with Katie. It would be a bit weird to dream about the same person.

"He is not from this world." Niu whispered, she seemed to know some secrets.

Aunt Katie didn't realize there was any surprise and smiled and said: "Of course he is not from the demon world. There has never been such a magnificent vision in the history of the demon world. Where his light shines, the land sprouts and rain falls from the sky. It is an unprecedented blessing. .”

She already treats Ye Lin as a god.

"No, I said, he might be from another dimension..." Niu hesitated, feeling that he couldn't explain it in just a few words, so he simply kept his mouth shut.

The reason why Niwu knew some secrets was related to Pushya, the goddess of elements. When she was practicing not long ago, the elements condensed into dazzling patterns, which were as dense as stars, and she tried to explore the secrets behind the dazzling patterns.

At that time, a noble goddess with unparalleled splendor and beauty, whose beauty was almost unreal in the world, suddenly emerged from the gorgeous light rain and taught her the cultivation method of an ancient divine light with a smile.

Pushia admired Niwu's sense of integrity, and she could always maintain the golden spear (faith of justice) in her heart in the turbid and dirty devil world.

Niwu also just learned about the concept of parallel dimensions. In another world, she also has a ridiculously strong senior brother, and another self, who is regarded as the second senior sister and the transcendent. She is temporarily ranked as the youngest and junior sister.

The junior sister was completely stunned at that time. There were three big bosses for no reason, and her head was a little dizzy.

"I am the God of Justice!"

Ye Lin spoke, his voice as loud as thunder, with a sense of majesty from the beginning, which spread to every corner of the demon world. Even the deaf could get an echo in their minds, which was very shocking.

What is this guy going to do... Held was shocked by this. Did he want to imitate the glorious Biana of ancient times, shape himself into a "god" with divine brilliance, and then create a craze for worship?

"I feel the suffering of all living beings, the weight of the tribulations of countless tribulations, coming from the chaos of the beginning..."

Ye Linfang gilded himself and plated himself with divinity. His vision was so amazing. The sacred tree supported the sky, and billions of stars fell like waterfalls. The majesty lasted forever, and it was sacred and could not be desecrated.

Moreover, the sprouts from the earth and the rain from the sky are real blessings, the new life and joy that Kahn has never brought, so no one doubts his words and believes them to be true.

"I will work with Held to demonstrate our power and create a new star of Terra, which will bless the world and last for eternity for billions of years."

Then, he took Herder's hand and clasped their fingers closely, quite intimately. One hand was as handsome as a god, and the other was stunningly beautiful and refined. They were surprisingly well matched.

Countless Demon Realm people were stunned on the spot. It was unbelievable. With this gesture of close contact, Lord Held had become the consort of the gods, a good wife?

Many men from the demon world who admired and loved Held widened their eyes. This was so sudden. They had never heard of the innocent Held getting close to any man.

The bad woman herself had a stiff face and dull eyes. If the previous agreement was a private life-long commitment, and she had a secret plan, now it was suddenly put on the table and exposed to the world.

Although the fourth chapter of the stone tablet prophecy mentioned the gods of the new world, she did not expect that it would be in this form and was caught off guard.

What made her speechless and distressed the most was that someone actually started to wish her happiness loudly... She had a high reputation and popularity in the demon world, and she felt that ordinary people were not worthy of getting involved, and perhaps only gods could be worthy.

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