Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1995 Drinking Water Princess

"Today, my assistant Meng Na introduced me to a very strange traveling businessman." Sai Fupo chewed her rice in small mouths. Her dining etiquette was very gentle and elegant. She had long chopsticks with jade fingers, which was pleasing to the eye.

"How should I put it? The other person is very beautiful, and her beauty is a bit dazzling. But when we met, she didn't talk about business. Instead, she stared at me fiercely, muttering about how she was talented, had extraordinary abilities, and had extremely high understanding. She had a unique secret book that she wanted to Give it to me..."

She took a sip of the seafood soup, and her taste buds seemed to explode instantly. No soup in the world can match the seafood soup with Mr. Luo's ingredients added. This is the ultimate taste.

Even Sophie, who has never been a fan of vegetables, including rice and noodles, can enjoy a bowl of seafood soup after soaking her rice.

"Beautiful girls not only attract the opposite sex, but also the same sex." Ye Lin understood clearly and roughly guessed who that person was.

"She also said that she comes from the unknown continent west of Arad, an area that is not recorded on our map, and that she is a sage there." Celia continued.

Nowadays, countries such as Xu Zu, Belmaer, and Dros, the continent they occupy is not all of Arad, and the mythical beast Yu Zie sleeping in the snowy land has also been mentioned.

But after traveling thousands of miles to the sea, there will be a thick fog that lingers all year round. The fog can cause all compasses and machinery to malfunction, hide whirlpools and rocks, and create tsunamis hundreds of feet high. So far, no navigator has been able to detect what is on the other side of the fog.

But Ye Lin knew that the other side of the fog was called the Eternal Continent, which was rich in some magical materials that had group effects and could also be made into related equipment, which was very suitable for Mo Mei in the past.

In addition, there is a very embarrassing god there...a subordinate god with narrow eyes.

Therefore, the businessman who came into contact with Sai Fu Po, the woman who claimed to be a sage, should be Remi. She guessed that Celia was the main consciousness of the dark side, and wanted to verify it.

"What about her?" Ye Lin handed Mailu a piece of soft bread. Thanks to the deliciousness of the seafood soup, he could eat an extra bowl of rice.

"Tsk, tsk, you are an adventurer~" Tana, who was sitting next to her, turned her head, with a pure and bright face, and a strange smile on her lips, "You shouldn't first wonder what the secret book for Celia is. , why would you directly ask where the other person is? Do you know her, or are you just talking about a beautiful girl?"

As expected of the first dragon he made, he has always had a unique keen sense in catching "mistresses"...little dozens...

The hand holding the spoon trembled slightly, and Ye Lin was ashamed. The original intention of squinting his eyes was not to reveal his identity as the God of the Beginning, to make Celia cautious, or to feel uncomfortable being ordered around.

Now his backhand is going to be sold by him, and he won't be able to do anything about it afterwards.

"You know, we were in heaven before!" An idea flashed in Ye Lin's mind, and he solemnly said: "She is an angel, responsible for the revelation of the Holy Light in the Eternal Continent, similar to...Michelle's identity."

There is also a plump grilled fish on the dinner table. It is a giant fish that Feng Ying has never been able to catch. It is also a spiritual fish caught from the kingdom of heaven.

Tana was dubious about his explanation, but she didn't pay much attention to the delicious food. If she didn't eat it quickly, Sophie would eat it all.

In the evening, Tana straightened his face with her slender jade fingers, pinched Sugarcane's chin, leaned over and sniffed gently, and gave him a charming look, "It's so fragrant. After-dinner drinks, she and Xiaoyi competed for drinks. Drink?"

There are so many drinking girls in the family who are all-powerful and have outstanding temperaments. Now that Naiyuanji is here, he rarely drinks normal water.

"Drinking is not my true intention." Ye Lin nuzzled the delicate and charming collarbone, greedily breathing in the dragon's body fragrance, "I am enjoying the happiness of a tasting process."

"Be careful that the Third Princess beats you up. I'm the only one tonight. I'll have it all to myself."


The next day, Cathedral of Remedia


The sound of the bell is melodious, and the ripples of the sound spread far and wide, spreading out of Hutton Mar, echoing the morning light in the sky, symbolizing the beginning of a new day.

Moreover, the big clock made by skilled craftsmen has been imbued with high-level holy power, which will not disturb people's dreams, but will make those who are sleeping sound sweeter.

The morning market has opened, steam is rising from the shops and stalls selling breakfast, and pedestrians are coming and going. The temperature in the morning is quite cool, without the impetuous heat of noon.

"Gang Cane, you are already almost a god, and you still worry about three meals a day?"

Standing at the door of the Great Cathedral with narrowed eyes, she was dressed in a casual and elegant dress, with a bright smile, a pure and pure aura, and a face that was more beautiful and dazzling than a ray of dawn in the sky, attracting many passers-by to marvel.

"An angel, she must be an angel descended from the earth!"

"Like a beam of pure light, flawless and more transparent than crystal."

"She should only exist in paintings!"

Many people stopped. Before Ye Lin came, Nian Miyan had been at the door for a short time. The priests who took over the shift couldn't help but come out to take a look.

Then, they saw Ye Lin stuffing a fried bun into his mouth, like an angel who could not be looked at directly or desecrated like an iceberg and snow lotus.


This is like putting a clear and transparent crystal into the mud and rolling it around. Angels should not eat the fireworks of the world.

"If you don't eat, you can speak with your spiritual thoughts, so why do you have a mouth? Try it."

"It's okay, so-so. You can cut off a piece of Lotus' meat later. The lady told Pushia that she wanted to eat it." She commented with narrowed eyes and calmly handed the pot to her best friend.

The two walked into the cathedral together, leaving behind a bunch of people who felt lost. They didn't know who they were seeing, the great goddess of life and light. With just a glance here, they received the blessing of light, which can change their lives. Some of them are unlucky.

Nian Mianyan is not her real appearance now. She has modified her appearance and it has become more "mediocre" than her stunning and refined real appearance.

"By the way, gods don't need to eat. A powerful consciousness can listen, speak, see, and a series of things that the five senses can do. Does that mean there is a god who only has a spiritual body?" Ye Lin asked.

Just like the Lord of Spiritual Body Eclipse in Demon Moon Delalion, without the physical body, spiritual power can do everything.

"Consciousness determines everything? You think it's a brain in a vat, but similar life forms do exist, but you must first understand the concepts of body and consciousness."

Parallel dimensions, long rivers of time, super latitudes... But as long as this consciousness exists in the true sense, whether it is an unpredictable cloud or a luminous soul body, it can be regarded as a "form" or a physical body.

In other words, the generation of consciousness cannot be created out of thin air. It requires a source. The Lord of Spiritual Body Erosion, from the perspective of squinting, is just a kind of body.

Strip away every inch of material from Demon Moon Dralion, and what remains is the Lord of Eclipse.

"Of course, for ordinary people, wisdom, life, death... all conform to your description, which is purely conceptual."

While chatting, Ye Lin narrowed his eyes at Rothes' "darkness" and led the way skillfully. Coach No. 3 did not absorb the darkness.

"In about a week, you bring Sister Celia and Held to Tabors, and all the apostles you can call. It's very important."

She needs some time to conduct multiple experiments on this "darkness" to gain more experience.

"Besides..." He stopped with narrowed eyes, his beautiful eyes were strange, and said: "You are really familiar with the way to the girls' dormitory."

She just wanted to take a stroll around the cathedral and inspect her territory, but Sugar Cane followed some instinct and burrowed into the girls' dormitory.

“Give me revelation, like the light of a star.

Lonely wanderers find joy here.

The great God has come and is with us. "

In the chapel, early morning prayers and praises are held as usual. In addition to the clergy, there are also some ordinary believers who worship, and the atmosphere is very peaceful.

The two listened to it for a while at the door, squinting their eyes and feeling satisfied. Yes, the lyrics are very good.

In a sense, Nian Miyan and Naiyali are the same, they both like to be praised.

"You two, come as soon as you come. What are you doing hiding here?" Narrow eyes suddenly spoke, and he glanced at the corner, sneaking around, and was frightened to see a trembling Rafael and Raguel.

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