Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2115: Generous (Belly)

Naiyali seemed to be inspired by this, drawing circles in the void with her index finger, and said leisurely: "On the outside is gold and jade, but inside is decay. The light does not necessarily represent justice. The skin that is bathed in the sun may be filled with sin."

"Well, Naizi is the one who is just." Yelin nodded, and then was pinched by Naiyali. Don't interrupt, let's talk about serious things.

The first ray of primordial light broke through the water of nothingness, giving birth to the first opposing attributes of the universe, namely light and darkness.

Two are born, two are born three, and three are all things. One is the beginning, which is chaos, the second is light and darkness, yin and yang, or what should be called the concept of "opposite attributes", and the third is the quality of time and space.

All things are born and conserved, and if the source of power is broken, they will be out of alignment. In a pure white world with only light and vast expanse of white, and you can't see the dark environment even if you close your eyes, will it be happiness?

The Twelve Artificial Gods intended to create Thirteen and deliberately led the Terran War. From a human perspective, it was undoubtedly evil. The war continued and swept across the earth.

But, even earlier...

Mirror Kahn's unwilling roar before his death, the light and darkness of the universe are beginning to separate, and before the fire of civilization is ignited, who will define good and evil.

The light born in darkness wants to get rid of the shackles of darkness, or it may be worried that darkness will come back, so it regards it as evil and gloomy.

It is like the elegant lotus that comes from the mud and is nourished by it, and is praised and praised by the world, while the mud at the bottom of the pool that has never seen light all year round is in turn spurned and filthy!

True and false, good and evil are blurred, who can give a real definition.

The conversation that was deleted in time was very important, and Ye Lin did not plan to tell the third person for the time being.

"He is like a pretender. He is bright and beautiful on the surface, but he may do all kinds of evil secretly." Naiyali gave an example, but Ye Lin thought it was inappropriate. In fact, Caroso's black spots are not that many, so it is the era of destruction. There's also the matter of blowing up Terra, defining good and evil for oneself, and the unconfirmed desire to merge dimensions.


"I think it should be said that just like Lord Naiyali, she symbolizes absurdity, distortion, and grotesqueness. On the surface, she is a great evil god...but she is actually a warm-hearted and good person."

"Uh-huh, I am the evil god. I can do whatever I want. Those who are deviant are the evil gods. But who stipulated that the evil god cannot do good things? I am the evil god. Who can control what I do." Naiyali explained seriously, the moral values ​​of mortals , how can I restrain her?

She skillfully rode on his shoulders and tangled up a piece of hair, "Besides, you already know my master's ancient ways."


"The boss came out, but it was a long time later than the conqueror." Mo Mei's eyes lit up, and her heart slowly dropped.

It's not that he doesn't trust his boss, it's just that it was so terrifying before that the war-crazy conqueror almost drew his sword to the death.

In the blurry light and shadow, a figure gradually emerged. Brother Diao and other apostles frowned. Has Ye Lin mutated? Not only has his height suddenly increased a lot, he has two extra arms, and there are also curved horns on the top of his head.

What he experienced in his memory caused physical changes, and the Ghost Clan also did not change so quickly.

"Dong Qiang! The fusion of gods makes a glorious debut!"

Naiyali sat on his shoulders, with a pair of slender and well-proportioned calves around her neck, and her hands made a gesture of throwing a javelin. Yelin cooperated with her hands on her hips and stood firm.


Casillas couldn't hold back a sip of wine and sprayed it all over the floor. He was tortured to death in his memory, almost losing his mind and dying. Not only did the two of them escape unscathed, they were also in the mood to make fun of them.

The eldest lady and the others shrugged, but they were used to it. Naiyali's lively and cheerful personality, a cosmic street kid, was in sharp contrast to the quiet and delicate Xiao Su.

There are also more than 6,000 records held by Naiyali, which are beyond their reach. This girl really doesn't know how to be tired.

"Isn't the recall of memory a fixed period of time?" Casillas asked doubtfully.

"Yeah, but Naiyali replayed that memory for me many times. After being tortured continuously, I became a little stronger." Yelin pinched the beautiful girl's delicate calf. The girl was dressed very energetic today. These sports hot pants are very soft and warm when riding on your shoulders.

Casillas suddenly showed a look of shock, and as soon as he recalled his memory, he almost fell to his knees under the endless ray of light.

To this day, I still have lingering fears and was secretly hurt. This guy even said that he has become stronger.

His brain is still in a mess and confused, as if it has been smashed into a head of sauce. It is difficult to concentrate his will, and his sword intention has temporarily collapsed.

On the other hand, there was nothing unusual about Ye Lin except that his face looked a little pale.

"I have the heart to fight you with all my strength, but unfortunately..."

Having the first conqueror to eat crabs, and Ye Lin's detailed description of that feeling, gave the other apostles a kind of psychological preparation, making them less embarrassed and more confident.

The third person who recalled the memories was Brother Eagle. When he came out, his feathers were half black and half blue, very fluffy, and the hair was all fried~

The sky in Tabors suddenly turned into daytime, and suddenly into night, the heaven and earth were blurred, and everything was frightened.

The maker, Luke, was surprised. Just as he was about to take action to stabilize the imbalance of light and darkness, in the distance, in the direction of the floating island in the sky where the Queen of Flowers belonged, two more powerful forces bloomed, solidifying the chaos in Tabors.

"Hiss, such amazing dominance!" Luke's pupils shrank, his three eyes were shining brightly, and divine light burst out. He wanted to see who had control over light and darkness and could surpass him.

But apart from a misty cloud, he could see nothing. Isolated by the barrier, there were extremely terrifying strong men in Tabors.

The old man wanted to ask eagerly, but Brother Diao was wearing a hairy coat, half blue and half black, with scarlet eyes, so it was not easy to speak for the time being.

There is currently no perfect solution to the evil sun in the sky of the mechanical planet Hebron and the imbalance between light and darkness.

He would be grateful if the being with greater control over light and darkness could think of a way to solve it.

The old man is a Hebron monarch who loves his people like a son. Whether he is seeking the water of life and being tricked by a good student (Helder), or he is obsessed with studying the technological crystallization of Glorious Biana, the ultimate goal is to maintain Hebron. Light and dark balance.

Later, except for the Celia sisters who didn't care much about "darkness", Sirok, Big Turtle and other apostles were "rectified" by Held one by one, and they were not in good condition when they came out.

Luo Zuozhuo's body, the heavenly ocean, set off a huge tsunami, putting the Seventh Empire on alert. Antuun stamped his feet impatiently, triggering violent earthquakes, shaking the earth and causing cracks...

"It's really unpleasant to be called evil." Brother Diao subconsciously clenched his fists, and the slightest flash of lightning flashed, the wind and clouds changed, and the aura of power in the sky circulated.

In his memory, he was "killed" by that arrogant light.

Coupled with the prophecy of the stone tablet that emerged before, it seems that there is an elusive hand of fate controlling the pieces on the chessboard behind the scenes.

"God War... We made mistakes first, but we never imagined that the consequences would be so serious." The old man also recovered his memory, and his thinking was very confusing.

All the apostles looked at Held in unison, and the atmosphere suddenly felt a little awkward.

After sorting out the whole story, even if the coincidence predicted by the stone tablet did not appear, Held would probably not be able to suppress his strong murderous intention when he encountered them again, the culprits of the destruction of Terra.

It turns out they are the "thieves" behind this incident. Do you want to apologize...

"History has fallen into dust. Looking back, no one is right or wrong." Held, the person involved, spoke with a calm face and said: "The ambition of the Terran people to spy on the realm of gods, the loss of control of artificial gods, and the unhindered branches of their great will. When they were intertwined, the present was born.”

"What a magnanimous person." Sirocco smiled.

Held frowned, thinking she was teasing him, and said coldly: "Let's just discuss the matter. I used to want to kill you all, but I got mixed up and understood that pure darkness cannot give birth to a bright future. Balance exists among all things.”

"Oh~ So your generosity and big belly are actually all because of one person." Sirocco understood clearly and ignored Held's evil eyes.

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