Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2022 I don’t want this boyfriend anymore

It's a drizzly and beautiful morning. The tea has cooled down and snacks have been eaten. If I continue to stay here, I will just relax and have nothing to do.

The two of them suddenly felt a tacit understanding, and they unanimously cast their rather playful glances at Ye Lin's hiding place. They wondered how long they would hide in the rain and whether they would come out.

Distorting the light in the field of vision and refraction to achieve a camouflage effect is already a relatively low-level technique. In their eyes, it is almost a clumsy technique. It is just a small trick, so don't show off.

Real advanced voyeurism should be a method similar to that of a time and space lord. You are in the past or the future, staring at the present moment, covering your traces in different time periods, making it difficult for those who transcend to detect it.

Generally speaking, only brilliant and powerful gods, or related time comprehenders, can use it, such as the creator Xiaodou, or narrow eyes... This is how the latter looked at Ye Lin when he was bored in heaven. At first, even Naiyali Neither noticed it.

Ye Lin also knows that he is a little behind, so he is working hard to learn this powerful method of time system, and he has a very innate advantage, which is two-tenths of time power.

Once you integrate it and master it, and control time, you can see the long river of time to a certain extent.

The number of billions of stars is like a magnificent picture unfolding in front of your eyes, a galaxy is like a thick ink description, and a fire of civilization is like a delicate texture.

He can look down at what is happening or what has happened in every place. As long as his mental power is strong enough, he can easily narrow the scope of his gaze, such as narrowing it down to the size of Xiao Su's room, and peeking at her cuteness every second. .... But if you accidentally find out, you will probably get beaten.

"Ahem, what a coincidence. I'm so lucky to meet you here. Have you had breakfast?" Ye Lin tried his best to appear as if he had met by chance and happened to be passing by, pretending to be surprised.

Remy crossed his arms across his chest and tilted his head slightly, his beautiful face full of helplessness. We have known for a long time that you were eavesdropping and we just didn't want to expose you. You still performed vigorously and didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Her eyes were big and bright, and only when she was feeling bad would they subtly narrow into crescent moons.

According to Arad's time scale, it's almost ten o'clock in the morning now, and it's time to have lunch after grinding for a while.

After Prey transformed into Yinsis last night, he had been practicing and recuperating in the highest mine. He didn't wake up early in the morning. Today's light was actually brought by squinting his eyes.

Ye Lin was frustrated and racked his brains to find an interesting topic, but for a moment his mind was exhausted and he had no inspiration. He stood there very embarrassed.

Nian Mianyan and Sai Fupo, one with his arms folded across his chest, the other leaning on the tea table, supporting his cheek with one hand, watching him embarrassed together, letting you eavesdrop.

"By the way! There's something that suddenly occurred to me. It's very important." Ye Lin prayed for a long time in his heart to his mother-in-law, Nimer, the God of Wisdom, to give him some instructions. People will die in the Shura field.

I don't know if his mother-in-law heard it, but he suddenly had an idea.

"Remy, I have always wanted to ask, what is the difference between your light power and the dark power of the lady in black dress, and the light and dark sides of the great will?"

A question that should be perfect in theory can not only trigger a topic discussion, but also take into account both people. No one is left behind, and it is difficult for him.

But as soon as the words came out, Ye Lin knew it was over. His whole body was trembling. Silver light flashed in his left arm. A huge time gear was suspended in the sky. The rain falling from the sweet rain and the wind stirred by the golden winged lion were all frozen in an instant.

I squinted my eyes and couldn't help but rolled my eyes and was speechless. Can such an idiot boyfriend return the goods? I don't want it. I can pay for the postage myself. I just don't want it anyway... I might as well write a short essay in the Book of Order. The reversal has already happened. History.

The identity of the goddess that she deliberately concealed was exposed by this guy in one sentence. She was so angry that she even wanted to reverse time in a panic and pretended that she had not said anything. Do you think Celia and I are nothing?

Saifu Po stared at the time symbol in the sky and pondered slightly, then naturally stretched out her slender hand. Terrifying energy burst out, and a similar sky-covering hand appeared in the void, shattering the still time with a slap.

"The power of light... Remy, are you Yuena's immediate boss?!" Sai Fupo Bingxue was smart and immediately noticed what Ye Lin just said, revealing a very important message.

The goddess of light and life, the ultimate belief of the priests, a sad tear is the goddess of the beginning who is a sacred relic.

Therefore, he was often teased by Ye Lin and asked to cry loudly, and the whole Arad would be saved.

Celia is indeed a bit stupid now. One of the reasons is that although she hides a higher identity, before, she was just a rich woman who was happy to make money, and her ideological level was closer to that of ordinary people.

Even if she didn't deliberately understand the various legends and greatness of the Goddess of Light, Yuena could still understand them when she sang hymns on weekdays.

The extremely cruel century-old holy war was precisely because Saint Michelle carried her light, spread her revelations, and became one of the backbone forces against the pretenders. This was a great achievement.

Therefore, Celia, who has always been kind-hearted, actually respects this goddess very much. She often makes financial donations to the cathedral and bell tower in Hutton Mar and supports various public welfare undertakings. She is praised by the Archbishop as a flower.

The successful engagement between Gan Cane and Obers was actually partly influenced by the wealthy woman. In the past, the archbishop was worried that the Roshbach family's only child, Miaomiao, would be bullied after marrying her.

So when Ye Lin suddenly told her that the woman in front of her, who had had a heated discussion with her about the use of "public goods" just a few minutes ago, was the goddess of light who only existed in sacred texts and prayers, Celia was naturally a little dumbfounded.

Is it really her? She was actually talking to herself about some not-so-serious things just now.

Another reason is Ye Lin. This guy is really capable. He is no longer just messing with others. He has clearly plucked one of the brightest stars in the sky.

"No wonder, I have always felt that even if you are a very high-ranking being in the Kingdom of Heaven, your understanding of the apostles is too deep." Celia solved a doubt in her heart. It turns out that the other party is the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven. It is one of the pinnacle existences in the universe.

It is the embodiment of the concept of life and a great existence that controls the light power of the universe.

Then, it was Squint's turn to feel a little embarrassed, because she occasionally (often) spied on Ye Lin, and she actually knew Celia very well, and she really admired her before.

If she were an ordinary believer, she could still accept this worship with peace of mind, but Celia's hidden identity is the will of the supreme dark side master.

Two of the most noble goddesses in the world were sitting together discussing how to use sugar cane... I squinted my eyes and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, which was quite strange.

This sugar cane is so virtuous, so just break it.

"The first ray of primordial light that penetrates the darkness of the abyss, the great will, is the original light and the first opposing attribute born in the water of nothingness."

Narrowing her eyes, she changed the topic and introduced carefully that part of her light power was both pure light and conceptual light, such as the light in the human heart, the light of will and fantasy, etc.

The light of the beginning is light that can be seen with the naked eye, but it is not light. It should be defined as an opposite attribute that is different from the darkness of the abyss.

The two are the same, but they are not the same.

At the beginning of all things, the world was empty and chaotic, and the face of the abyss was dark.

The light of the beginning is the first opposing will.

"It can be understood that the original light and darkness were one and the same..." He narrowed his eyes and drew a picture of a yin and yang fish in the void, which was balanced and circulated endlessly.

Then, the light fish flicked its tail and knocked the dark fish away.

"The first opposing attributes born from the water of nothingness, pure light and darkness, are not enough to describe the concept of her existence. We just habitually use light and darkness to distinguish Caroso and the apostles."

The light and darkness of the great will are the light of creation and the darkness of creation.

Although the power of light and darkness between her and the lady in black dress was obtained from the great will from the beginning of time, they have also lost their sublime creativity. Therefore, they are the same kind, but they are not the same kind, which is tantamount to degeneration.

Because the world has been born in an instant, the light after that has lost the creativity of "one life is two, two is three".

One of the ways to become a god is to summon the water of nothingness that was a moment earlier than the beginning, so that the will can be omnipresent and omnipotent throughout the ages.

Therefore, in the same way, although Mi Miyan is one of the most powerful gods and possesses the light of the beginning that illuminates the universe, she no longer has the unique environment of chaos in the universe that existed during the chaos of the beginning, giving her and Wu Xi You merged to create the world, giving yourself the opportunity to become super-divine.

It's like getting Leiwoding, but without the matching sword control skills.

"This is for you, Celia. This is originally your thing." He narrowed his eyes and handed over a gear-shaped fragment. It was very small, about the size of a baby's fist.

The fragments of the Ring of Creation, the artifact that was destroyed in the battle between gods.

The great achievements are worth remembering, and all spirits praise and build monuments for it. It cannot be denied that before the incident of Gu Terra, she was infinitely noble.

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