Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2338: Kind-hearted and narrowed eyes (not)

The fight at Hu Ji Restaurant has been properly handled by Yun Ke. The servants in the store quickly cleaned the floor, replaced the broken tables, chairs and tea sets, and then apologized to the frightened guests with a smile.

It seems that similar things have already happened here.

Wine is a very magical thing. Drinking a glass of it relieves sorrow and boredom. The romance, the world, and the impetuousness are all forgotten in the back of the mind, and the picture is blurred for a while.

Some people fall unconscious and fall asleep after being drunk, while others are easily impetuous and do not know what to do when they are drunk.

Yun Ke recognized the distinctive rice cake and liked it very much. On the premise of drinking the same amount of wine, he was certainly more lovable than his master as a cute little guy.

At the same time, she had a guess about Ye Lin's identity, but it was not confirmed yet. Because she was worried about offending, Yun Ke naturally stretched out her hand, "Hello, I am Yun Ke. This little guy looks familiar to me."

After introducing themselves to each other, Yun Ke confirmed his identity and stood stunned in shock. After coming back to his senses, he hurriedly bowed his hands with respect and called him... master.

Yun Mi said that the person who wrote the sword manual was very young. At that time, Yun Ke also guessed that the sword intention was so mysterious and extraordinary that it could be called a great achievement, and the person who wrote it must be at least a middle-aged man in his forties.

Yun Mi probably compared Master Huaiyin, who had white hair and beard, before saying that he was very young.

However, seeing is worth hearing. He was too young in appearance, elegant in demeanor, and had an extraordinary temperament. He was fundamentally different from those playboys who were corrupted by money. Hu Ji who was performing also looked sideways at him.

A handsome young man, independent from the world.

"Girl, I have no merit and no favor." Ye Lin hurriedly waved his hand and declined. Yun Ke was very famous in Wuling City. Her attitude immediately made the guests in the wine shop uproar and felt incredible.

Master Huaiyin's disciple, the heroine Yun Ke, who has already half-stepped into the realm of legend, has always been fair and honest, and treats everyone equally. How could she suddenly be respectful to a strange young man?

Who is the other party? His natural temperament makes even the most talented young man feel ashamed in front of him.

Huaiyin slowly stroked his beard and guessed that Guan Yelin's temperament was refined. In this worldly wine shop, he was like a sword standing on mortal iron. Moreover, when A Ke performed the sword skill, the other party directly read the name of the sword skill.

The man who wrote the sword manual and was called the Sword God was the friend Yun Mi made in another world.

Although she couldn't practice the sword manual that Yun Mi brought back, it was surprisingly suitable for Yun Ke and Yun Jiao who were out on adventures.

As the saying goes, once a teacher, always a father. Although Ye Lin never really taught Yun Ke, the sword manual still carries the profound gratitude of his teacher.

The Wuling Continent has a fine culture of respecting teachers and respecting their teachings. They worship their disciples and respect their teachers' kindness in teaching, teaching, and solving doubts. They regard it as a kindness second only to the kindness of parents in giving birth.

Therefore, after Yun Ke achieved success in practice, he was very grateful to the creator of this sword manual. Although he had not met him, he already recognized him as his master. He was also a little worried that if he had the opportunity to meet him in the future, the other party would dislike him for not being good enough.

Huaiyin was embarrassed to say that he himself had gained certain benefits by studying the sword manual.

Ye Lin still pretends to be elegant and elegant. If the eldest lady and the others see it, they will definitely give him a thumbs up and despise him. If he bites the sugar cane, it will be sweet first and then crumbs.

In fact, he was the boss at once, and Rousselot complained about it many times. The swordsmanship of the first few apprentices was taught by Hiatt.

"Since you call me master, I can't help but express it."

A sword filled with cold light illuminated the wine shop. Its material was made of the highest peak metal of Tabors, which was Sleikekun's armor. It could withstand the frontal attack of the golden winged lion. After being forged into a sword, Cut iron like clay.

"Five Dynasties Rivers, Mountains and Winds"

The mountain that Brother Tuo lives in is about to be hollowed out by him secretly. He may not know when it will collapse.

Mi Gao rubbed his ear with the sharp edge. You are suddenly so polite and gentlemanly. I am really not used to it. Please regain your perversion.

Yun Ke hesitated, and when Ye Lin nodded, he took the sword and saluted again, "Master gave it to me, but Yun Ke was disrespectful."

Orchid Restaurant is crowded and lively, but in other words, it is noisy. The quiet and elegant rooms on the second floor and above are expensive.

In Huaiyin's opinion, if you go and sit on it once, you won't become an immortal. It's better to just sit in the lobby, listen to worldly stories, and have a few more drinks.

"Ake, go back. You are good at your craftsmanship. Please entertain the guests from afar."

Huaiyin smiled and walked away with the unfinished wine flask. The servant in the wine shop didn't say anything when he saw it. He would bring it back tomorrow. After all, they were old acquaintances.

This hero's strength is unfathomable, and he has refused invitations from many forces. He just loves what is in the cup of Orchid Wine Shop, and people don't know what to say.


The moon was bright and clear, and the moonlight was like water. Yun Ke made a sumptuous table of delicacies. The craftsmanship was very good, as good as a young lady. Once again, he was grateful to Jian Pu for his kindness.

"Extremely divine swordsmanship..." Huaiyin silently recited this title. He had the domineering and sharpness of swordsmanship, a three-foot green blade, and could wipe out all the injustice in the world. He could compete with gods to the limit. He raised his head and smiled and said, "It suddenly makes people nostalgic. The old me who was still hot-blooded."

After saying goodbye, he took a jug of good wine back to his villa and drank alone while looking at the moon.

He had an intuition that the world would not be peaceful for long.

"Yun Mi should have told you that we are not actually the aborigines of Wuling, but come from a world called Yunshang Chang'an. Because we accidentally fell into Wuling, Sinan could not find any trace of that continent. "Yun Ke sighed softly after finishing speaking, her beautiful face was full of helplessness, her memory was already blurred, and they each had a relatively stable life.

That world is rich in a unique kind of jade that can ward off evil spirits. The highest quality jade is said to be able to ward off disasters and bring good luck to people.

Among them, the strongest piece of jade is said to be the property of the emperor of the human race. When it was born from the mineral vein, the rays of light soared into the sky and the seven-color rainbow clouds shone brightly. It was known as a mythical object.

But at the same time, there are also some cursed jade stones that are difficult to distinguish. If worn on the body without knowing it, it will have a greater negative impact on oneself, causing bad luck and poor strength.

Yun Ke was not very interested, so what would he do if he went back? The continent where the four ferocious beasts were entrenched was already in dire straits, and the lives of the people were in ruins. Later, after the human emperor spent all his efforts, he sealed them into the wilderness together with the divine beasts, and died of exhaustion.

The emperor fell and the mythical beast disappeared.

"You are so pitiful. The foundation of this world is still a bit poor. Except for the unknown emperor, everyone is ordinary." Sophie lay on the dining table, her face squeezed into a round shape, and she said lazily: "I'm full today and don't want to move. , let’s kill the other three ferocious beasts tomorrow.”


Astra nodded, it was just a ferocious beast, it could eat three in one meal.

Yun Ke was embarrassed to argue with them. The ferocious beast was too terrifying, and even the emperors in ancient times could only seal it.

Kill? !

Impossible, a fantasy.

"I used the fusion of the oracle and royal secrets again, and the mysterious figure seemed to be in that world with ancient ferocious beasts," Xiaoyu said.

But after returning from shopping this afternoon, the eldest lady tried to find traces of Chang'an in the clouds, but found nothing, as if they didn't exist at all.

Ye Lin then thought of several ways, including calling Gaunis, or asking the lady in black skirt to help. Wherever there are biological activities, there must be attributes of life and death lingering around.

"Oh, Master Remidios is not only beautiful, but also kind-hearted. He will definitely not sit back and let the ferocious beasts ignore him." Ye Lin praised loudly, intending to let Mi Miyan give some hints, because he is not completely proficient in spatial abilities. , no trace of Chang'an on the clouds can be found.

However, he never expected that Nian Miyan disliked his irritability and had already set up an isolation barrier.

In the Heavenly Palace, Remidios's stunningly beautiful face was covered with a super-expensive life mask. He was breathing evenly and had long eyelashes. He fell asleep directly, with a quiet and flawless appearance.

When I want to see Sugar Cane, I just do it "fairly". If I don't want to see it, I just cut off the contact unilaterally to keep my ears clean and make Ye Lin lose his temper.

next day


Outside Wuling City, there was a loud noise in the sky, the wind and clouds were changing, and a huge space crack opened, as if the sky was torn open into a ferocious mouth. Figures with fierce auras rumbled down, the ground shook, and the city walls cracked.

The leader is a demon with dark blue skin and surrounded by terrifying thunder and lightning, Supersonic Alec, who is considered a minor boss in the realm of nothingness.

"Who is the strongest person here?" Alec clenched his fist, and the thick thunder flashed, densely packed and terrifying.

"Could it be that in that legendary world, the seal has been broken?" Some aboriginal people were trembling in fear. Rumor has it that there are strange beasts in Chang'an above the clouds. They are unruly and untamed. They are gifted with special powers. They can call the wind and rain with just a single move, causing turmoil in the mountains and rivers. .

And the fact that these guys came here proves that the world rich in crystal shrimps has been broken through, and the strongest voice has been defeated.

"They are all timid and fearful, so let's start the war and defeat us, or we can penetrate your defenses."

Alec smiled evilly and waved his hand, ordering his subordinates to attack. The cosmic demon didn't need any nonsense.

If there is no top powerhouse who steps forward when this city burns, then the cosmic demon will destroy the earth and collapse the sky without hesitation. Without a passionate ethnic group, there is no point in living.

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