Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2040: One kidney of righteousness

"I haven't finished eating the buns yet, keep fighting." Ye Lin didn't know about the space demon setting up the arena yet, so for no reason, he suddenly ran away.

It's like when you're drinking, someone suddenly takes away the food that goes with the wine, and it loses some of its flavor.

That is to say, Sophie is still eating and has no time to come over, otherwise she will definitely shout "I'm bored, I want to see the river of blood".

After a short period of suppression, Wuling City erupted in celebration like a roaring tsunami. The oppressive power of those demons was too strong. Some of them had auras that were obviously from the terrifying legendary realm, and there were even more powerful existences hidden in the secret.

Once the war breaks out with all its strength, the world will be tragically pierced, and no one can resist it.

"What's going on?" Hiatt also came over, pinched a bun from his bag, chewed it twice, and frowned: "The filling is so fat, the fat is very heavy."

Although she didn't want to lose weight, she didn't want to consume too much fat, and eating this so early in the morning was very greasy.

"I just came here too, so I don't know. Maybe that bun of yours happens to be a lump of fat. If you don't want to eat it, feed it to me. Don't waste it." Ye Lin was about to open his mouth, but Hiatt covered it with a slap. Sugarcane was Will actually eat what she chews.

The city gate and nearby towers, including several rows of buildings, were destroyed and collapsed. There were also unfortunate casualties, but overall it was the best outcome.

Beneath the veil of prosperous business lies an underlying sense of weakness.

Yun Ke was still in a daze. She had no idea what was going on. The devil appeared in shock and then escaped inexplicably. The whole process had a strange smell.

The compliments behind her were unpleasant to her ears, as if they were ridiculing her. She was not a greedy character, but no one could explain the current situation clearly.

"The cosmic demon is full of courage. It should be because Yun Ke's swordsmanship has your shadow, and they must have seen you." The eldest lady Bingxue was smart and analyzed the general situation.

Those tough men wanted to fight when they saw a strong man. They were probably full of heart and courage. They had all been to the underworld of the lady in black dress as a group. Although they lost in the end, there was absolutely no possibility of being afraid. .

Hiatt glanced at Sugar Cane. This guy was full of kidneys and full of righteousness.

"I'm going to look for them. I lost contact with my narrow eyes for no reason. The lady in black skirt... I'm not familiar with her, and I still have a grudge." Ye Lin stuffed half a bag of buns to Hiatt, who disliked the fat filling. He called Astra who was out looking for food together.


Ye Lin cleared his throat and tore apart a space with his hand, revealing the cosmic demon who had not left yet and was discussing how to go to the next small world.

"Haha, what a coincidence." After a moment of silence, Brands chuckled, but most of the space demon's bodies were as hard as iron, including its head, so it was difficult to have rich facial expressions.

Doris has delicate skin, a plump and voluptuous figure, beautiful and vivid facial features, and two big baggage on her chest. She is regarded as an alien by some demons in the universe.

Supersonic Alec held his forehead in a very humane way. He now wanted to complain about the three leaders of his family. Why do you have your crush everywhere? As a human being, you should be more reserved and restrained.

Most of the demons in the universe still admire this human leader. He once challenged three weaklings and won the admiration of Lord Gaunis for his courage. Later, he grew up at an astonishing speed, soaring to the sky and becoming the most powerful in the universe. one of existence.

After all, the strong are respected, and after all, because of Doris, the cosmic demon is related to him.

"There seems to be a hidden world hidden here. Do you know the location?" Ye Lin asked. He suspected that it was not just the changes in the sealed land that caused the inability to find it.

It may also be related to the figure seen by the Dream Tree.

"It can't be found. Lord Executioner said that the world is like a glass ball that fell to the bottom of the water. You have to move to find it." Alec answered truthfully.

Ye Lin pondered, if there was no news from Meng Nan, then he would have to look for it himself. It wouldn't be that he couldn't find it, it would just be a waste of time.

"If it's okay, let's leave first." Brands was about to flee. If his face hadn't been stiff, he would have looked depressed and distressed.

"Don't leave yet, I might need your help."

"Really?!" Alec was excited when he heard this. Could it be that the Third Master, who has never done serious things, was finally going to lead them to do something normal.

How about the second invasion of the underworld, or the sacred and extraordinary heaven, the dragon dimension has been penetrated, the angel dimension is also okay, there are not many places worthy of the status of the third master.

"Well, I'm going to tear open the veil hidden in that world, and countless ferocious beasts may rush out."

Judging from his recent observations, any one of the four villains could turn the world upside down, not to mention the countless followers.

In other words, although our ancestors were glorious in the past, they are now in decline.

Alec was discouraged and couldn't help but complain: "Third Master, we are demons running rampant in the universe, and we have almost never done anything to protect people."

Hoe the strong and help the weak?

When two parties are fighting, the cosmic demon intervenes and will only hold them down and beat them together.

Ye Lin still wanted to follow the temptation, but secretly, someone witnessed this strange scene and was shocked... There are actually humans who can communicate with demons on an equal footing.

Yun Jiao had a lot of thoughts and was shocked. Could it be that the devil suddenly came because a human was the traitor who showed the way.


"Boss, how's it going? Have you gained anything?" Mo Mei also changed her white cheongsam to black. Because of the "white silk" incident, everyone seemed to suddenly become popular in wearing the previous dress.

"No, I'm trying to fish with my eyes closed. Gaunis is not here, so I still have to find it myself. Let's go after dinner."

Xiaoyu gently touched the gold and silver printed witch uniform on her body and sighed: "I can change my clothes, dress up a little, and my temperament can be as youthful as before. In fact, my head is full of job transfer information."

"After all, you are so confusing." Feng Ying tutted. Yesterday while shopping, a hundred people saw Xiaoyu's appearance, and ninety-nine of them marveled at its purity and clarity.

"Great Sword Immortal, you are still talking about me." Xiaoyu quickly approached and pinched Fengying's white and smooth thigh.

The shock from the cosmic demon disappeared quickly. Apart from the explosion of a corner of Wuling City, there seemed to be no other major problems.

Because of Yun Ke's astonishing achievements, he was cheered by the crowds and received in awe by the city lord and major chambers of commerce, for fear of being neglected.

"Yun Mi, Yun Qing, step back quickly. Who are they?" Suddenly, a strong suspicious voice came. Standing at the door of the courtyard was a woman with a very special temperament.

Her attire is somewhat similar to that of Feng Ying. Her robe is silvery white, her chest is extremely plump, she is tied with a single flowing ponytail, she has a long sword in her jade hand, her eyebrows are clean and sharp, her starry eyes and lips are quite like a green lotus in a troubled world.

She saw it with her own eyes. This man was whispering to the demons who invaded Wuling. He was obviously very familiar with them and was most likely the demon's internal agent.

But he never expected that in the blink of an eye, the ghost would appear in his own yard.

"Yun Jiao, you're back! He's the one..." Yun Mi was pleasantly surprised, but before he could finish his words, Yun Jiao was guarding him behind him, unsheathing his sword and pointing it directly at Ye Lin's door.

There is no mistake, he is the mole!

"Good sword." Ye Lin picked up a pair of kuaishou, smiled and pushed away the three feet of cold light, and at the same time deliberately stepped back a distance to make room.

Mailu was stunned, the tachyon I was eating... Daimao was wandering around, using his tachyon.

"Human traitors, what is your purpose?" Yun Jiao's swordsmanship became more and more fierce, yet elegant and light. Because she was in the legendary realm, she was extremely talented and had her own understanding of the ultimate swordsmanship.

The experience and skills of the strong can be used for reference and learning, but they must not be imitated blindly. Even if they completely overlap the footprints of their predecessors, they will only lose their way.

Yun Jiao deeply understands this truth, so she is also the strongest among the four sisters.

"Go to Yunshang Chang'an, I'm not a traitor." Ye Lin was strolling in the courtyard, easily fidgeting with Yun Jiao's sword with a pair of quick swords. It was obviously made of ordinary wood, but in his hands, a sword of gold and iron collided. sound.

"I saw it with my own eyes. Outside the city, you and the devil were whispering and working together."

Yun Jiao was slightly frightened. Although she didn't use all her strength, it was too outrageous to be fiddled with by the opponent with a pair of wooden knives.

What she studied was the sword manual of the sword god from another world brought by Yun Mi.

"Seeing may not be believing. I'm not from Wuling, so I certainly can't be considered a traitor."

Ye Lin's fingertips spun the wooden speed and collided with Yun Jiao's sword tip. The former was limited by the material and cracked in half, but Yun Jiao's arm went numb and the sword came out.

"Yun Jiao, he is the one who gave you the sword manual." Yun Mi stood between the two of them. She had met Doris, so she knew some of her former master's past.

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