Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2043 Misunderstanding, continue to misunderstand

Yunshang Chang'an, which was deliberately covered by a huge group of meteorites, was cut open by Ye Lin's sword energy. Along with the violent space turmoil, the hidden true scene was slowly revealed.

Viewed from the outer space, most of the world is wrapped in thick and mysterious clouds, which are treacherous and lurking with murderous intent. Only about one-tenth of the land is clearly visible.

Human cities are embedded in the beautiful mountains and rivers one after another. They are beautiful pearls. The flames of civilization burn here and continue to write their glory.

"According to ancient books, the emperor of the human race and the divine beasts together sealed the ferocious beasts into the wilderness. Since then, the world has been divided into five and five parts. Now it is obvious that it has changed a lot." Yun Qing, who has read ancient books, has a sad look on her beautiful face. She cultivates herself He has average qualifications and studies ancient books and history in his spare time.

"And you see, the imperial capital Chang'an City and Weiyang Palace are all covered by clouds and fog, which means they have been invaded by ferocious beasts." Huaiyin pointed in a direction and added, then he clenched the three-foot Qingfeng in his hand, and said slightly boringly His knuckles turned white from the force.

Memories rolled back, and their master and apprentice were swept away to Wuling City by a mysterious whirlpool. At that time, the four sisters were still young and could not remember much. He was the only one who could think clearly and remember the painful memories deeply.

He asked the Xingluo Pavilion to find a way to return to Yunshang Chang'an, but he had no clue for more than ten years. The world was isolated and his children grew up, but his momentum became increasingly sluggish.

But unexpectedly, the piece of Gu Sinan that Yun Mi uncovered did not immediately locate Yunshang Chang'an, but instead summoned reinforcements from another world... As if it was destined to be like this.

"Let's go down," Ye Lin said.

In a city on the edge of the fog, everyone, men, women, old and young, clenched their weapons and stared cautiously at the thick fog dozens of miles away. It was high enough to cover the sky and the sun, and it was like the surging waves. It was spectacular, but it also carried terror. murderous intent.

It is this kind of frightening mist. Unless there is a special Sinan to protect it, once it is swallowed up, no one can successfully wake up.

Moreover, people who disappear in the mist will not simply die, but will be transformed into a kind of undead that will in turn cruelly harm humans. They have extremely strong vitality and can move their severed limbs and recover in the mist.


The leader of the city, an awakened person, stared with anger, but could not hide his fear. The fog began to slowly surge, and was about to encroach on the existing land again.

Damn it, I haven't been able to find a second way to subside the thick fog so far.

The thick fog swept across and spread, like an evil beast opening its mouth, and a group of corroded undead, cavalry, swordsmen, archers, and even some ordinary people with weapons jumped out.

They were once humans, but became alienated after becoming undead, and their bodies were greatly distorted.


Even more terrifying beasts are hiding in the thick fog, slowly revealing their ferocious fangs, giant snakes with red scales containing poison, tigers and leopards with bone spurs all over their bodies, claws that can shred metal, and tigers and leopards burning with black flames. Evil crow...

The portrait of the first-generation witch that Ye Lin discovered in Xuzu's treasure house recorded that epic history. Fierce beasts and ghosts plunged the earth into deathly darkness. The divine beasts descended and tore the darkness apart.

This place now looks very much like that period of history.

"You guys go well."

The city lord didn't have time to feel sad for the eroded human beings, so he waved his hand and ordered that all the evil-proof jade mined be used to strengthen the city's defense and as a means of long-range attack.

The way to repel the evil mist is to extract energy from a special mineral like jade, which can cause greater damage to the undead and the mist.

As long as it persists for one day, the fog will recede and dissipate as if it has consciousness.

However, the violence of this attack was beyond the city lord's imagination. Groups of undead appeared crazily, like locusts crossing the border. Immediately afterwards, a wolf standing in the shape of a human with three tails appeared, with strange decorations all over its body. , gray hair covering the whole body, surrounded by many strange lanterns.

Followers of the beast.

They are directly given very powerful power by the beast itself. Each one has a legendary realm and is the left and right arm of the beast.

The city lord who was still confident of blocking the fog suddenly turned serious, and then sighed: "Everyone, please retreat to the next city."

Over the years, I have become accustomed to losing territory again and again, or I have become numb.

No matter whether they were young, old, women, children, or middle-aged warriors, they could not help but feel the sadness and anger in their hearts, and there was a faint sense of powerlessness in their eyes.

Since the ancient seal was broken, the seemingly large and prosperous dynasty has suffered consecutive defeats and lost most of its territory.

"The situation here is almost exactly the same as that of our Xu Ancestor two thousand years ago. The ferocious beasts are rampant and the people are in dire straits."

"Then two thousand years from now, will this world continue to spread the majesty of my original dragon?!"

Two voices suddenly came from the sky, which shocked people all over the city who were preparing to flee. High-level ferocious beasts can speak truthfully, but their words always reveal a sense of violence, irritability, and the desire to destroy everything.

Who is speaking? !

The beast's followers were as fast as lightning, ignoring the strange sounds from the sky, and pounced on the fleeing crowd. It needed human souls to nourish and strengthen itself.

"Run away! The barrier is about to be broken." The city lord roared, knowing that he was invincible and blocked in front of everyone. The will burning in his eyes at that moment was as tough as the sword in his hand.

He saw the ferocious fangs of the beast's followers, smelled the stench of the wind, and the lanterns surrounding it imprisoned the souls of the dead.

"Evil beast!" Huaiyin's beard was flamboyant, he was wearing ancient armor, and he burst out with the momentum of a peak person. The edge of his sword was cold, "I use my three-foot sword to wipe out all the evil ways."


The ferocious beast follower was split in half from the top of his head, and his flesh, flesh and organs fell to the ground. He was immediately exploded by the attached sword energy and died on the spot.

Huaiyin's sword also caused the ferocious beast to remain silent for a moment and watch carefully.


The city lord escaped from death, gasping for breath, and was in shock. Why didn't he remember that there was such a strong man in Yunshang Chang'an?

"I can't be immune to the invasion of ferocious beasts." Huaiyin stroked his beard and smiled. He had been missing for more than ten years, and most of the younger generations don't remember the general he was back then.

The city lord nodded quickly. Although the identity of the other party was unclear for the time being, the old man had proven his position with practical actions, and maybe the city could be saved.

Who would want to leave their hometown unless they have no choice?

"You squat down and close your eyes." Huaiyin suddenly said nervously.

Before he finished speaking, a white sword energy spread across the sky, like a rainbow, boundless. It was a slash from the gods, a punishment from the heavens. It destroyed all the undead and ferocious beasts, and was completely annihilated. .

The whole city was even more shocked and unbelievable. The terrifying fog, which had no other way to stop it except the energy of jade, was now peeled away. The sky and the earth were clear and the universe was quiet.

They also saw a huge ape-like beast with white head and red feet. It was so powerful that when it appeared, it symbolized the birth of disaster. It was the most terrifying original beast. It was suspected to be at the origin level and had destroyed several cities.

Unable to reach this overwhelming sword energy, he was annihilated and died.

Ye Lin held his sword and landed gracefully. This slash penetrated nine thousand miles and opened up the world. It did not stop until it reached the edge of the secret realm of the wilderness. The mist along the way was like a long piece of cloth, which was opened by the tailor's scissors, revealing countless ferocious beasts. and followers were beheaded.

After Yun Qing stood firm, he looked at Ye Lin, who was handsome and handsome and killed the enemy with one sword, in a trance, and murmured: "If he hadn't been thinking clearly, his extraordinary aura at this moment would be very much like the emperor described in the history books."

Yun Jiao and Yun Ke nodded in unison, feeling ashamed of their previous suspicions because he was too young.

If you want to invade the Wuling Continent, why bother colluding with the cosmic demon? He can penetrate them all with one sword and be unstoppable.

Even more, they still had a frightening thought in their minds, were they qualified to become the disciples of a strong man in such an incomprehensible realm?

A mysterious sword manual is more like a grain of dust slipping through someone's fingers, but it has become their world. Taking the initiative to call others master actually puts gold on their faces.

"He teaches students and never looks at their qualifications." Yuena complained. Seeing their anxious expressions, she guessed what they were thinking.

Ganzhe teaches students mainly to see if they can start the XP system... For example, Xiao Su is completely overloaded.

But when Yun Jiao and Yun Ke heard these words, they had a kind of magnanimity that Ye Lin taught without distinction. He could be called a saint, which made their attitude more respectful and their eyes almost filled with admiration. Stars.

"Moreover, he is much more powerful than that emperor." Yun Mi knew more things that the sisters didn't know, and said happily: "The notorious Chaos, the most difficult one of the four ferocious beasts, has been killed by him."

Although I have no memory of Yunshang Chang'an, it is at least my hometown in name only.

Yun Mi did not lower her voice deliberately. She seemed not to know what a terrible thing she had inadvertently revealed.

Neither the emperor nor the divine beast could kill it. The four most powerful ferocious beasts, which could only be sealed in the wilderness, had been deified by fear. They never expected that one of them would be killed at any time.

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