Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2048 New title

With the help of others, he was invincible along the way, slashed nine thousand miles with his sword, and arrived at Weiyang Palace. He showed great kindness and did not mention a word about reward.

Now that he had to make some additional demands from others, the young master's pale face turned red with embarrassment and he was embarrassed to open his mouth.

It was rude to sit on the beast's back all the time. When Young Master jumped off the beast, his knees bent sharply and he almost fell to the ground.

Such a weak and morbid feeling made Ye Lin frown... Is the opponent able to beat the shadow night cat? The chance is probably very small.

"Who gave you that piece of jade...?"

"It's a tribute from a border minister." The young master replied respectfully.

"Oh, take it off. It looks like a natural treasure on the surface, but it contains filth on the inside."

Whether it was a simple misidentification or some kind of intrigue in the court, Ye Lin was not interested, but he estimated that if he continued to wear this piece of jade, he would collapse in at least three or four years.

The young master was shocked and took off the jade without hesitation, threw it to the ground and smashed it with his sword.

The other party is the body of a god, noble and mysterious. It is impossible to deceive him on a piece of jade. There is no need, or rather... he is not qualified.

Putting the jade thing aside for now, the young master bowed deeply to him and kept his posture very low. As of now, he has no better way to seal the four ancient evils, so he can only ask the person in front of him.

Even if Space Sinan is used to open up the communication and shipping routes between Yunshang Chang'an and Wuling Continent, as well as other small worlds, and magical evil-proof jade is used to attract adventurers to hunt ferocious beasts, the efficiency will be very low.

Besides, whether anyone can match the appearance of an emperor and seal the ancient ferocious beasts is another question.

Yun Jiao and Yun Ke also put their expectant eyes on Ye Lin. They had long seen that although Siatt and the others disliked and despised their master, in fact, he was the main one in the general direction.

The kind of person who is very unhappy with his mouth but very honest with his body.

"The purpose of our coming here is actually to find someone."

The moment Ye Lin said these words, Yun Ke and others' little hearts were lifted, and they hesitated to speak before they could understand.

After all, there is no unreasonable gift, and he is not a native born in Yunshang Chang'an, so he does not have that kind of deep nostalgia for his hometown.

"Because we have our own important things to do, you can handle the subsequent trivial matters by yourself."

Sister Yunke and Yunjiao were surprised, a strange emotion suddenly appeared in the depths of their eyes, and they pursed their lips and smiled, their faces as beautiful as flowers.

The master who wrote down the precious sword manual... is he a tsundere?

It looks like I don't really want to help you, I'm just convenient, no need to be grateful, I'm really just convenient.

Master is becoming more and more interesting, and there are many sides that they don't know about.

After approaching the Weiyang Palace, Yun Mi's piece of ancient Si Nan moved again. The silver spoon turned slowly, the light flowed, and Si Nan's lines seemed to come alive, pointing to somewhere in the Weiyang Palace.

In an instant, the Longquan sword in her hand also came out of its sheath with a clear sound, stopping only half an inch away.

"Hey, could it be that I have already resonated with my sword intention?" Yun Mi muttered, but resonance with weapons is Ye Lin's training method. Master Feng Ying's sword technique emphasizes killing with one strike, and most of the focus is on the Liangyi Kung Fu. Another condensed sword.

"Let's go. If the power of destiny really exists, then our encounter with that guy will be an inevitable situation, so..." Ye Lin smiled, and then took the lead to walk towards Weiyang Palace. The Chaos Like an abyss.

Siatt and the others nodded silently. Before unveiling the veil of fate, it is better to follow its trajectory and see where the gears and needles of fate will eventually point after turning through a series of intricate factors.

Xiaoyu hugged Mo Mei from behind, and her best friend was affectionate. She smiled and teased: "Your boss, you are like a close-fitting cotton underwear. You are always reliable, trustworthy, comfortable and warm."

They didn't feel like they were going to face a notorious ancient beast. They looked more like they were going to a haunted house in an amusement park. They were talking and laughing without any signs of nervousness or uneasiness.

"Xiaoyu, why do you use cotton underwear to describe him? A hand warmer will do, too." Cai Parrot tilted his head, full of doubts. Everyone habitually called him Sugar Cane because he was sweet and scummy.

Xiaoyu smiled and snapped her fingers, and whispered in a voice that only she could hear: "Because, both of them can absorb a lot of water at the same position."

"Hey~" Mo Mei had an expression that said, "I knew you were going to be dirty." It sounds like a husband and wife look. To put it bluntly... the dirty girl is hopeless.

The group of people were in the front hall of Weiyang Palace. As the only way to enter the palace, it was the facade. It was naturally built to be extremely majestic, and to the best of the craftsmen's ability, there were many exquisite and artistic places.

Because no one has been able to set foot here again for many years, weeds have become overgrown everywhere, moss has covered the bluestone steps, and fallen leaves have accumulated, creating a sad and dilapidated scene.

"There must have been people coming and going here, and it was bustling." Siatt stood in the middle of a road leading to the pavilion at the back, imagining that the scenes of ministers and people passing by were all in the past tense.

According to the information from the Young Master, the deeper you go into the Weiyang Palace, the strange power will increase exponentially, making people lose their way and their minds will become more confused and confused, until they are immersed in unknown dreams and can no longer Will not wake up.

The undead also began to surround them, all of them wearing armor and carrying soldiers. They were as fast as the wind, and their combat quality was obviously improved to a higher level.

"Let's disperse."

Mavis continued to exert her terrifying ability of "swallowing you all with one word", as if the majesty of Usiel was here, and dust was everywhere where her words passed.

Although she sympathizes with those soldiers who died heroically, the dead should not continue to remain in the world in weird postures.

The eighteen-level illusion that was difficult to break through in Chang'an on the cloud was still demolished by the team. On the road, we also saw palaces with names such as "Shucheng, Yutang, Suiyu, Qutai...". They lost their popularity and were everywhere. It is the end of ruin.

"Mingguang Palace." Mo Mei read the words on the plaque. The reason why they stopped here was because they found something that should belong to "Arad" here.

For example, there are lifelike sculptures of divine dragons and real dragons, but neither of them have been decorated yet. There are also sculptures or paintings of the four mythical beasts and other mythical beasts, all of which are placed in Mingguang Palace in a certain pattern.

Yunqing introduced that Mingguang Palace was originally a palace used to worship heaven, earth and gods. It had a high status in the kingdom, and the emperor had to bow his head.

Chang'an on the Cloud does not worship the gods of heaven and earth, but worships the mythical beasts that once fought alongside the emperor.

Dabao climbed onto the head of a roaring king of beasts and licked his paws~

The majestic tiger of the mythical beast is paved with every hair delicate and slender, which shows the extraordinary level of craftsmanship at that time.

"Dabao, does this stone look like you?" Mo Mei compared the two... They are completely different. Dabao looks more like a dark orange cat.

"Tsk, tsk, you guys enjoy worshiping but don't do anything, right?" Ye Lin mentioned the back of Dabao's neck and the skin of Destiny's neck.

Four small claws waved in the air, and Dabao sent out fluctuations in consciousness. This was because the seal of the secret realm of mountains and seas was broken not long ago... In terms of the mythical beast's concept of time, it might have been just "a few days" ago.

It's normal that I didn't notice it for a while.

"Who is coming?"

Deep in the hall, on the 18th floor of the illusion, a voice filled with the majesty of a superior came, with an obvious questioning meaning, as the owner looked down on outsiders with indifference.

"That's all, they are all traitors and traitors, please disappear."

Not long after he finished speaking, a dense crowd of undead came over like a tidal wave, but Mavis was able to suppress them again with just one word.

"The power of death is so easy to use." Sophie was envious, then grabbed Ye Lin's shoulders, looked directly at him, and ordered: "You! Xinei!"

"Ah~" Ye Lin covered his heart, feeling extremely painful, and slowly fell forward, burying his face into Sophie's proud fullness.

Take a deep breath~ Combat power surges to the max!

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