Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2053 He really takes action when something happens

"I hate all things that are established, such as a game of chess. If you know the outcome the moment the first stone lands, it's very boring."

Ye Lin seems to be treating each other relaxedly and talking freely, but in fact, he is on guard all over and can burst out with peak strikes in an instant. Time, chaos, darkness, Wuxuan... Those who transcend will also fall, and gods can also be severely damaged.

The other party said that he was harmless, and that fate was an extremely long, complicated, and destined coincidence, and that it was not a terrifying combat power that could kill the opponent in an instant... Ye Lin was not an innocent child, he simply believed it and let down his guard.

But at night, he is often just a little baby waiting to be fed.

"It seems that you are a person who pays attention to results and transcends the process." He smiled. With his handsome and neutral facial features and his smooth figure, it was difficult to distinguish between male and female.

But there is a mysterious aura all over the body, as if the stars you see when you look up can capture all their brilliance at a glance, but the real distance is extremely far away and difficult to reach. What is the true appearance of the seemingly twinkling stars.

"No, it's just because I know the ending in advance that it's not interesting."

The placement of pieces on the chessboard, the battle of skills, all the wonderful processes are the interpretation of two hopeful chess players pursuing the final result.

But if the outcome is known in advance, it will undoubtedly cause one party to become discouraged and lose a classic game.

Therefore, a concept that goes against fate must be "hope", Ye Lin pondered.

"Don't you always say that my fate is up to me and not up to God? I go against the will of God and I am the master of my destiny?"

"Playing chess is just a superficial metaphor. What I dislike the most is a thing that seems to have two choices with completely different consequences. I think that the choice is in my own hands, but in fact, fate has already carved a predetermined answer."


Ye Lin drew his sword decisively, the edge was sharp, the tip of the sword condensed evil energy, pointed directly at the opponent's eyebrows, and asked: "I kill you, or I don't kill you, two choices, different futures, you can see your own destiny What?"

The little witch Yimiwu was stunned when she saw this. There was obviously no verbal friction, so why did she suddenly become tense, but he was quite handsome and neat.

He hates the sense of destiny, so he directly smashes the power of destiny. It's so stylish. I guess he will really do it.

"Since it's as you said, then whether you kill me or not is determined by fate." The other party smiled faintly, not afraid at all, and still wanted to use Ye Lin's words to tease him in return.

"That's why I hate this kind of vague stuff. There used to be a bad woman who liked to play like this. It was just pretentious words. She didn't like the Riddler."


The dazzling sword light is vast and majestic, like a stream of light hanging down from the stars, penetrating the sky and the earth, the ancient and modern world, and submerging the position of destiny.

He really took action, and this sword contained the power of the Darkness of the Beginning. It was a test and a sure-kill technique.

Siatt and the others looked normal at this scene and were not surprised. Mo Mei also applauded ~ Destiny, they also did not like this concept.

In the distance, there was a battle in the secret realm of the mountains and seas. The three ferocious beasts that were chasing him shuddered, and their hair exploded all over. What kind of fierce man is this? The ancestor wants to physically break his fate. He is really not afraid of causing a counterattack. He died. Eliminate it?

The reason why they trust destiny so much is not because they were deceived by the other party's colorful prophecies. The other party's surging aura of the beginning, the terrifying gems between the eyebrows, and those methods... all indicate a higher realm. .

When the sword energy calmed down and the brilliance faded, Ye Lin frowned, and Destiny suddenly appeared in another direction. No trace of injury could be seen, and his expression was as usual.

"Is this also part of your calculation?" The sword blade in Ye Lin's hand was filled with a haze of chaos. No matter what the power of fate was, the virtualization should be able to exempt him from the effects of fate.

"Yes and no."

He pointed at the diamond between his eyebrows and said: "The power of destiny cannot see what will happen at this moment. It is too expensive to predict your future. It is purely my own thoughts. I have a premonition that you will strike out with a sword. This kind of me The feeling of thinking is so fascinating.”

After a trial, Ye Lin did not pursue him fiercely. He found that this guy was a little different from another form "Stru". There were many differences, and the other person seemed to be "free".

The opponent's bamboo hat and raincoat were chopped into powder, and the body underneath was like a glorious Beyana, genderless, except for the facial features, it was completely holeless, glowing with a noble and shining light.

"Are you dressed so poorly? Do you want me to give you some clothes?" Ye Lin threw over a robe.

"The reason for the coir raincoat and bamboo hat is that the secret realm of mountains and seas is humid and prone to rain." He looked at Xiaoyu with a smile and nodded. He was also surprised that someone could temporarily elevate the "prophecy" to an incredible level and glimpse into the destiny. trajectory.

Xiaoyu used the Tree of Dreams to project herself, and was noticed by him.

Although "Destiny" has a noble and extraordinary temperament, his words are quite pyrotechnic. He is neither arrogant nor contemptuous. He is very easy-going and somewhat surprising.

The battlefield between the divine beasts and the ferocious beasts has already seen the latter retreat. The fog, black tide, and smog were all destroyed by the brutal and domineering power of the divine beasts.

Without the most bizarre chaos, transcendent battles can also determine life and death, and the balance of victory and defeat has begun to tilt.

The emperor's will left in the sword was speechless and choked. If only you were so strong two thousand years ago and worked together like this, it would be great. Chaos's virtualization ability has its limits. If you act recklessly, maybe you won't be as bad as you are today. .

At the same time, the emperor also admired Naiyali very much and was sincerely convinced. Most people really couldn't find these ancestor-level existences.

"There is a saying that when something has a chance of going bad, no matter how small the probability is, then it will definitely happen. How do you understand it?" His attitude was very calm. Part of the reason why he chatted with Ye Lin was because the other party Also the holder of authority.

Moreover, he was completely unable to see through the several powers that Ye Lin had. There were definitely more than two types of powers. Since there are three kinds of living things, which have infinite meanings, why is he not dead yet? !


"That must be fate." Ye Lin complained calmly. It seemed absurd, but it also made some sense.

For example, when a person rushes out to work, he takes an elevator with some strangers at the same time. On the surface, it seems to be an ordinary and trivial matter.

However, if we go back in time significantly, we will see that the vast sea of ​​people is countless and vast. There are many children with independent wisdom, born at different times, and even children from all over the world.

In their long decades of life from childhood to adulthood, they each experienced different ups and downs and wrote their own stories, without ever communicating with each other.

Affected by decades of "past" life, they have made countless choices and received countless answers and futures, but at the same time, they made the same choice, which was to take that elevator.

What's even more disturbing is that such seemingly "accidental" events happen every moment.

In other words, a passing by a stranger on the street is actually a coincidence and an inevitable outcome that comes from the combination of countless intricate factors.

Ye Lin talked eloquently. This was his personal understanding of fate. It was a result that seemed coincidental but was actually inevitable under the influence of infinite factors.

"That is to say..." He nodded gently and looked away with his hands behind his hands, "You think that all events that happen in the world are actually the inevitable result of the influence of various factors and are a destiny."

Destiny will never refer to someone or something in particular, but, like Venus's "beauty and love", it is a concept that cannot be elaborated, abstract and vague, but exists infinitely.

"Absolutely. In my humble opinion, if you give me the power of destiny and give me a new understanding, maybe I can chat with you for a while."

Mo Mei and the others, who had been on guard and listening, were speechless, and black lines appeared on their foreheads. The boss was really generous and shameless, treating the mysterious Taichu power as a bump on the roadside, reaching for it without feeling ashamed at all.

Naiyali felt more at ease, pinched his face from behind, and praised: "Well, I think the same as I do. If you want something, just ask for it. Say it bluntly. It's boring to hide it."

In the past, Da Keer was like this. She would ask for whatever she liked. If she didn't want it, she would lock her up with a barrier, beat her up, or kill her.

Later, after being trained for a while, I learned how to do it. I learned that if I want something, I have to pay for it. There are some things that are not for sale, and they cannot be sold or robbed.

But for others, Da Keer always pays honestly, but if the seller is Ye Lin, she basically doesn't pay and writes it off in one lump sum.

"Do you want destiny?" He slowly stroked the diamond between his eyebrows, then picked it out under Ye Lin's shocked eyes, spread his palm, and motioned to take it.

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