Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2061 Go to have a feast

The team collected seven or eight pieces of the highest-quality evil-proof jade found in the deep veins of the mountains. Whether they were used as crystals to absorb energy to aid their practice, or given as gifts to others, they were all very stylish without losing face.

Mavis simply touched up her smoky makeup. Her temperament was as cold as snow and untainted by dust. She left the mine with the sugar cane. She felt the cold body temperature due to practicing the power of shadow, and now her stomach is warm.

In the vast and vast secret realm of mountains and seas, although the evil aura of some ferocious beasts still remains, the scenery of the mountains and rivers is as beautiful as a picture scroll. When you climb up and look into the distance, you can see everything in sight, and you will feel a bit of cheerful pride in your heart.

When the team returned to the vicinity of Weiyang Palace, facing the comings and goings of people and the bustling smell of fireworks, they suddenly felt an uncomfortable sense of alienation.

It seems that I am still nostalgic for the green mountains and green waters, and I have lost my soul and never come back.

"Um, I'm so hungry. I'm going to press my chest against my back. What's for dinner tonight?" Sophie spoke up to break the group's dazed atmosphere.

After sighing for a while, he touched his flat and soft belly. After the fight, he gnawed on a cumin beef thigh and a bamboo rat that Astra took out.

Sugarcane was startled, and then patted Sophie on the back, whom he had met.

"What are you doing? Astra, scratch him." Sophie frowned suspiciously.

Sugar Cane also looked innocent, holding down Astra's paw, and said: "Didn't you say that the chest should be pressed against the back?"

"Go away, do you understand adjectives? I suggest you go back to the same class as Biana."

"We won't be cooking tonight. If someone is treating you, please top it with beef cubes first." Ye Lin regretted and gave her a pack of beef cubes, then walked to Weiyang Palace.

The guard guarding the door was startled, his expression immediately became extremely serious, he half-knelt down to salute, and for a moment he didn't even know how to address him.

Many people have seen with their own eyes that this noble man split nine thousand miles of fog with one sword, which was very spectacular. Later, he teamed up with a little girl to take away a special life form that was glowing all over. Its oppressive power was as strong as the four ancient ones. The fierce ones are at the same level, and the results can be said to be brilliant.

There are also various mysterious gossips circulating. For example, it is said that it comes from General Huaiyin. He created two powerful men in the legendary realm just by using a sword manual he took out.

"So, we are going to have a banquet?" Sophie was in high spirits. It turned out to be a feast in the palace.

The half-kneeling guards could only see their ankles. Their slender feet were fair and beautiful, and they did not dare to raise their eyes any further.

Not only are the heroines stunning in appearance, but their strength is also shocking to everyone. They have killed many terrifying beasts, including the two great villains Taotie and Chaos.

Ye Lin originally had no intention of returning to Weiyang Palace and was too lazy to talk to the people in the palace, but on the way back, Sophie kept muttering that she was hungry and had such a big appetite that she could eat three cows.

As for the future of the Yunmi sisters, if they choose to stay in Yunshang Changan and live a stable life, they should at least say goodbye.

Yun Mi was sitting in the yard in a daze, fiddling with the ends of her hair in boredom with her fingertips. She was unhappy. The Longquan Sword, which had lost its charm, was the sword of the emperor. Now it was received in the Weiyang Palace as a collection, and she had no use for the weapon.

The footsteps at the door awakened Yun Mi. He slowly came back to his senses and smiled broadly, "Master, you are back."

Ye Lin has an elegant demeanor. Just when he was about to say something, Feng Ying snorted first, and then rolled her eyes at him proudly. Yun Mi is a good disciple of my teaching. I have a few cents to do with you. It's just a slap on my face. gold.



Yun Jiao and Yun Ke walked out of the room one after another, making people's eyes brighter. Yun Jiao's brocade dress was close-fitting and relatively unisex. She wore a youthful and energetic high ponytail. Her style was relatively clean and refreshing, and she had bright eyes and white teeth. Curves proud.

Yun Ke's temperament is more dignified. The so-called lady is as gentle as jade, with infinite beauty in her beautiful appearance and intelligence.

These two calls from the master were as warm and comfortable as lying in the curator's arms in the middle of winter. My spine was numb, and a layer of electricity ran through me.

Otherwise, he should seriously consider establishing a sect. After all, his swordsmanship and magic cannot be wasted. He should pass it on like Xiao Su, and he can choose some apprentices with excellent "qualifications" to start.

Along the way of cultivation, one's state of mind and state of mind should go hand in hand, and one must not be reckless or impetuous.

Therefore, the apprentice's character needs to be strictly assessed. He must be upright and have a proud sense of justice.

"Your disciple is not much better than Xi Lan. You two are the same thing. You can't hatch a duck from an egg." Siatt guessed what was going on in this guy's head and said hurtful words in a flat tone. road:

"Alicia, Reni, they also seriously worshiped you as their teacher and learned swordsmanship. In the end, I taught it for you. Yun Mi followed Feng Ying, Yun Ke and Yun Jiao..."

Siatt spread his hands, obviously not optimistic. With his laid-back personality, he would most likely help teach by himself.

Although she learned sword control, in the process of constantly improving and evolving sword skills, she also referred to some of Sugar Cane's sword skills and achieved success. Therefore, the eldest lady can actually do things like Storm Style, Ten Thousand Swords Return to Lao, etc.

However, she has a cool and neat personality, and she still prefers the clean and neat sword practice, the sword of glory that spans the sky.

"After I return to Arad, I will have some free time and I will give you personal guidance." Ye Lin was thick-skinned and continued to talk about the master's principle of leading people into the door and cultivating oneself, and then took out four finely carved jade pendants. .

"Thank you, Master. I have never prepared a suitable gift for you. I am ashamed. I will make up for it today. Don't dislike it."

The four jade pendants are glowing with a faint golden light, obviously of extremely high quality. The two sides of the jade pendants are exquisitely carved, with the sacred unicorn rice cake on one side and the majestic black dragon Astra on the other. It not only has the effect of exorcising evil and avoiding disasters , looks very nice too.

Rice cakes, Dabao, and Crazy Crazy Bear all have a crystal clear golden jade bead hanging on their neck, which is like a high-end configuration. Only Yimiwu has a black one hanging on it.

Golden evil-proof jade is very precious, especially jade with positive effects is extremely expensive, so Master and the others were digging for it just now.

The majestic gods and transcendent ones will also work tirelessly to mine diligently~

It was dark at night, and lanterns were hung up in Weiyang Palace. When Ye Lin showed up in Weiyang Palace, someone had already informed Lord Xiaowu of the news.

Ganquan Palace, one of the architectural complex of Weiyang Palace, has a luxurious style and is decorated with many patterns of mythical animals. It is grand yet elegant and artistic.

A sumptuous banquet was held in the palace, and the only companions were Lord Xiaowu, Gongzi Zhi, and an acquaintance Huaiyin, all of whom had at least a brief acquaintance.

Although Ye Lin and his party did not show any indifference towards strangers, due to the huge gap in realms and the nobility of the strong, Lord Xiaowu and others were obviously a little restrained during the banquet. Young Master Ju lowered his head and said nothing. hair.

Although it is etiquette to be silent during food and sleep, it is not good to be silent in a cold place. Ye Lin echoed Lord Xiaowu's words and sometimes asked about the follow-up of the war.

This moved Lord Xiaowu deeply, and he respected him even more. He was worthy of being an unparalleled figure. He could attack the great evil at the top, and be considerate of people's livelihood at the bottom. He was a great virtuous man. How could he not be admired by others?

In fact, Ye Lin didn't think too much about it. He was really just taking people to have a dinner to save him the time of making dinner.

Four servants carried a roasted whole cow, which was rich in fat and fragrant. They sliced ​​it carefully with a knife, put it on a plate and presented it one after another.

The reason why there is a roasted whole beef dish that is not common at banquets is because Huaiyin mentioned that there was a little girl with dragon horns on her head. She not only had a strong appetite, but also had an inexplicable obsession with beef thighs, so she fell in love with her. good.

This move really hit Sophie's heart. She ate meat without regard for elegance, enjoying four beef thighs to herself, and said vaguely: "Xiao Wu, there is obviously something hidden in your eyes. If you have anything to say, just ask, Ye Lin will To help.”

Xiao...Xiao Wu?

Lord Xiaowu heard that there was a slight sweat on his forehead. Although he was tall and strong and his mental outlook was improving, he was actually over fifty years old. If not for Mavis' help, he would have died in Weiyang Palace.

On the other side, Ye Lin rolled his eyes. The great primordial dragon agreed, then pushed all the work on his head, and gnawed on the cow thigh happily.

"That's it." Mr. Xiaowu took out a stack of drawings from his sleeves, which were the design drawings of Space Sinan.

Different civilizations burn different knowledge and skills, and there are always merits. The curator is very interested in the design drawings.

Only a handful of beings in the Arad Continent can perceive the mysterious space ability, which is not new to Wuling and Yunshang Changan.

However, they are not free to do so. They have to borrow a space shuttle powered by special metals and special energy, and the teleportation location is basically fixed.

Lord Xiaowu wanted to ask him to mass-produce some space sinans for communication with Wuling World and other small worlds.

Chang'an on the clouds is full of waste and is waiting to be renovated. It is the time when manpower is needed.

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