Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2069 You can also become light!

Li Te's eyes lit up. This bag of gold coins was not ordinary coins, nor was it the commemorative coins of Dros's "Emperor Heron's Seal". It was solid pure gold, yellow gold.

"Litte doesn't want to eat roasted sweet potatoes. I want to eat a Manchu Banquet."

The great Lord Usher has finally paid his salary, and it seems that this winter will be more comfortable.

"This bag of money was used to buy winter supplies for everyone. The full banquet is too wasteful. Have you eaten anything?" Odais was smart and frugal. She knocked Lit on the head and said, "We might as well contact Lady Mavis. , give her a meal, and ask her for help if you have anything else."

"Odais, is this really okay?" Rennis felt a little embarrassed and said, "Ms. Mavis usually takes good care of us, but I think it's too much to ask her to treat us again."

"Go directly to her house. There are many people in her house and she doesn't care about a few more pairs of chopsticks." Odaisi said calmly, complaining as she took advantage of the situation.

"Also, if we go to Dark City, we should get a sumptuous reception. Will there be a palace banquet?" Lit fell into a moment of fantasy. They were not planning to stay in Hedunmar for a long time, but were rushing to Dark City. city.

The reason is that it was just after the Second Dark Holy War.

Someone on the Dark Elf side found the Avengers Fortress and offered to let them set up a new stronghold of the Dark Temple Knights in Vanes, located above the ruins of the ancient Borodin Kingdom.

Of course, it is not just money and effort for no reason. The Senate is eager to obtain some secret methods and research materials about "death" so that they can learn from each other with necromancy.

The Senate believes that the current power of the Necromancer is too single and seems to have reached a bottleneck, requiring a new breakthrough.

The source of power most suitable for the Necromancer is of course the underworld. For example, the soul of the tyrant Barak comes from the underworld.

Litte was very excited when she heard the news. Master Usiel's sect will finally have its first branch. It has expanded in scale. It's gratifying.

However, City Lord Sai Lun was calm and sober, saying that this matter needed to be discussed carefully in the future.

For a long time, the recruitment of people by the Usir Order was purely based on the other party's voluntariness, because the "Goddess of Death and Darkness" is not as moody and evil as ordinary people imagine, and can take human lives at every turn.

If the Dark Elf's motives are impure, it will insult the reputation of the goddess, and the Dark Temple Knight Guards will flatly refuse.

"Speaking of the dark elf's liaison messenger, where is Minette? We don't know her." Odais muttered, but it was too sloppy and there was no trace at all.

The bright and clear sky of Hedunmar suddenly appeared with layers of ripples, and the seven-colored glow filled the sight. No matter men, women, old or young, humans or dark elves, everyone felt a kind of calming and fatigue-relieving feeling in the light. Mysterious power.

The noble shadow of Archangel Raphael appears in the sky. Her face is beautiful and soft, her dress is white, and her six broad wings are like pure white clouds floating in the sky. It is really beautiful.

Seraphim? !

Everyone was stunned. There were vague records in the holy book of the order. Archangels were the highest rank under the lofty faith. Each one carried the glory and will of God, and their whereabouts were almost impossible to see.

There are only a handful of archangel deeds in the Arad continent, and they are basically saints Michelle and Yuena, Xiaoxiao... Xiaoxiao is a special eight-winged one, still wrapped in a quilt and sleeping, not waking up at all.

Almost all the clergymen (except Xiaoxiao) walked out of the cathedral, half-kneeling in reverence and praying, thanking the angel for their brilliance.

Raphael waved his wings and gave out a few mysterious streams of light, sailing across the sky towards all parts of the world. Two bright lights were clearly visible, sinking into the foreheads of Priest Obes and Grandis, and a small figure appeared on each of them. The key mark is hidden under the snow-white skin.

"Is it a special reward? I remember the two of them took the lead and led people to rush through the black earth. They were very brave." Odais and others felt slightly uncomfortable with Archangel Rafael's aura, and continued to look for someone furtively. Hiding in the corner.

If everyone's attention hadn't been focused on the grace of the angels and they hadn't noticed them, otherwise there was a high chance that the three heretics wandering around the cathedral and pointing fingers would have been mistaken for them to cause trouble.

They didn't know what the streams of light were exactly, but since they were given by the archangel, they should be good things.

"That's the mark of heaven, but I don't know what the specific effect is."

Behind him, someone suddenly explained something lightly, which startled Li Te. She almost ran away. When did this woman with a mushroom hair came over, her expression was so cold and terrifying.

"Lucille?" Odais hurriedly pulled Lit back a step and looked at her with a frown.

The iconic mushroom head, a bit cold and downcast eyes, and an aura that feels extremely hot just by being close.

It was the leader of the Inquisition and one of the hard-line representatives, Lucille Redmayne.

"Look, there is a woman with dark brown hair and a shallow scar on her chin next to Obers." Lucille said without making a move against the infidel.

The brilliance of the archangel had gradually dissipated, and the sky was clear and clear again. Many people were still looking up and reminiscing, so Odyss saw the person Lucille was talking about at a glance.

Although he looks quite delicate, there is no gleam of holy power on his body, and his magic power is very ordinary, so he doesn't look outstanding.

"She used to be Ozma's chosen priest, Corinje. She was originally supposed to be burned at the stake, but now she has to be given a favor, and the blood curse has faded away, and she has become an ordinary person." The expression on Lucille's face It's complicated, confused, angry, incomprehensible, and a variety of emotions mixed together.

In the end, he simply folded his arms and stood with a few pagans.

Odais raised her eyebrows when she heard this. Could it be that the Grand Inquisitor was stimulated by Kelinjie's transformation and felt that her previous ideas about burning were wrong.

For believers, this is a big taboo.

On the surface, the Holy Order is a big business, but there are a lot of things going on internally. Darkening and splitting are common. For example, the priest Teda has not returned yet.

"Mushroom head, don't belittle yourself. You are the flame of God and the cloak that protects everyone." Ye Lin didn't know when he wandered into this inconspicuous corner, patted Lucille's shoulder hard and gave a thumbs up. "Trust me, you can become light too."

Lucille glanced at him lightly, not interested and didn't want to speak.

The destination of heresy judges should be the holy river of fire in hell, where their sins and cowardice will be burned away.

"Lucille, I heard Yuena say that you were questioned by the Heretic Tribunal and the Saint Bernard Monastery because of the black holy flame."

Lucille said nothing and acquiesced calmly.

Some people suspected that she had become a pretender. At that time, she carried out another self-burning frenzy to prove the purity of her belief in God, and she was able to barely dispel the doubts.

All the blood-drinking crosses have been destroyed, and no new pretenders will be born in the world. However, people with the blood of pretenders in their bodies still maintain their original postures, such as Nilbas, and those who were killed by Astros. She was scratched.

It is inevitable that people will look at her strangely and wonder if she will create a new pretender.

So the irritated Lucille simply left the Inquisition and ran to the Great Temple to find her own answer.

"The fate of tit-for-tat confrontation with the pretenders is over. The Paladins are kind, warm, and healing. They are still needed by the people, and we lunatics still have a need to exist." Lucille finally couldn't help but sigh.

Especially since she herself was still an alien, a half-pretender. God did not take her away or redeem her.

"Look at what you said, it's really ugly." Li Te curled her lips and said: "You are recognized as the benchmark for absolute justice. With you here, I feel safe. On the other hand, our Usiel Order, as soon as we hear our With his name, most people will immediately look at him strangely."

And coincidentally, the supernatural beings led by Miss Maisel are also in the same embarrassing situation.

At least you are still needed by the people. In terms of situation, you are much better than us.

Comparison makes it more vivid and intuitive. Compared with an organization like ours that is almost buried and everything is left to chance, what else do you have to be dissatisfied with.

Although Lite was a bit self-deprecating, the truth was quite different.

Lucille was stunned when she heard this, and her cold face gradually thawed. Such a comparison really makes sense.

However, the details of her expressions are never rich enough, and she still looks a bit stern.

Suddenly, a beam of light enveloped Lucille, and the sacred and hot aura immediately caused Odais and the three of them to retreat a long distance away. They didn't like the holy power very much.

Lit tilted her head slightly and thought deeply. The conflict between light and darkness was so strong, so Remedios and Usiel must be fighting to the death.

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