Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2078 Dig your own well

"My whole body is shattered, Michel. It's all your idea."

Lindsay's face was pale, her beautiful legs with even muscles and bones were trembling, and her figure was unsteady. She was embarrassed to hang all her weight on Ye Lin, that is, let him carry her.

The little white flower is slim and graceful, with a quiet and delicate temperament and a soft body. However, her original dress is not as conservative as Feiyan. The latter likes splendid palace clothes all year round. The former wears a long plain white dress with a long hem, paired with refreshing and energetic hot pants. .

It gives people the illusion of whether she is wearing pants or not. It is pure and a little sexy. According to Dr. Gina, a good friend and colleague, this kind of dressing is deliberate and symbolizes Xiaobaihua’s respect for the family’s traditional customs. A little struggle.

However, it was late autumn and the temperature was cold. Xiao Baihua's beautiful legs were also covered with a layer of black silk warm leggings. The fabric texture was very smooth.

Michel looked at Gaboga, which had stopped functioning and had collapsed like a mountain. His smile was bright, and he was still a little unsatisfied. He said, "Look, if I hadn't pulled you, you would never have been manipulated by an ancient machine like this in your life." The thrill of the chase is like no other.”

"It is indeed an unforgettable experience. It is so unforgettable that my legs are still weak now. I don't want to remember the second time. Treat me to dinner tonight." She looks quite feminine, definitely a "tomboy".

The two doctors, Gina and Nairn, looked at each other and smiled. The Elytra of the Seven Gods were all guys with distinctive personalities, but they were also focused on research. The youthful vitality brought by Michele was really a different style.

"By the way, Michele, there is no room for the Seven Gods' Elytra. How about you take my place?" Dr. Gina suggested enthusiastically. Seven is seven, and there is no way to turn it into eight.

Her current position is replaced by Ji Paopao, that is, Giselle Logan, who was nominated for her extreme research on mechanical aesthetics and the exquisite development of various weapons.

For example, Raphael's Second Husband Assault Armor OR-DX Arms, Terminator Bolt, Starry Sky... are all the proud works of the War Core Workshop headed by Gina.

However, she herself has never cared about the reputation of the Seven Gods Elytra, and because the Seven Gods have a legal restriction (no leaving Ghent except under special circumstances), Gina was quite speechless and a little disgusted.

Give the position of the Seven Gods to Michel, and then go back to be the person in charge of the War Core Workshop. You can go anywhere, you are free and happy, and you don't have too heavy research responsibilities. You can do whatever you want.

"No, no, I don't have any conspicuous achievements in science and technology, nor do I have a noble reputation, so you are more suitable." Michelle quickly declined. With her energetic personality, she didn't like to be tied down to one place. She thought He fits the title of adventurer very well.

In fact, the way she went to the continent of Arad before was not to take the safe path opened in Yelin. She was to carry the necessary diving life-saving equipment and then jump into the sea gracefully, experiencing a sense of "traveling", which was very exciting.

After being chased by Gebojia for nearly twenty minutes, they were still affected to some extent. Their bodies were all dusty, and there was dust and gravel in their hair. However, they had no time to worry about their image problems and turned to look at the mountain-like tower. The moving Geboga.

Finally, I have the opportunity to observe the creations of our ancestors up close.

"Why is Gaboga humanoid?" Dr. Nairn asked in a low voice.

In fact, they also saw in the chase battle just now that although the humanoid is quite flexible and has fast firepower, its "humanoid" appearance is actually unnecessary.

For example, Luke's creation "Iron Will Nemegate" based on Bakar has the posture of a dragon and can also breathe flames, lightning, and launch swarms of rocket missiles.

And judging from the original ancient particle cannon, the Seven Mechanical Gods of War pursued weapons with ultimate destructive power, and Gaibojia was more like a carrier.

"It's a compromise out of desperation." Michel used his own computer and the mechanical assistant left by Coolio to start analyzing Gaibojia's internal data.

Because the dimensional movement technology that Coolio was responsible for developing was not mature at that time, it was already a very extreme operation to be able to use Gaiboga's light movement.

If he could achieve frequent teleportation similar to that of the Almighty Matga, Gaboga would probably be an energy cannon, and his arms, legs, and even his head would all be useless.

Referring to Luke's Solar Star Destroyer Cannon, all its purposes are for destructiveness. Any machine that becomes cold and goes against the sustainable development of technology can be discarded under special circumstances.

The human form is already one of the most flexible forms under existing conditions, and its legs are much easier to use than tracks and tires.

The excitement when I first saw him has slowly subsided. Looking at Gaboga's majestic figure, every scar and every piece of iron may be filled with the wisdom and talent of the seven mechanical gods of war, embodying the will of the celestial beings of that era. and hope.

Michele's dazzling face slowly darkened, with a look of deep doubt appearing, and he murmured in a daze: "Why did Taneba destroy such a good machine? What was the reason for his betrayal?"

Seeing things and thinking about people, history has witnessed a tragic song. They feel that Gaboga should stand majestically on the dragon battlefield. Even if he is torn to pieces by the dragon, he should not be suddenly destroyed by his own people. This is really too embarrassing. People are heartbroken.

The Dragon King Bakar informed Taneba that there was another hidden reason for his betrayal. Everything he did was for the sake of heaven, but the specific details and reasons were not given in detail. He became a hateful Riddler for a time.

I don’t understand, I really can’t understand Taneba.

Dr. Gina nudged Ye Lin gently with her elbow and asked with her beautiful eyes, "You have always been omnipotent and omniscient, so do you know the secret inside?"

It has been hundreds of years since the heavens got rid of the tyranny of the Dragon King, but the sudden betrayal of Taneba is still an unsolvable super mystery.

Because he betrayed not only the Seven Mechanical Gods of War, but also the Eternal Light, and all the celestial beings of that era. He personally extinguished the light of hope of an era.

If it weren't for the definition of the "Seven Mechanical Gods of War" by the heavens of that era, which considered those who had made outstanding contributions to science regardless of their character, Taneba would not have been qualified to be among them.

If the deeds of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War were put to the present, and if we refer to Giselle who took refuge in Kallet, Taneba would definitely be wanted by the whole world and be arrested and charged.

"This..." Ye Lin hesitated and said metaphorically: "Suppose one day, the world is shrouded in despair of demon invasion, and suddenly someone sends you an extremely powerful weapon that can destroy the current demons, but this The source of the weapon is another demon, how do you choose?"

They are all the most intelligent and talented pyramid figures in the world. They immediately guessed something from Ye Lin's words. They slowly turned their shocked eyes to Gaibojia and fell into deep thought for a long time.

If you use this weapon, you can certainly destroy the current demon, but there is a certain possibility that if you are oppressed by another demon, the tragedy will repeat itself and history will repeat itself.

If this kind of weapon is not used, then the heaven will have to develop its own weapon, and the situation of being cruelly ruled by demons will continue until an unknown time, with all life in ruins and the people living in dire straits.

"The most ideal goal is to use this weapon to destroy the current demon first, and then develop a new weapon to prevent another demon from ruling the heavens." Xiao Baihua said, believing that far water cannot quench the near thirst, so someone else's should be used first Put out the fire with water, and then quickly dig a well yourself.

"Well, if the situation is not extreme, of course we still hope that the dragon-slaying weapon is in our own hands." Dr. Gina also expressed her opinion, her beautiful eyes solemn, and said: "But if we fall into a desperate situation, we can drive the tiger to devour it. A wolf is not a bad idea either.”

Because to put it another way, even if you don’t use another devil’s things, will that devil let go of heaven in the future? It’s too naive.



Sorry for taking up so many words. I can’t write the author’s words anymore. Please read them together with the author’s words below.

I still prefer the original setting, which is the storybook "Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King".

The transaction and motives between Bakar and Taneba are clear and detailed.

Bakar threatened, I know the location of Gaboga. If you don't cooperate with me, I will destroy the Seven Mechanical Gods of War, the semi-finished Gaboga, and all research materials, leaving nothing behind.

But if you cooperate, two of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War can survive, and the information can be left to future generations. Your death will inspire those who come after you.

Taneba is a hero who is helpless, painful, and bears all the infamy.

Now, Bakar's threat was not specifically reflected in the plot. He only said that he knew the location of Gaboga, and did not say a word about the other threats.

(Because of the book-eating setting, Geboga was completed, so the threat of the Dragon King could only be deleted, making Taneba's motivation for betrayal somewhat weak.)

After Taneba learned from Bakar that Haiyin De was an apostle, he started to use Riddler, and because it was not a Celestial Realm and made Gaboga, he could never use it.

Stark's anger, dedication to his life, and his attitude of destroying the Dragon King at all costs are in sharp contrast to Taneba.

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