Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2084 The family needs a pillar of support

It was a sunny day, and the warm sun hanging high above our heads slightly dispelled some of the chill of late autumn, and we entered a strange season of hot weather at noon and cold at night.

The crystallization of the wisdom of the seven ancient mechanical gods of war, the dragon-slaying weapon Geboga, will be summoned to the whole body with new instructions near one of the gates of Ghent City.

This giant machine embodies a painful history of the heaven, as well as a noble and unyielding will, as well as unknown scientific crystallization. After Alijie announced the news, it naturally attracted the attention of the whole heaven.

All media have focused their attention on the Jianhua Gate, which is now one of the main city gates of Ghent and carries extraordinary historical significance.

During the Bakar era of tyranny, the street after entering Jianhua Gate was the city's main street, similar to the main street in Hutton Mar that carried the city hall, the Great Cathedral, and the Celia Chamber of Commerce.

If you walk into Jianhua Gate and drive straight in, you can go directly to the Royal Palace.

Later, due to the invasion of the Dragon Clan from the Silent City, a raging fire was set off and ravaged the heaven. The Jianhua Gate and nearby buildings collapsed and collapsed. In the end, only two tall pillars were left, including the most sacred plaque, which also mysteriously disappeared.

It was not until after the victory against Bakar's tyranny that Yin Liena, the first supreme priest, took out the "Jianhua Gate" plaque that had been hidden away and hung it openly on the main city gate.

The plaque, which is not stained with any blood, effectively mocks the dragon that was defeated because of its arrogance.

However, Tianjie later considered urban reconstruction and expanded the land area of ​​Ghent due to development needs, and the city gate was really damaged and could not resist the erosion of the years. The city gate that inherited the name Jianhua Gate was no longer in its original location. .

But the most commemorative plaque has always been there, housed in the palace.

Alijie took out the heroic plaque and hung it high at the city gate. In the venue, Michele was arranging the equipment related to the new order. This was also her first grand occasion in heaven after finding one of the nine inheritances. Make public appearances.

Although many people are not familiar with Michelle because she has been away from the public eye for too long, the surname "Culio" alone is enough to explain everything.

As an additional topic, Michele has a lively and generous personality, a youthful and beautiful face, and when she and Lindsay stand together, they look like a pair of sisters.

But Michele's real age is actually about the same as that of Dr. Gina and the curator, but her appearance is very youthful.

In other words, Michelle is actually an older leftover girl.

Of course, if she wanted to recruit a bride, the queue of young men and women would probably line up from the palace all the way to Mount Hart.

Near Jianhua Gate, there was a temporary viewing platform, and the eldest lady and the others were also joining in the fun.

"Oh~ Who is this sanctimonious guy in formal attire?" Yin Miwu marveled. As the former general and current dean of the Magic Academy, Ganzhe was naturally invited to the VIP table.

Ye Lin is now upright, handsome and elegant, and has an outstanding temperament. He said: "Who are you calling me sanctimonious? Don't I have the bearing of a noble now? Why are you here?"

The season is getting colder and colder. According to common sense, they can stay in bed as long as they can, and they are so stubborn that they also give up breakfast.

"Let's see if you've been seduced by the long-legged and slender-waisted spirits from heaven, and you're so happy that you don't miss Shu." Yin Miwu raised his white middle finger.

Xiaoyu, who was holding a cup of hot milk tea, nodded gently. Her smooth and flawless face was pure and graceful, and she was unworldly. She smiled and said: "Tofu is delicious, but you can't grind it every day. Your fingers are too thin, so we still need a pillar of support."

Mo Mei and Hiat beside him blushed and turned away, as if they had done something shy and guilty together, and did not dare to look into his eyes.

"It was Xiaoyu who said last night that you were affecting time again, so let's squeeze together to keep warm." Mo Mei's pretty face turned red, but she still confessed obediently.

They all have a clear sense of when their boss stops time.

"Dirty girl, I will punish you when you get back, Man Shang." Ye Lin glared at the dirty girl and left a threatening sentence.

Xiaoyu was not afraid of this. She raised her chin slightly and Qiongbi snorted disdainfully. It was not certain who would live or die.

"OK, the debugging is completed, let's start summoning... Gaibojia!" Michele clapped his hands, and then used his own exclusive equipment to issue the summoning command, very decisively and neatly.

She is the only one who knows the complete instructions of Gaibojia now.


Lindsay was helpless and speechless when she saw this. Such a serious and solemn moment is a rare opportunity. You should at least give Her Majesty Alijie some time to make a political speech or something.

The dimensional mobile device flashed in the sky, forming a huge rectangular light curtain. A ferocious and iron-blooded aura surged out, making everyone tremble. The originally noisy viewing platform fell silent for an instant.

The light curtain fluctuated, and soon an iron-tower-like Gai Bojia leg stepped out, like a mountain falling to the ground. The moment the heavy step was implemented, the distant Mount Hart seemed to tremble.

There is no need for any speech to heighten the atmosphere. The scarred metal body of Gebojia is the best interpretation of everything. It is a wordless history and a silent past.

Although Curio and Odeyinz repaired the damaged core of Geboga, they really couldn't deal with some of the metal armor covering the surface, the traces of dragon attacks left on it, and the burning of the flames. Use your energy to replace the new metal one by one.


Gai Bojia completely walked out of the extra-dimensional space and was bathed in the light of freedom in the heavens. Every inch of ancient metal was radiating a dazzling light at this moment.

After a brief silence, the entire audience erupted into a roaring tsunami of celebration and applause. For a moment, the heaven seemed to be boiling.

Of course, not everyone was 100% happy. A small number of mechanics, especially the reckless Covey, scratched their heads hard. What should we do? His instructions were invalid and useless.

In a corner of the venue, where no one cared, Jurgen held the folding fan that was always with him even in late autumn, and asked nonchalantly: "Edwin, do you know why the historical meaning of Geboga is not the Seven Mechanical Gods of War? But is it the eternal light?"

The old enemy Jacket has now been reinstated and stands in the front row. He is wearing a military uniform and has a slim figure. The old man's handsome demeanor is still as good as before.

If he were here, he would definitely despise Jurgen, saying that he was literate and coquettish.

"Because at that time, the heaven was still a whole continent. The Eternal Light was a resistance that gathered the power of all the heavens. In the construction process of Gaibojia, the former lawless zone also made a huge contribution." Edwin replied respectfully. .

Edwin didn't know what kind of deal his father had made with General Ye Lin so that he could protect the rebellious Jurgen family in the turmoil of the heavenly rebellion.

I just saw that every time my father Jurgen came home, his hair would become much grayer... The original grudge between father and son slowly dissipated because of this.

For Jurgen, it was an unexpected gain.

The tall and majestic Gaibojia is like a mountain rising from the ground. The nuclear reactor on its chest shines brighter and brighter, like lava flowing, like a blazing sun in its chest.

The dimensional movement technology makes it quite flexible. Michele opened another light curtain. Gaboga will be transported to the predetermined experimental site, displayed for a period of time, and then data analysis will begin.

"Gaibojia, what a fascinating machine." In another corner of the venue, a mature woman with short silver hair and beautiful appearance had a strong light in her eyes.

Her two eyes are blue and amber respectively. A special micro-device is implanted in the blue right eye, which replaces her ordinary vision and can instead be reflected in the form of a data stream in her mind.

The slim-fitting black uniform has high slits, a high chest, and a pair of graceful long legs with tight curves, which are particularly conspicuous even among the people of the Tian clan.

"Sister Tai LS, is there any way you can let me join that research formation?"

"It's difficult, Ruike. Your reputation in scientific research institutions has never been very good." Tai LS, who is a priest in the heaven, frowned. Although Ruike is a member of the Xiuzi family, he is the most troublesome among the famous families. one.

Ruike's talent is worthy of recognition. He once competed with Lindsay for the vacant position of Elytra of the Seven Gods, but because of his paranoid and crazy characteristics in his personal research, he lost to Lindsay in terms of moral character.

"How difficult is it? The Xiuzi family is a big noble, and my talent is enough to surpass anyone else." Ruike asked dissatisfiedly, his words were full of arrogance, belittling others and promoting himself.

"If you think you can do it, the person in charge of the project is Michel Coolio, and the person who brought Gaboga back is General Ye Lin. You can apply to them yourself."

Tai LS frowned and raised his forehead, not wanting to pay attention. This guy didn't know what he was up to. He even blew up a laboratory a few days ago and almost killed someone.

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