Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2145 Don’t mention the word “fat”

Ruike raised a charming smile at the corner of her mouth, but the crystallized electronic right eye was dim and over-operated... She was not suitable for the current harmonious atmosphere, so she could only assume the most commonly used royal sister posture.

Although she is said to have an arrogant personality, looking down on this and that, she has a feeling that the whole world is dirty and only she is clear.

But it doesn’t mean that I don’t understand the world at all, I can’t read the air, and I’m stupid and sweet by watching the atmosphere.

Now Dr. Gina has a sincere attitude and takes the initiative to explain that her design results are created by gathering everyone's wisdom. Intentionally or unintentionally, she highlights the many extraordinary features of the Queen of Destruction and appreciates her talent.

Not only does it give her a step down, but it also implies that only by gathering everyone’s wisdom and creativity can more innovative machines be born.

"My machine has been destroyed, there is no data left, and I don't have Hermann's original design drawings." Ruike looked completely unconcerned, but his eyes occasionally focused.

The Elytra of the Seven Gods are quite powerful, and they are not a bunch of idiots who live up to their name.

"But your wisdom is still there. How can the value of a machine be compared to the person who created it?" Gina smiled. She admired the other person's imagination for mechanical creation.

Ruike was stunned for a moment, then sideways away from Dr. Gina's position, his steps were stiff, and he was about to leave the weapons testing site, saying: "Your micro-robot is very powerful, I lost."

Gazing at Ruike's back with slender waist and long legs, Lindsay shrugged her shoulders. This woman was extremely upright and could not change her mind for a while. She said, "She is not very able to accept other people's kindness."

"Wait, Rico!" Gina called out to her again.

"Is something wrong? Tell me quickly."

This woman was unexpectedly enthusiastic, as bright as the sun in the sky. When Ruike turned around, she felt that her muscles were stiff and she deliberately showed an impatient look.

"Due to our private battle, the test site was severely damaged and various equipment was basically destroyed. It is an additional loss, so we need to pay a compensation, the two of us AA?"

Well? ?

Ruike was stunned when she heard this, and to be precise, she destroyed most of the buildings, and she accidentally got a little carried away.

"How much?"

Then, Dr. Gina spit out a figure that stunned her. Even if she emptied her savings, sold her luxury cars, and stripped off all her jewelry, she still couldn't afford to build a military weapons testing site.

"Of course, you have another option, which is to write a detailed report to Her Majesty Alijie." Dr. Gina smiled.

Only then did she realize that Gina was just bluffing. The test site was used with permission and no compensation was required.

Her human experiments, as well as her past cooperation transactions with Lubart, Katzenberg and others, must be reported truthfully and in detail.

Otherwise, no matter how precious talents are, they will be useless if they cannot bring benefits to the heaven.


As a small celebration of their victory, Michelle and the others held an afternoon tea party with exquisite snacks, which was very casual and leisurely.

Dr. Perla Venn and the other men were speechless and went to do their own business. Moreover, they were not in the habit of such formal and ceremonial things as afternoon tea.

"Wine is what men really like. I can't taste the flavor of tea." Melvin spread his hands, Wolverine lost his temper, and he had to walk back.

Perla Venn nodded and shook his head quickly. For some reason, a strange scene of a group of tigresses gathering together, eating meat and drinking tea, and smiling at you suddenly appeared in his mind, and he suddenly shuddered.

As the eldest son of the famous Venn family, Dr. Pera's talent and status are top-notch in the world, and he is a popular diamond man. However, due to gynophobia, even in middle age, he has no plans to get married.

On the other side, Chef Xi baked some delicious snacks by hand, embellishing the colors of the afternoon tea. Even the little white flower who was in love with her mother's honey cake also praised the taste.

Mailu, in particular, has put Siatt and her old mother Nimer in the same place in their hearts.

"By the way, Ruike's work is really good. It has remote control, powerful attack power, and high flexibility. One person is enough to destroy an army." Today's battle scenes were replayed on McShell's tablet, with full-angle video. She looked at it carefully many times.

Whether it is advanced G-series machinery or traditional laser cannons, the war lords, including Raphael's first three husbands, all have one very subtle thing in common, which is the pursuit of catharsis and bombing of energy, even the stars and the sky. exception.

The energy that drives these weapons has always been a research project of Tianjie.

But Ruike's work actually has melee physical attacks, which seems a bit outdated, but it gave them some new inspiration.

"If the speed of the bullet is accelerated to a terrifying level, a pure physical impact may lead to new breakthroughs." Dr. Nairn was very excited and explained with gestures that Antuen's skin has the property of absorbing energy, that is, Dropping a nuclear bomb would have no destructive effect.

Only a purely physical impact like the Fist of Gaibojia can produce unexpected magical effects.

By absorbing Ruike's weapon experience, if we encounter enemies similar to Antun again in the future, we can have more comprehensive countermeasures.

"She is a person whose talent is worthy of recognition, but it is a headache to do whatever it takes to get the final result." Lindsay poked a piece of egg tart with a small fork. It would be great if she could change her mind.

The chat between the girls was not just about work. Michel quickly put away his tablet and chatted nonsense. He especially asked the eldest lady with great interest whether he had any talent for cultivation.

Mo Mei pinched her flat and smooth belly under her thickened cheongsam and muttered: "My days in heaven are so leisurely. I feel like..."

"Have you gained weight?" As soon as Ye Lin finished speaking, the eldest lady cast a pair of displeased beautiful eyes.

"Ah Liao." Ye Lin said very innocently, "Don't think that when you hear the word fat, you think it's saying how good you are."

"You still said that!"

The young people were flirting with each other, which made Mrs. Meili, who was quietly basking in the sun, smile slightly, recalling that she had been willful, rebellious, and ran away from home when she was young.

Although he rejected Roy's follower's confession countless times when he was young, it wasn't that he didn't feel anything at all. It was just that his heart was not focused on love at all and pursued freedom and ease.

Later, she went to live with Herman alone for a while, and the outside world thought she was missing.

When she came back, Roy really disappeared (falling towards Arad), and Meili announced that she was married and called herself Mrs. Meili.

Part of the reason is that by calling herself this way, she can avoid such trivial matters as her family asking her to go on a blind date, and can better concentrate her energy on research.

Who would have thought that after all the changes in the world, when she was old and her youth was gone, Roy maintained his youthful attitude because of the Tower of Despair.

Alas... The sunset that gradually sets is her lost youth.

Mrs. Mei Li slowly came back to her senses and looked at the afternoon tea of ​​the young people with a gentle smile on her lips. They were all her outstanding juniors.

If it weren't for the fact that the tea Ye Lin brought was really good and had the effect of calming the mind and relieving fatigue, she wouldn't have joined the fun with the young people.

"Meshel," she called softly.

"Here you are, do you need more tea?" Michelle held the white teapot. She loved the taste of jasmine tea, and she also likes this tea now.

"You are not young anymore. If you have someone you like, don't miss it."


Michele's expression froze. He felt like he was suddenly hit by an arrow in the knee, and then suffered internal injuries. Inexplicably, Mrs. Meili suddenly mentioned the "elderly leftover girl" thing again.

Although at the afternoon tea party, apart from Gu Yu's special race, she was indeed the oldest group...

"By the way, I have something to tell you." Meili looked up, filled her cigarette rod with tobacco leaves, lit a fire, and said: "If Ruike can change her ways, I will give her the position of the Seven Gods' Elytra. How about it?"

Thanks to the boss "Fake Pig Set v No. 1 in the World" for the 100 point reward.

A reward of 100 points from "Thousand Words".

The second update will be tomorrow, because there’s that stuff, let’s polish it a bit

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