Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2168 Squinting glass slippers (right)

Narrowing her eyes, she was slightly surprised. The old loli Naiyali still had these seven original sin crystals. Although they were not comparable to the power of Taichu, their combination and application also had very magical effects.

Fortunately, Yelin holds the power of time and has a self-made flow speed. He has already understood the secret, and one of Usiel's goals has been achieved.

"Hehe~" Naiyali was quirky, her braid was dangling, and she suddenly shined the crystal that symbolized "desire" into her squinting eyes with an otherworldly temperament.

The primordial goddess of life and light who tried to be noble and holy has turned into the goddess of desire who only wants to be sexy all day long, and has fallen like Venus in the past.

However, there is a shimmering barrier outside Remy's spirit, which is invulnerable to all means, and the crystal light is useless. He said calmly: "Even if you show me your true body, I will not be affected much."

"Tch, it's really boring for you to be gods." Naiyali curled her lips and put away the crystal.

"Aren't you also a god?"

"But when people follow their purest desires, they are in perfect agreement with my dear. The brackets and the answers are closely connected."

Naiyali smiled shyly. She made a small OK gesture with her left hand, then raised her white index fingers with her right hand and put them together~

On the other side, even when making more excessive demands, Ganzhe's eyes were clear and full of sincerity, as if the request to see the legs was "let me see the ancient paintings and antiques collected by you". Naturally, And reasonable.

The undead in the underworld are everywhere, some are unconscious, and some still retain some spiritual consciousness. Suddenly, the undead nearby were stunned, frightened, and a little bit admired.

Throughout the ages, many talented heroes in the universe are just lonely ghosts after falling into the underworld. There is no specialness at all. The so-called number one ghost, Kazan, and Jig, who is devoured by thousands of ghosts without fear, are just ghosts. Just a little brighter.

So now he should be the first, unprecedented and unprecedented, to speak rudely to the supreme Lord Pluto and offend the divine body.

Isn't he afraid of death? The true meaning is to be obliterated by the power of death.

"I personally am an art lover who pursues the ultimate perfection as much as my life, so I don't have any blasphemous intentions. I am purely sincere and flawless. I want to appreciate your beautiful legs with golden proportions and provide inspiration for my creation."

Ye Lin was still chattering, trying to find a seemingly reasonable excuse for himself, but his ultimate goal was to take a look at the beautiful legs of the lady in black skirt. He was too quick and did not leave an impression.

The lady in the black dress has an exquisite appearance and a gorgeous black dress. She is somewhat similar to Sirocco in the form of Ravisi, but her temperament is colder and frostier, exuding a vague chill. It is a kind of life form born from the heart. Fear, the master of the concept of fear of death.

Moreover, Ye Lin learned from Mavis that the body temperature of people who use the power of shadow is relatively low, and the outside is cold and the inside is cold. So Ushir, the source of darkness, will be cold both inside and outside.

"The lady's face is so cold, she won't be angry anymore." Naiyali muttered in a low voice. The lady in black dress had gone on the road to deceive her best friend, but it was the first time that she suddenly involved her own nobility and flawlessness.

"Probably not. The noble lady looks cold on the outside, but in fact she needs dignity. Maintaining the balance between life and death requires a warm heart."

Suddenly a breeze blew up, and the fairy skirt fluttered. The flying ribbons were like beautiful colorful clouds reflected in the sun. Her beautiful legs were spotless and beautiful, capturing the beauty of heaven and earth.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a forbidden place in the underworld." The lady in black dress walked away lightly, a small revenge for Remy's teasing just now. It has become a daily routine for best friends to cheat on each other.


A ray of rays of light bloomed overwhelmingly in the underworld, annihilating all the dead souls within a hundred miles, making the dead souls farther away who didn't know what happened to be moved to tears. Unexpectedly, in the hell with the red moon hanging high, there would still be a chance to see the endlessness between the human world. scene.

"No one has been lucky enough to appreciate the gentleness and beauty of a noble lady. Her unparalleled grace and grace are the beauty that has never been seen before." Narrow eyes are very well-mannered, and her cheeks are white and crystal clear. Of course, she interacts with her best friends. Nor will he be angry.

He started tinkering with sugar cane to harm the noble lady and told him some secrets.

The noble lady originally admired the Lord of all things, Caroso, who opened up the long river of time. He was transcendent, compassionate and noble. He was the Lord of the gods and the ultimate person who maintained the balance of the universe. No existence could compare with His brilliance. .

However, the strange war between the gods of Terra and the era of destruction that broke out in the mirror dimension were revealed everywhere. The aftermath of the destruction of the country and the influx of thousands of creatures into the underworld in an instant were all inseparable from his influence.

Until the discovery of the fate crystal, the lady studied it carefully for a long time, sighed, and decided to let Ye Lin "die".

"Actually, it's not just noble ladies. Your mother-in-law, the lion-headed Nimer, the fisherman, Archangel Michael, and many other dimensional and transcendent heroes all thought that He was the only savior." Naiya Li added, but then she slowly realized that it didn't seem to taste right, and there was something strange about it.

"So, the noble lady is lovelorn?" Ye Lin passed on a ray of spiritual consciousness. The underworld is Usil's territory, and everything cannot be hidden from her eyes. She can use her spiritual consciousness to hide it even more.

"It can't be said that it's a broken love. It's more like the collapse of an idol. For example, when many girls meet you, their first impression is always full of favorability. After getting along for a long time, they gradually realize that you are a scumbag."

He narrowed his eyes and complained sharply, and he was full of bad intentions. While caring about his best friend, he secretly stabbed him.

"Can you please leave me alone when you are venomous? I love you all very much and you are all my wings." Ye Lin protested.

"You alone have more wings than the seven archangels put together. However, the lady is at her lowest point now. Come on, maybe you will have a chance to kiss the lady's beauty."

Ye Lin shuddered, saying that when I was in close proximity with the lady’s divine body, I felt like my soul was freezing.

"By the way, squint your eyes, why isn't the goddess Pushia here?" Ye Lin thought, it had been a while since he saw the goddess he had longed for.

"At your mother-in-law's place."

Oops, this guy really needs to be dealt with. Pushia's favorability increases day by day if she doesn't do anything. She even calls her "goddess", and she becomes "narrow-eyed".

Remy's face became expressionless, and light condensed in his palms. No, I have to write a short composition to change the past and the future.

"Be sensible, the arrival of the life power body will cause hell to collapse." Ye Lin subconsciously grabbed the slender and soft wrist with narrow eyes. Although the other party was just a spiritual body, the crystal-clear body and the heavenly body seemed to be different. What a difference.

At the moment of skin-to-skin contact, Ganzhe's mind suddenly shuddered. The Taichu Wuxuan he possessed was extremely compatible with the power of life, and they seemed to have reached a subtle resonance in an instant.

But it was a pity that it only took a moment. Miao Yanyan broke away his arm, raised his beautiful leg and kicked it away. Gancane took the sheep with him and took off the other glass slipper of Miao Miyan.

Obtain the holy relic, Remedios' glass slipper (right).

He narrowed his eyes at a pair of crystal clear little feet, shimmering with fairy light, delicate and beautiful, and said lightly: "Crystal slippers are the embodiment of spiritual energy, and you can't take them out of the underworld."

"Well, that seems to be the truth." Ye Lin was startled, then took out a pair of very beautiful crystal shoes, pondered for a while, and said: "In other words, the crystal shoes are the evolution of your spiritual energy. If I lick the shoes , which is equivalent to licking the goddess of life.”

Before Sugar Cane could even take his mouth off, the glass slipper in his hand turned into light and disappeared, reappearing at his feet.

"Actually, what comes to you when you squint your eyes is only a small part of your mental consciousness, which is far less powerful than you are now." Naiyali encouraged, be bolder today and take faster maternity leave tomorrow.

"But Nian Nianyan is just a consciousness. Without material foundation, new life can be born from the union of souls?" Ye Lin found it incredible.

"Tsk tsk, how do you think Mailu and the others got here? Nimer completed all the processes by herself, and she is the goddess of life. She has control over the life of the universe. If she wants a child, it is really just a thought. More convenient than Held... Ouch."

Naiyali received a knife blow to her head from Squinyan. Although she didn't hear the content, she could tell from the expression on this loli succubus that she definitely didn't have any good intentions.

"Here is an area called the Hell of No Time. Suffering is endless, time is endless, the cycle repeats, and there is no end. Moros, who used to be in charge of the terror of the beginning, slept here, and then he ran away." The lady in black skirt introduced a dark and obscure place. The earth is covered with bones and the souls of the dead are wailing.

Here, the concept of time is blurred. Those who are punished here will cycle through a period of painful things forever, with no peace, no death, no life.

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