Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2172 You haven’t passed the first seven years yet

Ye Lin made the underworld look so happy that many lords and ghosts and gods clapped their chests and promised, saying they would definitely come when the time comes.

Regardless of Lord Pluto's attitude, whether he was angry or shy, it was at least certain that more than one Transcendent had died in the hands of the being in front of him.

"I have to run away. What if I am really left by the noble lady in black dress as a man's favorite? The young lady of my family, Royal Sister Loli, is a human being."

In fact, Ye Lin himself was very guilty. Most of the time, he still took advantage of the glory of the goddess and treated his words of praise as the truth.

When the lady in the black dress asked Mavis to propose marriage, she was thinking more about how to get him to go to the Mountain of Swords, to the Sea of ​​Fire, to soak in the River Styx, to soak in the cold spring... instead of ambiguous love and love, Lotus Warm Tent .

Passing through a vast and dark crazy mountain range, he prepared to grease the soles of his feet and escape. The lady in black dress hid her palace deeply. She traveled through most of the underworld, and no one even expressed her knowledge.

The invincible beautiful girl was also "banned" by the lady in black dress and lost the source of secret information.


Ye Lin slowed down and landed in a deserted field. There were numerous tombs, crooked tombstones, and houses of dead people.

There was a sudden movement on the ground where the dead grass of the underworld grew. The thick power of the dead broke through the boundary and emerged, intertwined and spread, and outlined a magic circle, attracting the wandering ghosts nearby.

"This is a dark ritual. Someone is using necromancy to summon the undead from the underworld to temporarily fight for themselves."

This ability is a trivial trick, borrowing the power of the underworld, but it has almost no impact on the overall stability of the underworld, and Usiel is too lazy to care about these drizzle things.

Seeing the dark ritual from the underworld for the first time was still a bit novel, so Ye Lin came closer. He also knew about necromancy. The summoned undead could obtain the magic power of the necromancer. If they were lucky, they could devour the enemy's soul. Being able to get a brief glimpse of the human world is a pretty good deal.

In addition, the underworld lacks everything except the densely packed undead, so the summons of the necromancer rarely fails.

"Open up, open up." Ye Lin unreasonably pushed away the undead soul who was about to respond. In the realm of the awakened, some consciousness remained.

The undead soul was aggrieved, but did not dare to speak, so he fell asleep in his own grave.

Ye Lin knew that the lord sleeping nearby was the tyrant Barak, which meant that the person performing the dark ritual might just be a necromancer from the continent of Arad.

However, it is probably because his soul body is too powerful that the ritual magic circle breaks at a touch and cannot bear his power.

A few minutes later, the dark ritual magic circle appeared again. The necromancer who was obviously in the present world was also surprised. Unwilling to fail, he restarted.

Ye Lin learned from experience and first took action to stabilize the magic circle before jumping in.

"Come on, come on, the magic circle has reached its limit. I didn't expect it to be a big guy. The dark ritual I performed is almost unbearable. The minimum strength is not weaker than the tyrant Barak!"

Dark City, an underground secret room, flickering candlelight, and a magic circle with complicated and shining curves, reflected the excited faces of Minette and his assistant Viola.

Unless there is a fixed contract ceremony like the tyrant Barak, necromancy to borrow the power of the underworld is a matter of luck.

She and Viola secretly performed a high-level dark ritual with an unknown target without telling Queen Meia. This ritual was very dangerous and had a certain chance of being summoned by the undead, but the rewards were also very rich.

The center of the magic circle was brilliant, illuminating the entire secret room. A figure slowly emerged from it, which once made Minette wonder whether he was summoning the undead or an angel.


The impact of the natural explosion when the powerful soul arrived caused the furniture in the entire secret room to be shaken to pieces. Viola, who was weaker and was currently only an awakened person, simply fainted.

The light gradually fades away...

Minette's surprise gradually turned to disappointment. She spent a lot of rare and precious materials and carefully prepared the dark ritual to summon the undead. How could it be that he was completely unexpected.

"When did you die?" Minette smiled and gave a friendly greeting.

Although this guy's whole body is like jade, crystal clear, and has a sense of substance, which is different from the illusory soul of the dead, but it does come from the underworld.

"I don't know either, because the flow of time in the underworld and this world is different."

Ye Lin asked about today's time, then spread his hands and said, "I've been dead for about three days."

"Oh, then you haven't passed your first seven yet." Minette rolled her eyes, and began to feel sorry for her magic materials. This bunch of very expensive ones, why did she summon such a guy? She waved her hand helplessly: "You are in your first seven. , I will burn some more paper money for you, rest in peace."

The magic circle of the dark ritual has a limited time. After that time, Ye Lin will be dragged back to the underworld. Of course, if he wants to stay in the world, he can easily do it. Nothing can stop him.

The advanced dark ritual was wasted. Some of the materials were hard to find. Minette was not very interested and poured herself a cup of black tea. Since Ye Lin was a soul, she would not give him a cup as well.

She wears a pair of beautiful legs wrapped in black silk inelegantly. They are slender and straight. In addition, the figure of the dark elf is relatively tall, and she has a unique sun-kissed complexion, which really has a unique charm.

Dark City is underground and has heat from lava veins, so the climate is warm even in winter.

Minette is also dressed in summer attire, tight and sexy denim hot pants, paired with a waist-baring vest, with a slender waist and long legs, looking voluptuous and hot.

"Oh, by the way, Ye Lin, you know some powerful souls in the underworld, please help introduce them to us. The Necromancer lineage is very embarrassing, and the background is too thin." An idea flashed in Minette's mind. , grabbed Ye Lin and asked him to do something.

Necromancers do not have ghost hands and cannot cooperate with special beings like ghosts and gods.

Except for the tyrant Barak and the undead Nicholas, the necromancers mostly manipulate the power of the dead to perform their skills.

The strength of the undead from the underworld summoned through dark rituals is basically a random event. Sometimes, if you are unlucky, it is not uncommon for a carefully prepared ritual to bring in a low-level undead.

Although I don’t know how this sugar cane got to the underworld, let’s use the remaining heat in the underworld and ask for contracts from some powerful undead to strengthen the lineage of necromancers who are currently in an embarrassing situation.

Although the Kingdom of Vanness and Queen Meia have recognized the existence of necromancers, and have listed advanced professional mysteries such as the secret method of summoning Barak as a control, in an effort to reduce the public's fear of necromancy.

However, the Dark Elves respect the deceased and worship their ancestors. Every year, the Queen holds a temple worship ceremony, which is so grand that the entire Dark City is almost empty.

Necromancers are not too embarrassed to dig up people's graves and summon their relatives. As for going to the surface world to summon them, then human countries definitely don't want their ancestors to be humiliated, and a diplomatic incident may break out.

However, if you can summon the deceased from other living planets, it will not only solve the problem of material resources for cultivation, but also not offend your ancestors, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Moreover, powerful soul bodies are too difficult to find. The underworld is vast and it all depends on luck. Occasionally, there are good beings who respond to the dark ritual, but they just leave after getting paid, with no long-term cooperation plans at all.

"This is not difficult." Ye Lin nodded in agreement and said, "But aren't you proficient in the four professions? You won't be able to master necromancy."

Minette was born in the ninja family of Xu Zu. For some reason, she met Meia and became best friends. Before the rise of Silver Moon Youyu, Minette briefly joined the Overnight Destroyer. Later, she joined the Senate and learned the art of necromancy.

She also studied at Guyu's Death Dance. She was truly proficient in the four professions, and was quite successful in each one.

"You have so many skills, and besides..." Minette helped her assistant Viola, who was still awake, gestured with her exaggerated fullness with both hands, winked at her, and said, "If you can come back alive, you will die." The spiritual wizards will definitely thank you. Even if you can't come back, you can still sign the contract."

"I would rather sign a contract with a beautiful girl..."

Minette taught Ye Lin the secrets of Barak's contract and asked him to help him, whether it was the Lord of the Underworld or the Dark Knight. Anyway, all kinds of deceptions and abductions, the more the merrier.

"Minette, should you give me a deposit?"

Ye Lin's leg addiction finally kicked in. He couldn't control himself and greedily played with Minette's slender and straight black stockings legs, which were very elastic and moist.

"Minette, are we life and death friends?"

"What's wrong?" Minette recalled that when she and Ye Lin encountered the mythical beast Bifang by chance, they broke into a cold sweat and almost flew away from their souls. They lived and died together.

"Let's try another life-or-death relationship."

Minette's pair of slender and elastic legs were crossed and wrapped around him, locking his waist. She herself frowned and joked: "You can die under peonies and be a ghost. I guess the cause of your death is a woman."

"It's a goddess."

He kneaded the dough and changed the shape of the sun-colored justice. In fact, Minette was also very plump and could not be held. It was just that her usual clothes were too tight and did not have that magnificent scale.

Feeling that the sugar cane was really touching the vital point, Minette suddenly became nervous and asked: "Hey, are you serious? You are a soul body."

"Well, let's try to fight between life and death."

Sugar Cane nodded and smiled, and with one burst of strength, he penetrated the dark elf's pipe wrench that was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.


Minette took a sharp breath, something was wrong. Could it be because the other party was a soul body? She felt that her soul was trembling violently, echoing him, and an indescribable new feeling appeared.

It's like the sensitivity has been heightened tenfold!

After only dozens of back and forth trips, Minette's scalp was already numb, her whole body was convulsing, and the warm water was slowly flowing... She felt so embarrassed in less than three minutes.

Minette didn't know how many times she bloomed, and she even began to show signs of dehydration...

Finally, an extremely pure soul energy suddenly burst out, without any substantial substance, but directly impacted the deepest part of her soul, as if her brain was being jostled. She simply rolled her eyes and was completely dizzy. passed.

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