Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2200: Take the left foot first and get fired


Taneba was the first to say his wife's name without hesitation. Janey was still pregnant with the child, and the due date would be in about a month.

This is the only selfishness he has. Even if he will bear the infamy that will never be washed away, he still hopes that his wife and children he has never met can survive the disaster safely.

"You humans are really strange creatures. For a child you can't see, okay, where is the second person." Bakar said lightly.

The mad dragon Hess, the evil dragon Spitz, and the ice dragon Skatha were all his creations. They were created by him using the secret method of the dragon clan. Although he put in a lot of effort, Bakar still can't understand the human kind. Fatherly tenderness.

"Don't you think about yourself, Taneba?"

If Taneba was a little selfish now, he could have reserved the second surviving spot for himself.

He would not have to bear the scorn and infamy of betraying the heavens, but he could also live to resume research on Gaibojia's project.

Taneba is a rare all-rounder and there is no one better suited to stay.

"The second spot should be given to Curio." Taneba said, and then silently apologized to Bolgan and Lati in his heart.

Gai Bojia's research projects in alloys, energy, weapons and equipment are almost complete, but there is still a big gap in dimensional movement technology.

After all, his research in this area is still not as good as that of expert Coolio.

In other words, from the current state of affairs, the status value of Polgan and Odeiz is declining.

"Okay, Coolio." Bakar memorized the name and said, "Do you have any other requests? Haha, this may be the last time you see me in your life."

Taneba took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, took a deep breath, and said angrily: "I hope you disappear immediately before my eyes and leave heaven forever."

He has given up smoking since his wife became pregnant. Whether at home or out, he never lets himself get the smell of cigarettes.

The pack of cigarettes in her pocket belonged to Lati. Before going out for a walk, Lati asked him to buy a pack for her because she had a bad mouth and the e-cigarette given by Michele still lacked a subtle flavor.

A little red light from fireworks lit up in the darkness, and it wasn't until the third cigarette butt was thrown on the ground that Taneba slowly came back to his senses due to the excessive dryness in his mouth.

He looked at the direction Bakar left without saying a word. He stayed silent for a long time, then turned and walked towards Nameroth.

In the darkness, a silver pocket watch appeared in Ye Lin's palm and he sighed silently.

"Boss, what do you want to do?" Mo Mei grabbed his wrist. Although everyone admired Taneba, there was nothing they could do.

If they are ordinary people, the boss can change their fate, turn death into life, and allow them to live out their old age peacefully, and the lady in black dress will not care or interfere.

But Taneba is the only one who cannot do this. He is the most important figure in this era, with important connections and far-reaching influence. The future development of the heavenly realm is indeed inextricably linked to his betrayal.

Moreover, Taneba himself was so disheartened that he no longer cared whether his posthumous reputation would be that of a hero in a monument or a traitor in a column of shame.

"If history hadn't happened here, I wouldn't have been able to bear it any longer and would have killed Bakar." Sophie snorted with disdain and said.

What's the point of bullying the weak in the heaven? If you have the ability to go to the demon world and directly challenge Kahn, you will be beaten by Kahn until you run away, and then you can show off your power here.

I bother!

"It seems that our Sugar Cane is really sad, otherwise he would definitely spit it in my mouth." Xiaoyu tried to liven up the atmosphere, then hugged the dazed Sugar Cane, stroked his cheek, and comforted: "This is not yours. Wrong, we are just witnesses.”

If it were similar to Mount Conine and the mad doctor's time reversal, for a quarter of an hour or half an hour, Ye Lin could still modify everything he wanted, because the impact on the future was within control.

But Taneba's era is too far away, and Ye Lin can't do much for him, unless he really doesn't care about the future world.

"Well, let's go back. He might come to see me tomorrow." Ye Lin put away the time pocket watch, looked at Taneba's unsteady back in the dark, and nodded in greeting.

A mortal's shoulders can hold up the entire world, and he is no different from a god.

On the other side, Taneba returned to the Eternal Light Base calmly, still looking calm and calm, neither happy nor sad, as if nothing had happened.

An acquaintance curiously asked him why he came back half an hour late tonight. Taneba smiled and said that he had walked a little longer and the wind was very comfortable tonight.

Back at the Mechanical God of War laboratory, Lati asked him for a cigarette. Taneba slapped his forehead and said he forgot, sorry.

"Ah... then I can't stand it tonight. Without cigarettes to stimulate the secretion of chemicals in my brain, I have no inspiration." Lati sighed, already addicted to cigarettes.

"Why should we smoke second-hand smoke for half a day just for your inspiration?" Borgan retorted.

Lati is a girl with a very delicate appearance, but she has two dark circles under her eyes after staying up late. Bolgan is a burly muscular man. Generally speaking, it would be Borgan who smokes. Lati retorts, but it is exactly the opposite.

That night, after Haide left (she was always the first to get off work), Taneba thought for a long time before going to secretly study Eden Tate.

The Eden Tate project was actually proposed by Odeiz. He believed that having one driver operate the entire Gaboga, including dimensional movement, offense, defense, and battlefield situation analysis... would bring great consequences to the driver himself. A heavy physical and mental burden.

Gaborga had conducted activity experiments, and there were only two pilots who barely qualified, Bolgan and Stark.

That's why Odeiz wanted to design an artificial intelligence system that would be prepared for any eventuality.

Except for Bolgan's dissatisfaction, everyone agreed with Odeiz's opinion, but considering that artificial intelligence is not necessarily more flexible and adaptable than the brain.

Therefore, after final coordination and discussion, Gebojia had two driving modes.

One is manual training, the other is self-discipline.

After working until the middle of the night, Taneba made a startling conclusion. Eden Tate's core skills were not Odeez's style, but were basically the result of Hayed.

Moreover, its program has high authority and may awaken at a critical moment and seize control of Geboga from the manual operator.

It seems that what Bakar said is true. In the more distant future, Held may seize the ownership of Gaboga.

"But I hate the current dragon clan even more than Hayid, whose purpose is unclear."

Taneba stayed up all night and smoked a lot, but his body was still too small to support the great future of heaven.

next day

Machel was fired for entering the door with his left foot first...

"Taneba! Calm down." Curio tried to persuade him in confusion. He didn't know what was going on. Early in the morning, Taneba suddenly burst out of anger towards the new member, Michele, who had just joined the team.

"Calm down, how can I be calm!" Taneba slapped an experimental report on the table and said in a strong tone: "In scientific research, there can be no mistakes in any decimal point. The chain reaction will cause a huge disaster, because she His carelessness almost caused the entire particle cannon project to be scrapped."

The general idea is that when optimizing the ancient particle cannon, Michele accidentally recorded an important data error. Fortunately, Taneba discovered it in time and avoided disaster.

"I suggest you relearn the basics and come back to Eternal Light." Taneba coldly stretched out his hand and pulled off the identity tag hanging on Maxiel's arm. You were fired due to a major experimental accident, and there is no place for you in the Mechanical God of War Laboratory.

"Taneba! Don't do this."

Odeiz, who has always been good-tempered, was also anxious to persuade her. Michele had given everyone a lot of help in the past few days, and the experimental accident didn't happen this time. Just tell her to be careful in the future.

However, Taneba seemed to be in a state of indifference. His anger was still lingering, and he refused to listen to anyone's words. He broke his identity card in half.

"I'm sorry, I almost caused big trouble." Michelle bowed deeply, her beautiful eyes were already red, and she choked with sobs: "It will be the honor of my life to work with you all these days."

"Mechel, don't worry. Taneba is just under too much pressure. I will let him apologize to you later." Lati quickly comforted her. She didn't quite understand. Taneba was really a little weird today. of.

Machel was still kicked out of the Mechanical God of War Laboratory. The moment the door closed and Machel's face was no longer visible, Taneba breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Machel's origin is unknown, there is no mistaking the fact that she is from the Celestial Realm. Her deep-seated love when talking about various places in the Celestial Realm, and the anger when she talks about Bakar, are much livelier and more vivid than Hayed.

And Bakar also confirmed that the Prairie Fire was a resistance organization that existed.

Machel's talent has come to the fore in the past few days, and she seems to be an all-round scientific figure. She can make reasonable optimization suggestions, including Coolio's immature dimensional movement technology.

Such a talent must not be swallowed by dragon flames. Michelle is not a member of the Mechanical God of War. She must survive, replace herself who became a traitor, and rekindle the light of hope.

That's why he forged a wrong experimental report overnight and drove away Michele.

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