Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2205 Useful Sugar Cane

The Eternal Light Headquarters is now the highest status core of Namuros, or the entire heaven.

Everyone who can sit here has excellent leadership skills, and their ambition is to eliminate the dragon clan as their lifelong mission.

There are nearly ten members of the command, whose functions cover all aspects from life to war. The leader of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War, Taneba, and the captain Stark have the most respected status.

It's a bit civilized and martial.

But today there is an extra person in the headquarters who pretends to be listening to me. He is nominally an adventurer from the undersea world and an ally of the Eternal Light.

Originally, the headquarters invited Siatt, because the eldest lady’s record of slaying dragons was obvious to all and shocked everyone.

But the eldest lady played cards too late last night, and at two or three o'clock in the middle of the night, she was dragged away by Gan Cane, and she and Xiaoyu played three landlords in the room.

However, Xiaoyu had not played a few games with the landlord before she threw away the bad cards in her hand. She had no clothes left to lose.

He directly changed the method of fighting the landlords, using coercion and inducement to squeeze the landlords' old wealth.

The three of them struggled together, their faces were red, water was splashing, and their energy was overflowing, and then it was daybreak before they knew it.

So Siatt didn't get enough beauty sleep, so she habitually kicked Guang Cane out, asked him to collect the playing cards and toilet paper scattered on the floor, and then went to the headquarters for a meeting.

"Lord Ye Lin." A member of the headquarters said, showing great respect for the powerful Ye Lin.

"Just call me by my name."

"Okay, Master Ye Lin, it's like this. I heard that bathing in dragon blood can make humans stronger. Is this true?"

In fact, there are people in the heaven who have tried to take advantage of the crabs and bathe in the blood of the dragon when it just died, but they are either completely ineffective or they burn the blood directly to death.

Ye Lin understood instantly. It seemed that the other party thought that bathing in dragon's blood would require some secret method or special materials to neutralize it, so he asked him, a person from the magic civilization, to ask.

"There are indeed some materials that can neutralize the potency of the blood of high-level dragons." Ye Lin nodded and said that it was indeed the case, then shrugged and said helplessly: "But you are a technological hot weapon civilization, and you have long since cut off magic and swordsmanship. Instead of putting in the effort, Bathing in the dragon's blood to improve physical fitness is not as practical as making two more armor-piercing bullets."

The members of the headquarters were stunned for a moment, and then laughed. This is true. As long as the target has an entity that can be destroyed, all worries and fears are due to insufficient firepower.

"Start activating all defense systems including Reston in the sky, Fosdek on the ground, and Letthoven underground tomorrow?" A member of the command frowned at Taneba's proposal and said, "This will speed up consumption. Eternal Light’s reserves are already very small, and if Lady Jenny hadn’t successfully developed nuclear energy, we would have been even more stretched.”

His function is to be responsible for logistics and the supply of supplies to the entire Nameroth.

He knows better than Taneba the trivial matters of guns and ammunition, electric lighting, and gas cooking. Wasteful behavior is very unreasonable.

"I received the news by chance that the dragon army was gathering with the intention of attacking Namenros." A trace of restlessness appeared on Taneba's eyebrows. He said the source of the information was that a human who had defected to the dragon suddenly realized his conscience and desperately sent him away. Final news.

As for whether they believe it or not, Taneba can no longer control that much.

It is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist.

Several members of the headquarters looked at each other and nodded. Since Taneba said it himself, it is still somewhat convincing.

Tanebba also proposed that for safety reasons, some of the residents of Namenrosd should be evenly distributed to some more remote cities, such as the Kara Mountains and near the white snowfields.

But this proposal is too unbelievable. It not only wastes people and money, but also the residents gathered here because of the safety of Namenros.

The location of the Eternal Light headquarters is not static. In the more than fifty years since its establishment, the Eternal Light has changed its headquarters to more than ten cities and moved more than ten times.

Nameroth is the last headquarters, for Gebogar is here.

Taneba also thought about whether he could take advantage of this last moment to move Eternal Light and Geboga away together, but the dimensional movement technology was still far from perfect and mature.

So after much thought, he thought it would be better to gather troops and try to break through the encirclement.

The regular meeting of the headquarters dispersed, and Ye Lin chatted with several members of the headquarters for a while. The topic was nothing more than Bakar and Ozma.

"Extinguished and rekindled, ignited and re-ignited, it will eventually tear through the darkness and illuminate everything." 』

Ye Lin looked at the huge calligraphy hanging on the wall. The pen was powerful, dragons and phoenixes were dancing, and the color of the red ink was also very dazzling.

"This is the slogan of our Eternal Light. The words are written by Bolgan. That rough guy looks rude, but he is actually thoughtful." Stark happily introduced to him that all the enemies of the Dragon Clan are him. Stark's friend.

If it weren't for the fact that Siatt was a girl and had a cool and cool temperament, Stark would have wanted to learn some swordsmanship from her.

"What a good handwriting." Ye Lin praised.

"Stark, come to think of it, if Nameroth is besieged by the dragons, I think the best retreat path is to retreat to Mount Halt and Nasau Forest." Taneba held a detailed terrain map. There were streaks of bloodshot eyes, and he hadn't slept for two whole days.

"You're talking about retreating before the fight begins. What nonsense? Nameros is our last base of Eternal Light. We can only fight to the death." Stark immediately retorted. If he had lost the energy to fight, he would have found an unknown person long ago. I live secretly in this famous little place.

"Taneba, you've been acting strange in all aspects recently. Do you have something on your mind? If you need my help, you must ask." Stark was very worried about this old friend.

They have had a life-long friendship with each other for nearly twenty years. Stark knows Taneba very well. Calmness is his characteristic, but his recent behavior has been obviously a little irritable and he talks too much.

Taneba was hesitant to tell Stark that Hayed was actually an apostle of the devil.

As well as the meeting with Bakar, the Dragon King is determined to eliminate the Seven Mechanical Gods of War and Gai Boga. Unless there are variables comparable to the level of the Explosive Dragon King, the outcome of Eternal Light is already doomed.

Everyone has great hopes for the future. This ending is too cruel and heartless.

"The dead insider said that the Dragon Clan's attack this time may be more violent than any before. I don't know for sure."

In the end, Taneba chose to conceal the matter about Hayed and did not talk about his transaction with Bakar.

But the news of the dragon's massive attack was revealed, and Stark immediately straightened up.

"I will order more patrols and enter a wartime state in advance." Stark patted his old friend on the shoulder hard, and said before leaving, "Taneba, we must complete the Gaboga plan no matter what. I will stand in front of you to protect your safety...before we all die."

Stark vaguely noticed something, but did not ask in detail.

Because when facing the dragon clan, everything will turn into a simple and easy truth, either you die or I die.

Taneba showed the map to Ye Lin, pointed out the two retreat routes, and introduced them in detail.

The excellent personal combat capabilities of Yelin and Siatt will be variables on the battlefield, but the most important thing is to protect the safety of Michel.

"And this, please give it to Michele." Taneba handed a sealed storage disk to Ye Lin, which contains the most core research information of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War so far, which is very valuable.

He also didn't give a detailed reason, but he just asked her to give it to Michelle. She would understand after reading it.

Ye Lin took the storage disk and sighed slightly, and agreed. On the way back, he accidentally ran into the beautiful and charming Haiide.

The bad woman got some super useful information from him. She woke up smiling early in the morning and is now radiant and in good spirits.

Ye Lin immediately showed that he was haunted by the evil spirit's curse and bowed his head respectfully to the bad woman.

"It's you, just in time, come with me." Haiide has a graceful figure, and a wisp of fragrant wind comes up as he walks by. The large robe covers the plump and upright fat, which is fertile and nourishing.

The adventurer who was paranoid about her was in the realm of legend. It didn't matter whether it was high or low, but it still had some effect.


Mechanical War God Laboratory

Taneba silently glanced at the clock on the wall. Another day, every crisp movement of the second hand seemed to coincide with his heartbeat.

Janey, one of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War, is kind and gentle, has outstanding appearance, and has made great foundational contributions in mechanics and electricity.

She looked at the tired Taneba, smiled, and asked with concern: "You are very haggard."

Jenny used to try to climb up and down and work overtime when she was seven months pregnant, but later Ratty and Hayd persuaded her to take a rest.

You have done a great job at your job and have achieved milestone breakthroughs. There is no need to work so hard.

Jenny still has to work remotely for a while every day, but she will not work overtime.

She heard Lati say that something was wrong with Taneba in the past few days, so she advised him that he still had at least three months, and he was not in a hurry to work for a day or two.

"I'm fine."

He pretended to smile lightly, then grabbed one of his wife's hands and put it on his forehead, and was silent for a long, long time.

It was like praying and blessing the unborn child, and also like repenting for someone.

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