Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2219 Can’t afford it

"Jenny's pregnancy seems to be only eight months old. There is no doubt that she was born prematurely. Now that the amniotic water has broken, it is dangerous for both the baby and Jenny." Michele paced hurriedly outside the medical room and said, "I guess the baby will be born in the future." Bai Hua has a baby, and I’m not even that worried.”

After all, the medical conditions are different, but if Xiao Baihua knew about this, she would probably have to complain about her still charming appearance, why don't you have children.

Machel saw the sad truth about Taneba's betrayal of the Eternal Light. He was not a "traitor or thief" as later generations said, but he had an indelible helplessness and a sincere passion.

But Jenny doesn’t know that. She is Taneba’s wife. The recent rumors in the city have been heard in her ears, and she feels as uncomfortable as a sharp needle pricking her heart. Coupled with the failure of Gaboga’s plan, it can be imagined that she How much pressure a person is under.

She really wants to ask Taneba what's wrong with you, don't bear it alone.

"Taneba, Tanebah..." Jenny had a high fever all over her body, her forehead was sweating, her lips were pale, her thoughts were a little hazy, and she was calling a name that would never come back.

Although medical facilities were considered when establishing the Nasau Forest Refuge, it is difficult to achieve perfection compared to the facilities in hospitals in big cities.

Xiaoyu and Fengying, who were made up to look like ordinary people and wore masks, looked at each other silently. They felt that Jenny's life breath was rapidly weakening. It should be premature labor and dystocia, high fever and excessive blood loss.

"So in a sense, Held is truly a genius. He has created a new technological milestone and used space capabilities to avoid the pain of childbirth. I will have to thank her in the future." Xiaoyu complained, and a sapphire sign appeared on her fingertips. , gave Jenny a divination.

Herder should be awarded a brand of friend of women and sage of gynecology.

The sapphire is gradually turning black, which means that it is not optimistic... Xiaoyu has a blind eye on the history of the heaven, so he needs divination.

Xiaoyu frowned sadly, and couldn't bear the sadness of Jenny's death. She muttered: "Anyway, Sugar Cane said, he will be remembered..."

Although she did not specialize in healing, her personal realm was here. It was still very simple to save the current Jenny. With a wave of her hand, a stream of healing light disappeared into the delivery room.

After a long period of anxious waiting, the baby's loud cry suddenly came from the ward, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The weak and pale Jenny burst into tears while holding the infant child.

Regardless of her identity as one of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War or as an ordinary woman, Jenny is now full of sadness and cannot see a bright future.

Ye Lin and Mo Mei also returned from the frontline battlefield. Sophie was a little behind, muttering something about the tyrant being unscrupulous, cold-blooded cruelty, and insulting the name of the dragon clan. Send me quickly and kill Bakar with one knife in two hundred years.

"The baby was born? Let me go in and take a look." Ganzhe turned around and was about to get into the delivery room, but Mo Mei grabbed her wrist, her eyes were surprised and reproachful.

It's not like your wife is giving birth to a baby, so why are you the first one to get in there as an outsider, and get criticized and poked in the spine?

"Well, this...Taneba is the choice of fate tonight, maybe..." Ye Lin gestured in a low voice, and Michele raised his eyebrows to show his understanding, took the camera in his hand, and said with a smile: "You Leave it outside and wait. When Xiao Baihua has a baby, you can be the first one to go in and see her."

"Ah sneeze!"

In the distant but not-so-distant future, Xiao Baihua, who had been working overtime for a month, sneezed, drank a cup of coffee with sugar, and fell into a daze for a short time.

I am very tired and want to catch fish, but things are piling up and not dealt with, and they will not disappear on their own.

"Little white flower, the ultimate discovery!"

Dr. Nairn placed a computer in front of Xiaobaihua and showed a piece of data code, "Look, look, this data program is obviously the result of our recent research. Why does it appear in Gaibojia's control system Eden Tai?" Inside.”

"Ah, this... we can't underestimate the wisdom of the ancients." Xiao Baihua glanced at it, and it did look familiar.

"But, look below..."

The program was scrolled down to the end, which was a set of link references. After clicking on it, it was an identity card with McShell's signature smile on it.


The scornful woman Meshel, who secretly played tricks and threatened Mia, actually followed the general to the ancient era, and it was also the crucial era of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War.

Even getting an identity card and sneaking into Eternal Light is too exciting and outrageous.

They also found the hidden words of Michele... "Little Baihua, when I come back, I will bring you specialties."

"Specialty?" Xiao Baihua sipped her coffee quietly and delicately. She was speechless for a while and said, "But the specialty of that era was the ubiquitous dragon. Did she bring us some roasted dragon meat? Or touch two dragon eggs and bring them back to hatch. .”

"I can't afford it. I can't afford it." Dr. Nairn shook his head repeatedly, thinking of Braised Egg Lao Pi. That guy was receiving special research funds from the Seventh Reich.


Michele has been hanging out in the Mechanical Seven Gods of War laboratory for a few days. She is talented and is an acquaintance. Moreover, she is also a woman, so there are not so many taboos.

While Ye Lin was waiting outside, people kept coming over to express respect and gratitude to him.

When Nameroth initially fell, he was the one who killed several high-level dragons one after another and saved many people's lives. This also opened their eyes to the fact that the civilization in our heaven was also like this.

He and Siatt, who came from the undersea world, had done their best. No one was demanding or blaming anyone.

"Boss, everyone's morale is so low and there is a tendency to collapse." Mo Mei said with a slight sigh.

The last base of Eternal Light was bombed, and now everyone's faces look lifeless and have no fighting spirit at all.

The only relatively lively topic was that Gebojia's key particle cannon shot unexpectedly missed. If it had hit accurately, Bakar would have been seriously injured or even perished.

Generation after generation of warriors in the heavenly realm come forward one after another, treating death as if returning home.

Death is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that the fighting spirit has died. As the saying goes, there is nothing greater than mourning. Now everyone seems to have lost their fighting spirit for the future.

After all, it has been going on for three hundred years. It has been so long that some people are even used to the existence of the name "Bakar".

When I was a kid, I heard Bakar. When I grew up, it was still Bakar. When I got older, it was still Bakar...

"Therefore, it is necessary to ignite the fire of revenge and anger." Mo Mei sighed slightly. Now that the light of hope has been suppressed to death, there needs to be such a person to bear the infamy that will last forever.

Use another kind of hatred for him to rekindle the flames of resistance against Bakar.

A soldier of Eternal Light came over and saluted Ye Lin. He was dirty and tired, and said, "Hello, Captain Stark said he wanted to see you. He is personally injured and it is inconvenient."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Stark was wrapped in bandages and could hardly move while lying there. His bones were broken in many places and he was covered in scars. Only his tone was still energetic. He smiled bitterly and said, "I'm sorry for making you laugh. We may not be able to fulfill our agreement."

"You have made every effort." Ye Lin comforted him and asked him to recover from his injuries.

Stark was referring to the fact that Yelin and Siatt helped Heaven counterattack and destroy Dragon King Bakar before they found their way home, and then after Heaven was liberated, they would help Arad Continent deal with Ozma.

Now that Heaven has failed and Eternal Light is defeated, how can it be qualified to talk about helping each other?

Stark was seriously injured. Not long after chatting, he became tired. Before going to sleep, he murmured: "Taneba, you are my brother, what on earth are you doing..."

"Here you go, I took the photo, but I feel so sad." Michele handed the camera back to Ye Lin and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, feeling a little unbearable.

She knew what Ye Lin was going to do, and what the defeated Eternal Light needed most now, even if it was a reason, an excuse, and an outlet for emotions.

Although Ye Lin had vaccinated her in advance, in this bright and silent era, even if his hands and eyes were all over the sky, there was only one person who could not change his destiny, and that was Taneba, who was known as a traitor.

"Would you like to go take a look together?" Ye Lin invited Xiang Mechel.


The other side of Nasu Forest

Although it was only four or five days since the verbal agreement with Bakar, Taneba felt that the end of summer had left so quickly, and every weed was covered with a desolate coolness.

"Taneba, who gave you this dragon scale?" Bakar in human form still has terrifying oppressive power.

He held a black dragon scale between his fingertips, and the dragon blood on it still retained a trace of activity after being ravaged by the years.

Bakar was very angry, with a soul-stirring fierce light in his eyes. The dragon army under his command should be absolutely loyal, but now anyone dares to rebel against the power of the Dragon King.

In the original storybook, Janey was born prematurely, and then committed suicide after learning the news of Taneba's betrayal.

As of now, neither the CG nor the mission specifically expresses Jenny's ending.

But in the official audiobook, it is mentioned that Jenny died after giving birth, which was a dystocia.

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