Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2230 The little witch is very free

Juvenier is familiar with historical materials and really knows him.

Unlike Michel, who doesn't like learning history and finds it boring, Juvenir attaches great importance to the betrayal incident two hundred years ago and often looks for various clues to try to restore the truth of that incident.

The reason is simple. Juvenir found an old medical report by chance, which stated that the ancestor Curio was also one of the victims of the eradication of sexual magic.

Theoretically speaking, the ancestor of Coolio should not have any descendants, so how did his name of Coolio come from? Is it adoption?

"A man who has lived for two hundred years and is still young and unchanged, will he know the truth of what happened back then?" Juvenir thought, a little lost.

Ilena, the commander of the Celestial United Army and the first general of the Black Rose Special Forces, is thinking about how to find and win over this old man from two hundred years ago.

A huge meteorite was chopped off with one sword. The opponent's strength has improved even more astonishingly than two hundred years ago, so he might be able to help.

The atmosphere has been a bit depressing recently. The leaders of the coalition forces have not left yet, or in other words, not a single one of the nearly 10,000 people has left.

"Our itinerary is kept secret. Why is it such a coincidence for the Dragon Clan? There are traitors among our members." The fiery leader shouted, maybe someone is in contact with Sarah Wayne.

Wayne, a noble name passed down since the age of magic.

It is said that the ancestor of his family was once the lord of a city and one of the nobles of the Magic Kingdom. The family has countless treasures and wealth.

But a few years ago, the Venn family offered their wealth inherited from generation to generation to the Dragon Clan, gaining the opportunity to enter the city of Bakar, and became the betrayers of the heaven.

The name of the traitor of the head of the family, Sarah Wayne, has been linked to Taneba, and six organizations, nearly ten thousand people, have died at her hands.

Rosa Jurgen signaled him to calm down and stay calm, saying: "Many people are not very satisfied with Irina becoming the commander. Maybe we can take this opportunity to find out the inside story of the Dragon Clan."

As the resourcefulness of the United Army, Rosa firmly believed that calmness was one of the necessary qualities for a person. Ye Lin had seen this in a certain handsome man.

After walking out of the camp, he contacted all members of the coalition forces by radio. The news that Irena became the first commander had spread, and more or less people expressed dissatisfaction.

The reason is also very simple. Juvenir, who inherited the will of eternal light, seems to have just changed his name.

What is so special about her that she is a head taller than Juvenir.

Irena has a beautiful appearance, with a bit of heroism. Her brown-pink hair tied back falls to her slender waist. Her sports-style combat uniform outlines her graceful curves. Her outstanding temperament and appearance really brighten up the temporary camp. , many people cast strange looks.

Although there were some objections to her being the supreme commander, no one doubted her ability.

The Black Rose Special Forces she led had a remarkable record of hunting down high-level dragons.

"Wow, she must be Alijie's idol. She was later the first supreme priest and one of the founders of the Seventh Empire." Mo Mei, who was mixed in the crowd, also applauded with everyone to welcome her. It was really an extraordinary aura. A female character.

Irena opened her mouth and made a speech. This was not a long-winded speech, but a necessity, swearing revenge on the dragon clan and her immortal will.

Finally, Irina clasped her hands together in front of her body and said softly: "I will pray for everyone..."


The temporary camp was boiling after a brief period of calm. What does it mean? Can the prayers of mortals call the attention of gods? Is this move too rough and perfunctory? Does it have any meaning?

There is no god in heaven, only the will of mortals to stand up.

"I will remember the five hundred years of efforts to resist Bakar, and never forget our mission, which is the same as ours, and uphold the vision of our predecessors in pursuit of freedom... We have inherited the hope and fighting spirit of our ancestors, and we must join hands and move forward bravely... "

Irina's voice seemed to have a touch of magic, like a clear spring nourishing everyone's tired souls, making people feel peaceful.

Yuena changed from curiosity to praise and said: "If she joins the Order of the Holy Order, with this kind of voice talent, her future achievement will be at least a priest at the level of a three-good student."

He is just a mortal, but his voice is so charming, so special.

It's a pity that this is ancient times, otherwise I would have to recruit Irina to join the religion and sing praises to Lord Remi.

An excellent leader may not necessarily be the strongest physically, but he must be able to command the morale of the military and play an exemplary role.

Juvenir and Rosa’s choices were all given to Irina.

As the new commander, Irena's speech won everyone's confidence. She took advantage of the situation and announced that she would transfer the command of the Black Rose Special Forces to ammunition expert Flo.

Learning from previous lessons, traditional bullets were almost useless against dragons. Flo developed a series of specially-made ammunition against dragons, which greatly improved the combined lethality of the Union Army.

"You can pick it up and put it down." Ye Lin admired her very much. She was worthy of being the little girl's idol.

Michele paid more attention to the ancestor Juvenir and said: "But who is she praying for blessings and who is she sacrificing to?"

Celestial history records that even after the war was over and the Seventh Empire was gloriously established, the Supreme Priest Irina was still praying.

No one knows who the specific object of her prayers is, and there is no record in the history books. Scholars speculate that it may be a kind of spiritual sustenance, a kind of unreal comfort.

So much so that under the influence of Irena, the subsequent highest priests, all the way up to Beilean, retained the habit of holding prayers and sacrifices.

Until it was abolished by Alijie.

"Oh haha, the difference is really obvious." Meshel pursed his lips, look, Irina, the founder of the blessing sacrifice, is praying alone now.

However, by the time of Beilean, the blessing ceremony had already evolved into a grand national festival, and the time was not fixed.

If there is no major event, it will be once a year. If a disaster breaks out, such as the arrival of Antun or the invasion of Kallet, the number of sacrifices will increase.

Each time, the entire palace and nobles are mobilized, hundreds of millions of dollars are spent, and the process lasts from a week to half a month.

It can only be said that various systems should adapt to the needs of the times. The current era does require prayers and sacrifices to appease the people. In the future, sacrifices will fall behind and will not have much meaning.

So in a sense, this is Irina's first official blessing, which is quite commemorative.

Yimiwu was bored on the sidelines. She was originally kidnapped by the yellow-faced woman, her little mouth pouted, and her face was full of displeasure.

After Yuena coaxed and lied that you had the opportunity to make a few dragon puppets and put them in your puppet forest, thinking about how cool it would be, she got a little energetic.

"I hope such children can live under a free sky." Irina put her hands on the little witch's shoulders and ended her final speech.

This girl looked delicate and cute, with big eyes full of aura. She fell in love with her at first sight.

The whole place fell into a brief silence, and then everyone laughed knowingly. It was not appropriate to make loud noises. Even unbridled celebrations seemed a bit extravagant in this era.

"Huh? Me?"

Yimi Wu was helpless, it’s none of my business what your speech is, this witch is very free.

The great master of the dark house in the devil world, the quirky little witch, the beautiful young girl who specializes in killing yellow-faced women, I am living a good life.

Although I don't seem to be able to defeat Bakar, defeating these guys is definitely not a problem now.

"I'm sorry, Lady Irena, this child was running around, and I was looking for her just now." Yuena smiled and pulled the little witch with her eyes wide open.

The yellow-faced woman has no good intentions.

Before Irina could ask, Yuena took the initiative to introduce her: "She is my sister. She has never gone to school and is a bit stupid. She is causing trouble for you."

Damn it, yellow-faced woman, don’t even think about sleeping tonight.

Yimi Wu pretended to be intimate and turned around to hug Yuena, as if her younger sister was being affectionate and coquettish. A shiny silver needle quietly appeared on her fingertips and poked the yellow-faced woman's fat...

The needle is broken!

"Are you a pangolin?" Yimi Wu hinted, "Oh, a yellow-faced woman with rough skin is not like my thin skin and tender flesh."

Then, Ilena turned her attention to Ye Lin, who was looking at the sky, seemingly unaware that someone had recognized him.

"Chief of Hart Mountain, didn't you attend yesterday's meeting?"

The name of the small organization Ye Lin borrowed was Mount Hart, the mountain closest to Bakar's palace.

"Ah? We are a small organization, and we will listen to your opinions." Ye Lin was very polite, and still lamented that she was such a beautiful woman, and even his small organization remembered her.

Irena smiled and did not want to reveal his identity as an old man publicly. She wrote a note and handed it to him, saying that she would visit him.

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