Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2235 Sarah is confused

Two lines of clear tears streaming down Sara's cheeks slowly wet Ye Lin's shoulders, and a pair of jade arms hugged him tightly, like hugging a piece of driftwood to save one's life when drowning.

She is not ignorant of shame. She has the noble taste and etiquette that a noble should have. Even if she is in the Dragon Clan's headquarters, which is full of dangers, she has always maintained an elegant and calm manner.

She was just too wronged and too helpless to be alone. Her lonely and sad soul was like a withered leaf drifting in the vast sea.

When it is completely wetted by water, it will sink to the dead and lightless bottom of the sea, never rise again, and slowly decay.

Ye Lin gently patted Sarah's shoulder, the person in his arms was trembling and repenting, and gave her some insignificant comfort.

It's a pity that there is a thick wall between him and Sarah, and their hearts cannot be together.

On the contrary, when I hugged the little witch, the feeling of my heartbeat was very clear.

He admired it very much, and even admired Sarah's bravery from the bottom of his heart.

Where the light does not shine, there are also brilliant and great heroes.

There is no trace of cultivation in her body. Apart from being extremely righteous, Sarah is just an ordinary mortal body with average physical fitness.

Any low-level mixed-blood dragon soldier can easily kill her.

She ventured into danger alone due to her courage, outstanding wisdom, and infinite love for the heavens. She ostensibly surrendered to the dragon clan, but in fact she provided important intelligence to the coalition forces.

His arrogance and courage are unparalleled, and even many men cannot match them.

"I've been to the Union Army camp." Ye Lin stroked Sarah's hair. She had a nice fragrance and said, "There is indeed a part of her that is thorny, disobedient to discipline, and arrogant."

Not to mention the principle that before fighting against foreign forces, one must first calm down at home. Strict discipline is the prerequisite for an army to develop its strongest combat effectiveness.

The fall of Nameroth had nothing to do with the concentration of Eternal Light's base members. It was simply because Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King, was too strong. He was so strong that no weapon in heaven could hurt him.

That's why Eternal Light, Black Rose Special Forces, Winged Eagle, etc. have jointly proposed the idea of ​​​​electing a commander-in-chief.

Ye Lin saw an extremely noble quality in Sarah, as beautiful and immortal as gold, and he couldn't help but think of Andy Wynn.

The old woman was quite ambitious and resourceful, and tried to replace Alizee as the Lord of Heaven, but was later frightened by the giant dragon.

In addition, the calm spirit inherited by the ancestor Rosa Jurgen and the descendant Naviro Jurgen, the Jurgen family, is a good story in the heaven.

Of course, there is also the slutty folding fan, which is often complained about by Jack, but it is undeniable that the Jurgen family's family tradition is much better than that of the Wien family.

"Thank you for your comfort, I feel better."

Sarah smiled and rubbed the corners of her eyes. Her thick eyelashes still had some water stains, and her tear stains were charming. If you look closely, you can read a seductive charm.

She has been walking on thin ice all year round in the city of Bakar, and even expressing her emotions is a luxury.

No matter what you see, you should hold it in your heart, with a cold face, expressionless, as if you are frozen.

She maintained this posture for so long that Sarah didn't know if her face would still smile or cry.

Ye Lin felt disappointed as his arms were empty. The clothes on his shoulders were soaked with tears, and he felt a little cold now.

It can be seen that Sarah's emotions that have been accumulated for many years are released very intensely, and her water content seems to be super rich.

"Sarah, do you want to go with me?" Ye Lin invited, sincerely and confidently, and said: "I can take you safely out of the city of Bakar. Early tomorrow morning, you will appear in the United Army temporary camp."

Being able to freely come and go in the murderous Dragon City and stroll around, Sarah couldn't help but take another high look at him.

Adventurer is really a title that is not in line with the current cruel era, but is full of romance.

"No, I can't leave." Sarah shook her head, regretfully declining his proposal.

Of course she understood what a great temptation it was to escape safely from the city of Bakar.

But she can't leave yet. The Union Army needs her secret information, and her family is still imprisoned in the northern ice and snow.

Moreover, most of the soldiers in the Union Army did not recognize her. If she went back now, she would be executed as a traitor amid the excitement of the crowd.

When the sadness gradually subsided, Sarah suddenly had an idea in her mind and remembered a very strange thing, and said: "Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King, has not given orders for a month."

Bakar is keen on exercising power and enjoys the pleasure of being able to decide the fate of others with just one sentence, so his silence seems a bit abnormal.

However, the main hall of the Dragon King, where the dragon flag hangs, is a restricted area that she cannot approach in any case, and cannot collect any more information.

"You should leave quickly, maybe there will be high-level dragons passing by." Sarah urged.


The thunder in the middle of the night, the howling wind and rain, it was not the weather suitable for traveling anyway. Sarah changed her words and said: "Let's wait until daytime."

She didn't know that Ye Lin could travel between two places with just one thought. She mistakenly thought that he traveled through the night with Irina's secret letter, and it took him two or three days to reach the city of Bakar from the temporary camp.

After arriving at the destination, thunder and heavy rain happened to fall.

In such bone-chilling cold and rainy weather, staying up late and rushing will only result in half the effort and not worth the loss.

Moreover, Ye Lin is an old man "more than two hundred years old", so please be considerate.

"I can do anything, Sarah, are you hungry?" Ye Lin conjured up a charcoal stove, a casserole, and various fresh meats and vegetables.

And a bottle of elf essence from the Moonlight Tavern, one of Mi Gao's favorite wines.

Sarah had no appetite at first and had a simple dinner, but she felt strangely hungry after she vented her emotions.

In the bad weather with thunderstorms, Sarah could drink a glass of wine and enjoy delicious food in a warm room. Sarah felt that this was the most relaxing and enjoyable night for her in several years.

She is similar to Michelle and Feng Ying, and their drinking capacity is average.

The cuffs of Sarah's robe were very wide, so she paid great attention to the elegance of her posture when drinking, and her drinking was pleasing to the eye. She was half drunk and half awake and said: "The so-called nobles are not only more powerful and richer than ordinary people, they should also show Show a noble demeanor that is beyond ordinary people, so as to shoulder responsibilities and missions that ordinary people cannot achieve."

In other words, she had long disliked the group of nobles who had surrendered.

A few years ago, Dragon King Bakar suddenly ordered that all humans with noble status should move to Dragon City.

Rosa later analyzed that it should be through controlling powerful people to achieve the goal of completely controlling every corner of the heaven.

Most of the nobles had no choice but to do so, including Rosa Jurgen, a small and poor family.

Rosa used to be Sarah's staff officer, and later joined the Celestial United Army with her help and became the think tank and mainstay of the United Army.

Sarah dragged Ye Lin and talked a lot, as if they were old friends and familiar with each other. She had been alone in Dragon City for too long, and she was about to have a mental problem.

"If I were not a noble, I would actually like to be a teacher who teaches and educates people, especially a primary school teacher, preferably around the fifth or sixth grade."

Children of this age are somewhat mentally mature and easy to discipline.

If you are older, you will be restless and troubled during adolescence. If you are younger, you will cry at every turn, which is also very troublesome.

"Rosa and I agreed that when Heaven is liberated, we will run a school together. The Wayne family still has treasures and money...Ye Lin, you can come too, and I will pay you a salary." Sarah said in a daze. Put a flag on yourself.

I've been tense for too long. It's a rare opportunity. It doesn't hurt to get drunk occasionally.

Sarah was drunk, her cheeks were flushed, and her slightly opened red lips smelled of alcohol, and she said: "Get some rest, I'm really not good at drinking."

next day


A piercing thunder exploded in the sky, awakening Sarah on the bed. Her whole body trembled, and her head suddenly woke up.

"I'm actually drunk?" Sarah was shocked. This was the Dragon City.

The heavy rain outside the window has not stopped after a whole night, and it is raining lightly, a rhythmless movement of nature.

The house was tidy and there was no sign that anyone had been here, except for a bouquet of fragrant and beautiful flowers on the table.

On the clothes rack next to the bed were her coat, sexy tight-fitting skirt, bright brown stockings, etc.

Sarah found a small note left by Ye Lin on her pillow. The content was to the effect that I will leave first and go back to the Union Army camp. You must be careful here, I will come back.

"Did I change into pajamas last night?" Sarah held her forehead in confusion, not remembering clearly.

Thanks to the boss "Mi Dong Jiang" for the 1500 point reward.

"Ling Duyu"'s 1500 point reward.

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