Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2237 The Stronger Puff

Flo opened the door of the SUV, gave herself a shot of painkiller, then lay down next to Oscar and waited to die.

Both of them had dark faces, abdominal cramps, and everything they saw was blurry.

The conditions of the others were basically the same, and all of them were hanging on with their last breath.

A request for help has been sent to the Allied Forces Headquarters. Whether they can survive until the reinforcements arrive seems to depend on whether their fate is strong enough.

The old dragon Zamir learned the curse magic of the celestial magic era and used rain as a medium to launch attacks, which was beyond their expectations.

Magic is an unknown domain that can only be used by dragon bloodline, so it is difficult to think ahead and take precautions.

Sarah's intelligence already mentioned that Zamir's specialty is magic, but they still fell into the trap. They should have gone straight to the high-yield atomic nucleus.

"Flo, if we were lying in the emergency room now, we might still have a chance of survival, but I didn't expect to die with you. It's uncomfortable." Oscar simply closed his eyes, his eye sockets were swollen like walnuts, and his voice was hoarse. .

Flo was still very optimistic and complained with a smile: "After all, life is decided by one bullet, Oscar, how about I help you get rid of it first."

Their lives were saved by a humanoid weapon of unknown origin, and they still haven't recovered yet.

The power and speed of that thing were unbelievable. It left an afterimage and tore the body of the high-level dragon into pieces with one punch. The way Zamir exploded, Flo thought of stuffing a grenade into a watermelon.

Then, boom!

It’s like setting off fireworks during the Chinese New Year.

I have already contacted Juvenir. Eternal Light does not have such a thing.

"Keep your bullets for yourself. If possible, I still want to see the day when heaven is liberated, and then marry a wife and live a happy life." Oscar sighed hoarsely. He was the only one in the Dohe family, but he I am forty years old and not yet married.

It's not that his own conditions are poor, but that Oscar pays great attention to the taste and character of his partner.

He has an arms sales business throughout the heavens and is the arms leader who controls several arsenals. He has a barbaric aura of weapons all over his body.

Therefore, Oscar feels that his significant other must at least have a spirit that is not inferior to that of a man, and must have strong and brave qualities.

The gentle and virtuous lady Biyu is not suitable for the style of the Dohe family.

"So, Oscar, you actually like the most beautiful and proudest flower in our United Army?"

Flo is naturally referring to Irena, whose full name is "Alderamine Irena von Lillio".

She single-handedly created the Black Rose Special Forces and has a proud record of hunting down high-level dragons. Now she serves as the only supreme commander of the United Army.

Generally speaking, men are more likely to give people a sense of security, and they have natural advantages in physique.

However, in front of Irina, with her battlefield-experienced aura and bright and calm eyes, any man would be unconsciously dwarfed by her.

Flo believes that no one is qualified to get involved in this beautiful battlefield flower.

"I strongly object, Oscar, please stop being delusional, it's absolutely impossible." Flo reluctantly tilted his head and laughed loudly, feeling that his head should be swollen into a pig's head.

Although the Black Rose Special Forces are now led by Flo, Irina, as one of the founders and original leaders of the Black Rose, is of course Flo's immediate boss.

In this regard, even if Irina resigned, Flo didn't feel that anything had changed. He respected Irina very much and had a little admiration for her, so Oscar, a rough man, couldn't get over him.

"Hey, I just want to talk to you before I die. Most of the Black Rose Special Forces are women, so why did they recruit a man like you?" Oscar covered his heart. The painkiller had been injected, but the severe pain was still a bit overwhelming. live.

Is this the lost magic in our heaven? It’s so amazing. Oscar is proud and speechless.

"I am the blackest flower among the black roses... Because I developed extremely destructive bullets and publicly shared the production method, I was specially recruited by Irena. Unlike your Dohe family, I will not give you money." Give munitions.”

Oscar, who had been scolded, twitched the corners of his stiff lips and did not want to refute.

Because there is nothing he can do about it. After all, the Dohe family has a lot to eat.

You think everyone is on the same page as you, one person is fed and the whole family is not hungry.

And once the idea of ​​giving away weapons for free is started, there will be no way to stop it later, and others will criticize them from the moral high ground, saying that the Dohe family has made a lot of money from war and does not have the will of the heaven to share the same hatred.

On the other hand, weapons are not created out of thin air. They require production lines, ores, and staff.

Therefore, Winged Eagle has always been more or less closed off, and claims to the outside world that we are businessmen, and it is reasonable to charge money for selling things.

Just as the two were enjoying themselves in misery, waiting for rescue but their minds were blurred, someone suddenly opened the car door, and a sudden burst of wind and rain rushed in. The cold feeling all over their bodies made them think a little clearer.


What opened the tent was not reinforcements from the Union Army, but a golden dragon man.

The opponent has a very conspicuous dragon head, sharp claws, and tail, so it should be a low-level dragon man, because the more powerful a dragon man is, the less dragon characteristics his body will have.

But this dragon's body seems to be cast with gold. The golden scales have a unique kind of beauty unexpectedly. Compared with other dragons such as taupe, earthy yellow, blue-gray, etc., they are quite beautiful, and they don't look too different. Like low-level draconians.

At least, this was the first time Flo saw a golden dragon man.

But no matter whether the opponent is low-level or high-level, it is a fatal danger to them who have now lost their combat effectiveness.

"I don't want my body to be eaten by the dragons, Oscar, let's go together." Flo smiled hard, used his swollen arms to pull down the grenade from his waist, and was about to pull the trigger ring.

"Don't get excited, it's easy to worsen the curse. I'm not here to kill you." The golden dragon man spoke, his claws glowing with a fresh and natural green light, and the breath flowing out was unexpectedly warm.

Flo didn't want to die together so recklessly. He paused with his fingers, as if there was still a chance of improvement.

The dragon claw was placed on Oscar's forehead. It seemed to possess some kind of superb healing magic. Oscar, who was already swollen and had a throbbing heart, was getting better quickly. He soon opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of black blood, returning to his normal appearance.

Later, Flo was also cured by the same method, but two soldiers in the other two military vehicles failed to withstand Zamir's curse and gave up their precious lives.

"You guys should get out of here quickly. The explosion has already disturbed the other dragons." The golden dragon left in a hurry without saying another word during the whole process.

"I have no doubt that it has a hundred chances to break our necks." Oscar touched his heart with lingering fear. He seemed to have seen the revolving door of life just now, chatting with his ancestor Franz Dohe.

Then the ancestor told him to get lost.

"Commander-in-Chief, we are fine and can return immediately." Flo reported the news into the communicator, hesitated for a moment, and said: "You may think that we are crazy or have rebelled, but the fact is that we were attacked by a The golden dragon man was saved."

The golden dragon Megilia hurriedly left the place where Zamir fell. She was attracted by the sound of the explosion. There was a dragon army camp nearby, where a group of dragon soldiers were stationed.

Because of the cold and rainy weather, the Dragon Clan was unwilling to go out.

Mejilia does not have the fighting power of the high-level dragons, but because she has some good healing abilities, she is quite respected by the low-level dragons.

Just when she was about to return to the dragon camp, a red sky thunder suddenly fell in front of her. The raging thunder and lightning destroyed nearby trees, rocks, and high-level dragons blocked her way.


"Megilia, Zamir is dead," Puff said.

Her aura is much stronger than that of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War era, but her appearance has not changed much.

She has a pair of big, round and straight legs, and two rows of teeth that are very white and neat when she smiles. She looks very cheerful, but also a little silly.

"Although I don't care about the life or death of that old dragon, he is the fighting power of the dragon clan after all."

Mejilia's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and he concealed it: "I saw a mushroom cloud rising in the distance. Zamir's old body is a weak point. If it were you, Lord Eclair, you would definitely be able to withstand the human explosion."

Puff became impatient with the false compliment and said coldly: "You got the news faster than me. I know it was a sneak attack by humans. Mejilia, I saw with my own eyes that you saved several humans."

Mejilia's eyes changed wildly, and many thoughts flashed through her mind. What Eclair was best at was thunderous offensives. She had absolutely no power to fight back, and she could never escape.

Saving humans is not the most important thing, but her actions are tantamount to disobeying Lord Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King. This is an unpardonable death penalty.

"I know that you have a close relationship with the high-level dragon Berisk, but Berisk can't save you from this kind of rebellion." Puff's dragon blade lay across Mejilia's neck and threatened: "So, and I’ll catch those people back together and make amends.”

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