Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2239 Elderly Dragon Girl

The death of the high-level dragon "Wise Dragon Zamir" was confirmed. This good news spread quickly like a breeze in the coalition camp. Congratulations and celebrations were everywhere, which greatly boosted the morale of the army.

The death of every high-level dragon means that the sacrifices of the coalition forces will be reduced in the future, and more people will have a chance to survive, and with better luck, they will be able to witness the fall of the Explosive Dragon King.

Flo and Oscar, as well as the accompanying warriors, naturally received warm cheers and praise, and were called dragon-slaying heroes, giving them thumbs up in praise.

Staff Officer Rosa, who decided to brave the rain, also gained the respect of other organizations.

Flo and Oscar looked at each other, and both could clearly see the helplessness and shame in the other.

They only injured the wise dragon Zamir. The real cause of the latter's death was a punch from the mysterious robot. His whole body was exploded and shattered, and not even a palm-sized body tissue could be found.

As a trophy, Flo found half of Zamir's wand.

But we can't talk about things like this that will hurt morale for the time being. It hasn't been long since the United Army was officially put together. Everyone needs idols, a benchmark, and brave heroes.

"I feel ashamed to accept the credit under my name." Flo shrugged, and then glanced at the burly Juvenir. Isn't that thing really a product of your Eternal Light?

"No." Juvenir denied.

The Eternal Light, which regrouped its members, absorbed the experience and lessons learned two hundred years ago, and designed weapons with destructive power as its first criterion, which meant abandoning Geboga's bulky body and focusing its research on particle cannons.

Dimensional movement technology is more often used to transport strategic materials.

Oscar was puzzled and said: "We have helpers secretly. Isn't this a good thing? Why are you worried?"

"Because I don't understand that kind of mechanical technology at all. Are there any hidden technological organizations in heaven?" Juvenir frowned seriously.

He is a descendant of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War and has read some top-secret information.

Unknown data records that the fall of the Nameroth base seems to be related to Gaborga's core Eden Tate, and the Dragon King seems to be very angry about that.

Strange science and technology seems to be a very sensitive thing.

The core members of the Combined Forces Command, Flo, Oscar, Juvenir, Irina and Rosa, held an impromptu secret meeting.

"Where is Irena?" Juvenir asked.

Rosa pointed in a direction with a folding fan and said: "Pray, there is not much we can do to pray for the two soldiers who died."

The conference room suddenly fell into silence. Killing the high-level dragons was certainly worthy of celebration, but the warriors who had closed their eyes forever had withered away.

Just like the fallen leaves, they cannot return to the branches.

"We know that this is an unavoidable sacrifice for the liberation of heaven," Juvenir said in a hoarse voice, as if he was being tortured: "But when I think of them dying in pain, I also feel..."

Flo sighed and patted his old friend's shoulder hard. He understood this unspeakable emotion. Although the man's mind was rough, it was also more straightforward.

"Unyielding consciousness", "sacrifice leading to the dawn", "the eternal light of hope"... are all high-sounding words meant to boost morale.

Everything is false, only "death" is real.

Irena finished her prayer and came to the conference room. With firm eyes, she said: "But if we get discouraged now, wouldn't our five hundred years of sacrifice be in vain? Even if it is to fulfill the legacy of our predecessors, we must Keep walking."

Maybe one day, the people here will become buried in a tomb, and even be burned to death by the dragon flames. No bones will be left, and only the high-spirited and immortal will will be left.

Elena paused and said: "Flo, please tell us the news about the golden dragon man in detail."

The moment Eclair of Thunder was about to take action, Ye Lin, an old senior from Arad, appeared and successfully covered the group's safe retreat, which made Ilena and others very grateful.

When the important things are done, I will definitely come to thank you.

The golden dragon Megilia disappeared again under the rain. He might have returned to the dragon camp, or he might have been hiding.

"A man's sixth sense." Flo knocked his head and said: "It should be a coincidence that she saved us, but there is indeed no malice. Moreover, she should be just an example of the dragon clan."

"I also agree with this statement." Rosa was playing with the fan again and said: "There are many traitors in the heaven who seek refuge with Bakar, and one or two among the Dragon Clan are not new."

"Well, actually from the bottom of my heart, I don't want to call her a traitor. After all, she saved my life, but from a racial standpoint, it's not wrong." Flo sighed.



Siatt poked Puff's smooth and delicate face with her slender white fingers, raised her eyebrows and said, "This girl slept very soundly, she was even snoring."

Ye Lin fainted after giving the puffs and brought them back. Now he has been snoring beautifully for most of the day and shows no sign of waking up.

Dragons are very resistant to abnormal conditions. The pollen of ordinary dream-eating trees is actually not that effective, but Ye Lin uses the advanced version he cultivated himself, which was improved by Taichu Wuxuan.

Not to mention puffs, Bakar was probably confused for a while when his face was so confused.

"She is not an immature little girl. I have seen her during the Mechanic Seven War Gods era. She is stupid and very stubborn." Sophie held a plate of fragrant fried chicken legs and told Puff that she was actually an "elderly" dragon. female.

Since the appearance development of dragons is slower than that of dark elves, Puff still looks like a young girl.

Besides, let alone others, the real age of the family's first dragon, Tana, is almost 700 years old, and she still looks like a twenty-year-old girl.

Her skin is still fair, her temperament is pure, and she is still dark and straight. When we go shopping together, we are often considered to be sisters of the same age.

And more often than not, she is mistaken for a younger sister, which makes Siatt, who has a more mature temperament and a more mature sister, a bit speechless.

Her ancestry goes back more than ten generations, and she may have barely reached the age when Tana was born. However, when she and Tana went out together, they both thought she was older.


The aroma of fried chicken drumsticks was super tempting. It kept getting into my nose. The snoring Puff sniffed his nose and suddenly woke up with his eyes wide open.


Her eyes were fixed on the fried chicken leg in Sophie's hand for the first moment, and then slowly moved to Sophie's face and the dragon horn above her head.

"I seem to have seen you somewhere." Puff was very honest. The memory was too long ago and was a bit blurry. After all, the last time we met was more than two hundred years ago.

Sophie spoke vaguely, mentioned a few related words, and said: "Namenros, the top of the mountain, you fainted."

"Oh! You are the dragon knight who claims to be the original dragon." Puff suddenly remembered the dark history that she could not erase. Fortunately, no other person saw it at the time.

But it doesn't matter. After two hundred years of hard training, she has become much stronger than before. Today, she must avenge her shame and use a thunderous offensive to defeat the guy in front of her who calls herself the original dragon.

She doesn't believe that there is a real original dragon.

Puff was about to raise his hand to summon Dragon Blade and Little Toni, but then he realized that he couldn't move because he was tied up.

On her shoulders, belly, and thighs, there is a pure white rope of thought energy, which is very tough and can bind her with dragon blood.

Puff's long legs were pinched with fleshy marks by Nian Qi. Her legs were white, round and straight, and had a rather astringent taste.

Little Toni was also tied up. When tied up with a thin rope of mind energy, it looked like a dried eel.

"After all, she is of dragon blood, and this girl's eyes are quite wild." Siatt said. She could tell that Puff really wanted to have another fight with Sophie.

"It's so wild. It's just that I haven't been beaten before." Sophie felt uninterested and was about to leave with the fried chicken legs in her arms.

We are all dragon knights. Although she really wants Puff to hang out with her, she is not happy when she thinks that this guy may compete with her for meat in the future.

Although Mai Lu’s sister is also very delicious, Mai Lu’s recipes tend to focus on desserts, which is not inconsistent with her.

"Dragon Knight, how can you get along with humans?" Puff had long forgotten Sophie's name, and said dissatisfied: "Kill her quickly. Master Bakar does not allow dragons to coexist with humans. It is a capital crime."

"Kill her and you'll cook for me?" Sophie rolled her eyes and easily chewed off a fried chicken leg, her mouth full of meaty flavor.

The eldest lady who is a chef is her second mother and reborn parent. She will kill anyone who offends the eldest lady.

Ye Lin is quite recognized for her ability to chew meat with her mouth. Every time, Ganzhe is worried about whether she will chew it out habitually.


Puff's cheeks turned red, and his stomach began to growl. Sophie's plate of fried chicken legs smelled so good, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with an attractive color, and smelled better than Ningpa Garden.

"Tsk, tsk~" Sophie poked Puff's face with the remaining chicken leg bone and said with a smile, "Please, I'll reward you with the chicken leg."

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