Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2260 Can’t Chat

As for the Union Army, Ilena is indeed a little paralyzed, and bad news comes one after another, as diligently as she eats.

The incomplete red moon hung in the sky last night, and many people were panicking and stayed up all night. The investigation has not yet revealed the cause. The dragon's roar that shocked the sky early the next morning was like rolling thunder, roaring above and below the ground, all over the world, and destroying the whole world. Everyone was shocked.

The vast and boundless dome turned into a boiling sea of ​​​​fire, suddenly rolling up thousands of waves, crushing the sun and setting all over the sky. The strange and unpredictable changes in light once made it difficult to tell where the time was pointing, whether it was noon or dusk now.

"The only information that is certain is that Bakar is fighting fiercely with an unknown enemy. The human being... should be Ye Lin. His actions are too reckless. Irina, after he comes back, I suggest giving him a private meeting. Rosa said with a frown.

This is a critical moment, and a slight accident may turn into a fatal blow, thereby collapsing the Union Army's overall plan.

Now no one accuses her of playing with a fan, because the shocking phenomenon of fire and rain in the sky has caused the temperature in some heavens to suddenly rise a little, approaching thirty degrees.

Bakar’s power is terrifying!

Some people have prepared quilts and jackets for the winter, but now they have no choice but to pull out their short-sleeved sandals. The unseasonal temperature is too torturous.

However, Rosa still admitted her mistake. The scattered fly robots couldn't distinguish the images clearly. The huge black dragon was Astra, and the strong man in human form was Bakar.

Ilena put her elbows on the table, supported her forehead, and said helplessly: "However, although Yelin was a little reckless in fighting Bakar and did not say anything to us and asked the coalition forces to cooperate, his actions were essentially It’s also for the sake of heaven, so it’s not easy to catch people and teach them a lesson.”

"Then you are just like petting a cat, talking according to its fur." ​​Rosa added, which means to tactfully follow his thoughts. Don't go alone to fight Bakar and cooperate with our coalition forces. , improve the success rate.

"Rosa, we still don't know what happened in the city of Bakar. Maybe it was done as a last resort. Isn't it too early to talk about right and wrong now?" Irina said.

Rosa is the staff officer of the United Army. In other words, she is the strategist. She is smart, talented and knowledgeable. Whether it is grasping the overall situation of the world or down to every small battle, she can calmly and rationally put forward her own ideas.

Flo joked that she was like a snowflake, cold and delicate.

So Rosa's character is too serious, and everything must be measured. There seems to be no word gentle in the dictionary, as if her previous life was a scale that could not tolerate the slightest deviation.

"But Irina, this is a critical moment, and we have too little information..."

"Okay, okay, I know this." Irina took the folding fan from her hand and said with a smile: "You, sometimes you are so rational that you are not like human beings. Sometimes you have to trust others more. When he comes back, We’ll discuss it later, the top priority now is to check the damage caused by the rain of fire.”

"I am the staff officer of the Union Army. It is the responsibility that Sarah entrusted to me before she left. Of course, I will do my best."

Rosa brought the folding fan over again. The weather was relatively hot now, especially her clothing, which was more retro. The layered palace dress was more than gorgeous, but the overall breathability was not very good.

"I'll just go look for him when he comes back. Irina, we must not be emotional. This is not playing house." Rosa stood up to leave. The coalition forces were not ready yet. His sudden provocation to the Dragon King was too reckless. , you must preach a little, so that he will feel at ease when he obeys in the future.

Emotional... Ilena was stunned for a moment, feeling a little helpless. The battlefield of the battle with the dragons was cruel. Every living person might be buried tomorrow, and she was no exception.

She just trusts Ye Lin more.

Then the communicator placed on the table suddenly rang. He quickly picked it up and saw several messages from Ye Lin.

A short while later, a message rang from Rosa's communicator, coming from the same person.

"All the human traitors in Dragon City were wiped out and turned into dragons. Only Sarah happened to leave." Rosa was shocked by the news and stood there, unable to recover for a long time.

Although the Jurgen family is just a small and undistinguished nobleman with a little money and manpower, Rosa has made friends with many powerful people by virtue of her intelligence and ability to dance.

She has many "friends" with familiar faces living in the city of Bakar. Although she is a traitor to the Celestials, with Rosa's rational thinking, she can clearly construct a three-dimensional image of those friends in her mind. Appearance, height, preferences, personality, etc.

Now everything has been overthrown, all impressions have been shattered, and he has become an irreparable dragon.

"I have lived with dragons, and they are evil dragons. It is not surprising that I have ended up like this." Rosa said indifferent words, but she actually felt very unhappy in her heart.

Many years ago, many high-level dragons in Dragon City held tokens and went straight to the families who had nominally surrendered to Bakar, ordering them to move to Dragon City and enjoy shelter.

She knew that some families had no choice but to do so, and they had secretly helped the United Army. However, the family, old and young, was helpless in the face of the threat of high-level dragons.

Including the Jurgen family, because there were not many people, they later left the dangerous Dragon Pond and Tiger Den with the help of Sarah.

"This is also part of the sacrifice in heaven. Everyone should be aware of it, including us." Ilena said.

And this news needs to get out, Bakar's cruel behavior indirectly helped the Union Army.

Because from the perspective of most people in the heavenly world, this incident is the best punishment for those traitors. It is the fate of being a weakling who conspired with the tiger, which can greatly boost the morale of the army.

I declare to all people in heaven that only by resisting to the end and fighting until the last drop of blood can we have a chance to survive.

Another piece of news from Ye Lin is heavier in comparison. More high-level dragons will be born during the Dragon's Waning Moon Celebration, and the high-level dragons may also go one step further.

The dragon army, which has always been relatively loose, will be condensed into a sharp war spear. While the heaven is improving its technology, the dragon army is also exploring the power of blood and dragon language magic.

"The two pieces of news brought by Ye Lin are very important. A storm is coming. Is there going to be a war?" Irina pondered. The Dragon Clan was holding a blood moon celebration, and the Eternal Light was also completing its final experiments. It seemed that everything was going on. Grab the last moment.

Rosa felt that typing was too slow, so she directly sent a voice message to Ye Lin to ask for more details. She needed enough detailed information and hated this sense of unknown.

And what about the battle with Bakar? She was very anxious.

But he couldn't read every voice message, and he didn't answer the phone calls. Rosa was so angry that her chest heaved and she wanted to hit him on the head with a fan. Is there such a conversation?

Irina was smart enough not to ask too many questions, and just asked him to pay attention to safety and come back as soon as possible. Then she received a photo of the sparkling sea and a majestic and towering sky city protruding from the water.


Bakar used powerful magical power to block the communication channel between Arad and the heavens. Every city in the sky was destroyed, and finally only one remained, located on what was later called the west coast.

Viewed from a distance, the City in the Sky seems to be wrapped in hot air currents, forming a strange scene similar to a mirage. It is illusory and unpredictable. The towering Tower of Babel looks like a long worm that is constantly wriggling under the influence of magic.

Only the only Sky City is left, guarding Seghart, the life form of light, and a bunch of subordinates who are loyal to the Dragon King, including puppet masters, stone giants, and dragon men.

"You want to put Mejilia here?" Siatt said.

It seems feasible. The Dragon King's anger has not spread here yet, and the subordinates of Sky City do not know what happened in Dragon City.

Ye Lin shook his head and said: "It's useless to put it here. I think how about creating... a crawling city."

In fact, there have been many abandoned and inexplicable settings in the alien world map and the ancient map.

For example, for a period of time, it seemed that there was no upper limit on the difficulty of the ancient map. If the insect king was killed, Shilok would possess the magic sword and run away. "The magic sword became Kane's weapon, and his strength dropped sharply"

Lantilus's eagle dog, Meijin of Temptation, is missing... In the Creeping City, the puppeteer said he was oppressed or something...

In the Goblin Kingdom, Ithilien, the devil who planted trees, was accidentally involved in the dimensional rift. Because he could plant trees with magic (could it have something to do with Aunt Katie), he was given to him by the Goblin King. saved.

Goblin society determines class by strength, and Ithilien, who can plant tree magic, has a very high status, so she doesn't want to go back...

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