Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2263 Full of shame and unrepentant

It may be magical rumors from the age of magic, or it may be ordinary people's innate awe of the sea, or it may be true. Various legends about "Sea God" have always been common in the heaven.

It is said that Poseidon has an unpredictable form and controls the power of the sea, but his mood is moody. Sometimes he drags the most evil people to the bottom of the sea, and sometimes he curses fishermen who make a living by fishing but do not pay the tribute.

Residents living by the sea also describe phenomena such as strong winds and waves, rising and falling tides, as the breathing of the sea god.

Irena's understanding of the concept of God is relatively simple, and she believes that the so-called "god" is just a powerful life form, similar to the Dragon King Bakar.

After all, in the hearts of some traitors and weaklings, Bakar's crushing power seems to be no different from that of a god.

Ye Lin guessed that it might also be because Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King, had occupied the heavens, and the terrifying darkness had covered the world for more than five hundred years. No god had ever lowered his eyes of mercy and kindness, so Irina didn't actually care about "gods". How to catch a cold.

Since you have shown me no kindness or gift, why should I admire your majesty and glory?

Ilena is smart and beautiful, and she understands that the situation is exactly the same as two hundred years ago. The world of heaven is helped by him in all aspects, but in turn can't help him, so she feels quite guilty in her heart.

"Elena, although we can't help much with the battle situation in heaven, I have..."

Rosa, who was watching the tea sipping, suddenly frowned, used a folding fan to hold down his tea-serving wrist, looked directly at Ye Lin with clear eyes, and asked: "Wait, you just said... us? It turns out that you have an accomplice, isn't it? companion?"

A woman who is too smart and careful will silently calculate her husband's remaining physical strength during the wedding night, Ye Lin complained.

She didn't pay attention, she just said it smoothly, and Rosa caught the difference in meaning of the words, and then directly followed the trend to get to the bottom of it.

"Is it Siat?" Irina still remembers the name.

The beautiful swordsman who had killed a giant dragon turned out to be a huge misunderstanding when she asked Ye Lin to express her condolences to Ye Lin at the Eternal Light Base.

"Yes, she is here too." Ye Lin nodded helplessly and admitted without covering up any more, secretly sighing that Irina and Rosa would treat him like a philanderer.

Sure enough, the two of them looked at him in a strange way. He and Siatt still continued to form a team together after more than two hundred years. If they said that they did not have a special relationship that transcended friendship, they would never believe it. .

However, now that the Dragon Clan's enemy is at stake, Irina and Rosa don't want to get to the bottom of Ye Lin's personal emotional issues. The Dragon Clan comes first, and everything else is secondary in importance.

On the other hand, if Siatt can help, it will be something worth celebrating for the Union Army.

Another key point is that the Ring of Surato, which has the ability to tell the truth, is not in their hands.

From another aspect, Yelin comes from the continent of Arad, a world under the ocean, where princes fight for hegemony and occupy land as kings. There is the concept of "king and emperor" and the social structure is relatively ancient.

The "noble" class, which has begun to fade in the heavenly world, is still prosperous in Arad.

Ilena has also studied many ancient documents and understands that powerful and powerful people in that social state will always possess more resources, money, land, men, women, etc., intentionally or unintentionally.

So in other words, the moral code of heaven and the laws of the United Army, which have taken shape, do not care about Arad's affairs, and they have nothing to do with Ye Lin.

Yelin was in a state of shame but unrepentance, and he didn't know that Irina had already found a justifiable reason for him in terms of social structure.

He took out a holy book and said: "Ilena, this is for you. Please take the time to read the first few pages. You may be able to help at a critical moment, but it's just a one-time thing."

The holy book is a copy of Yuena's holy book of the order. Archangel Yuena has said it more than once. Irina is of noble character, pious and gentle, and is an excellent candidate to become a paladin.

If she is willing to believe in Lord Remy, and given her great achievements in history, her future achievements will definitely be no less than those of the Five Saints of Arad, and she may even have the opportunity to transform into a high-ranking angel or enter the Hall of Valor.

"Hymn?" Irina turned over two pages and didn't believe it.

After all, if there is a god... forget it, since it was Ye Lin who had good intentions, she was too embarrassed to refuse, so she took it as a spiritual comfort.

She can gain a one-time large-scale power by chanting sacred texts, but it is not the gift of narrow eyes, but the power of Yuena's archangel.

"Well, continuing the topic just now, although Siatt and I may not be able to participate in the battle to attack Dragon City, I have invited an extra team of reinforcements to help you at the critical moment. They will appear soon."

"Are they all magic users like you?" Rosa asked, then it was necessary to re-formulate the battle plan.

"That's not true. They are all ordinary people. There are seven...eight in total. I need eight identity cards with the highest authority."

"Okay, I'll take care of this later." Rosa nodded, gradually trusting him.

At the end of the conversation, Irina still remembered what he mentioned about the mysterious machine that could crush the wise dragon Zamir with one punch.

Taken together, it seems that there are quite a lot of helpers from heaven, and our chances of winning are very high.

Before leaving, Rosa took the initiative and asked Ye Lin for a bag of tea. She liked the color of the tea, like the fresh green blooming in spring, and the freshness that left a fragrance on her lips and teeth.

Of course, it wasn't for free. Ye Lin asked for her folding fan. Every word and every stroke was made by her own hands.

The sky that had been dark and gloomy for a week finally turned blue, without wind or rain. The sun seemed to be the truly noble god, sending warm light to every existence, regardless of class or race.

Irena also walked outside the house, raised her beautiful and flawless face to enjoy the gift of the sun, smiled brightly, her pink and dark hair was braided in a delicate hairstyle, and the ends could still hang down her slender waist.

Long hair is actually not very suitable for battlefield combat, but girls all have a natural tendency to love beauty, and they also have some personal hobbies.

Ilena is that kind of beauty with a bright and refined temperament, and she also has a noble character and will. At this moment, she is shrouded in the bath of sunlight, and an unreal sense of holiness is slowly rising.

"Ye Lin, to be honest, you are the infinitely bright sky above our heads. When we thought we could fully capture you, in the end we were just the tip of the iceberg."

There must be many secrets hidden in him, so many that even the stars cannot count them.

"Elena, I can assure you that nothing I do will be detrimental to Heaven. On the contrary, on the battlefield you can't see, I am also fighting for the future of Heaven."

Ye Lin's realm has touched the God of the Absolute Beginning. Although he is shameless and driven by desire, he has all kinds of excellent foundations. His temperament is also extremely extraordinary and his appearance is handsome.

"I have always believed in you." Irina smiled and said, "If you want to harm us, the top leaders of the coalition were wiped out that night, so why bother to go through all the trouble."

She was referring to the night when a meteorite fell from the sky.

"If we can all see the future we want, tell me your story carefully. It will definitely be interesting." Irina took off a silver-white flower bud hairpin from her bunted hair and handed it to In front of him, a few fallen leaves happened to be swirling and falling.

Her eyebrows are as light as autumn water, and her jade skin is accompanied by the breeze. At this moment, Irina is as poetic as picturesque, with clear water and hibiscus, and her beauty is intoxicating.

Ganzhe, who had always been shameless, looked at the affectionate hairpin in her hand, and his heart trembled like an electric shock.

The "us" captured by Rosa was not just Siatt, but dozens of people with their families.

"Then...don't hit me when I'm telling you a story."

Ye Lin picked up the hairpin, and there was a pure white feather in her soft white palm. If Iliena wanted to take back the hairpin in the future, or blast him, he was ready.

intersection corner

Flo and Oscar, who came to return the Ring of Surato, sighed at each other, patted each other on the shoulders, and hugged.

Thanks to the boss "Dikladuo" for the 1666 points reward.

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