Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2274 I’ll give you a Gatling gun

Naiyali went to play, and the group of people fell back to the heaven and earth, temporarily staying the same to cope with the changes. Mavis looked at the vast sky and sighed: "I saw the attribute of death spreading every minute and every second. This is the race. Struggle is inevitable under the general trend, and Lord Usiel cannot blame anyone harshly."

The dragon race is one of the top predator races. The so-called law of the jungle is the law of nature. Therefore, the catastrophic fire of the dragon king in the heavens and the war started by Borodin, the hammer king of Arad, are two completely different concepts.

The vanguard elite of the Union Army has quietly sneaked into the Forest of Death. The territory of the Black Dragon Naize is one of the favorable terrains that must be occupied, and it is also the key to boosting the morale of the Union Army.

More than 200 years ago, during the era of the Mechanical Seven Gods of War, the Eternal Light organization understood that only steel could match the tough skin of the dragons, so it was foolish to hold ordinary firearms in their hands and confront the dragons on the battlefield. .

According to Rosa's plan, the various organizations of the coalition used unmanned machinery as a means of frontal advancement to assist with artillery cover. Humans with more flexibility can adapt to changes while keeping the overall goal unchanged. If one dragon can be killed, there will be one less dragon in the world. .

Some antique machines that are outdated in terms of model, such as Dracconstan, Coliber, and Bouquet Tower... those that are still usable, have also used their residual heat on the battlefield, rushing to the front line, and giving the dragon clan the final artillery blow.

The rockets trailing the tail flames were dense like rain, blasting towards the dragon camp. The ground rumbled and rolled up sheets of fire and smoke. The destructive power of the technological weapons exceeded the expectations of the dragons. The low-level dragons were mature and mature on the battlefield. The wheat is harvested ruthlessly.

The dragons who had been baptized by the blood moon also showed their ferocious nature. Many giant dragons flew into the sky, occupying the sky, and spewed destructive dragon breath towards places where people might be hiding. It also caused a series of explosions, and many people were annihilated without being able to shout.

The actions of high-level dragons are what scare the United Army the most. Each high-level dragon has its own special ability, and it is possible to severely damage or kill it only at a huge cost.

The once blue sky completely turned into the color of flames, and the whole world seemed to be burning violently, turning into a sin-burning hell.

Thick smoke and magic obscured the sky, and the inherent terrain of the earth was severely damaged. It was no longer possible to distinguish the east, west, north, and south. Everyone's heads were buzzing in a mess, and their souls were numb.

"Do you feel that your mood is very complicated, but you can only watch silently?" Ye Lin asked with a smile, seeming to have new ideas.

The eldest lady shook her head slightly when she heard this. If she thought about it, she said: "It's not bad. We have seen things more tragic than this many times."

Because I know it is history and know the ending, the emotional resonance is not so heavy. Of course, it is still very ideological.

The fire of science and technology suppressed by the tyranny of darkness, the will of heaven, has been ignited in the wind, either burning the enemy to the ground, or turning it into ashes, full of tragedy and determination.

Ye Lin snapped his fingers, and several large wooden boxes appeared with the emblem of the Seventh Empire printed on them. They seemed to be modern products. He shouted: "Stand at attention, look like Private Hiat, and line up."

No one paid any attention to him.

The eldest lady nodded her chin, which was as clean as jade, and suddenly remembered that when Alicia ascended the throne, she seemed to have given them some honorary military ranks, but she had forgotten all about them.

But one thing is for sure, he is definitely not a private.

Mo Mei has already pried open several large boxes. The contents inside are neither food supplies nor magic props, but ammunition that can equip an entire team.

Gatling guns, laser cannons, anti-tank individual weapons, high-explosive grenades, broadsword mines, bullets with various attributes... and even a quantum bomb that has been discontinued.

"Here, Fatty, let me give you a gun." Ye Lin handed the heavier Gatling gun to the eldest lady, who subconsciously took it. Not to mention, she really knew how to operate this thing.

I learned it all when I was bored in the Heaven Realm. I didn't pursue lethality, I just thought it was fun.

Gatling guns are relatively old-fashioned but durable technological weapons that can be moderately improved. For example, the one on Oscar's back is a Gatling gun.

"Oh, it's interesting." Feng Ying put back the Thousand Flower Sword, picked up a laser cannon and made a few gestures. As long as the trigger was pulled, it could unleash a lot of destructive power. In the early stage, it was indeed much stronger than ordinary practitioners. .

Moreover, this thing can be easily mass-produced. If in a human-human battlefield, technological weapons have a great advantage, it is no wonder that Ye Lin has been blocking the flow of heavenly technology to the Arad continent.

Mo Mei imitated Rebecca and first hung a bullet belt around her waist, and then put on two revolvers. After thinking for a moment, she picked up a bullet, her fingertips glowed with the light of thought, and she easily realized Kelly's dream. , how cool it is to attach mind energy to bullets.

Everyone in the team has selected their favorite weapons. The quality of the equipment is absolutely no problem. They got it from the weapon warehouse in the Royal Courtyard, but it looks weird in terms of temperament.

The eldest lady and Qianying are better. The sassy and sexy tight-fitting leather jackets are more versatile. Whether they are holding a sword or holding a gun, they are no problem at all. Their style is more similar to the fashionable and sexy Taylor.

Feng Ying, who looks like a sword fairy in ancient costume, is holding a laser gun, and Mailu, who has a cute and cute girl style, is hanging two rounds of high-explosive grenades and holding a compact pistol.

Gu Yu, who has always been accustomed to hiding in the shadows and having a hard time with his physical nature, silently took out two automatic pistols. No matter how you look at them, there is a huge sense of violation.

Especially Archangel Yuena, who inherited the name of Safiir. She has a delicate and beautiful face, glowing skin, and gentle temperament. She holds a holy book of kindness and mercy in one hand and a focused flamethrower in the other.

Pseudo-heretic judge.

Those whom the Holy Book cannot save, the flamethrower takes care of.

Crazy Bear was carrying a white first aid kit. Although it was useless, he still had the identity of a medic.

Ye Lin dipped his finger in military oil paint and smeared it on Yimi Wu's smooth and cute little face~ which caused a burst of pink punches. The color was so ugly.

"We are the Queen's Courtyard... let's go to Wuxuan's team and follow me." Ye Lin picked up the individual anti-tank gun, full of majesty, and took the lead, rushing into the Forest of Death.

The invisible rule of avoiding the word "emperor" in heaven has begun to emerge in this era.

"The Forest of Death stinks!"

Mai Lu covered her mouth and nose in disgust. The weapons Ye Lin brought included gas masks. Everyone thought they looked ugly, so they didn't wear them.

The Forest of Death is Neize's unique domain. He hates all outsiders disturbing the tranquility of the forest, even the cicadas chirping and the frogs chirping, the breeze ruffling the leaves, and the fish playing in the water...including the dragon clan's own voice.

All life forms that disturbed his tranquility were buried under the soil, waiting to ferment and rot.

"Dwarf Winter Melon, maybe you and Black Dragon Nayize can have a good conversation." Yuena said teasingly.

"No, my Forest of Dolls is not that smelly, it smells like roses, and Naize is too ugly."


It is precisely because the black dragon Naize does not like to be disturbed by others, so there are no dragon guards in the Forest of Death, but the low-level elemental dark elf Semedek is everywhere, visible everywhere, and extremely aggressive.

However, all the elemental elves will show fear when they come in front of Ye Lin, and then turn into a ray of pure elemental energy and return it to the world, which is absolutely crushing at the elemental level.

Moreover, Bakar's blocking magic order is already showing signs of collapse.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

Ye Lin's communicator rang, and when he opened it, the other end of the screen was Lati, a smoker. She unexpectedly quit smoking after the fall of Nameroth, and her mental state was obviously much better.

"What are you... eh?" Letty and Jenny on the other side looked at each other. This group of people from the Magic Age had oil paint on their faces and held technological weapons. The sense of inconsistency was a bit serious.

"It's unbelievable. To be honest, I haven't come to my senses yet. Two hundred years after we arrived, you guys are still alive! Forget it, we have to have a good chat when the war is over." Lati scratched her hair before remembering Bringing up the business, he said: "Culio and Bolgan are rushing to the new base. Little Odeiz invaded the base system of Eternal Light. All the design drawings we left have been realized, but I am thinking about it. Is there any chance that a century-old weapon design could penetrate Bakar’s scales?”

"There should have been a high probability in the past, but Astra seems to have made Bakar think something about the possibility of evolution."

"Tsk tsk, sure enough, luckily we also have a particle cannon 3.0 plan."

Although I never played Blizzard games when I was a kid (I didn’t have a computer at home), I was a little bit disappointed last night.

Maybe there will be a day in a certain year when every front page will be refreshed with "Goodbye DNF".

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