Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2284 Sorry to say

The boiling and burning earth fire in the Dragon Courtyard slowly cooled down, and the dark red soil became a little colder, along with the blood that was once hot.

The smoke and dust that filled the sky finally gradually dissipated as the cold wind from outside came in. The short-lived peaceful atmosphere made the survivors sigh in a daze.

Some people lit up a cigarette in silence, and some people took a few sips of wine and sat quietly aside. Everyone had complicated expressions, as if they were numb, unable to cry or laugh.

Rosa agreed that people who like to drink should bring two small bags of wine, 50 ml bags, which look like a strip of mouthwash.

Those who survived were certainly thankful, but among the soldiers who had died, there were also their brothers and sisters.

Opening the Dragon Courtyard is the most important step for the United Army, but it is not the last step.

During the journey to the city, Flo and others did not want to think about how many heroic souls of soldiers would be buried, nor did they dare to think about it.

Crazy Bear, carrying a medical kit on his back, returned from the front line. He held his chest high, raised his head and took long strides. He was full of dignity and was a well-deserved hero.

On its way back, it occasionally encountered a few dragon-men with no eyes, showing their ferocious looks, but they were all slapped away by the Crazy Bear's paw.

"What a brave and good boy." Yin Liena stroked Crazy Bear's head and put a shiny medal on Crazy Bear's vest as a sign of encouragement.

For bears?

Crazy Bear touched the medal with his big paws for a while, and then immediately showed it to the little witch. Look, the bear has a very powerful medal.


Mi Gao, who was still invisible, let out a drunken burp. He felt a little guilty because he was so drunk and lazy. He was really ashamed.

But the alcohol just hit my head, and I couldn’t help it anymore. My head felt heavy. It wasn’t because I was drunk, but because my horns must have been too heavy...

Ignoring the weird looks from everyone, he just buried his head in snoring.

Mailu and the others all turned their accusing eyes to Ye Lin. They still remembered that a long time ago, Mi Gao was also a hard-working and good boy.

"Actually, it's not difficult to quit drinking. There are at least a thousand ways. As long as Mi Gao is happy, just let it go." Ye Lin defended in a low voice. He cared about Mi Gao. After all, he had a deep comradeship.

Feng Ying poked Mi Gao's belly with her slender white fingertips and said with a smile: "When I have the opportunity to go back to Mailu's hometown to visit relatives in the future, Philosis will probably give you a good beating."

Philosis, the most powerful unicorn in the beautiful world, is also the mother of Rice Cake.

The sight shifted back to the Tianjie battlefield. The topographic map of the Tianjie continent projected by the command post was now filled with flags with auspicious knot patterns. Each flag symbolized the outbreak of a battle.

Presenting an uneven distribution, from the outside to the inside, the number of flags also increases proportionally.

In particular, the hundred-mile radius centered on the Bakar Palace is simply covered with a bright red pattern.

Recovering the Lake of Eternal Stagnation and the Courtyard of the Dragon, and defeating Neyinze and Eskul, means that the coalition has achieved the first stage of victory.

Rosa felt a subtle sense of joy in her heart. It was not easy to achieve victory in the first stage, and it required the sacrifice of many soldiers.

If the four most powerful dragons are still in the heavens, the coalition's chances of winning will be infinitely reduced, and overthrowing Bakar's tyranny will only be far away, which is a luxury hope.

Fortunately, three dragons came to Arad and shared the important pressure... Because Ye Lin was also there, I was embarrassed to say this.

"Currently, the dragon army is radially destroying the towns in the heaven." Rosa used the folding fan as a tactical baton, worry appeared on her delicate face, and said: "According to the data, the dragon army can destroy all the way and reach the destination in three days." The coastline goes back and forth in one week, and more than half of the sky is lost. If it takes half a month, not even a tenth of the buildings on the ground in the sky will be left."

Calmness is a traditional virtue of the Jurgen family. Rosa has repeated this word thousands of times, but it is still difficult to maintain absolute calm.

After all, her heart was not made of steel, it was hot. How could she be indifferent to the sacrifices of the soldiers? She was also in a bad mood, but she couldn't say it out loud. A general couldn't reveal his weakness at will.

The destruction of dragons is very purposeful, and catching a building is like a dragon's breath stealing a home.

There is no need to deliberately exterminate the people in the heaven, that would be very troublesome, destroying their shelter is enough.

Humans without shelter, their fragile flesh and blood, only need a few bad natural weather events, such as cold waves and heavy rains, to drastically reduce the population.

That's why Rosa was eager to open up the Dragon Courtyard, attract the dragons to return to defense, and then fight to the death in the center of the Tianjie Continent.

In order to induce the high-level dragons to return to defense, the coalition army must show enough threat.

The intelligence brought by Sarah Venn was crucial. She told the dragons that their worship of Bakar was almost blind and mindless fanaticism.

Without Bakar's order, his subordinates screamed one by one, "Whoever dares to disturb His Majesty the Dragon King's rest is guilty of lese majesty and deserves to die."

In other words, if the coalition forces really blow down the gates of Dragon City, it would be a slap in the face to all the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan as a whole cannot bear this humiliation, and they will definitely fight back crazily. .

"Proceed according to the battle plan, let's work together." Rosa nodded.

The resting Winged Eagle and Black Rose special forces united with some other coalition forces and very cautiously used drones to explore the path forward and slowly advanced.


Several huge dragons roared into the violent winds that swept across the earth, raised their necks, and then spit out sheets of flames and lightning, causing a series of violent explosions in the coalition's formation.

What greeted them were rockets with a locking function.

Before actually arriving at the city of Bakar, the journey is bound to be bumpy and many brave souls will be buried.

Sophie twisted her wrist, eager to try, and snorted coldly: "From the perspective of the original dragon, when I think of Bakar sitting on the throne and watching with cold eyes, I get very angry."

Although the Dragon King of the main dimension has not "betrayed" his subjects yet, it seems that he is almost there, because the battlefield is in full swing, but he has not shown any extra signs.

You have to continue to sit on the broken throne and shake the red wine glass in order to highlight your style as the king of dragons, right?

Sarah was indeed right. One of the common weaknesses of dragons is arrogance.

"How should I put it, trials and trials." Ye Lin shrugged and sighed: "Bakar actually did it on purpose. If the United Army cannot defeat his men, then the mechanical revolution is a joke, and he is the last Gatekeeper, whetstone.”

The knife is either broken or sharpened.

Siatt heard the words thoughtfully and said: "Does it mean that all the high-level dragons and dragon people were sold by Bakar? They are destined to be victims."

"It can't be said that he was sold. It's still a race war, and the rules are still winners and losers. There are fundamental differences between Bakar in the main dimension and the guy in the dragon dimension." Sophie became annoyed when she mentioned this. Wanting to hit someone, he glared at Ye Lin.

Usually when she was bored and had a full stomach, Ye Lin would usually fight with her to vent the excess strength in her body.

It's just that sometimes I sweat when I'm hot, and then my clothes become less and less, and I end up on the bed inexplicably.

Sugarcane's combat effectiveness will soar on her main battlefield, and she will become more courageous the more she fights. In the end, she will fall into pieces and return full.

In the Dragon Dimension, in the 100th year of the Bakar Calendar, Bakar, who had been idle for a hundred years and felt uncomfortable, tried to find clues to the water of life and open up a wider territory to the world of different dimensions.

There is nothing wrong with this, and it is very consistent with the warlike character of the Dragon Clan.

Under the Bakar dynasty, the dark elves have extraordinary magical talents that even the dragons cannot match, so the task of opening the rift in another dimension naturally falls on the dark elves.

However, I didn't expect that for a hundred years, the Dark Elves had only superficially surrendered to the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan brutally destroyed their country. How could they swallow this bad breath willingly?

When the interdimensional rift was opened, the dark elves finally seized the opportunity and provided Bakar with the wrong interdimensional target.

What the dragons welcomed was not a beautiful world waiting for them to invade, but cosmic demons with a stronger desire to invade and looking for fights all over the universe. Moreover, their bodies were stronger than those of the dragons. Can high-level people tear apart giant dragons with their bare hands?

The dragon army had a fierce battle with the cosmic demon, always losing more than winning. Bakar, the strongest fighting force, was also seriously injured and had his dragon horn broken.

If it weren't for the loyal dragon knights who followed one after another, the history of the dragon clan might have come to an abrupt end.

Including Sophie's previous horn, a small part of it was also interrupted during the battle.

The most powerful dragon knights sacrificed their lives one after another, regarded death as their own, and made unimaginable huge sacrifices. They finally sealed the dimensional rift and drove away the cosmic demon.

At that time, Bakar's dynasty was in danger, but it was still holding on.

Next, in theory, the dragon clan would naturally launch a crusade against the dark elves to liquidate their previous betrayal.

However, Sophie and the dragon knights never expected that Bakar would secretly conspire with the dark elves because he was afraid of the powerful power of the dragon knights.


Bakar first assigned difficult tasks to the dragon knights, and then informed the dark elves of the task content, asking them to set traps in advance and kill people with borrowed knives.

Eradicate the dragon knights who perform too well and may affect his rule.

Of course, paper can't cover up the fire after all. The Lord's betrayal of the Dragon Knight caused an uproar. The Dragon Clan instantly fell apart, completely declaring the collapse of the Bakar Dynasty.

Out of grief and anger, some of the dragon knights chose to set up their own clans, and some joined forces with humans and dark elves to defeat the Dragon King. They borrowed swords from each other and dispersed under different banners.

Sophie also traveled far away from home with Astra, and with the help of her old mother, she ran to the main dimension with wounds all over her body.

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