Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2303 Slip away


The robots continued to bombard without stopping, the cold metal glowed beautifully, and the inner city's defensive barrier gradually appeared with cracks like dense spider webs, spreading to every part of the barrier.

Dilligan also came from the direction of the temporary command post like lightning. Her hair was flowing, her face was beautiful, and her curvy figure made her stand out... None of the female creations handled by the bad woman were ugly.

Such as the gentle and elegant Alice, the flower of the high mountains, the devilish figure, who looks like a wild female leopard, and Astros, who has thorns on his butt.

Diligon is a semi-energy body. The body is clean and translucent, with long legs and a slim waist, and plump front and back, but the details are not realistic enough and have no characteristics.


Diligon raised his hand and made contact with the fingertips of another robot in mid-air. Dazzling lightning exploded at the point of contact. Thousands of thunders flashed brightly. The blazing light shone throughout the city. Even high-level dragons had to squint their eyes. , turned around to avoid.

"I wear sunglasses to hide the fluctuations in my eyes. It's really not to block the light." Qianyingyu put her hand on her forehead and couldn't help but complain.

The plastic sisters can open their eyes to the sun and bathe in the sun without harming their skin, but now they all have the same sunglasses on their noses.

"Sister Qianying, am I cool~" Yin Miwu nodded, and the sunglasses were almost half the size of her little face.

The fused robot became even more special. The stiff metal on the body turned into a flowing liquid. The indifferent facial features also had a more vivid expression. When the eyes opened, two beams of light were stunning.

"Particle Cannon!"

Diligon's voice changed from emotionless to a shrill female voice. The five fingers of her right hand were spread out. Countless light particles condensed from the void, becoming more and more brilliant. The destructive beam of light that immediately erupted penetrated the inner city barrier, announcing the Dragon's rule. All the city's defenses were completely shattered.

The coalition forces also rushed into the inner city and set foot on the final battlefield. Oscar scratched his bald head, which was burned away by the dragon's flames. His scalp was covered in large pieces, and he said: "The woman on top of his head belongs to Juvenir. What?"

"It's not like that rough guy can't make such a delicate and beautiful creation." Flo shrugged, and then grinned.

He broke off an arm while hunting a certain high-level dragon clan. He simply took an injection of analgesics, bandaged and splinted it, and rushed into the battlefield again.

Flo longed for the figure of the first-aid bear on the battlefield. The potion it gave was so effective. It was a life-saving elixir with universal curative effects.

"Helder, you have worked so hard." From the Dragon Throne, Bakar nodded indifferently, with flames seeming to appear between his lips and nose, mocking the mechanical life form looking down at him from the sky.

This alone is not enough.

Bakar has long been aware that the Demon Realm is a fragmented world filled with technological waste. According to verification, its predecessor, Terra, should have experienced a special ancient civilization from magic to technology, and then to magic.

It has gone through three states without being destroyed, which is really amazing.

With Held's intelligence, it's not surprising that he can pick up some crystallizations from technological civilization and use them for his own use.

However, Bakar didn't know that Held was one of the greatest founders of ancient Terra's technological civilization. His technological path was slightly different from that of the maker Luke, but his achievements were by no means inferior. In some respects, he might even be better. high.

When Held held the law staff, the runes of the Holy Spirit were intertwined, and the light was gorgeous. Her sexy bikini set off her graceful curves, which was stunning and charming. And when she put on the researcher's uniform, her straight nose and glasses, she felt an intellectual The feminine temperament of generosity, gentleness and wisdom is natural.

She is worthy of being a bad woman with multiple vests. She can be cool and gentle. Thinking about Astros, she is probably hot and charming. She can control various styles and temperaments as she pleases and with ease. .

Not Sirocco, better than Sirocco.

The last line of defense gathered by the high-level dragons was fierce and overwhelming, covered in blood and full of fierce eyes, but there was an unconcealable decline.

Before the war started, they were full of confidence and arrogance. They bluntly said that this rebellion was an overestimation of their capabilities and ridiculous to the extreme. They could suppress it as easily as they slaughtered chickens and dogs.

However, although it is difficult for an earthworm to shake the towering tree, it gathers sand to form a tower and water to form a sea. Half of the Dragon Dynasty's tall trunk was chewed off by countless earthworm-level celestial beings.

"There is nothing to be afraid of. His Majesty the Dragon King will definitely destroy everything and be invincible. The noble status of the dragon clan cannot be shaken." A high-level dragon clan has a ferocious voice and a ferocious expression. However, he is riddled with scars, several ribs are broken, and half of the dragon's horns are broken. .

The trump card that the Dragon Clan put on the table has long been revealed, Wang Zha.

Brona shrank her neck, it was so scary, there were dead people, dead dragons, corpses everywhere, blood stained every street.

Master Bakar is certainly powerful, but does he have to wait until everyone is killed before he takes action?

"What happens next?" Berisk suddenly asked.

His Majesty the Explosive Dragon King successively launched blood moon festivals for them, and magic such as bloodline burning further improved their combat effectiveness, but it also caused Berisk's petrified magic eye to show signs of losing control.

"After that, we will naturally share a ray of calamity fire. Our bloodline will evolve, take on a new life, and become a prince." The dragon clan was very proud.

Especially dragons like Berisk, there is a high probability that they can shed their dragon bodies and transform into the form of personal guards, and they will be stronger than them.

"Then...what happens next?" Berisk asked again.

The high-level dragon clan frowned in displeasure. The blood all over his body was like flowing lava with a blazing temperature. He said: "Of course the heaven belongs to us. We can enslave the earthworms and become our blood food. We bow our heads and worship the Dragon King. Belisk ! What are you thinking about?"

He had a bad look on his face. He had heard that Berisk had released water when besieging a fat snowman and did not use the petrified magic eye. He also thought that Mejilia, who had a close relationship with it, had betrayed His Majesty the Exploding Dragon King.

Could it be...

Belisk's magic eyes flickered and he whispered: "I have no intention of betraying Mr. Bakar, I am just wondering...if we can also have those beautiful things."

Berisk recalled a time when he was unable to control the magic eye and went berserk, thus petrifying the entire town. Among the forest of stone statues, there were lovers hugging each other, warriors going backwards, and some crying with children in their arms. Mother.

Dragons often ridicule that humans need to stick together because they are weak. However, the ants who stick together eat up the high-level dragons one after another.

"When you are strong enough, everyone who sees you will bow down. Isn't this wonderful?" The high-level dragon with blood like lava became impatient and said: "Berisk, your petrified magic eye can solidify everything." Jun, but you have been guarding the door of the main hall, your heart is tormented, I advise you, uh, ah... Berisk..."

The blood as hot as lava turned into cold stone beads, the impatient expression solidified into a rough face, and in a few breaths, it turned into stone into a lifelike dragon-man stone statue.

"You are severely injured and useless, yet you dare to make noise in front of me."

After Berisk left, Brona quietly walked around the stone statue, smashed the dragon-man stone statue with her only tail, absorbed the vitality of the high-level dragon, and grew a second tail.

"What should we do?" Puff frowned and whispered, "If Lord Bakar doesn't take action, we will also become part of the enthronement magic circle."

There is a limit to fishing, so Puff intuitively felt that Sophie was there, so he tried his best to choose siege machines to destroy, destroying dozens of drones, and making Juvenir's heart bleed.

This dragon girl must be a highly intelligent being who knows how to attack machines.

Although it is ruthless, the fact is that large machines are more important than human lives.

Puff also heard a piece of news from the old dragon that was not known to be true or false. When the Explosive Dragon King ascended the throne and became the king, he would show his ferocity and the calamity fire would devour every dragon.

They admired Lord Bakar, but they didn't want to turn into a wisp of fire. Especially Brona, who was greedy for life and fearful of death, was thinking about how to dig a hole to hide.

"We will lead the battlefield outside the city. Don't disturb Master Bakar." Ningpa said suddenly, her garden had also been destroyed.

The preliminary concept has been achieved. The city is full of fire, there are screams from all sides, rivers of blood flow, corpses pave the way to the throne, the whole city is shrouded in fire, more of them are not more, less of them are not less.

Moreover, once Mr. Bakar takes action, the earth will be shaken and the world will be overturned. If you are too close, you will be affected.

"Yes, that's it!" Brona nodded fiercely and went to the outside of the city, to heaven, or to the Arad continent. In fact, many dragons had already run out of the city.

In the dark, Ye Lin pointed at the three dragon girls and said to Yin Miwu and Sophie, "One for each?"

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