Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2308 Fire!

The huge meteorite was pulled by magic and fell from the alien sky. It was red and pitted. It was a metal meteorite. When it hit the ground, flames spewed out. The shock wave of the fall tore in all directions and a rising mushroom cloud emerged.

The towering and majestic buildings in Dragon City were like a handful of wheat being cut under a farmer's sickle. The places where the shock wave passed over collapsed and collapsed, and the entire city turned into a mountain of flames that burned the sky.


The dragons who were still in the Dragon City were torn apart in the blink of an eye, turning into flesh and blood and a thin red mist. The meteorite did not distinguish between friend and foe.

Mo Mei raised her hand to open her mind mask to block the bloody storm outside. Puff hiding inside couldn't stop feeling proud. While feeling lucky, a strong fear arose in her heart.

If she, Ningpa, and Brona were stupidly guarding the throne and did not "share the pressure" with His Majesty the Dragon King, the terrifying shock wave of the meteorite could directly take away half of their lives.

Puff saw the loyal demon dragon Belisk, using the petrified magic eyes to build a defensive wall frantically, but he was still destroyed by the shock wave, and was buried in a pile of ruins without knowing whether he lived or died.

"Little Toni, as expected, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall~" When Puff smiles, he will reveal a set of neat white teeth, a very cheerful personality, and two cute tiger teeth that are slightly longer, as if he was born to Nibble on beef.

Although she is a female dragon, the term "gentleman" does not refer specifically to gender.

Mo Mei seemed to have discovered something, and she snapped her fingers. Everything has thoughts and insights, and she picked up the half-dead Flo from a pile of rubble.

After confirming that the inner city had been breached and the Explosive Dragon King appeared, Rosa immediately issued an order for the entire army to retreat.

Because the flesh and blood of mortals is a pile of undead Bakar, no matter how large the number is, it will be meaningless in front of the Explosive Dragon King.

Also because of the timely retreat, the damage caused by the meteorite to the coalition forces was not unacceptable.

"Ahem, please give me... a bottle of medicine." Flo's whole body was burned, and large pieces of flesh were burnt, and he was almost no longer human.

I reluctantly opened my eyes, and the moment I saw Crazy Bear, I felt like I was seeing my dear family.

Flo stayed in the city to continue to provide useful intelligence. Eternal Light no longer had any usable drones, and they had all been used up.

A mere seven-foot-long body, but full of passion and courage. Flo's extraordinary courage makes everyone admire him from the bottom of their hearts. He is the backbone of the heaven.

Crazy Bear felt from the pocket of his vest, took out a temporarily humanized Brona... stuffed it back, and took out another bottle of Remy potion.

"Thank you, I can do it myself... Wuwu..." Flo's jaw was opened by the crazy bear, and a bottle of glowing liquid was forced down. His throat felt choked, and tears of emotion and humiliation flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"I was hiding in the building behind Bakar's throne, and suddenly I saw a meteorite falling from the sky. This is a life that can be decided by just one bullet." Flo began to sigh.

His motto is, since a bullet can determine your life, a day of sorrow and a day of happiness, then why not be optimistic.

The size difference between a bullet and a meteorite is a bit too shocking.

After Flo came to his senses, he shook hands with Crazy Bear and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Then he suddenly turned into a puppet, motionless, wondering if he had died and reached the paradise in the fairy tale.

Standing around them are all the beautiful angels in the story. Each of them has a noble and flawless temperament, untainted by dust, and exceptionally outstanding.

They are here to welcome him to heaven. The so-called crazy bear is just his fantasy when he died, and the potion is his last unwilling dream.

Ye Lin shrugged and simply teleported Flo to a safe place outside the city. Oscar and the retreating army were there to bandage their wounds, and he withdrew first.

"Flo! I thought you were dead. I wrote a prayer for you, but you survived." Oscar's eyes were burning, and he hugged his comrade who had a life-or-death friendship.

The red meteorite ignited the entire Dragon City and turned it into a hell on earth. Weak creatures were not qualified to survive.

"You think my death is real and the prayer is fake. You can't even write half a poem with the two taels of ink in your belly."

Flo breathed a sigh of relief, pinched her broken arm and burns that had improved, and asked suspiciously: "Do you believe me when I say that I was saved by a group of angels who are so beautiful that they are unreal on earth?"

"Haha, you must have been burned out. You are still an angel. What do you look like? People like you will probably go to hell after death." Oscar only thought that he was burned out and did not take it seriously.

Flo was also doubting himself and said: "Their temperaments are as outstanding as Irina's, but I didn't take a close look at their appearance, and don't you think it's strange that I suddenly appeared here?"

The two looked at each other, and then uttered one word in unison..."magic".

"Flo, the particle cannon Dragon Slayer has been fully charged." Oscar suddenly lowered his tone, looked up at the burning Dragon City, and said, "There is still one minute to launch."

Only one minute left!

Flo's heart beat violently, and she hurriedly got up. Her strong body couldn't help but tremble. It was unclear whether it was anticipation or worry.

"Five hundred and forty years of dark history in heaven..." At the command post, Irina murmured in a low voice, her noble and bright face also showing a mixture of excitement and worry, and she bit her lips tightly.

"It will be doomed in the last fifty seconds." Sarah gritted her teeth and said.

Bakar looked down at the world, with a majestic and heroic appearance, but suddenly he felt something in his heart. The apostle's superb spiritual consciousness actually gave him an unprecedented and frightening feeling.

Thirty seconds...

"Is it the destructive particle cannon that was analyzed by my dragon scale?" Bakar's dragon eyes gushed out with cold light, and traces of fire appeared between his lips and nose. The high-energy reaction of the particle cannon could no longer be hidden.

He has many ways to avoid the bombardment of particle cannons, such as distorting light to create phantoms, or destroying particle cannons at this moment. The Celestial Man is still too confident.

"But if I want to break through the shackles of the ultimate dragon and incarnate into the original form, I must be reborn, shed all my old scales, and cannot be afraid of any existence."

Bakar suddenly turned around, facing the direction of the particle cannon, and let out a shocking shout. Black dragon scales appeared on the skin of his arms and chest. He solemnly made the strongest defensive posture.

Ten seconds!

"What, Bakar actually discovered us and was preparing to take a hit from the destructive particle cannon head-on?" Rosa clenched her folding fan tightly, feeling unbelievable. She, who was known for her calmness, suddenly felt uneasy.

The structure of the ancient particle cannon is extremely destructive, giving up all actions and defenses, and pouring all the most exquisite celestial skills into the energy reactor and launch barrel.


Threads of thunder sputtered, and the base began to slowly dissolve.


"Fire!" Juvenir's hair was disheveled and his eyes were red.


The Forest of Death trembled, the forest swayed, an extremely depressing aura suddenly burst out, and the fire started brilliantly.

The moment the destructive particle cannon, which concerns the heartstrings of everyone in the world, is fired, the base turret is completely dissolved, the energy reactor completely collapses, and the price of overloaded launch is that it will be destroyed in one hit.

The deep black-red sky is like a heavy curtain covering all hope, and it has been for 540 years...

Suddenly, a brilliant and dazzling rainbow pierced the darkness, and the spiraling white-blue destructive particles poured towards the Dragon City at an unimaginable speed. Along the way, the void twisted and changed, matter collapsed, and the world was illuminated by glory, as if a god was waving his hand. Out came His sharp war spear.


Bakar shouted angrily, and used a supreme dragon secret method to coat the surface of the dragon scales with a layer of crystal armor. It was crystal clear and sparkling, coming from the ultimate dragon that was best at defense.

"I am Bakar, the rebellious king who fights against fate!"

The majestic body was completely submerged in the destructive particle beam, and the crystal armor shattered and disintegrated in half a breath. In the blink of an eye, the dragon king's scales cracked, the overflowing blood evaporated in an instant, and the flesh and blood turned into charcoal.

The overloaded particle cannon used Taneba's design drawings, and had studied the secrets of the Dragon King's scales, so it was very targeted.

"Don't even think about stabbing me through the chest."

Bakar roared and breathed out the original flame to resist the particle beam. Behind him, an unusually large dragon appeared, soared into the sky for nine days. The dragon was so powerful that it was immersed in the beam.

Although he is still in human form, he has the same power as the dragon himself.


The destructive particle beam disappeared into the sky, penetrated the atmosphere of the heavens, and disappeared into the starry sky... But the gorgeous light still remained in the vision of many people, which had not completely dissipated.

The wind has stopped and the clouds are calm.

Bakar's tall body swayed, and he knelt down on one knee with a bang, his head lowered. His facial features were bleeding, his arms were broken, his chest was bloody, and his heart was exposed and seemed to have stopped beating.

"Victory...?" Everyone paid close attention, their hearts beating higher than Bakar's.

"No, my heart skipped a beat...! He still has breath." Rosa was shocked, and hurriedly shouted for a last hit, and immediately hit the last hit.

Diligon arrived in a flash, his arm turned into a sharp spear, and stabbed Bakar in the heart.

That's too late.


Bakar bit down a glass bottle between his teeth with difficulty, and a drop of water of life shone brightly, bursting out with incredible vitality. His injuries quickly improved under the desperate eyes of the people in heaven.

After blasting Diligon away again, Bakar stretched out his tall and burly body. He resisted the destructive particle cannon head-on. He laughed loudly and shouted provocatively: "Gaboga, the Trial Blade, I still have to wait for you."



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