Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2329 What happened to the Guinemer family?

Without Ye Lin's consent, Mailu, who was fragrant and soft, hugged the rice cake and complained: "There is no such thing as a free lunch. There must be bad intentions underneath the good intentions on the surface."

For example, she, who is loved by everyone, has become a "plaything" of her sisters. When using the big bath, she is used as a tea bag to soak in the hot spring water, which smells better than a rose petal bath.

Sugar cane is different. Sugar cane is drunk directly.

The deal is not a good deal, time cracks are all over the dimension, and there is a terrible aura of the end. After inheriting Garrincha's responsibilities, he is too busy to work overtime every day. For Cane, who is addicted to a life of lust, it is absolutely unacceptable.

He obviously doesn't have the sense of responsibility to clock in and go to work, so he just fishes when he can.

Sophie didn't care whether these things existed or not. The original dragon blade turned into the form of a war gun, with a heroic appearance, ignoring the opening and closing of the cracks in the void, and said calmly: "Actually, I just chopped your head off, the power is ours after all."

Of course, Ye Lin would not fall into the trap of being too conspicuous. It was not like he had never seen the power of time, one of the great primordials.

Perhaps an ordinary Transcendent would be obsessed with the power of the Prime and unable to extricate himself. From then on, he would inherit the power of Time Lord Garrincha, free from time, and overlook the changes of hundreds of millions of years.

But he really doesn't care about mere fragments of power.

"I listen to Sophie." Ye Lin put a smile on his face, with a delicate and clean temperament, and then waved the Sword of the Beginning. Chaos and mist surged, making the time and space lord who shined like the blazing sun begin to dim.

Garrincha was stunned, and a bunch of question marks immediately popped up. I treated him politely. Teemo, please be civilized, speak politely and don’t be rash and violent... Because Yelin is in charge of the same time, it cannot observe the other party’s future actions. One step of action.

In other words, in this corner of nothingness, the past and the future are meaningless, and they can all be called the present.

The eldest ladies and the others all understood and understood each other. They entered the scene forcefully as transcendents, besieged, the sword light surged, the angels spread their wings, the lotus spirit sublimated, and the inexorable destructive energy collided with Garrincha's huge and majestic body. , the lion's head was blown to pieces on the spot.

A ray of golden light broke through the chaotic mist, tearing a crack in the void and sinking into it, leading to an unknown place, escaping and reborn in another place, with astonishing details.

"The other end, it feels like my hometown, I smell the stink of Bakar." Sophie spread her consciousness over there, her face turned pale, and she was swallowed by the mysterious power. The world behind the crack was indeed another dimension, extremely It could be the Dragon Dimension.

The Sword of the Beginning was filled with chaos and mist, covering the team, and then disappeared from time, as if it had never appeared here before. There might be a trap on the other side, but Ye Lin was cautious and did not trust too much.

He did not follow the crack in Garrincha to enter the dragon dimension, but borrowed the hell dimension of the invincible girl, and then descended from another starry sky, using chaos to erase all traces.

"Sure enough, this old guy wants to trick us." Ye Lin complained. On the other side of the crack in the void, stood a huge golden gear. It was like a dazzling galaxy rotating, shining with infinite divine light, illuminating the universe. .

It is very similar to the time gear that the time lord would use. It is indeed surrounded by the power of time. It is very thick and gives birth to many wonders of time.

There are hazy lives that grow up from childhood in the blink of an eye, and their beards and hair turn white, turning into decay, there are withered and dead vegetation sprouting new shoots, and complete planets are reversing and gradually dispersed into the first cosmic dust. The birth and death of the world are based on the gears of time. Performed in light.

Ye Lin frowned and then meditated deeply. His application of the power of time was relatively superficial and far inferior to these billion-year-old antiques. Now it seemed like a good learning opportunity.

So Galincha laid a fatal trap, staring eagerly at the cracks in the void, waiting for Ye Lin and those Transcendents to cross the border recklessly, and then deal a devastating blow, half sure to severely damage Ye Lin's combat power.

The sneaky Ye Lin used the chaotic mist to cover the traces, and learned the application of time power from the time gear, which was very rewarding.

He actually wanted to go to Memit or Baston yesterday and Andres today, who he had a good relationship with, to ask for advice and study, but when those guys saw him, they all said they were busy and were too busy. We worked overtime to patch it up. You Go find someone else.

They are afraid of Ye Lin. Who knows if this guy will suddenly want to hunt for the origin of all time. It's either that they are really afraid of him, or that the ability of chaos is annoying.

"Garrincha, isn't your trick too crude?" Someone came from the darkness, the footsteps were heavy, and the empty space was trampled to give a solid feeling.

Garrincha's radiance was like the blazing sun shining on half of his cheeks. With his square and serious face, he was clearly the Explosive Dragon King Bakar.

His breath is like an abyss, his blood is as strong as a mountain and a tsunami, and the broken dragon horn has suddenly been restored to its full form. His momentum is soaring to the sky. Looking at his power as surging as the sea, he ignores the strong wind of the universe, and is obviously much stronger than Bakar in the main dimension.

Galincha was silent. It was true that the plan was crude, but with Yelin's ability to be immune to time attacks, he should have proudly chased her through the cracks. Moreover, she also deliberately leaked a trace of Bakar's aura, which at least could To enrage the primal dragon.

But now there is nothing.

In the chaotic mist, Mailu pulled her murderous sister hard, calm down, wait and see what they are doing, don't be reckless.

"Calm down is the virtue of the Jurgen family. It has nothing to do with our Niemeyer family! I will kill that beast, boil his brains, and beat his bones." Sophie's brute force was too much, and Mailu gradually Can't hold it back.

The virtue of the Niemeyer family is not calmness, but bigness.

At the critical moment, Hiatt came to the rescue and handed over a fragrant and sizzling beef thigh. Sophie sniffed her nose and reluctantly stayed quiet for a while. After gnawing clean of the meat, she still felt relieved and chewed the bones in one bite. Crush.

The things that make sugar cane painful and happy are that Kelly always likes to secretly eat spicy sticks when she lowers her head in front of him, and Sophie’s teeth are too good.

When Ye Lin realized the primordial power of the time gear, he saw the birth and death of all things in one breath. Perhaps for those creatures who were accompanied by the light of the time gear's power, they had spent a complete life, and then accumulated the weight of history.

He vaguely felt that there was something weird about the time gear. If the trap was based on this alone, it would not be enough to bluntly say that he wanted to kill him.

"Why haven't you come yet? Or maybe he ran into the wrong crack." The Explosive Dragon King of the Dragon Dimension became impatient and his breath was restless.

"What's the rush?" Galincha said calmly: "When you stay in the realm of transcendence for a long time, thousands of years will be just a ray of light from the power of time, and you will naturally abandon all emotions and material desires."

But what happened next was far beyond their expectations. The dimensional rift actually... closed. It seemed that Ye Lin was working on the other side and repaired the rift.


Garrincha and Bakar looked at each other. According to experiments, it would take nearly a hundred years for the crack to open naturally again.

"Go directly to the main dimension. If this divine ring has the origin and power you mentioned, it should be able to compete with his Sword of the Beginning. Pushia will also be too busy to borrow the elemental power." Bakar said. He was very passionate, confident and heroic, but his legs did not move at all, as if they were rooted in place.

His most important clone, the "Dragon King" made of the apostle's flesh and blood, has completely lost contact and seems to be in danger.

Galincha glanced at him. She was transcendent of time and browsed through history at will. She also looked down at the dragon kings of various dimensions and compared them with each other.

The Dragon King of the Dragon Dimension is the most powerful, but also the most despicable one. He does not look like a war-crazy, egotistical king. He does not have much pride and unyieldingness. Instead, he looks like a cunning goblin with all his plans. Need not.

Just when Garrincha was about to tear open the cracks, Bakar suddenly remembered something and asked again: "Does the water of life that can shape the immortal body only exist in the main dimension?"

"Not necessarily. Aguranda from other dimensions are also somewhat scattered. The source is indeed in the main dimension."

Dimensional rifts were torn open, the aurora gushed out, Garrincha kept making big moves, waving the divine light, obliterating the boundaries, and continuing to expand the collapse line of the boundaries. There were signs of the two dimensions merging.

Bakar frowned, sailed against the current, and took a few steps back. This guy has such a big brain for nothing.

This large-scale movement will attract other time and space lords to put down what they are doing and pursue it with all their strength.

Especially today's Andres, her ability is to make other time and space lords incapable, and Ye Lin is probably no exception.

Garrincha advanced the time gear and whispered: "I have always been curious about how Pushia regained her perfect body and perfect power. Now I have a guess. Maybe there is a way to recreate it once and then take back all time. power."

Bakar already wanted to turn around and run away, he was strong and cowardly.

But considering what Garrincha said, all time branches have the possibility of collapse, and only one mainstream will be left in the end, and he had to stop.



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