Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2340 The fur collared coat is also going through the tribulation

The weight of his soul seemed to suddenly fall heavily, and Ye Lin noticed that an unprecedented feeling of exhaustion was rising from his heart, spreading to every cell in his body.

His legs felt like they were stuck in a quagmire, and he couldn't lift his body no matter how hard he tried. Ye Lin could no longer move even an inch.

Every bit of strength in his body seemed to have been swallowed up, his spirit was weak and sluggish, his limbs felt like lead, and his body seemed to be pressed down by a hundred fat beasts.

This is a kind of exhaustion and weakness that spreads from the deepest part of the soul. Ye Lin tried hard to stay awake, and then searched his body with his spiritual consciousness, but found no signs of being cursed, which meant that the abnormal state could not be eliminated.

The pace of walking became heavier and heavier, so heavy that every time Ye Lin took a step, his whole body's bones were ringing.

The distance of each step forward is a hundred years, which is the ideal life span of human beings. One step is a generation, and crazy time is running under our feet.

There seemed to be lightning flashing across his pupils, reflecting the passage of time. All things seemed to fly by, and hundreds of years were just a fleeting moment.

The goddess of elements Pushia told you that after he starts the journey of countercurrent to becoming a god, the amount of time in the real world will not mean much to you.

You may have witnessed thousands of sails passing by, the vicissitudes of the sea, the new shoots getting old and decaying, and the flowers growing out of the ashes, but the real world may pass by with a thought, and the gaps will fade away.

The divine body sprouted a new light in the darkness, and he understood that the weight carried by the long river of time was far beyond his previous understanding.

For example, one minute is so short that it will suddenly disappear if you are in a daze for a while. It is not enough to drink a cup of tea, and it takes three minutes to make a bowl of noodles.

However, there are billions of gorgeous lives in the world, but they all have different and rich experiences in the same minute. They are preying, sleeping, furious, birth, old age, illness and death... One minute carries countless possibilities.

As a result, Ye Lin realized the true weight of time, which was far deeper and greater than the time power he once held.

If you want to swim against the current, you must squeeze out these heavy hours.

So why not throw something away and travel light.

When Ye Lin thought this, a vision suddenly occurred, and a tall man in light casual clothes appeared in front of him.

Their height, body shape, and facial expressions were exactly the same as his. They looked at each other with numb expressions and remained silent.

It was a true reflection of his soul, with many colorful lights in his body.

It's better to abandon kindness and compassion. Then all the suffering in the world has nothing to do with me. If I am well, I don't care about the floods in the world.

Abandon your courage and passion, blunt your sword, extinguish your adventurous heart, build yourself an absolutely safe cocoon, and tie it up. The joys, sorrows, and joys of the world have nothing to do with me.

The seven emotions and six desires, the ups and downs, the bitterness and the bitterness, if you don't need anything, the weight of the soul will be greatly reduced, as light as a feather.

Ignoring the weight contained in time, what is the use of everything to me and what does it have to do with me.

Ye Lin slowly raised his hand, passed directly through the other self in front of him, and held the orange light in his body that symbolized kindness.

It's really too heavy, like holding on to a huge planet. How could anyone take such a thing on the road? It would be easier to throw it away.

A certain sweet temptation made Ye Lin fall into a reverie. If he cut off all causal connections with the real world and became the only one, the weight of his soul would be as light as the breeze.

Ye Lin was already drawing out his "kindness" to lighten the weight he was carrying, but just when he was about to leave his body, his body suddenly paused, and the look in his eyes was full of struggle.

No, no!

If the soul has no weight, no emotions and six desires, and no clear distinction between good and evil, then it is no different from a walking corpse.

If it weren't for a higher harvest, why would he choose to go against the current?

Now that he has chosen the most difficult method, he must never abandon the good and the bad. He picked up the sesame seeds and lost the watermelon. Ye Lin suddenly woke up, and the light of his divine body became brighter.

Ye Lin and himself were face to face, with the same appearance and the same expression, staring at each other, motionless, like two lifelike sculptures.

Ripples of time slowly appeared on their shoulders and above their heads, creating small gray whirlpools.

Ye Lin's position was slowly retreating. The path he had traveled when he was chasing Garrincha had all retreated to the original point where he started.

Sailing against the current, retreating if he does not advance, it seems that he has wasted all his efforts and accomplished nothing.

"The first advance failed, but my footprints are still there." Ye Lin looked deeply, raised his hand and waved away the reflection of his soul, and discovered some strange places.

At first, he was stuck in the quagmire and struggled to move. He was also attacked by Garrincha's bastard, and he could only barely move around.

Later, he gradually adapted to the pressure of souls swimming upstream, and began to beat Garrincha on the run, and then wiped him out alive, seizing part of the opponent's mental power and time perception.

The footprints he left in time are still there, and there are many slow-walking footprints. The marks seem to be immortal, but those fast-walking footprints are slowly being smoothed away until the traces disappear completely, as if he has never walked there. .

Ye Lin tried to step on his own footsteps and move forward again, but something unexpected happened. His soul contained all kinds of rich things, and his steps were brisk, like a spring breeze.

"The realm of transcendence is a one-step enlightenment and one's own path, while the realm of gods requires taking countless steps to form one's own rules, especially since I am still a person who goes against the flow."

Ye Lin is on the road again. This time he is more sure and confident. The light of his divine body is shining brightly again. He will reach the end with everything he has and will not leave any one behind.

The path he took was contrary to the norm, so he was destined to not be able to achieve it overnight. It was like climbing a cliff. Only by smashing rivets into the rock could he reach the top step by step.


Planet of Power—Greenbrad

As a world where fragments of power and power were once buried, the indigenous people with primitive lifestyles, also known as barbarians, once caused a devastating disaster to the demon world.

The first apostle Kahn arrived at that time. He was as majestic as a god, easily slaying most of the giants, and was the incomparable savior of the world.

Therefore, Greenblood has a very special significance to the demon world.

The Savage Star and the Destiny Star are both names for Greenbrad.

There are records in the ancient library that the size of the Greenbrad planet is many times larger than the average living planet, and is about the size of three golden planets, Tabors.

Greenbrad possesses a vitality that is difficult to match on ordinary planets with life, and all life forms living here have become huge.

A passing toad is like a heavy truck, making a loud rumble when it jumps. Mushrooms growing in dark places can provide shelter from the wind and rain above the head. An adult tree is a thousand meters high, and it is not uncommon to see them.

The strongest race in Greenbrad is a giant with a backward civilization and barbaric habits.

With low intelligence, they have incredible physique and strength. They can pull up giant trees with their bare hands and use them as weapons. They can smash mountains and mountains with one punch. They can roar the wind and the moon with their mouths and spit out clouds and rainbows.

Even Trobot's adult-sized dragon has no advantage in the hands of the Greenbrad giant, and loses more than wins.

However, something strange was happening at this moment.

Many naked and rough-skinned savage giants looked at the man sitting alone on the top of the mountain from a long distance away. They all looked fearful and did not dare to take another step closer.

Just half a day ago, one of the top warriors of their race, the leader of a large tribe, was a thousand meters tall, extremely powerful, violent and murderous, his body was invulnerable, and he could shatter mountains with one slap.

For some reason, there were sparks from the friction, and he was punched to death by the man who looked "tiny". His body lay across the mountains, and his blood flowed like a river.

The first apostle Kahn remained indifferent throughout the whole process. He and the giant leader had a misunderstanding and had no intention of seizing each other's territory.

However, he was cold by nature and had no interest in explaining things to the giants in detail. When faced with the provocation of the giant leader, he simply punched him to death.

Kahn unfolded the long secret scroll in his hand, his eyes gleaming with cold light. He finally translated the mysterious method given by Ye Lin completely.

He spent a lot of effort trying to figure out the true meaning of these words.

Even though he fought with the genius Prey for four days and four nights, he still had high fighting spirit and never felt tired.

But this multi-text secret method really numbed Kahn, and he wanted to slap Ye Lin to death.

"You are teasing me with words. I will kill you when you step into the realm of gods." Kahn waved his hand and burned the secret scroll. After careful reasoning and attempts, he determined that the secret scroll Ye Lin gave him was not written for him to play with.



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