Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2348 Large account is online

Nearly a hundred powerful races distributed in the Terra star system came to siege Terra under the guise that the abilities of the Mother Codex should be shared. In fact, they were taking advantage of the internal conflicts among the Terra people and were too busy to take care of themselves to seize a golden opportunity. Lan

Wise people can see that the so-called sharing of mother scriptures and bloodline sublimation are just false excuses. Terra is the star with the most abundant and superior resources in the galaxy, minerals, food, natural materials and earthly treasures... especially some shining cultivation treasures. , which has long made other races jealous.

After all, there are only a handful of strong men who can physically cross the void. Therefore, the hull is made of steel, and magic burns the power. The cold and faint warships are docked in the sky of Terra, as if they are returning to port, their breath is breathtaking, and the bright rays of the sun are captured. The shadow of the battleship is cut into tiny pieces.

A foreign race had already arrived on the land of Terra, setting off boundless fires of calamity, flowing rivers of blood, and forcibly occupying their place.

They are all "visitors" visiting from nearby life planets. The ship carries elite divisions of various races, and there is a Transcendent sitting behind, confronting the Terran warrior god Biana in the starry sky.

The god of war, also known as "Biana", was a tall man named Suoni. His energy and blood were as hot as a furnace, and his heart beat like thunder on a rainy day, resounding through the sky and terrifying. people.

With a sudden sound, the Valkyrie Noerla came to the front line powerfully and domineeringly. The golden armor flowed with some special magic power. The perfect golden bloodline made her body emit sacred golden light, just like a blazing sun falling here. It attracted everyone's attention, and the Transcendent also cast a surprised look.

Noerla has been in seclusion for a long time. She seems to have succeeded in cultivation and is much stronger than she was hundreds of years ago. Lan

Regarding the proud bloodline that the Terran people are proud of, some say that it comes from Biana, the goddess of light and justice, and then Biana was born from the sun that shines on all things. This is the glorious bloodline of the sun.

"The mother code has been destroyed by me. From now on, all races will be on the same starting line. There will no longer be blood and cold blood. You should retreat." Noerla is noble and beautiful, and her words are plain but contain majesty that cannot be refuted.

She does not want a large-scale bloody war to break out. The destroyed mother code is a magical weapon that is terrifying to think about. In the hands of malicious people, a greater disaster will break out. Therefore, if the other party listens to the advice and can resolve the current conflict peacefully, it will naturally be Nothing could be better.

Behind the magic battleship, an old man with a gloomy face spoke. His transcendent momentum shook the starry sky, and there was a ring of lion's mane around his neck. He asked: "That is an artifact that can sublimate the blood of all races, and you actually destroyed it. Got it!"

Those who can take a step beyond are either those with astonishing understanding, unique and extraordinary understanding, and their own lineage, or they are using massive top-level resources to pile up and seek a slight quantitative change to cause a big transformation.

No matter which breakthrough method is used, the Transcendent himself has the arrogance to look down on all living beings, and he is not afraid of the Valkyrie Noerla who has disappeared for hundreds of years.

As for racial sublimation...just find a reason and excuse. Lan

"The mother code is a terrible magic weapon. This is your last chance, get out of here!" Noerla pointed her golden war spear at the old lion. She was in a bad mood now and didn't want to make fun of others.

The future man named Ye Lin, the man walking alone on the road to the realm of gods, all the prophecies he talked about with a smile came true one by one. There was a big problem in the social structure of the Terran people, and they became seriously ill.

"How brave! You young yellow-haired girl, let me tell you that there are high and low levels for those who transcend." The old lion's eyes lit up with two beams of breathtaking blood-colored divine light. The void exploded along the way, and the pressure shook the sky. The warships accompanying him were all shocked. He started screaming and falling, and was affected.

Noerla completely lost her patience. Just like a war spear made of gold, it shone like the blazing sun. She suddenly rose to the peak of combat power, with divine majesty. The ancient war spear stirred up immortal majesty, intertwining with the destructive ancient divine light.

"What a powerful force this is." The old lion's expression suddenly changed. He had a distinguished status and was an ancestor respected by many races. Now he actually showed a look of fear.

Terra's youngest and strongest Valkyrie has not slackened off for hundreds of years and is much more powerful than before. Her talent far exceeds her inherent knowledge.

She might actually have a chance to ascend to the divine realm. Lan

Two transcendent rays of light collided in the void and fought fiercely. The energy ripples leaked caused the magic battleships to explode into flames, wailing continuously, and terrifying fire and blood fell from the sky.

Dozens of rounds later, the old lion's body was penetrated by a war spear, and the bright red blood droplets were like lava, mixed with traces of mysterious gold.

Noerla's pupils shrank. Sure enough, during her retreat, the Mother Codex had been used to conduct special research. Someone had leaked the secret of the Terrans' golden bloodline.

It is not difficult to imagine the reason behind the scenes. The old lion is also the foundation of the transcendent. When the fire of civil war in Terra is ignited and he has no time to take care of himself, he can obtain information about the mother code by using some means to win over or mental manipulation.

"I can't keep you!" When Noerla saw the gold in the opponent's blood, she suddenly felt it was dazzling and ridiculing.

The war broke out again. The furious Noerla waved her war spear and was invincible. She chased the old lion into the outer space. Even though the transcendent was indelible, she was forcibly killed in another desolate galaxy.

When the old lion died, the blood stained the starry sky red and lingered for a long time, accompanied by many star fragments. The vision was amazing. Lan

Nora's golden armor had several claw marks, and the war spear was dripping with the blood of the Beyonder. The Valkyrie's invincible posture made various races in the Terra galaxy awed and began to speculate on her actual combat power.

"Can you go back?" Noerla asked coldly. Wherever her eyes went, hundreds of people felt cold.


A certain life planet in the Terra galaxy erupted with a transcendent aura, and a strong man cast his stern eyes, illuminating the deep and boundless darkness of the starry sky, and the boundless whiteness.

Dralion, the young Lord of Spiritual Body Eclipse is very ambitious. He has already devoured all life forms on the surface of the moon. His transcendent spiritual body has made all the races on the battlefield feel awe-inspiring.

"Don't worry, your mother code is of no use to me. I just took a look at it." The Lord of Eclipse smiled lightly and said. The eclipse insects formed a huge face, covering the sky with darkness.

What made Nourla the most grief-stricken and indignant was that the Terra Martial God who was guarding the front line also advised her with "kindness" and said: "Noerla, what you did regarding the mother code is indeed inappropriate. Let's discuss it carefully after we return." Lan

"Haha, the Mother Codex is a vessel of the devil. I don't believe you can't understand. You are still hypocritical and hypocritical. There are many transcendents, let's go together." Noerla sneered, her body exuding golden light standing proudly and immortal, The war spear was still dripping with the blood of the transcendent, making other people at the same level fearful.

She has a young appearance, and her eyebrows are still a little green. Because she broke the shackles of life very early, her appearance and figure were finalized relatively early. Unless she is willing to take the initiative to let go of the development of flesh, blood and bones, she will not be born in another thousand years. How much changes.

"There are rumors in the world that you are the bloodline that is expected to be closest to the divine realm..." Deep in the starry sky, a transcendent from a certain life planet murmured intentionally or unintentionally, but the voice quietly resounded in the ears of other transcendents, and caused a subtle of waves.

Although the mother code has been destroyed, its ability has been tried to be copied for a long time. How can the old antiques who want to take a step further in the realm not reserve additional back-ups.

Noerla's power to kill the old lion was shocking, but it also brought up some special thoughts. If her bloodline could be studied, would it be possible for those who transcended to go one step further?


In an instant, another round of blazing sun rose and shone. The burly man's big hand covered the sky, and his fingertips were surrounded by endless thunder, grabbing Noerla. Lan

Their realm is immortal through time, and they have lived for too long. The feelings of race and human order have been slowly buried for too long.

Abandoning all kinds of desires, all that remains is the transformation of life instinct into stronger expectations.

"Do I want to go against the general trend of civilization destruction?" Noerla murmured, and immediately she looked heroic and proud, and the ancient war spear shed its immortal glory.

She has excellent vision and decisive actions. If the building is decayed and cannot be saved, then it will be demolished and started again.

A tragic transcendental war broke out in the Terra galaxy. Many living planets and satellites suffered setbacks, raging void turbulence roared, and endless light bloomed and extinguished.

Noerla pierced the head of the Martial God Suoni with the golden war spear, destroying his fighting spirit. He was completely dead and could no longer die. Golden blood splashed on his own back, and his armor was pierced.

When the golden blood splashes, it will evolve into colorful changes, with wind blowing, fire dancing, water swirling, thunder... Her blood is indeed extraordinary! Lan

Noerla was very strong. She killed two Transcendents in a row, causing blood clouds to fill the starry sky. The ancient war spear was dripping with blood. This time it was her own blood. She was also seriously injured under the siege, and the armor covering her body was covered with blood. It's about to fall apart and is in danger.

"Uh..." Noerla held her forehead, her palms stained with blood, and some strange fragments of memories emerged in her mind... Ancient divine light, original element... My name should be...

Ye Lin, who had returned to the fire of civilization, twitched his lips and quickly put on a gentlemanly and elegant demeanor.

If what he expected was correct, Noerla should be an incarnation of the goddess Pushia, which obscured the memory and landed on Terra for unknown purposes.

Now that Noerla is seriously injured, it is a clear sign that the big number will come online.



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