Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2351 Walking with the Goddess

Yelin and Noerla were walking in the starry sky. The Terra galaxy had been shattered, leaving only the Terra star and the Demon Moon Delario. Lan

Without the dependence on the material planet, most races have been devastated. Only a few lucky ones are left to hide in various places on Terra and survive. It is estimated that they will not dare to show their faces for a long time in the future.

With so many people killed in the battle, the lady in black dress must have a dark face~

Some mythical beasts that used to be indifferent to the world, and occasionally blessed living beings, were forced to set sail to find new places to live. Terra was no longer suitable.

Nora paid great attention to the fluctuations of the battle and tried her best to drag the cruel battlefield towards the withered Death Star, but those who transcended had no scruples in attacking and wielded the power of the superiors wantonly.

"There are only a very small number of transcendents who are born and raised. Even those messengers who worship gods, most of them have a history of being from a certain ethnic group." Noerla had the same opinion as him. If a strong person who was born in a certain ethnic group loses his true intention, Forget about the ethnic group and just feel that you are superior. What is the difference between that and the beast?

Noerla's memory is being unblocked, but it is not the memory of her physical reunion in the future, but the memory of her being the supreme goddess of elements in ancient times. She turns out to have an incredible identity.

The power of the big trumpet only passed through a little, and she chopped down nearly ten transcendents. The reason why the eclipse master was left to just suppress it casually was because there were not many living creatures on the moon, and its The main body is still Delalion's will. Lan

If you kill it now, it will affect Terra's leyline tides.

"Yes, if you have nothing to rely on and no worries, you are like flowers and plants that have lost their roots and drift with the water." Ye Lin nodded and told the demon god Bellator who had a chance to escape that he would be chopped up by a new transcendent in the future. , which shows the decline of its strength.

Terra entered the Great Ice Age, and the will and body of all living creatures were absolutely still. Noerla personally took action to erase the traces of ancient myths and restore the destroyed terrain.

Although the source is the Mother Code, greed, and the collapse of human psychology, in a sense, it is not wrong that she destroyed the Mythical Age. If they cannot correct their stubborn thoughts, then they might as well suppress the bloodline.

Yelin shrugged and smiled, and informed that when civilization restarts next time, the legend about Biana, the goddess of light and justice, will still be circulated among the Terran people, and everyone yearns to become a luminous life form.

Well, that is to say, the stubbornness will not change.

Until the second civilization also collapsed, none of the experiments of elemental Biana were successful, and the planet Terra was blown to pieces. Lan

The Terran talents regretted that they completely regarded the golden bloodline as a legend and only told it as a story. As a result, another genius named Niwu appeared. The dazzling pattern has the power to open the bloodline.

Noerla asked him for advice on how to become a god, and thought she could give it a try. Her body was originally a god, so it would be easy to return to the godly state, as long as there was a way.

Noerla's figure is graceful and proud, and the golden light emitted by her golden bloodline makes her have a divine temperament that is unattainable even before she has reached the divine realm. It illuminates a lot of the dark starry sky.


Noella nodded to him and stepped into a crack, leaving only a lingering fragrance of her beautiful and graceful figure.

Yelin's smile also disappeared in this era. Only a few embers of Terra's first civilized fire were left, and only after a period of freezing could the second light be rekindled.

I have to go on the road alone again, continuing my long and endless journey. Lan

Unexpectedly, Noerla parted the fog and came from behind, with a voice as beautiful as an oriole, and said: "Don't you think it's ridiculous that a prosperous myth died by a magic weapon and me."

Her body is a noble ancient goddess, and she has no hostility to Ye Lin. Her methods are consistent with Ye Lin's, and she will not seize Ye Lin's transformation resources, which is why she is now walking side by side.

However, she will still endure the disaster and pressure of this countercurrent road without exception.

Even if a real god comes to counter the current, the result will be the same.

Ye Lin shook his head, feeling a little happy, and said: "I have been involved in thousands of civilizations along the way from the future. Similar situations have long been commonplace, and Terra is not an exception."

Worst of all, a civilized edifice was destroyed by a word or a secret method.

At first, no one cared about the small accident, from small conflicts to big conflicts, from one person's casualty in the conflict to starting a war between countries, the wings of butterflies set off a hurricane. Lan

Foreign enemies, civil wars, all kinds of things, all kinds of ways to extinguish the flame.

Nora looked behind her and asked him: "I tried to go down the river, but there was a very terrifying battle impact that actually affected this area. I couldn't get close, and the fog was diverted below."

That was the second civilized era of Terra, which was destroyed by the war between the Great Will and the Twelve Artificial Gods, which caused the diversion of the long river of time and was one of the greatest disasters on the road to the divine realm.

The raging energy can easily kill and transcend, and can affect another realm in the real world. The aftermath of the battle in the divine realm is everywhere, and the long river of time is being torn apart.

Ye Lin once tried to step in and experience it for himself, but he could only appear in the distant starry sky and could not really get close to the battlefield of Terra.

That was one of the most important turning points in the long river of time. The energy of the divine realm rejected the interference of all external factors and completely solidified that horrific history. The Time Lords could not reverse the flow in the real world.

Ye Lin estimated that only by truly reaching the realm of gods would he be able to slowly approach Terra in the second civilization era, which was the source of the split in parallel dimensions. In the past, he could face the twelve man-made gods and the great will. Lan

Ye Lin and Noerla left the fire of civilization in Ancient Terra together. Further forward in history, there are countless fires of civilization lighting up the darkness of the future. If you are accompanied, you will not be alone on the road.

Most of them are limited by their own abilities and are trapped in a living planet with no way to escape. It is as if they are the only living planet in a star field, and they are quite lonely.

Perhaps when civilization falls, no other civilization will know about their existence. They will silently grow from death to life, and then wait to sprout slowly in the ashes.

But their hearts can soar to the sky, and their fragile bodies cannot restrain their noble souls, and they use their most brilliant imagination to outline the appearance of the universe.

Because only a few people in each cluster of civilization fires can see them, and they are all great wise men, so Noerla was curious and suggested what would happen if they took the initiative to reveal each other's figures.

Regarding their arrival, some civilizations were curious and shocked, and then respected them as gods. They even regarded Yelin and Noerla as the father and mother gods of the creation of the world and enshrined their statues.

Some civilizations responded with strong hostility, trying to capture the two and slice them into pieces to study how flesh and blood bodies could fly and how they could cross the void. Lan

There are also some civilized creatures with weird shapes and distortions as beauty. They think he and Nora are so ugly that they are wild beasts.

Whenever he encountered a similar civilization, Ye Lin would gain some knowledge after talking to people who could see him, and then leave hand in hand with Noerla, looking at each other helplessly and smiling knowingly.

Pushia told you in advance that in the special realm of the gods, the passage of time has nothing to do with the outside world. You may have spent thousands of years, but the real world is only a blink of an eye.

He and Noerla borrowed the fragments of wisdom and power to walk into the fire of civilization one after another, sometimes staying for a quarter and a half, sometimes staying for several years, and spending more time in special areas.

Clinging to each other, they may have been together for hundreds of years, or thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years... The two of them have never been separated on the road illuminated by the fire of civilization, and they go together to trace the oldest source.

The relationship between Yelin and Noerla also gradually broke through the friendship. They became lovers naturally, holding hands and kissing. Finally, they became a couple without a wedding ceremony or blessings from relatives and friends. Occasionally, they would hum a shallow hum in the mist. .


The fragments of wisdom and power glowed, illuminating a dense and covering fog, and faintly, the sound of waves crashing on the shore could be heard.

We are almost at the source!



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