Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2354 Occasionally

"Since the Sword of the Beginning has been recalled, it proves that he should have arrived at a place very close to the origin of the universe." Puxia leisurely sipped the fairy tea she got from Mian Mianyan. The tea leaves were fresh green, the taste was refreshing, and the fragrance of the tea lingered for a long time. Not scattered.怀

If an ordinary person can drink a cup, he can easily prolong his life, remain youthful for a long time, and be free from all diseases.

Only Mi Gao rolled his eyes, showing no interest and not wanting to drink. He just chewed a few tea leaves to rinse his mouth to clear the smell of the wine.

The clock hanging on the wall also shows the year, month and day. It has been several weeks since I first arrived in the Dragon Dimension.

Sophie is "visiting relatives and friends", and Pushia has been "squeezing" the supreme texture of the Circle of Creation and manifesting it, which is of great benefit to everyone's realm cultivation.

If those textures are applied, and supplemented with appropriate materials, it will also have a great effect on the growth of weapons such as Leiwoding and Thousand Flower Swords.

"I just remembered a question." Mo Mei rested her elbows on the table, supported her chin with one hand, and her ponytails draped over her shoulders. Her face was pure and bright, and she asked curiously: "Since the realm of the divine realm does not blend with the time of the real world, The boss chose to walk upstream again, instead of rushing down in one breath like Kahn did by jumping off a building. Has he personally spent thousands of years?"

Yuena drank tea slowly, pursed her lips and thought about it, then smiled and said: "Are you worried that your boss will be dusted by time and forget you?"

"I wonder if he would go crazy from loneliness if he stayed there alone for so long." Mo Mei muttered, full of small thoughtfulness.

In the first half of the journey, Yelin was indeed walking on his own, entering the world of civilized fire, and rarely staying there for long. However, in the second half of the journey, he was accompanied by a Valkyrie, cuddling with each other, and having the comfort of his soul.

Pushya smiled and told her that he has always put your memory at the forefront. Even if he spends hundreds of millions of years there, he will not forget it. On the contrary, his thoughts will turn into fine wine, which will become stronger as time goes by.

When he comes back, you will suffer.

"It's quite embarrassing... Then maybe his mental age is already that of an old man." Feng Ying teased and complained. If he is really rotten and forgotten, and his conversation and behavior are old and lifeless, then what will happen? Do it.

How about dumping him? We can live together on our own from now on, and everyone’s fingers are quite slender and clean~

Transcendents actually rarely have such worldly needs. They are simply restless, which makes it difficult for them to be at peace.怀

Xiaoyu sneaked up next to Pushia, whispered in her ear, smiled mischievously, and asked: "Sugar cane is the kind of addiction that makes you feel uncomfortable if you don't do it for a day. Sister Pushia, how about the second half of your life?" Are you... tired of the journey?"

Pushia held the crystal clear teacup with her slender jade-white fingers. After hearing the inquiry, she did not shy away. She answered her question generously and said: "No, he can distinguish the important and the important. Only through the tempering of the fire of civilization can he distinguish the important and the important." It's important, just... sharing the same bed occasionally."

"But," Xiaoyu didn't give up, and analyzed with a smile: "Occasionally, this concept seems very rare. Let's count one out of a hundred, but when placed on a scale of thousands of years, the numbers are also amazing, right? At present, Yuna Yali's record is more than 11,000 times."

Pushia gave her a helpless look, repeated "occasionally", and then pushed Xiaoyu to leave. Stop chatting. Today we will continue the analysis of the supreme texture. You should also keep up.


The Sword of Taichu disappeared. When it went against the long river of time and passed through countless fires of civilization, it often formed incredible spectacles in those worlds. A bright white light streaked across the sky, and then left a powerful sword energy. It has not dissipated over the years.

Countless powerful cultivators were shocked by the vision and searched the world for the mysteriously missing treasure, believing that it was a gift from the gods and the creation of the world.怀

Although the Sword of Taichu cannot be found for sure, the remaining sword energy is regarded as a treasure by some practitioners. They try their best to reach the sky, get close to the sword energy, and feel the supreme sword intention contained in it. The gains are extraordinary.

Ye Lin's divine body was constantly cracking and healing. Before the Sword of Taichu arrived, he was trying a brand new method to integrate the three powers.

It is to use the ability of time power to banish the explosive energy generated when the three powers collide to infinite time in the future, achieving a state that will never touch the present.

For example, after one hour of exile, and one hour later, the exile is continued for another hour... Of course, since the collision of powers produces destructive energy all the time, the measures of exile can only be said to be a temporary solution to urgent needs, and it will definitely not work if accumulated over a long period of time.

When the destructive energy accumulates to a state that cannot be expelled by a single time power, even if the three powers are discarded, it will be of no avail. The terrifying energy will immediately backfire and die, and both body and soul will be destroyed.


The special realm of the God Realm was trembling faintly. The incoming chaotic sky thunder became more and more violent, already densely boiling, and all fell towards the night forest. Some thunders were as thick as the Milky Way, and their power made Nora afraid of changing color.怀

Did this guy violate the rules of heaven? This was the first time she had seen such a terrifying thunder.

Ye Lin spat out a mouthful of blood, only his eyes glowed, and he finally reached a temporary agreement before the Sword of Taichu arrived, and used the power of time to banish the destructive power of the power hedging.

His body turned into a huge giant, bathed in thunder and became immortal, and chaotic lightning danced crazily on his shoulders.

Ye Lin opened his mouth and sucked in, like a whale swallowing a cow, he wanted to suck up the sun, moon and sky, absorb some less terrifying chaotic thunder into his body, and start a new round of tempering from the inside out.

His hair stood on end, and there was electric light flowing under his skin. This was the last special journey before reaching the source.

Ye Lin even tried to capture some of the power of the Tribulation Thunder, which could have a miraculous effect on those who transcended.

He remembered the whispers of light and darkness, but the most important thing at the moment was to find the original source.怀

"I feel it. I have arrived at the right place. This should be the last time waterfall." Ye Lin said confidently, but looking around, the mysterious mist and water vapor were black and white, seeming to flow from all directions. And out, I still can't find the exact location.

Ye Lin vaguely sensed that there was a waterfall hanging down from somewhere, like a star river hanging upside down, with a height of more than hundreds of millions of miles. Chaos mist and mist were steaming, and it surged continuously from a certain starting point, forming a gorgeous and endless downstream. the big universe.

"In fact, there is no direction. After we pass through the road where whispers are heard from time to time, you can go wherever you want." Noerla is worthy of being the god who "goes home". She is very familiar with the road and has given him many precious lessons. experience.

If she was left in a place where there was no Chaos Tribulation Thunder, and it would be disrespectful to come and go, Ganzhe would definitely return all the essence to her.

The new ancient war spear condensed in Noerla's hand is the embodiment of the power of the elements. She was also hinting just now that there is no way back for us.

Either we can become gods in this place, become immortal from now on, and continue to practice our will that never forgets our original intention and has a beginning and an end, or we will be trapped here forever until our sanity collapses and we go crazy, or we commit suicide.

The water surface in the beginning does not exist in any real concept of space. It has no specific location. It is nothingness and chaos. No words or thoughts can describe its location in detail.怀

"That is to say, I want to open up my own way upstream." Ye Lin nodded. A stream of light came from a certain direction as powerful as lightning, and the sword energy was overwhelming. The Sword of Taichu, which had passed through the fire of civilization, came back.

The moment he held it, Ye Lin's momentum peaked, no different from that of a real god, and a series of side effects caused by the collision of powers were eliminated. Immediately, the sword light surged, and the white sword light was like a sword that penetrated the nine heavens and ten earths, penetrating the dimension. barrier.

"It's really the fourth power... However, it seems that your Chaos is not complete, and there are some special deficiencies." Noerla's stunning face could not hide the look of shock, even though she was a noble god, she was moved by it.

It turned out that this guy really wasn't lying. He had four powers, three daughters, and nearly a hundred...

Noella didn't think too much. The long second half of the road has come to an end. They have been holding hands for countless years, staying together through thick and thin, and they have completed a perfect closed loop of time and space.

The two could no longer live without each other and were firmly locked together.

Noerla helped him, and the golden light blooming from the ancient war spear was vast and magnificent, shaking the path to the source.怀

It is not an exaggeration to say that the joint attack of the two is one of the strongest in the world. The source of nothingness was torn apart. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore became clearer. You could even smell some water vapor... Noerla told him about the smell. It's an illusion.

"It's coming." Noerla grabbed the fragment of wisdom and power and temporarily integrated it into herself to form a body with dual powers.

Otherwise, the fragments may be swallowed by the water of nothingness and completely return to the beginning, and Nimer's wisdom will never be reunited and complete.

The thick mist of different colors surged, and a large gray-black wave came from the depths. Countless light spots rose and fell in the big wave, and many strange scenes emerged.

They seemed to have seen the birth of the universe. There was the first point of light in the dark sea water. It was so dazzling that it turned into the rising sun and illuminated a large area of ​​​​the sea water.

I also saw a galaxy collapsing and disintegrating, and countless light spots dimming instantly.

"Let's go. You can only hear its momentum when you look at it from a distance, but you can know its shape when you look at it up close." Noerla naturally took his hand and rushed directly to the empty water. Their figures completely disappeared in the long river flowing upstream.怀

"In a sense, you are already a god." Noerla added, taking the last step towards the void water. It was naturally easy for him who had absorbed the power of the fire of civilization.



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