Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2440 Biana transforms into Biana

Biana changed her shoes after returning home, and then out of habit, she triggered the instinct engraved in her bones and ran straight to the game console with her legs uncontrollably.

Get ready for some fun time, okay, you don’t have to study in the evening.

Niwu has a fighting instinct, and Biana has a gaming instinct.

Midway through, Ye Lin happened to grab the two twin tails on the back of her head. Beyana blinked innocently and pitifully, acting cute, "You guys are serious, I am already a genius among geniuses. I am too strong and my classmates will feel inferior." of."

What she said is true. Biana's current strength is amazing. Although she is not as good as "perverts" such as Erica and Xiao Su, she is definitely a genius on par.

But it’s definitely not a reason to play games.

"Twin ponytails are so useful..." Ye Lin whispered, and then gave Biana a drop of water of life when her face was unhappy.

It is the water of life that contains terrifying life energy and is known as the ticket to the new world after the decay of the universe. It is not the fake mineral water she drank at the Brooklyn Magic School.

Biana stiffened, pursed her thin lips, and immediately her face turned as red as a ripe apple. She hummed softly: "What did you give me to drink? I feel so hot inside my body, as if I'm going to burn." It’s like waking up…”

Then he looked at Ye Lin with a look of shame and anger, covered his small chest, and hummed: "I know that your sister can't escape your claws, but she is still in school, do that Isn't it too early to do this? You're going to give me the medicine before I even ask if I'm willing."

Her body is indeed very hot, her skin is scalding hot, and her big ruby-like eyes are watery, as if she wants to talk~

Ye Lin twitched the corner of his speechless lips, saying that although Beyana did not have a figure, she had fair skin, a cute face, slender waist and legs, and a double ponytail hairstyle.

In particular, she has the youthful, lively and energetic scent that is unique to a girl. One look at her makes you feel as if spring has come, and you feel relaxed and happy.

If you can have such a energetic girl as your girlfriend, you must be a blessing from your past life.

But because he got to know Beiana so well, he secretly gave her extra pocket money, paid her tuition every semester, bought her clothes, lived under the same roof every day, and forced her to eat more vegetables...

It’s so familiar that I’m embarrassed to think about it that way.

If he and Beiana slept in the same bed, Ye Lin felt that instead of thinking about whether to turn his god-sister into a god-sister, he would be more worried about whether this girl would kick the quilt in the middle of the night.

Seeing that the expressions of the Muses and the others were getting weirder and weirder, Ye Lin quickly touched Biana's head and two very long and curly hairs, and said: "I gave you the water of life to drink, as compensation for you. Realize the power of this.”

It's interesting to say that most people in the demon world have one or two curled up hairs, but Maruko and Yin Miwu have hats or rose crowns covering their heads.

It's not obvious in Bibi, but not in Pai Yin.

"Really or not? Just give me a drop of the water of life, you are stingy...wait a minute..."

Biana's expression suddenly changed. She was no longer deliberately being funny. There was an unprecedented power rioting in her body, and the water of life had a special effect on her.

A series of dazzling elemental patterns appeared out of thin air, with colorful colors, lighting up the manor. Super powerful momentum burst out from Biana's body, bending the flowers and plants in the yard, and the doors and windows rattled.

"I feel like I'm super strong now!" Biana's eyes were bright, and she instantly completed the transformation of Yinsta's fighting spirit.

And her transformation was far from over. The ribbon binding Biana's twin ponytails suddenly exploded, and the two purple cat's-eye-like gems on the ribbon also flew away.

Ye Lin caught one on the way, and the other flew upstairs and hit the glass window of Yin Miwu's room with a crash.

"Look, there is a very strange reaction in my body."

Biana clenched her hands tightly on her waist, her eyes widened, and the surging air waves all over her body made her beautiful red hair stand up in the sky, like the taut silk threads of a kite.

An even more special change occurred. Biana's red hair gradually changed from root to tip under the strong magic power, turning into a sacred and noble golden color.

"Hiss~ Biana's hairstyle and color now make her look like a super strong person in the universe." Ye Lin applauded and commented.

Now, Biana's whole body is blooming with strong life energy, and her body is emitting a bright golden light because of this energy.

"Bloodline atavism?" Hiatt subconsciously conjured a pair of cool sunglasses from his fingertips, but was held down by Qianying when he was about to wear them.

But she can hold one person's hand, but not everyone. Mo Mei and others all wore cool sunglasses of the same style.

You can’t get over my sunglasses joke, right? Qianying rolled her eyes.

In the mythical age of ancient Terra, outstanding Terrans would have their bodies glow with golden light due to their powerful life energy. They were idols that all Terrans fanatically worshiped and their hearts aspired to.

Those people are called..."Biana".

Ye Lin saw what happened later. The crazy obsession with blood led the Terrans to take an extremely wrong path, believing in the Mother Code, and eventually they were destroyed in the civil war between hundreds of tribes.

The angry and sad Valkyrie Nora sealed the golden blood of the Terran people.

Now, Biana should have awakened the ancient bloodline because of the water of life and transformed into "Biana".

"I know this!" Biana's big eyes sparkled, and she said excitedly: "The legend of ancient Terra, the goddess of light and justice, Biana. When my mother named me this name, she had my blood in mind. The great ideal of returning to our ancestors.”

The Terran people's obsession with blood has lasted through three civilization eras, the mythological civilization, the technological civilization, and the current magic wasteland civilization. The influence of "Biana" remains undiminished.

"Yeah! I succeeded. Let's go home and let Aunt Katie and Sister Niwu take a look." Bayana pumped her fists excitedly and ran away.

However, before he could reach the door, the light on his body quickly went out as if the oil had run out, and his hair became soft again and turned bright red.


He stumbled on the threshold and fell forward. Fortunately, Mo Mei used his mind energy to help him up.

You haven't learned any of Niwu's fighting instincts and tactics.

"The three-minute experience card has expired." Ye Lin spread his hands and said, "If you want to buy it, come see me tonight."

Her realm is still low, and her own foundation is not enough to maintain a long-term "Biana" state.

Biana rolled her eyes, she had only been handsome for three minutes, and Digu said: "Obviously in various stories, there are dragons, don't they become super powerful once their bloodline is ignited, and it is permanent."

Hiatt analyzed and said: "That's because they have accumulated enough foundation, so that quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. The foundation of your demon ancestors is transcendent level, and you are only a few levels now."

"I'm sure you're not as heavy as Fatty." Wanzi complained secretly, and then Hiatt pinched his ears and apologized. I was wrong.

But the benefits of that drop of water of life can also be seen in the future. Biana will be extremely talented on the road to practicing dazzling patterns in the future and become a veritable super genius.

Coupled with the turbulent Erica, the line of battle mages can be said to be thriving.

Feng Yingdan teased, "I don't know how long his enthusiasm will last. Among a group of girl apprentices, I later taught Yun Mi."

"The talents of these girls are very good. Yin Miwu is in our team, and if they don't count Mintai, they are a super strong team, which is exactly the opposite of us who are useless." There is something in Xiaoyu's words, which is very long. It took time to slowly figure out the taste.

Before dinner, Ye Lin explained the concept and abilities of the small world to Xiao Su and others.

In the world, the supreme power of Taichu shines magnificently, the runes of creation are flowing endlessly, and the most important thing is that the speed of time is different from the normal dimension, and it is a prototype similar to the kingdom of heaven.

"If you are not in the original level, you can hardly understand the mysteries of the world. I'm talking about you..." Ye Lin glanced at Beyana, Wanzi and the others.

"Because I hold the power of time, I will erase all the influence of time on you in the future, which is the inevitability of the body growing and aging over time. In this way, even if you stay here for ten or eight years, you will not be able to do anything after you come out. She is still a young and lovely little loli."

"Similar to Sister Aizela's Tower of Despair?" Xiao Su was quite familiar with it, having gone to practice with You Xia.


Biana suddenly raised her hands urgently and had questions to ask.

Ye Lin held his forehead and replied directly before she could ask, "I can't give it to you to play games."

"No, it's been ten or eight years. What should we do if we are hungry? Are there beds to sleep on, and where is the bathroom? And I feel like I will forget all the cultural classes."

"It's okay, I'm here." Ganzhi patted his chest.



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