Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2443 Muse and Five Elements

Muse played her bow harp in the secret realm, a technological product of the God Realm. The bow harp was dismantled by Wanzi and then almost unrecovered. It was a wonderful instrument for her concert, a good helper, and a weapon for her self-defense.

Immediately, five powers appeared that surprised Xiao Su and others. The fresh and green wood attributes echoed the flowers, plants and trees in the secret world, and also fit in with the Wuxuan of the night forest.

When the notes are played, the spiritual flowers sway gently, seeming to be intoxicated music listeners.

The manic red fire contains destructive energy in the soft strings.

The gentle flowing water has taken away the coldness of the frost, and the thick and solid soil has a silent power under the earth.

There is also a gem with colorful facets and refracted brilliance, which looks like a kaleidoscope at a glance, illuminating everything with its brilliant brilliance.

Muse introduced, saying: "Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, the power factions in the divine world are the five elements, not your four elements, but the five elements and the four elements have something in common with each other, such as fire, water and ice .”

If we look at the concept of primordial time, all tangible elemental powers of the five elements are under the jurisdiction of the goddess Pushya.

Taking Puhia as the starting point, it differentiates from its source, just like the lush branches of a towering tree, each blooming with beautiful flowers.

They are just cultivating from different factions. They are all people who have seen big scenes, even people like Charles Futz who bombarded with pure magic power.

"I am from the Wood Tribe, but I rarely use the Wood Tribe's magic. I mostly use the energy of musical notes. This playing skill comes from an ancient musician in the God Realm, who was also the first to communicate with divine beasts. The girl's name is Harmony." Muse gasped slightly, her blue and red hair was very eye-catching. After seeing her, Maruko and others communicated privately, how about we also dye our hair in different colors.

"Then I want to dye it all green." Yin Miwu said calmly.

Muse said that he borrowed the abundant magic power in the secret realm to barely manifest the power of other attribute races.

The Five Elements race is not a pure single-element race. It has more or less energy from the other four races.

"Is it of wood nature..." Ye Lin opened his palms, and Wuxuan's power emerged. The palms were shining brightly, and then strangely transformed into grass, flowers, trees, and even a world.

"What a pure power of wood." Muse was shocked. She couldn't help but leaned over, grabbed his palm and felt it carefully. After a long time, he said: "It seems that the leader and the divine beast who are stronger than our Wood Clan are all powerful." More pure and powerful.”

Muse's own realm is limited and cannot determine the purity of Ye Lin's wood power.

But from everyone's chat, it is certain that Ye Lin's power is very powerful and terrifying.

It seemed that the entire Wood Clan she belonged to, including the divine beasts, could not compete with it.

As for "Wuxuan=Yelin's two waists", Muse blinked her beautiful big eyes and couldn't understand it at all.

Human beings in the divine world are divided into five races according to their attributes. They are all human beings, but the personalities and appearances of each race are different. The difference can be seen from the appearance.

The Jin tribe is petite and fair-skinned, while the Fire tribe is tall and has skin that looks like it has been burned by flames, similar to the dark elves. The Wood and Water tribes are relatively similar, and the Earth tribe's skin color is a healthy wheat color.

Much like the three branch races of the Bantu tribe, the appearance differences among the blood races are also obvious among the human race.

The five races not only have an environment suitable for their own race to survive, and related secrets of cultivation, but also have their own sacred beasts, sacred objects, etc. that they are close to.

Muse said that the Wood tribe has a kind of mythical beast called "wood spirit". They are numerous, fist-sized, lively and active, exuding a fresh light. If they make it happy, they will emit a kind of energy that heals injuries.

However, when they gather together in anger, they will transform into a giant of light. They have extremely terrifying power and can blow up a floating island in the sky with one blow.

Gravityless fragments, this kind of material also exists in the God Realm, and the Wood Clan also has a mysterious holy tree.

The mythical beast that is close to the water tribe is called "Poseidon". Legend has it that it used to wander freely in the sea of ​​​​the sky, with an unstable shape. Most of the time, its temper was relatively mild and neutral, and occasionally it would be moody. It can be found in the outside world. Many legends originated from Poseidon.

But a few years ago, damn, I don’t know who released a terrifying big octopus in the sea. Its strength was very terrifying, its tentacles were as huge as mountains, and its blue eyes were good at mental control.

It frightened the Poseidon who was out for a walk, and he never left the enchantment area of ​​the God Realm.

Ye Lin looked up at the sky and looked down, as if it had nothing to do with him. Unless his realm crushed him, no one in the sea could beat Mr. Luo.

"Muse, are you really from the Wood Clan? Then you must stay away from Ye Lin. He is sugar cane. Do you know sugar cane? It looks straight and delicate on the outside, but has sweet juice on the inside. After chewing it, you will end up with a mouth full of dregs." Yin Miwu couldn't help but ask.

Damn it, I don’t understand why pretty girls tend to have a natural affinity for sugar cane.

Taichu's Wuxuan is the first plant rooted in the earth. Needless to say, its pure wood-type spirituality is the best in the world.

All "wood" is born from it, and all sacred trees are its variants or children.

Wuxuan has transcended the concepts of forests, seaweeds and other plant levels. It is in the transitional stage towards "life power".

So you can see that when Sugar Cane revealed the light of Taichu Zhiwuxuan, Muse's eyes were immediately locked.

Although Muse rarely uses wood attribute magic, her physique cannot be faked. She is compatible with the wood attribute and can feel this pure and supreme energy. It may be fatal to the entire wood tribe, including the wood attribute beasts. lure.

"You have to thank Agnes of the Blazing Flame for giving you the Wuxuan of All Evils, otherwise your waist would have been ruined long ago, thanks to the gift of reconstruction." Yin Miwu complained.

"Muse, Jin, does he control metal like Ye Lin?" Wanzi asked curiously with a big hat on her head. What she just saw didn't seem to be like this.

The metallicity just now, the gorgeous charming eyes, are like a kaleidoscope of gems.

Ye Lin explained first and said: "The five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and gold is born from earth. The concept of gold is not just metal, but also includes gems, crystals, etc. hidden in the earth. Because gems are in harmony with magic, gem magic is also a type of gold magic. "

The powerful Jin people can not only control metals, but also control gems to launch attacks. They are more powerful, but the cost is also higher.

"How do you know so much? Have you ever been to the God Realm?" Bibi was surprised, holding the cute, soft-spoken little Pai Yin in her arms.

Xiao Pai Yin has excellent talent for ice attributes and frost snowman elves. There is no harm in coming here to become stronger.

"I haven't been there. I looked around and the people there are quite exclusive, but I am the last holder of the Seal of Heaven!" Ye Lin put his hands on his hips and saw Xiao Su flipping through the runes shining. The Seal of Heaven, the Seal of Heaven didn’t pay attention to the previous owner at all.

"The Jin tribe has been looking for magic items that can replace gems. Because gems have the value of luxury goods, the cost is too high..." Before Muse could finish his words, he saw Ye Lin taking out a pile of red, blue, black and white. Gold, small hard square crystals.

Wow, what kind of gems are these? Not only are they beautiful in color, but their properties are also very pure. Muse was shocked. Although she was not a member of the gold family, she was still keenly aware of the extraordinary qualities of the crystals.

"These gems must be very expensive." Muse picked up a golden one from his hand. It was so beautiful. It was the favorite thing of the Jin people.


Ye Lin twitched his lips. Although the decomposition machine was the proud work of President Norton of the Alchemist Association, Ye Lin felt that Kelly's strengthening opportunity was more suitable.

"Lady" Kelly is not willing to teach in the Royal Courtyard like Taylor. She spends her days on the Arad continent causing harm to her equipment. She has long been the number one enemy of the Adventurer Alliance.

Maybe the God Realm will be Kelly's second chance to get rich.

"All for you." Ye Lin generously gave a bunch of crystals to Muse. In Muse's view, these were clearly a bunch of extremely precious gems.

How embarrassing, it was too generous. I was flattered, and Muse liked him even more.



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