Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2466 Offering a pair of white silk

The main component of the Ring of Creation has arrived. The golden ring full of sacred aura shines for billions of meters, and the gears interlock, like several rounds of bright suns illuminating the time and space of the end, attracting everyone's attention.

It is the helper of Rigel of Tomorrow. With its supreme divine power, it coldly stopped the monstrous power of the Lord of the End.

Therefore, it seems that Rigel of Tomorrow is firmly in the Taichu camp.

Muzan, the Lord of the End who can collapse a branch dimension, has an expressionless face. Even though his breath is like an abyss, he is vaguely aware of an unprecedented pressure and a fatal crisis.

There are six detachable visible components of the Ring of Creation, as well as some auxiliary hidden teeth. The rings are intertwined, some are large and some are small. There are now four sets of gears in front of everyone.

Including the largest set of bottom rings, a slightly smaller set of rings, and two smaller rings.

In terms of the overall shape, it is like the internal components of an ancient mechanical wall clock after opening the casing.

Its name is the "Ring of Creation", which is speculated to coincide with the original time of the universe. When the clock-like gears rotate, the glorious birth of the universe and infinite glory is at that moment.

It is now clearly visible that there are many mottled and terrifying marks on the surface of the Ring of Creation, which may be scars caused by swords or the sharp claws and fangs of ferocious beasts.

There are also smoky black spots of death, as well as several extremely obvious fracture marks, and the gears of the ring are not very complete.

The Ring of Creation was shattered during the God War, and was gradually repaired with the recovery of Caroso. There are still some parts that have not been completely restored to their original state. Visible to the naked eye, the cracks, black spots, and claw marks have not been completely repaired. .

Hiatt used his hidden consciousness to communicate with everyone, and said: "It seems that the creation artifact is missing two components. One is with Celia, and the other may not be recovered, or it may be completely blown up, but Still very strong overall.”

Everyone looked solemn. In the Dragon Dimension, the supreme power of one component made everyone feel terrible pressure.

The eldest lady's Lei Woting, Feng Ying's Thousand Flower Sword, Guyu's Evening Primrose, and Ye Lin's Taichu Sword were all suppressed by the original component, which shows how powerful it is.

Now there are four sets of components spewing out at once, including the most important core ring.

It is estimated that it already has 80% of the power of the peak creation artifact. The power of the divine realm is undoubtedly very amazing.

However, everyone is not an ordinary person. After being tempered by Ye Lin and Pushia's divine laws, they have also studied the texture secrets of that component, and tempered their own weapons with the chaos magic stone. They are already stronger than before. Big cut.

"What a strong ring." Xiao Su murmured, looking at the Ring of Creation that was facing the Lord of the End, and subconsciously clenched the roots of his World Tree.

It can be called the first treasure and the most powerful artifact in the infinite universe. Although it is not complete, it is enough to make people excited and longing for it.

"The truly powerful thing about the ring is not only its material, but also the fact that it is imbued with the laws of the great will, which makes it the supreme one it is now." Ye Lin explained that at this moment, the body equivalent to Caroso descended and walked the universe on his behalf. .

There are many things hinted at, but the most important thing is undoubtedly the return of the strongest lord. Perhaps, she has found her lost body.

"So theoretically, Xiao Su, if you give me Baisi or Pangci now, I can slowly refine them into the highest artifact."

Ye Lin was fascinated, imagining that when facing a powerful enemy, he could wave his hands and offer a pair of white silk silk, the pure white light shining brightly, with the power to imprison gods and bind demons.

Later, it was passed down from the mouths of adventurers, and it was regarded as a sacred object, and it was also a good story.

"I'm more worried that during the tempering process, you couldn't help but use it on yourself first, contaminating it with some unclean things." Yin Miwu snorted lightly, "I don't know your virtue yet."

Her Gothic dress, Xiao Su's white silk stockings, and You Xia's hot pants all seem to have the potential to become artifacts.


Now the Ring of Creation is extremely oppressive, shining with golden light, and also extremely cold and arrogant, giving people a feeling of contempt for oneself and others as ants.

Ye Lin is no longer what he used to be. He has crossed a critical level. The Sword of Taichu has also completed the immortal recasting and absorbed an additional part of the supreme texture.

But since it was the Circle of Creation that was trying to suppress the Lord of the End, Ye Lin was happy to be free and fishing nearby.

Regarding the future of the Chaos Dimension, let’s think about it after wiping out the Lord of the End.

The Ring of Creation filled the air with majesty, and each set of gears looked like a galaxy when they rotated. It was difficult to see the truth under its light. He said calmly: "Things that should not exist, but are pretentious, showing their teeth and claws here, like a mantis using its arms as a chariot."

Muzan, the Lord of the End, had blood streaks all over his body, and there were stars exploding one after another in his eyes, as if he contained a universe in his body. Senhan said: "Since I have come, it means that this is an inevitable result, hypocrisy world, I am the known destruction.”

"You are obviously worse than the source of infinite magic power." The ring of creation has its own will, and the gears are turning. The light of millions of years of stars comes from the long river of time, and destructive power blooms, like There was a sea of ​​stars that was all ignited and exploded.

Not to be outdone, Muzan, the Lord of the End, turned into the ocean with his endless encroaching power. The light of his sword was miserable. This was the collision between the End and the Beginning. It was fate and necessity.

"It's your fault...!" Ye Lin's face turned cold, his fingertips were like swords, and he used his fingertips to break away the destructive shock wave that was coming, and his hair moved slightly.

The attacks of the Ring of Creation were shockingly indiscriminate, and its power enveloped everyone. Only Rigel of Tomorrow seemed to know something in advance and hid himself in another time and space without being affected at all.

The angel Suomi unfolded the Book of Order, and the light enveloped his angelic body. He said in a respectful and anxious tone: "Great Will, the order of the Chaos Dimension is on the verge of collapse."

The battle in the divine realm is too terrifying. The already riddled Chaos Dimension is accelerating towards destruction and end, and cannot withstand the war.

It also gave her the illusion that it was the emergence of the Circle of Creation that led to the final step.

Yuena obtained some special information about Somi through her own private channel, that is, by communicating with Archangel Rafael through light.

We are all employees. It is normal for us to secretly discuss various secrets about our boss in private, and Heaven is no exception.

But ridicule is ridicule, everyone still respects the goddess in their hearts.

Somi is a personality that Lord Remy believes in the great will. That is to say, Somi's position is more inclined to find the great will and believes that her return can solve everything.

"That's it..." Ye Lin thought, then let his imagination run wild, and said: "I think the secret method of light communication between your angels is very suitable for building a cosmic network, and then people who use the Internet need to open a package and charge..."


The Ring of Creation stirred up the highest ripples, and the four components suddenly expanded infinitely, like millstones made of the universe, grinding Muzan, the Lord of the End, into the gaps in the gears.

Suomi was affected by the ripples and had to retreat. The Book of Order in his hand shines brightly, borrowing part of the power of the original artifact.

The words in the pages of the book have turned into chains, and the chain of order composed of words leads to the universe. Each chain contains a kind of rule and order, and it is doing its best to protect the world.

"O great will, the dimension of chaos is in danger. Your infinite power is already affecting other dimensions. I have already seen that the holy trees in the beautiful world are withering."

Suomi's anxious forehead was sweating. She came to the Chaos Dimension originally to clean up the mess after the war and restore the inherent order of the Chaos Dimension.

Although the Book of Order is not as good as the collection of the three powers of space, time and quality, it contains the supreme power of life and can also continue the future of the Chaos Dimension to a certain extent and temporarily avoid the fate of destruction.

However, now, the Chaos Dimension is about to be destroyed, and it is time to counterattack to the past time.

Since the splitting point of the God War, countless lives in the long history of the Chaos Dimension have all seen the majestic golden light yesterday, today, tomorrow... young people, middle-aged people, old people... looking up and seeing the majestic golden light, and how to compete with it. of bloody light.

Ye Lin blocked the surging energy tide and complained to Suomi: "Your trust and respect for the Ring of Creation are completely unresponsive. It is too indifferent. You might as well date me. At least I don't care about women." Children always respond to their requests.”

The appearance of Suomi and Nian Nian are very similar, the only difference is that they don't squint their beautiful eyes.

Now I see her looking anxious and impatient, almost like squinting her eyes and stamping her feet anxiously, which looks quite fresh.



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