Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2470 Stop fighting

Summoning Caroso's true form now is not because the Circle of Creation doesn't want to do it, but because it can't speak.

The Ring of Creation itself is extremely arrogant, with eyes above the top, and considers itself to be the number one under the great will.

Impregnated with the law of creation, the place where the light falls, all things surrender, and the gods respect it, which is equal to half a great will.

Even the extremely powerful goddess of life and light, death and darkness, would definitely be polite and treat each other with courtesy when she saw it.

But now, unfortunately, the tiger has come to an end, and four sets of gears have been blown away by a sword that lingers in the aura of the beginning. It is naturally a great shame. The surface of the ancient and ancient ring is now red and warm, as if it has been burned on the fire. of.

There is also a very fundamental reason. Mr. Caroso has not yet found the last form, and something seems to have gone wrong.

Only by finding it and completing its absorption can it be called a complete light-faced will and return to the posture before the divine war.

As for the fragments of the dark side, including the main will, they are the icing on the cake. They are the best that can be found. If they are not found, they will not affect the overall situation.

Because when Mr. Caroso restores the integrity of the light surface, the order of the universe will move forward in accordance with his will and laws, and all those who are rebellious and disrespectful will kneel down and repent under his light.

Ye Lin doesn't care what Pohuanzi is seems to have no brain.

The time and space at the end was as dark as an abyss, but a terrifying dazzling sword energy suddenly appeared. It was boundless, vast and majestic, omnipresent, filling the dead time and space at the end.

At the same time, Ye Lin used the power of time to solidify the past and present, preventing his collision with the Ring of Creation from affecting past history and causing an extinction event similar to the end of the world.

Suomi looked over unexpectedly, which was of great help.

The four groups of creation rings tried their best to resist, but they still exploded again. The four galaxies were dim and separated.

The cracks that originally existed in the body showed signs of widening. Old wounds were not healed, and new wounds were added. The Sword of Taichu carved wounds on the broken body.

Ye Lin looked at the Sword of Taichu that was shaking due to the shock in his hand. The sword contained a vague spiritual consciousness. Although it was still very immature, it was quite emotional.

The predecessor of the Sword of Taichu was suppressed by the Broken Ring, and it seemed to hold a grudge. Therefore, the sword energy is now particularly sharp and extremely powerful, specializing in the unhealed wounds on the Ring of Creation.

It is a relatively common phenomenon for weapons to be born with spiritual consciousness, and there are many ways of birth.

The most common one is a weapon similar to the magic sword Apophis. Through a series of rituals and sacrifices, powerful magic is injected into the sword or the soul of the dead is enchanted, thereby creating a weapon with a destructive will.

Also, if the weapon itself is good enough, the magic power circulates endlessly, and there is a chance that vague spiritual consciousness will be born.

Taking advantage of the moment when the Ring of Creation was scattered, Ye Lin quickly appeared next to a component. His big hand stretched out to cover the sky and the sun. The power of chaos spread, creating a world of its own and grabbing the huge ring.

The components of the Ring of Creation struggled violently and creaked, creating endless textures of creation. Yelin's palm was burned with blood and flesh, and he would rather explode than be restrained by human hands.

"I told you to go back with a collar!" Ye Lin shouted loudly, and the light of power bloomed magnificently, blurring all the causal connections of the broken ring, suppressing the spiritual consciousness in the ring of creation, and setting up layers of supreme Seal it and shut it up completely.

"You actually have the lost Chaos..." The reorganized Circle of Creation has only three components left, which is half of the total.

It just has no face, and its body is full of circles, otherwise it would be as black as the bottom of a pot at this moment. It has overturned, and it is very serious.

He was cut open twice by a sword with a strong meaning of the beginning, and a component, a piece of light of spiritual consciousness, was kidnapped. It was really a loss.

And it still can't believe that, except for the lofty and great will, how could someone hold more than two primordial powers at the same time, and how could he not explode and die.

The arrogant Huanzi was captured by Ye Lin and lost.

The projection of the ancient gods it manifested was very strong, and the fighting instinct given by the ring alone caused Siatt and the others to fight hard and get injured, but in the end they were eliminated one by one.

The old mother was stabbed by Guyu, and Moros was praised by Feng Ying for the moon. With his eyes narrowed and the lady in black skirt, Yuena and Mavis, who spread their dark red wings, exchanged words tacitly.

Angel Somi's Book of Order levitated and grew larger. On a certain page, there were beautiful mountains and rivers painted on it, with the breath of life emerging, and the divine chains of Order disappeared into the void of the universe.

At the same time, Suomi's own eyes fell into confusion for a moment, and soon became clear.

Her beautiful, clear eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and her consciousness was temporarily connected with hers.

"Give me some face, stop fighting. It's all a misunderstanding, and someone is running away." He squinted his eyes to smooth things over, turned his pretty white cheeks slightly, and glanced at Yuena's dark red wings.

Now that you have finished fighting, the Lord of the End and Ozma are fighting even more fiercely.

The chaotic dimension with weak space-time quality has opened a huge gap, like the mouth of a ferocious beast, the boundary barrier of the dimension is cracking, and the other end leads to other dimensions.

The fight is fake, but running away is real.

The Lord of the End and Ozma stopped in an instant, and each turned into a bloody light and penetrated the crack. After the Book of Order arrived and Ye Lin also showed the power of the divine realm, they knew that there was no possibility of victory.

The end is still a foregone conclusion. The chaotic dimension with a strong imbalance in time and space will dry up and die out soon. There is no need to continue to remember this world now.

"Running so fast, there are two solutions." He opened the Book of Order with squinted eyes, and the ancient text turned into a divine chain and sank into the void, chasing the direction of the Lord of the End's escape.

The first is to directly and forcefully obliterate the pseudo-gods born in different dimensions. How could they escape the pursuit of the strong men present?

Another method is to repair the basic attributes of the chaotic dimension and continue the dry river of time.

As long as the dimension lasts longer than the twenty years calculated by Ye Linjian, the Lord of the End will immediately disappear. It is something that should not exist in the first place.

The other end of the crack is another dimension. In the blur, everyone sees a sacred and peaceful scene emerging. It is calm and peaceful, and it seems to be a peaceful time and space without war.

The Lord of the End and Ozma, carrying the power of cruelty and encroachment, arrived, disrupting the harmonious order. They did not stay long and continued to escape to an unknown time.

The golden divine chain of order lit up with eternal light, instantly piercing Ozma's body and locking her in place.

Remedios is noble and beautiful. She raises her jade hand, and the power of light blooms across the other side of the dimension. She controls the light of another dimension and turns it into a network of light, imprisoning heaven and earth, the past and the future.

She is fishing in the long river of time. She has cast a "death net" with a very dense mesh, and there is no way to retreat or escape.

Immediately, a war spear struck from the depths of the universe, and the ancient divine light transcended the limitations of time and space, detonating a torrent of elements in front of the Lord of the End, and the tall demonic body exploded into pieces in an instant.

The Lord of the End roared angrily and erupted a consuming tsunami, trying to repeat the end in which the last star also exploded, thereby leveling the inevitable.

"The gods can't stop the weird ending, but that doesn't mean they can't kill you." He said calmly with narrowed eyes.

Ye Lin also raised his foot to cross the boundary, his sword shining like the sea, accelerating to destroy the Lord of the End.

The laws of the divine realm are intertwined one after another, locking the long river of time and the dimensional barrier. No matter how hard the Lord of the End struggles, the trapped beast still fights, he can't escape the desperate situation of being wiped out again and again.

Siatt and the others approached carefully and witnessed the struggle and destruction of a god. The mystery of the god stirred up in the whole process was a great opportunity, which had obvious benefits for them.

Their realm is growing, they are getting closer to demigods, and they are only one step away from being confirmed.


The Lord of the End exploded completely, the Book of Order expanded, and the two pages turned into the sky and the earth. The stars were brilliant, wrapping up the terrifying energy when the Lord of the End died, preventing it from affecting another dimension.



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