Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2472 Yuena’s Statement of Reflection

The Ring of Creation loudly denounced the foreign gods with impassioned emotions, saying frankly that these guys all have bad intentions and are pests that have sneaked into the universe and will eat away the original energy of the universe.

Those guys are all black-hearted chemical factories with dirty blood flowing from every pore, and they will pollute the pure river of time.

They must be found and eliminated forcefully, and at the very least they must be strictly supervised by their own god-level experts.

Ye Lin scratched his hair in silence, feeling depressed. He knew that although he had obtained a glorious local household registration, he was still an outsider in the sense that he came from the same place as Naiyali.

Now that he was scolded by the unsuspecting Creation Circle, it was really hard for him to refute, and he choked on his throat.

Although he and Nyari are harmless... well, basically harmless.

He secretly "harmed" the dark side master Saifupo and two noble goddesses.

Niyali wandered around the universe, including but not limited to prying open the gate of the underworld, the gate of heaven, the gate of Moros... and occupied a world.

But there is no guarantee that Paopao, who is at the same level as Naiyali, will always abide by the rules. There may be unknown alien gods causing trouble in the universe.

Now he pats his chest and promises that if anything happens in the future, he will be remembered.

And as narrowed eyes said, all the current ideas are in the stage of speculation, and it is not possible to directly engage in cold-faced hostility with Caroso and continue to fight to the death.

Regarding the scourge of the outer gods, the Circle of Creation talked a lot in one breath, then took a breath of the cold wind of the end, and then reluctantly shone, spreading out the texture of the supreme law at the moment of creation.

This is the deal between it and Ye Lin, to help repair the end of time and space in exchange for that collar, bah, components of the Ring of Creation.

"Quickly, come out and take a look." Yelin reminded Siatt and the others to release a few people from the demon world, Mailu, and the curator.

Their strength was slightly lower and they did not participate in the battle with the projection of the ancient god just now.

It is a hard-won opportunity to personally experience the laws of creation and the shining end. It is good for those who are powerful in the divine realm. Both Nian Yanyan and Pushya are watching with interest.

Although the Ring of Creation has an arrogant mouth and judgmental nostrils, its origin and ability are absolutely unquestionable. It was born in the glorious beginning and followed the complete great will.

It is a pity that there is a lack of a large amount of chaotic matter in the end. Even if the texture of creation is stirred up and the sacred moment when the great will creates the world is replayed, there is no way to create a complete and flawless universe.

But if it is only used to repair damaged time and space, it can still play a lot of effective roles.

One after another, the supreme divine light streaked across the void and penetrated everywhere in the end. The time and space that had been dead and cold gradually took on an imperceptible spirituality, as if it was being reshaped and injected with vivid vitality.

Decay in Fengchun!

She squinted her eyes and nodded slightly, and a mark of life power appeared between her fair and smooth eyebrows. It was a delicate and shining small tree. Her already beautiful face became more and more beautiful like a water hibiscus under the light of the mark. Unparalleled.

The fresh and beautiful green light of life power spreads to the dimensional barrier, repairing the damaged cracks and leaving a beam of light that will never dim.

"It's not just me and Remy." The elemental goddess Puxia sent a message to Ye Lin's consciousness and said: "All the gods, heroes, powerful people, etc. are watching here. The birth of the Lord of the End is an accident. We are still speculating, and whether there is a way to completely repair the damaged time and space is what we are most concerned about."

The Ring of Creation is unpleasant to listen to and has a bad mouth, but it still makes sense. The birth of the parallel dimension was an accident. It diverted the stable and eternal river of time and created a series of additional problems today.

It is believed that parallel dimensions are all abscesses of the great universe in the beginning, and if they are cut off with one cut, the long-term pain will be worse than the short-term pain.

The Ring of Creation was born at the top of the world, focusing on the overall situation of the universe, and believed that the soldiers should be abandoned to protect the commander.

Ye Lin, on the other hand, is accompanied by the glimmers of billions of lives, stepping on the path to the divine realm in the fire of civilization, and has never been separated from all living beings.

I can't tell who is right and who is wrong for the time being, but it's not yet the point where I have to make a choice. When it comes to choosing one of the two, everyone is brainstorming and thinking of various ways to pursue a perfect solution.

Pushia and Yelin also used their powers to help repair the end time and space. At the same time, they were also observing the specific status of the chaotic dimension, hoping to see a good turn.


The dimension of chaos suddenly shook slightly, and a noble initial wind blew in the empty end. It was warm and pleasant, and dispersed the remaining breath of the end. The entire dimension was obviously different from before.

Wind symbolizes freedom, and the rolling of the initial wind means that the chaotic dimension is developing in a good direction.

"Successful?" Siatt stretched out her hand to hold a wisp of wind, experiencing the joy of creation and rebirth, and slowly immersed herself in a unique state.

A powerful aura bloomed, and the sword of oath Leiwodin resonated with it. One by one, the dimensional magic sword appeared out of thin air, like light rain, like the galaxy, surrounding Siatt who emerged from the cocoon, gorgeous and dazzling, with its own Unique charm and elegance.

She is a demigod!

Mo Mei also truly experienced the throbbing of the dimension. She first absorbed the power of the end, then fought with the shadow of the ancient god, and then observed the great law of creation and experienced the rebirth of the chaotic dimension.

One after another pure white, fiery red, brilliant gold... Nianlian lotus of various colors emerged, occupying a large area of ​​​​the void into a sea of ​​lotus flowers, endless rays of light transpiring, Hongrui falling like a waterfall, and the vision was stunning.

The Ring of Creation was shocked and said: "Because they have not verified the beginning of time and completed the ubiquitous transformation, they are temporarily called demigods. Their talents are so amazing."

Yuena, who also absorbed the terminal energy, also had the urgent desire to evolve and transform.

But Lady Remy is still here, and now her wings are red again. How to explain it.

The wings of angels are mostly holy gold and pure white. Occasionally there are some special attributes such as ice angels and fire angels. Their wings are ice blue and fiery red.

But his wings were an extremely ominous dark red, and there was a trace of the aura of final encroachment surrounding them. It was an unprecedented appearance of heaven.

Yuena felt nervous for a while, her eyes evaded, and she didn't even dare to look at Master Remy.

"Saphire, unless you obtained power by committing a crime, the attribute of power has nothing to do with good or evil. The key lies in how you use it." Remy said softly, don't hold it back, the opportunity is hard-won, this time I hold it in forcibly In the past, you don’t know when you will have the opportunity to make your next breakthrough.

This concept is a cliché and definitely not difficult to understand.

A piece of delicate and smooth white silk is pure and youthful when worn on Xiao Su's legs, but when it is taken off by sugar cane and used as a mask to cover the mouth and nose, and then she takes a deep breath intoxicated, it becomes a bit abnormal.

In fact, white silk is still the same white silk. There is no physical change, but the method of using it is different, so it has a different meaning.

Yuena immediately nodded with gratitude, no longer suppressing the boiling energy in her body, and spread a pair of strange wings behind her back.

One wing is holy and pure white, like cutting off the bright rays of the sun, waving the peace of time and rain, summoning tenderness and compassion. The other wing is dark red and low, like a burning cloud shining at dusk, containing the power of destruction.

Narrowing her eyes and nodding slightly, her Book of Order still contained the power of the Lord of the End when it exploded. After some research, she gave it to Feng Ying, Xiaoyu and the others, and should be able to create a few more demigods.

Just when Yuena was deeply grateful to Master Remidios for his broad mind, gentleness and kindness, and almost shed tears...

"Yue Na, did you doubt yourself just now? You doubted that you could not control this power well, and you were also worried that I would punish you for your dark red wings, and then take back Safir's holy name. All that is given to you.”

The voice with narrowed eyes is not loud but very majestic, resounding to the end, and the goddess has a strong aura.

Yuena panicked and hurriedly knelt down in prayer, admitting her mistake: "It was Yuena who witnessed the scene of the end, the world where the last star exploded, and felt sad in her heart, thinking that this encroaching power was the source of destruction... …”

Archangel Rafael, the gentlest among the archangels, also witnessed the tragedy of the end, and his holy and compassionate heart was covered in dust, and he almost fell into the corner between dimensions.

Narrowing her eyes directly stopped Yuena's reflection, and she started to sprinkle bad words in her calmness, saying: "Copy the holy text ten times, and a letter of self-reflection, about 2,000 words, and give it to me tomorrow."


Yuena was stunned when she heard this. She was okay with copying the book, but she was a little worried about the two thousand words of self-reflection... Beyana and Wanzi had written a lot of self-reflection books, so why don't you rummage through them and copy them according to them.



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