Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2476 It can’t be bigger!

Brother Diao's splitting Dark Diaoge and Michelle's "spirit behind" disappeared unexpectedly. After the examination, Nian Yanyan said an extremely shocking news, which made the whole place silent for a moment, worried about them. .

Yuena said: "Lord Remi, Ye Lin once said that stowaways are not allowed on the road to the divine realm. Foreign objects parasitic in the soul will be forcibly separated there. Could this be the reason?"

Maybe Isis and Michael were split apart, washed away by the tide of time, and accidentally drifted to other dimensions. It is possible.

He narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly, then shook his head regretfully, saying that the possibility was very small, just like sugar cane meeting the conditions for a bride in a black dress.

Prey and Isis, Michelle and Michael, their relationship with each other is far beyond imagination, they are a community connected by life.

Light and darkness are one, and twin souls control day and night respectively. Fusion and unity is the eternal overlord of the sky. The complete Apostle Prey Isis cannot survive without anyone.

The first of the seven archangels and the strongest one under Remidios. The first to obtain the rank of archangel. He is described in the "Remedios Bible" as one who executes evil and exercises the power of God. Michael, with his extraordinary handsomeness and noble will, has always been the guardian of Michael in all dimensions.

The path to the divine realm will exclude parasitic stowaways, but it will not exclude them, a relatively special community of destiny. Michael has also been connected to Michelle in life, and they are part of each other.

In the angel dimension, Saint Michael did not want to destroy Ozma of Chaos casually after defeating it, for fear that the chaos would flow and its origin would shift secretly.

He decided to adopt the consciousness of self-sacrifice and seal himself and Ozma into the body of Archangel Michael for purification.

Such behavior is obviously extremely dangerous. The blending of light and darkness may detonate huge energy, which will implicate the physical form of Michael and have the power of death.

However, Michael openly opened his mind and advanced and retreated together with Michelle.

The final result now seems to be good. Michelle's noble spirit of fearless sacrifice unexpectedly obtained the purifying power of Taichu.

This event, which is full of a sense of miracle and combines dedication, sacrifice, fearlessness, glory... and other noble spirits, has become an enduring legend in the angel dimension.

Occasionally, some people with wild imaginations and those who are good at imagining wonder whether Michael and Michelle, who are so deeply affectionate and touching, may have a father-son relationship, or brothers, or even... gay love.

Big Brother and Little Shota!

With narrowed eyes and a graceful figure, the ups and downs of his chest were graceful and graceful. He held the sacred book of order in his arms and said: "How many subsequent demigods have died in the sea of ​​Taichu. It is not easy for the two of them to come back alive. Loss is normal, it would be more clear to ask them themselves.”

"I'm going to masturbate the fox." Naiyali raised her hand high. The pink, white, soft, clean, and furry cloud fox has always been the favorite of invincible beautiful girls.

What's the matter? Can't the Great Evil God have a girlish heart?

"Okay, okay, the weather is getting warmer. It's the time when the cloud fox sheds its hair. If you comb it, you will see a white cloud. It's very beautiful."

Then, with narrow eyes, he took out nine components of the terminal energy swallowed up in the Book of Order and gave it to Sophie and the others, leaving 10% of the energy containing the soul fragments of the Lord of the terminal to be analyzed by the noble lady.

The top energy from the Lord of the End contains the endless destruction of the end. It is very destructive and of course very rare.

Find a safe place, use it by a strong person at the peak of transcendence level, and have a chance to take a small step towards a higher realm.

The people who received the huge amount of energy were Sophie, Gu Yu, and Xiaoyu, who were determined in the order of numbers drawn.

"There are many more in the end, let's kill them one by one." Ye Lin sharpened his knife sharply, not even one of them could escape.

"I still have an idea to guess." Pushia raised her hand and made a light stroke. In the time and space of the chaotic dimension, the future was still not optimistic, and the atmosphere of collapse and end was spreading.

The patch they are applying now can only be effective for one "version" and is just a temporary solution to an urgent need.

Pushia guessed that people with terminal energy can confirm the end of time, continuously transfer the terminal energy to themselves for practice, and form a circle of time transition. The premise is that Ye Lin's chaotic power will transform the internal energy. Eradicate the encroaching nature.

Because there is no existence of the Lord of the End, the destructive power of the End is greatly weakened.

"What if we find a way to end the end in the future." Pushia drew a long river of time, splitting into branch-like branch rivers in the middle, one of which symbolizes the dimension of chaos.

First leave a spiritual imprint at the time when the chaotic dimension has come to an abrupt end. After finding a way to completely repair the collapsed time and dimension, the dry river will flow with clear and infinite water again.

The Chaos Dimension will also move towards an endless and infinite future.

call out!

"Your will will extend along the river to the infinitely distant future, everywhere."

Moreover, it can also produce healthy development with the Chaos Dimension and feed each other. Ozma, the former gathering place of destiny, has been killed by Ye Lin, and it is a time when there is a shortage of vacancies.

It is speculated that it is the third possible way to become a god. It has not been verified and currently only exists in Pushya's personal theory.

Since the foundation of the Chaos Dimension is relatively weak, Pushia believes that it can at most support the glory of the birth of a god.

Only when the river becomes majestic and forms a surging river and an infinite ocean can we nurture more dazzling life.

Or change to a parallel dimension, such as the Dragon Dimension, the Beautiful World, the Mechanical Dimension, etc. Each of you can share one river.

"It's worth a try, and there's no harm. It can be stopped at any time." Ye Lin also agreed that with him guarding, plus the senior Pushia and the goddess of light and darkness, there would be no accidents.

Ye Lin smiled and said: "The old method is to draw lots. Demigods and transcendent peaks can try, but there can only be one person."

After saying that, Ye Lin reached out to touch the Book of Order with his eyes narrowed.

Remy narrowed his eyes with a sinister look on his face. From her point of view, Sugar Cane looked like he wanted to weigh her justice with his own hands, which was also in line with his usual shameless style.


The power of light turned into a silver-white cosmic waterfall, brilliantly lighting up the deep space of the dimension, making Ye Lin's scalp numb and his hair standing on end.

"I just...tear up two pieces of paper to use."


Narrowing his eyes, he continued to attack. The beautifully decorated and thick Book of Order hit Ye Lin directly on the head, causing gold stars to appear on top of his head.

It is not your kind of luxury to tear out two pages of the Book of Order and draw lots.

Your super rich Celia, who has the power of money in the beginning, can't afford it either.

All names written and erased in the Book of Order will be protected by a ray of holy light, and they will be safe and happy for the rest of their lives.

If the name and the spiritual imprint of that person are left for a long time, unless they are killed by others due to causal reasons, they can easily extend their lives and ascend to heaven after death.

There are very few beings who are qualified to have their names written down, and Irina in the heaven is one of them.

If you write some wishes with additional attributes after your name, such as getting rich overnight, becoming taller and more beautiful, making breakthroughs in practice... As long as they are not super-standard wishes, they can all be easily realized.

As for those super-standard wishes, such as becoming a god, they can only be realized by using the destiny crystal to mobilize all the factors in the universe, so that all kinds of luck can come true. The power crystal is still in heaven.

Of course, if Celia really wanted to tear out two pages for use, she would give them to her.

"Then how do you calculate the essay you wrote about me? Will it have an impact on me?" Ye Lin complained, squinting his eyes and now occupying the body of the angel Suomi, one of her personality clones.

Because of my short composition, I am very wary of sugar cane.

"So can we discuss it? I won't hold you accountable for hacking me." Ye Lin quietly sent a voice message to the narrow-eyed consciousness, wrote down my name, and then added "Change handsome, the king of all females."

It can't get any bigger, the weak little witch might crack and die.

"Aren't you always narcissistic and already the most handsome? Ask Venus about this, I'm not interested." He narrowed his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to this well-bred but crooked boyfriend.

Returning the dominance of the body to Somi, his consciousness returned to the kingdom of heaven with the body of the Book of Order, Pushya, and Naiyali.

Although order has infinite magical effects, it is difficult to modify the laws of the powerful in the divine realm. It requires paying a high price and burning several pages of paper.

Venus, the goddess of beauty, her beauty is a beauty that goes beyond a fixed appearance.

Tall and petite, innocent and enchanting, flat and melon, arrogant and gentle... the concept of the most beautiful in everyone's eyes may not be the same.

So when they see the goddess of beauty, Venus, their minds will automatically match the most beautiful image in their minds.

When Venus doesn't stick to her usual image, in Gan Cane's eyes she will be a sexy lady, a pure loli, a enchanting woman, etc.



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