Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2478 Three Illusion Gods Formed

It turns out that Michelle's lost Holy Eye was ignited by thirteen great figures that filled the void because of his desire to understand the truth of the Ancient Terra God War.

Regarding this tragic reason, Ye Lin sympathetically patted Mi Zhengtai on the shoulder and gave a thumbs up. I didn't dare to look over there at first.

You were brave enough, you were extremely lucky not to die there.

Gods cannot be remembered by others. Their names and shapes will be perceived by the corresponding gods the moment they are recalled in the mind.

The light and dark civil war of the great will involves the highest level of power in the universe. The results of the battle are extremely tragic. Time is split, the void is divided, and matter is copied.

The great will completely escapes the concepts of time and dimensions, transcending them. All living beings and gods can recite its name and think of its shape, but there is absolutely no trace of its existence in the long river of history.

Otherwise, the Lords of Time and Space and the God of Wisdom, Nimer, would not have traveled all over the universe with great pains, searching for the great will over the long years, but never found anything.

Just let the time and space lord travel to the moment before the outbreak of the Terra God War and inform the Great Will.

"Stop fighting, light and dark are conflicting, there will be big trouble in the future, the universe will collapse, everyone sit down and talk..."

Then, the Thirteen Apostles, the Parallel Dimension, the End, including the Demon Moon Miraz, the Seven Mechanical Gods of War, the Silver Village, the Dark Elf Senate... all the magnificent things disappeared into nothing, and nothing happened.


Michelle's heart was heavy, but in the face of the most powerful evil, he could move forward bravely, without fear of sacrifice, and stick to the true heart of a priest.

However, faced with Michael's disappearance, he obviously couldn't accept it.

In the sea of ​​​​beginning, which is full of dangers and the restricted area is like a desperate situation, Michelle was hit many times by Chaos Thunder, which exhausted the sacred power in her body. Her body cracked and her wings were broken, and she could not wait for the tide to send him away.

Not everyone goes as far as Ye Lin, treating Chaos Thunder as electric massage, fishing in the Sea of ​​Taichu, and diving to touch rocks.

"Michael ignited his own manifestations, including the cross of the holy light in the sky, injected the last force into me, hugged my body with his wings, and finally waited for the primordial tide, and then he was pushed out together. He was on the road Just disappeared.”

Michelle felt as if a large piece of her heart was empty, and she had lost something very important. The person she had always been able to talk to in her soul for a long time was no longer there, and she could not get a response no matter how loud she shouted.

The joy after becoming a god was not even half as strong as the deep sadness. For the first time, he felt regretful.

He was alone, and the huge feeling of loneliness made Michelle like a hollowed-out puppet, and the re-grown Holy Eyes also lost their luster.

Xiaoxiao, who thought she had become the boss, blinked. Now she felt the huge sadness in Michelle. She took the initiative to spread her eight angel wings, pointed at one of them and said, "These wings were given by Michael." , can I help you with something?"

In the past, Archangel Rafal was lost in a chaotic area, and it was she who used the wings given by Rafal to find him.

Ye Lin thinks the possibility is very small, that's because Rafael is still alive.

Naiyali rode a cloud fox and came to join in the fun. The big and soft white cloud fox is in the season of hair loss. Every time you comb it with a wooden comb, a clean and soft white cloud will be formed in the kingdom of heaven. It will also rain.

Naiyali nimbly jumped from Yunhu's back to Yelin's back, cheek to cheek, and asked softly: "If one day I suddenly disappear, will you shed tears."

Yunhu, who was lazily just now, slipped away and disappeared...

"No, because I must be in a hurry to get you back and I don't have time to think about anything else."

"I hate it. You should feel a little sad."

"Well, then it's 100 million points."

Brother Tuo also slowly woke up, his feathers stained red by blood were as bright as new again, his eyes were piercing, and blue arcs of electricity were crawling between the feathers, making him very handsome and handsome.

"Brother Tuo, please calm down, don't look like you've stepped on a high-voltage wire and you'll be covered in blue light." Ye Lin reminded that there were little angels nearby.

Although everyone has wings on their backs, Prey's beauty obviously does not follow the aesthetics of angels.

"Yin Xis's will was broken, but I can feel him."

Faced with everyone's concerned inquiries, Pui was very moved. If his face hadn't been covered with feathers, he would probably have seen Brother Tiao's blushing face, adding another black history.

Roughly similar to Michelle's experience, the Sea of ​​Beginning caused Prey to suffer so much that his feathers exploded, so his will switched to Dark Yinsis. His character was more militant and he was more sensitive to the dark void environment. Good adaptability.

When being pushed out by the tide of the Sea of ​​Absolute Beginning, Yin Xis also exhausted his power and completely "dissipated" in Brother Wither's body.

Now only Prey himself has that very special feeling. The will of Dark Yinsis must still be deep in the soul, and it has not been completely destroyed. It needs some special opportunity to cultivate before it can reappear.

"Lord Remedios, I have recorded this life-saving kindness and will never forget it." Prey flapped his wings and flew high, bathed in dense blue thunder and lightning. The power of the sky gave him super speed and the ability to travel through dimensions.

Prey's condition has recovered to 70% to 80%, and he can't wait to find a way to awaken Yinsis' will.

Theoretically speaking, if Prey does nothing in the future and allows Yinsis to dissipate, then he will be the only Sky Overlord Prey, and Yinsis's power will be completely merged with him.

Now it is obvious that Prey has no such idea. They have reconciled very thoroughly. They are twins, closer than brothers.

Prey has an idea to try, which is to find the dimension where the apostles still exist, as well as the world of Prey and Yinsis, and temporarily merge with them.

A similar will of Yinsis can definitely produce a calling effect, awakening another sleeping self.

Of course, there is a necessary prerequisite, that is, Prey needs to mediate the family conflicts of "Brother Withered" in other dimensions first, so that Prey and Yin Xis cannot continue to fight each other.

Brother Tuo acted neatly, thanked him and left the kingdom of heaven alone.

The moment he reappeared in the dimension, he raised his wide eight wings. His divine power surged and he traveled to other dimensions at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

At this point, the three illusory gods of the main dimension all have the name of god.

"Michelle, do you know how Michael was born?" he suddenly said with narrowed eyes, bringing up an additional topic.

The devout and handsome young man half-knelt in front of Remedios in the elegant fairy dress, calling him my god, the Holy Mother, the great and infinite light and life.

"The Remedios Bible says that you created Michael with divine fire and Gabriel with water..."

Unlike ascended archangels such as Yuena, Xiaochu, and the future Yin Liena, some archangels were created by Remidios himself with light and life, such as the first archangel Michael.

He is God's warrior, the executor of God's will, and the most powerful archangel.

He narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly, then summoned the Book of Order surrounded by the power of rules, opened a page surrounded by holy light, and with a stabbing sound, he tore off the sacred page.

The Page of Order exuded divine light, slowly falling in front of Michelle's eyes, and her voice was as gentle as water, "Go and bring him back. Now, it's your turn to protect him."

That page of order paper clearly depicts Michael's portrait, as well as his information, achievements, and a trace of his soul mark.

Michael is the first angel she created with her own hands, and is the evolution of part of the order. As long as there is still light in the world, and Michael was not annihilated within the scope of the Sea of ​​Beginning, but on the way to being washed away, then Her light power will bring Michael's consciousness back.

"He was brought by a beam of light to a world where evil is everywhere and darkness is eternal. And just like you, Michael will grow up in the darkness for three years until he returns to my light again."

Michelle was stunned for a moment, then excitedly held the paper of order and lowered his head to pay tribute to my god.

Michael, this time it’s my turn to be your guardian angel.

The archangel image of Michael has been burned, and it will take time to grow back into its original form and accumulate faith and divine power.

"Remy, are you saying that we will select a new first angel to carry out punishment for you?" Naiyali tilted her head and asked.

Yuena is pretty good and has enough qualifications. Let's forget about Xiaoxiao. She has already fallen asleep on the other cloud fox.

"It doesn't matter if you have the title of First Angel or not." Ye Lin shrugged and said, "No matter how famous the title is, there is no salary anyway."

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