Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2481 Shark Me

"The original power of destiny has been shattered. I captured the traces of power at that moment and re-embodied it."

Ye Lin still finds it a bit incredible. The feeling at that time was very special and subtle. It was as if he had a telepathic connection and couldn't help it.

It seems that in an instant, it carried the obsession before the destiny body was fused, and then re-embodied a new destiny power.

The power of destiny is consistent with the future of the universe and is its trajectory. It is both tangible and intangible. It has high requirements for use. It can affect the causal order of the future and cause deviations based on personal will.

Narrowing his eyes and making a wish, the power of power was already slowly turning.

No results can be seen in a short time, and no one can notice it except herself.

Afterwards, Ye Lin also tried many times to try to tinker with other powers, such as space, creation, other chaos, etc. that he had not yet obtained at that time, but his efforts were fruitless.

"The destiny crystal can realize almost all wishes under reasonable factors, even becoming a god." Ye Lin introduced the effect of power to people who had never seen it before, and added seriously amidst a burst of surprise: "It's because there is a way to become a god. It can be found, but some things that do not exist in the universe cannot be manifested by the power of destiny, such as... the breasts of the third emperor's daughter, and it is impossible for people from the demon world to turn into Mailu."

Ye Lin also speculated whether fate could exempt one from the probability of death in the Sea of ​​Taichu.

As soon as these words came out, Yin Sabella, who was far away in Hetton Mar, sneezed and wondered whether Queen Josephine missed her.

Xiao Su and others had black lines on their foreheads, which blinded your serious expression just now.

"Another example is your integrity." Yuena stabbed the sugar cane lightly. Don't always complain about others. You don't have any self-awareness yourself.

Even if the destiny crystal is drained of energy, it is still a stunningly beautiful gem that firmly attracts the attention of everyone present and is very attractive to girls.

Although she is already very attractive without makeup, Siatt, Xiaoyu and others almost all have their ears pierced and wear earrings. Mo Mei, who does not have her ears pierced, also likes to wear some beautiful hairpins and accessories to embellish her elegant and charming temperament, without heavy makeup. It’s always appropriate to wipe it.

"Let's divide it up." Yin Miwu suggested. With such a large, flawless gem, several could be made by carving beads.

"Here you go, try it."

The destiny crystal was thrown to the little witch. Anyway, the cosmic energy contained in it has been exhausted, and she does not have the ability to make wishes, so she played with it.

As for how to charge the destiny crystal, Ye Lin tried rubbing the surface of the crystal with the power of chaos, but it had no effect.

"Can't we just hang out outside? We have to go in?" Ye Lin said, then he squinted his head and his head went crazy. His hand was so strong that a red fingerprint appeared on his forehead.

If it had gone beyond the following level, it would have been ejected directly from the skull.

This is a pure fairy land, a transcendent place, a place where goddesses practice. If a mortal stays here for a while, he can eliminate diseases and calamities, prolong life, and easily enter into practice. Don't let me fill my head with pineapple-colored thoughts and pollute the air.

Yin Miwu and Crazy Bear found a big stone, and then touched a small stone with spiritual energy, and began to tinker with the destiny crystal. Sparks flew and the stone smoked.

The stones that can exist in the narrow eyes cultivation place are not ordinary objects, but very rare and precious radiant magic stones, which are priceless and contain extremely high energy.


A piece of radiant magic stone shattered, and the flying fragments rubbed dangerously against Yuena's fair cheek, and fell into the distant green lake water, creating a circle of charming ripples~

"Dwarf Winter Melon, are you planning to commit murder? I almost lost my appearance." Yuena's pretty face turned cold, and she pinched the little witch's pointed ears. Are you possessed by the meatball? She just put it aside and fiddled around.

If the destiny crystal could be smashed casually by you, wouldn't it be a big joke in the world and make all the gods with power bow their heads in embarrassment?

Incidentally, there is also a legend that the little witch killed the god with a single move of her hand and a stone, and she was honored as the king of gods.

"Hurry up and let go~ This isn't the first time I've seen the power of an entity. Everyone is curious, so Crazy Bear will hit her quickly."

Mo Mei lightly shrugged her shoulders and was accustomed to the scene of the two fighting. Suddenly she was curious and asked: "Master Remy, Yuena and Yin Miwu, did they have any special relationship in their previous life? Did they have any unknown relationship?" of evil fate."

Hiatt and the others also cast interested glances. They have been to the underworld, seen the water of the underworld and the death moon, and the reincarnation examples of Ozma and Liz are benchmarks, which all prove that past lives and afterlife actually exist. of.

Only those who do good with a clear conscience can easily go through the trials and tribulations of the underworld and seek happiness in the next life.

He narrowed his eyes and smiled and said: "Not everyone has a past life. There are billions of living beings in every country, and most of them are brand-new lives and wisdom, which involve the basic order of the universe. It is the bottom line of the gods.”

Venus, the goddess of beauty, cursed the elves, darkening their skin, weakening their tolerance to sunlight, and turning their hair pale, which was also a distortion of the order of life.

Especially in the Dark City of the mirror dimension, Venus tried to curse the earth in a rage, causing all creatures to lose their desires and cut off their ability to reproduce. This was an even more violent trampling.

As for the relationship between Yin Miwu and Yuena in the past life, Remi smiled and said nothing. Isn't it enough to have fate in this life?

"The most basic order of life and intelligence in the universe, even Nimer and I cannot touch it at will, even if we hold the corresponding power."

Following the topic, he narrowed his eyes without the fresh and pleasant smile, and said solemnly: "To tell you the truth, if the final camp and the outer gods..."

She glanced at Naiyali who was fishing in the divine lake with Feng Ying, and continued: "To turn order into disorder, the God of Power must be their goal, especially me and the noble lady, Nimer, That will be the primary goal.”

At that time, the Pure Land Heaven will also usher in a fierce final attack, and there will be a god-level Lord of the End who will challenge Remedios.

Life, death and wisdom, the collapse of any order will cause unimaginable horrific consequences.

These three powers do not involve the composition of the universe, but like the quality of time and space, they are the foundation of all spirits, the foundation of foundations, and absolute concepts, all of which are indispensable.

Once it is damaged and cannot be restored, even if the final camp is ended and the river of time is reopened, the glory and infinite meaning of the universe will be lost.

There is energy in the air, and the unconscious universe is like a piece of plump fresh meat placed among wolves, without any protection.

"It was also a very dangerous move for Nimer to wake up Caroso at the cost of his intelligence and power being damaged."

The three powers she mentioned are keys that can unlock the corresponding basic order of the universe.

"If one day, I am also eaten away by the energy of the end, you must kill me quickly to prevent the order from collapsing and being unable to recover." Narrow eyes suddenly brought up a shocking topic, which made Yin Miwu and Yin Miwu fight. Yuena all looked at her in shock.

"If you are eaten away by the end." Ye Lin walked into the narrow eyes, took her snow-white soft jade hand, and said affectionately: "Then I will accompany you to fall."

Remy raised his beautiful eyebrows gently. Although such greasy words of love made people want to dig their toes on the ground, there was indeed a... warm feeling in his heart.

Ganzhe saw the opportunity and took advantage of it. He hugged her slender waist, raised his chin, and kissed her soft lips. The whole process was completed in one go, quickly and perfectly.

Yin Liena and the people in the demon world were shocked and dumbfounded when they saw this. How could this guy dare to be rude and rude to the noble goddess? She was the God of the Beginning and the Lord of Order.

People from the Demon Realm with thin arms and thin legs are only moderately envious of Mailu's figure. What they yearn for the most is a figure with golden proportions that is well-proportioned, graceful and not exaggerated.

Intoxicated by the kiss, Gan Cane smacked his lips and thought about it. He probably had a sudden brain twitch and said with a smile: "It's depraved, but it doesn't hinder the normal life of a couple."


Narrowing his eyes, he raised his hand, a million thunderbolts flashed, and slapped Ye Lin on the cheek. He shouldn't have given him any good looks.

Ganzhe raised his hands to block it, and then the slap was just a feint, and the knee hit him so hard that his internal organs were almost displaced. He knelt on the ground and his face turned blue and white.

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