Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2490 Only the weak need empathy, the strong are direct...

Then Yuena said that she also sensed that the black earth of the beautiful world had disappeared, including Michelle and Ozma.

Although I don't know what happened, it seems to have been solved perfectly.

Ye Lin and his group gathered around the adventurer's notice board with various sighs and emotions. They had also done some of the tasks above, all in their past youth.

It was as if they had all suddenly grown old.

Sophie pointed at the wanted poster for the ice dragon Skatha, and teased: "How about you find a second room for Astra? Forget it, I can't hold a dragon."

The social atmosphere of Hedunmar in the beautiful world is very good. It is free but without losing order. Guards wearing armor are patrolling at all times.

For tourists who come to Hutton Mar for the first time, there is a very convenient travel guide at the gate of the city, and the locals are also full of enthusiasm.

Mo Mei said: "I have lived in Hedunmar for many years, but the Hedunmar of this world has given me a refreshing feeling."

The atmosphere is gentler than that of the main dimension. This is the unanimous feeling of everyone.

No wonder Yin Liena said before that the overall atmosphere of this dimension is very special. It's a bit collective and the apostles are all in trouble, but it's not that showy, less majestic and more peaceful.

"Idealistic, almost utopian world." Hiatt said of the beautiful world.

The curator bought some related books in the bookstore, did follow-up research, and asked: "Mai Lu, I heard that there is a very magically binding peace treaty in this world."

"Yeah." Mailu nodded vigorously. She was the happiest and recalled vividly: "When I was still very young, representatives of elves, humans, and dark elves gathered in the Grand Forest and signed a An agreement with great magical power."

The agreement was signed under the witness of the most powerful elf knight Erda (Eldar) and the holy tree of peace Yudia, and it has mysterious magic power.

Including but not limited to when one of the three parties initiates a war, the other two parties will join forces to fight it.

As the victor, Gran Forest, Loland Forest, and nearby areas are divided into the territory of the elves. The elves only need a place to live, and they will not take anything else.

Mainly elves, famous people formed a peace mission to resolve conflicts and conflicts in various places.

Speaking of which, Elda, the most powerful elf knight, is also the eldest sister of Mailu as an elf knight.

Ye Lin also had some causal connection with him. He communicated with the sacred tree and obtained something called "the essence of nature" from the other party.

The effect is to help the drinker get closer to nature. After drinking it for many times, he can listen to the sounds of plants and animals and create a harmonious resonance with them.

At that time, Ye Lin wanted to drink a lot of the essence in one breath. In addition to giving it to himself and Mailu, he also gave some to his nominal sister, the talented and beautiful girl of the Xuan Demon Society, the supplicant.

It's a pity that I met You Xia relatively late, and by the time I got acquainted with him, there was no essence left.

"Youxia, when we get to Grand Forest, I will help you get some of the essence of nature."

"No need." Youxia shook his head, his hair swaying, and he raised the ring of control on his wrist. His eyes were cold and he said calmly: "My summoning magic focuses on forced control, not soul empathy."

Ye Lin applauded, it was indeed the Lunar Eclipse and Moon Insect trained by Smilla, with such cold and disgusting eyes, it was so amazing.

Only the weak need to be close to the resonance, while the strong are directly dominated by force and violence.

Ye Lin thought he was a strong man, so he immediately stared at Xiao Su "viciously", "A fair and tender little lolita like you was born to be eaten by me."

"If you dare to do that, I will hate you forever." Xiao Su shuddered slightly. When the perverted teacher stared at her, her whole body felt a little strange, as if she had no clothes on.

"I will forcefully dominate you and manipulate you now..." Ye Lin said in a fierce tone, threatening: "Stretch out your white silk legs, and I will lick them until you regret having two legs."


To this day, the elves select outstanding talents who have made outstanding contributions to peace every year, regardless of race, to receive the baptism of the holy tree Yudia.

Whether for practitioners or non-practitioners, baptism in the sacred tree is very precious and has many benefits.

Mailu calculated the time and found that this year's sacred tree baptism ceremony would be held in about two or three days. It happened to be a coincidence.

They didn't stay by the notice board for long, it was weird that they were all crowded together.

A passing adventurer, middle-aged and burly, smiled and said: "These are relatively dangerous or very ordinary tasks, very extreme. For more tasks, you still have to go to the Adventurer's Guild and the City Hall. , as well as the alliance office and the pub to pick him up."

He saw that Ye Lin was very young and couldn't select a favorite task after looking at the task bar for a long time. He thought he was a newbie, so he enthusiastically shared the task channels.

"Thank you, I'll check it out later." After Ye Lin thanked him, he also learned that the task of conquering the Ice Dragon and the Evil Dragon had been pending for several years.

It's not like there aren't powerful adventurers who try, but the results are unsatisfactory. There are still relatively few awakened people in the legendary realm, and they all cherish their lives.

There are also some missions to defeat transferred creatures with very generous bounties, but the following are marked in bold red letters. The monsters are suspected of being awakened, or of the legendary realm. Those who accept the missions should be cautious.

Mo Mei said: "I feel that not only the continent of Arad is very peaceful, but also the heaven and the demon world seem to have a strange peace..."

The most famous war madman in modern times is Leon, the emperor of the Dros Empire.

It seems that no matter which dimension he is in, he is a war madman. It can be said that his nature is hard to change and he will never change.

Emperor Leon of the main dimension coveted the secret treasures of the elves. In order to weaken the great magic circle and facilitate the transfer experiment, he secretly set fire to the Grand Forest.

The elves sacrificed their lives and spent all their magic power and lives to repair the great magic circle.

However, Emperor Lyon of the Beautiful World was even more ambitious and his methods were more rampant. He didn't even think about hiding it, and openly sent heavy troops to attack the important place of Gran Forest.

In terms of geographical location, Grand Forest is a transportation hub on the mainland. The intersection of several countries has always been a battleground for military strategists.

Of course, these are all things in the past. Emperor Lyon was eventually beheaded by Crowell in the square, turning the current tyrant into history.

Hutton Mar in the Beautiful World is very peaceful, as gentle as the sunshine at noon in spring. The pace of life here is unhurried and unhurried. It is less spiritual than in Heaven, but more popular. It is a good place for retirement.

Ye Lin held his forehead, wondering why he has been thinking about old age care lately? Is his mentality gradually becoming closer to that of the elderly?

So Ye Lin took a few deep breaths, and then quietly put his paws to the round and plump fat meat under Hiatt's leather pants. He spread his fingers and pinched a full handful, followed by Mo Mei and Yuena.

It’s a beautiful name, looking for memories of one’s youth.

When the team first started, they didn't know Feng Ying and the others yet. Mailu was well-behaved, innocent, and a bit stupid... He was too embarrassed to do anything.

Then Hiatt twisted his arm and said calmly: "As the Romans do, don't you know? If you are a hooligan, you will be detained here for half a month."

"I think..." Ye Lin almost dislocated his arm and begged for mercy: "Compared with our crime, the biggest problem is that we don't have identity cards and are gangsters. Let's go to Mailu's hometown quickly."

Ye Lin also learned that the elves, except for the strongest elf knight Erda, had original strength.

There are also four elders responsible for guarding the Grand Forest. They are almost at the peak of the legend, which is already amazing in the Arad continent.

The Southern Guardian, Lautwell, is a gentle, dignified, and beautiful female elf.

Cavil, the guardian of the north, and Troll, the guardian of the west. Probably because of the long lifespan of the elves, these high-status elf guardians are almost the same as the main dimension.

Because of the Grand Forest fire, these three guardians of the main dimension have paid their lives for the Great Magic Circle and are still alive in the beautiful world.

However, the eastern guardian of the elves is Celia Crumin in the main dimension, also known as the rich woman.

In the beautiful world, she is a strange female elf with an unknown name, and the differences begin to stand out here.

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