Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2494 Gained 18 pounds

The reception from the elves was extremely warm. Following Erda's instructions, Yelin and his party enjoyed the highest level of treatment and were led directly to the Garden of Life above Yudiya.

The elf girls are also very eye-catching and have the gift of being in harmony with nature. Each of them has fair skin, slim figure, and ladylike manners.

Ye Lin inquired and learned that the nearly perfect elves would hardly intermarry with other races because... their life spans were different.

"Liao, you said you are also a goddess. Do you want to consider training your own divine servants, such as the elves?"

Ye Lin said that he has a group of follower angels (female high-level Grouda).

"Give it to me or give it to you." Hiatt didn't bother to pay attention to his little thoughts.

The Garden of Life is a sky garden suspended by the power of Yudiya, filled with many unique and beautiful plants.

After the invited Ye Lin and his party sat down, they were all modest and gentle, behaved and spoke well, and quickly integrated into the natural and harmonious atmosphere of the elves.

Only Sophie looked like she was desperate for life and wanted to die.

Now she really wants to eat the kind of big meat that fills her mouth with the aroma of oil after one big bite. She especially enjoys the rude meat aroma.

The meals prepared by the elves seemed to be carefully crafted, enough for ordinary people to eat, but for Sophie, they were barely enough to fit between her teeth.

And a lot of them are grass (vegetables).

Several people from the demon world looked at each other and communicated secretly. They discovered that the body shape of the elves is mainly slim, so Mailu's plump figure is really a matter of blood.

"Is there a possibility?" Yin Miwu gestured: "Let Mai Lu and the others test the blood type, and then give the third princess a blood transfusion."

Next to him, the elf knight Ector came and noticed Sophie's abnormality, and asked with concern: "Are you okay? Did we not provide enough hospitality?"

"No, no! I just feel a little unwell. My aunt is here, so I don't have much appetite." Sophie casually made up a very shocking reason, which almost made Gu Yu next to her spit out a mouthful of tea.

When practitioners reach a certain level, especially after they begin to break the boundaries of life, they will no longer experience physical pain.

"Well, I want to go out for a walk by myself and enjoy the beautiful scenery of your Grand Forest. In our world, Grand Forest has been burned down by fire." Sophie found a pretty good excuse,

With her dragon wings spread, Sophie flew to the outskirts of Grand Forest. When she came, she remembered that there were human towns and markets nearby, and there were also quite a few restaurants and hotels with fragrant smells.

She slipped.

The radiant vision of the Garden of Life alarmed the towns and cities near Grand Forest, causing many people to talk and guess who the distinguished guest who was grandly invited by the elves was.

Theoretically, only the king of the country and a very small number of virtuous and virtuous people are qualified to enter the Court of Life.

Within two minutes, Sophie came back with an embarrassed face, saying that she had forgotten something.

He quickly pulled Ye Lin aside and made a universal gesture, rubbing his thumb and index finger together, asking for some gold.

Everyone had visited Hutton Mar before coming here. The style of coins used here is different from that of the main dimension. Fortunately, the expensive metal gold is still universal.

"Bring me some meat with bones, too." Ye Lin suggested with money.

After drinking for three rounds, Ye Lin expressed his intention to come, generous and sincerely, that is, to accompany Mailu home to take a look and solve the dirty energy problem you mentioned.

Elda was immediately moved because she had a conversation with the Demon Realm not long ago.

The apostle on the other end mentioned that a super-standard battle had broken out in the void, and he observed that orderly light chains were filled with divine brilliance, sword energy was bright, and elements flickered, each of which was extremely powerful and surpassed the currently known realm.

Now listening to the meaning of Ye Lin's words, the battle that surpassed the current realm of understanding was actually caused by them.

Then Erda thought more about it, what role does the harmless Mailu play in such a strong team, as a mascot?

Mai Lu talked a lot more than when she was at home. She smiled happily and said, "There was a world that was about to end, so we caught the monsters born at the end and destroyed them... Hey! My hair."

When Mailu picked up a pastry plate, she realized from the reflection that she was a little different. Her original pink hair turned into bright yellow, and her appearance and temperament became much more mature.

Isn't this how Ye Lin always wanted her to change, but he never took the initiative to change.

Just when Mailu was still slightly tilting her head in suspicion, the seed in her heart suddenly sprouted and grew rapidly. A powerful aura suddenly spread out and echoed the holy tree Yudia.

Beautiful thornless vines and flowers quickly climbed up under Mailu's feet. In her blank eyes, Mailu was instantly wrapped into a huge bud, brewing with a powerful aura.


Gu Yu finally couldn't hold back and spit out a sip of tea. Mailu seemed to have a strange resonance with the Holy Tree and Arad as he ate, and was about to break through.

"The transcendent who was fed." Feng Ying commented with a smile.


"Elda, you have contact with the devil world." Ye Lin asked the key question, which everyone has always been curious about.


Erda slowly came back to her senses. She heard something just now. Mailu was about to break through, and the aura she revealed was even more powerful than her.

Elda then told that it was a long time ago, when the tyrant Leon was executed and the monarchs of various countries signed a peace agreement, and the continent of Arad ushered in a precious era of peace.

One day, Alice suddenly received a message. The message was directly from the demon world, the Weeping Eye Held.

Alice still kept the piece of paper. She took it out on the spot and showed it to Ye Lin. At the same time, she glanced at the taciturn Staff Officer He intentionally or unintentionally.

Erda and others have no idea of ​​the true appearance of the apostle. They only heard that they are very powerful life forms and have the power to destroy the continent.

But Alice was very familiar with it. The calm and indifferent woman in front of her, who looked like she should not be approached by strangers, was carved from the same mold as Lord Held.

It is guessed that the other party should be the second apostle of Yelin's dimension. In other words, there is another Alice.

Hiatt and Mo Mei had a spiritual exchange, and the topic was Alice in the Beautiful World. Hiatt said: "The Alice here is thinner than the one at our house, and her temperament is very close to that of an elf."

"It's easy for women to get fat after getting married." Mo Mei replied.

"Huh? Mo Mei, are you hinting at me?"

"Oh, sister Lao, don't be so sensitive. I've gained half a catty since I got married."

Hiatt rolled his eyes, "I'm only half a kilogram. You have the nerve to say that. Compared with when I was a professional, I gained 18 kilograms. Now I'm 118 kilograms."

Suddenly, she turned around and asked, "Is this half a catty of sugar cane given to you?"


The eldest lady's sudden abnormal brain circuit caused Mo Mei to shut down for a while. After realizing it, she complained: "You think of me as Naiyali."

Ye Lin was quite surprised by the content of the magic paper. The main message was that Held was very sorry for the frequent transfer of the Arad continent.

She has teamed up with the genius Prey and the invisible Siroc to try their best to find a way to solve the space problem caused by the blending of the boundaries of the two worlds.

The demon world is completely restrained by Arad's gravity, like a knife stabbed into the body. Recklessly pulling it out will only make the situation more serious.

The boundaries will collapse, and a void storm will sweep across the first level of heaven.

Ye Lin looked at what could be called an apology letter with strange eyes, and then handed it to Held, "It's your handwriting, I recognize it."

Written by hand, full of sincerity.

"I will never write this kind of thing." Staff He said calmly.

Ye Lin nodded: "I think so too."

Held has always had a bad habit of being tough-talking. She admires her ability to manipulate everything behind the scenes. She thinks that she is extraordinarily intelligent, strategizing, and even wiser than intelligent beings.

Even if she does something wrong, she will find a suitable explanation for herself.

This kind of letter full of apology could not be written even if she pressed her hand hard.

Staff Officer He may have done something wrong, but he will never bow his head and apologize.

Staff He held a cup of elf drink, thought for a moment, and said calmly: "I probably know the difference between her and me. Do you still remember that I mentioned a child named Jie Yin?"

In the dim and lightless evening, the sky seemed to have cataracts, an unchanging scene in the devil's world.

When Held went out for a walk, he saw two young magicians talking enthusiastically about the powerful apostle who must be the savior of the demon world, and the barren demon world will get better.

However, until Xiaojie Yin grew old and stepped half-foot into the coffin, he did not see any positive contributions made by the apostle to the demon world.

At the moment when Jie Yin died with regret, Held made up his mind completely and decided to do whatever it takes for the revival of the demon world, even if it means sacrificing another beautiful world.

Jie Yin is just an ordinary member of the Demon Realm, a Demon Realm person who longs for a rich world, and people like this are found throughout the Demon Realm.

Held believed that the other self in the beautiful world should have never met Jie Yin, so he still retained a tenderness towards other worlds in his heart and wrote a letter of apology.

"Go to the Demon World and have a look. The beautiful world has changed too much. I don't know when the end of this dimension will be." Held said.

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